
The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering would like to introduce two new Assistant Professors:  Professor , Ph.D. ETH Zurich will be joining the Systems and Control Group, and Professor , PhD, University of BC will be joining the Intelligent Systems Group.  Please join us in welcoming them! 

Classified as: ECE, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Intelligent Systems, Systems & Control
Published on: 5 Aug 2019

Congratulations to ECE Graduate Catherine Vanasse Grosdidier on being awarded one of the two Governor General's Silver Medal at this year's graduation ceremony. The Medal is bestowed upon the graduating student who obtains the highest academic standing in a Bachelor degree program across 91˿Ƶ.

Catherine completed her B.Eng (Honours) degree while also serving as the President of the ECE student society, ECSESS, (Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering Student Society).

Classified as: ECSESS, Governor General Silver Medal, Graduation and Convocation, Awards
Published on: 27 Jun 2019

Congratulations to ECE Professor Peter Caines, who was awarded the Distinguished James 91˿Ƶ Professor award, which recognizes outstanding and original late-career researchers of world-class caliber. A leader in his field, Professor Caines attracts excellent students and future researchers to 91˿Ƶ, carrying out leading-edge research.

ECE is also proud to count among our Faculty two James 91˿Ƶ Professors (David Plant and Gordon Roberts) and two William Dawson Scholars (François Bouffard and Gunter Mussbacher).

Classified as: james mcgill professor, JMP, WDS, William Dawson Scholar
Published on: 26 Jun 2019

Professor Tal Arbel of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering spoke to the plenary session at the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Conference (ISMRM 2019).  Erik L. Ridley (AuntMinnie Staff writer) wrote that "In her talk ... Arbel shared her group's work in developing machine-learning techniques for medical image analysis of large clinical trial MRI datasets, specifically for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS)."

Classified as: AI, Deep-Learning, ML, MS, medical imaging, Bayesian, ISMRM, MRI Datasets
Published on: 7 Jun 2019

Congratulations to Durham Abric (91˿Ƶ SE undergraduate student) who won the Best Student Presentation award of the Mining Challenge track at the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mining Software Repositories! Durham presented the paper “Can Duplicate Questions on Stack Overflow Benefit the Software Development Community?”, which was based on his ECE design project with Oliver E. Clark and Matthew Caminiti (91˿Ƶ ECE undergraduate students). Keheliya Gallaba (91˿Ƶ PhD student) and Professor Shane McIntosh were their co-mentors.

Classified as: MSR, 2019, Anti-Patterns
Published on: 7 Jun 2019

A recent study, “A bibliometric assessment of software engineering scholars and institutions (2010–2017)” has recognized Professor Shane McIntosh as a “Rising Star”, ranking him second for the 2015-2017 period, as well as among the top in terms of overall activity, journal activity and impact score (citations per paper per month). The full study can be found at .
Congratulations, Shane!

Classified as: Software, engineering, Scholar, software impact, rising star
Published on: 20 Nov 2018

Congratulations to PhD candidate Farhad Shokraneh for receiving the Best Paper Award at the Asia Communications and Photonics Conference in October 2018. The paper, entitled “A 4x4 Reconfigurable Optical Processor” is co-authored by Mr. Shokraneh’s supervisor, Professor Odile Liboiron-Ladouceur, and Reza Nezami, Ph.D., and are the latest results of a project funded by the FRQNT Équipe programme “Accélérateur Photonique Embarqué pour Algorithmes d’Apprentissage Profond”.

Classified as: Asia Communications, photonics, Optical Processor, ECE, engineering, best paper award, Accelerateur Photonique, Algorithmes d'apprentissage Profond
Published on: 9 Nov 2018

Congratulations to Professor Songrui Zhao, who joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering as an Assistant Professor in August 2018.  He will be presented with the International Molecular Beam Epitaxy (IMBE) Young Investigator Award at the International conference on Molecular Beam Expitaxy, to be held in Shanghai (China) September 2-7, 2018.  The award criteria are scientific excellence and relevance of the work to molecular beam expitaxy conducted by researchers up to the age of 40, while showing promise of future leadership in the field.  

Classified as: molecular beam epitaxy, MBE, engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Published on: 16 Aug 2018

May 30, 2018:  Professor Odile Liboiron-Ladouceur: Paving the way for future experts in the computing industry. 

Classified as: Principal's Prize, Emerging Researcher, photonics, photonic technologies, ECE, data communications, live media streaming, cloud computing, search engine speed
Published on: 11 Jun 2018

91˿Ƶ PhD student Jonathan Bouchard (supervised by Professor Jim Clark) was awarded an “Honorable Mention” for the best Student Paper Award for our paper “Quality Control of Stereoscopic 3-D Compositing Using Half-Occlusion Geometry” published  in the Motion Imaging Journal, awarded by the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) in October 2017.  Congratulations Jonathan!

Classified as: 3-d Compositing, half-Occlusion geometry, Motion Imaging, engineering, CIM
Published on: 17 Jan 2018

Congratulations to Jonathan Bouchard, 91˿Ƶ PhD student and his supervisor Professor James Clark.  Their paper “Half-Occluded Regions: The Key to Detecting a Diverse Array of Defects in S3D Imagery” won the best paper prize at the IC3D 2017 Conference in December 2017, and was awarded the Lumiere Prize at the Conference Gala. The trophy is almost like winning the Oscars - it is generally awarded for excellence in 3D/VR film-making.  The paper was based on research done in collaboration with a local video effects company, Digital District Canada.

Classified as: 3D/VR Film-making, S3D Imagery, Digital Imagery
Published on: 17 Jan 2018

The IEEE Photonics Society Engineering Achievement Award is given to recognize an exceptional engineering contribution which has had a significant impact on the development of laser or electro-optic technology or the commercial application of technology within the past 10 years. It may be given to an individual or to a group for a single contribution of significant work in the field. No candidate shall have previously received a major IEEE award for the same work. Candidates need not be members of the IEEE or the Photonics Society. The Award consists of an honorarium of $2000 and a medal.

Classified as: photonics, engineering, optical communications, computer engineering
Published on: 24 Nov 2017

Thanks to the hard work and determination of James J. Clark, a professor at the 91˿Ƶ Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Director of its Centre for Intelligent Machines, and of Marc-André Gemme, a member of the Palais des congrès de Montréal’s business development team, 6,000 delegates will be converging in Montréal in October 2021 for the (ICCV).

Classified as: AI, Artificial intelligence, CIM, computer engineering, computer vision, machine learning
Published on: 24 Nov 2017

Tal Arbel - pioneering researcher challenges gender stereotypes, as reported by the

Classified as: computer vision, Neurology, neurosurgery, women in science
Published on: 18 Nov 2017

Ora Sound, a Montreal-based startup, is using R&D work done by Prof. Thomas Szkopek as reported by .

Classified as: Graphene, headphones, start-up
Published on: 21 Jun 2017


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