
Severe kidney dysfunction in sialidosis mice reveals an essential role for neuraminidase 1 in reabsorption

Published on: 7 Nov 2023

CEP104/FAP256 and associated cap complex maintain stability of the ciliary tip

Published on: 6 Nov 2023

October 27, 2023 | COVID-19 triggered the biggest global crisis of the 21st century. For some, the repercussions were swift and dramatic, with the pandemic pushing tens of millions of people into poverty and extreme food insecurity. For others, the transformations are still bubbling under the surface, and questions remain as to whether the societal changes it has brought about will be sustained.

Classified as: covid-19
Published on: 31 Oct 2023

Neha Dinesh, PhD student in the Reinhardt lab, won the Iozzo Trainee Award at the combined conference of the American Society for Matrix Biology, the American Society for Investigative Pathology, and the Histochemical Society held in Salt Lake City, Utah from Oct 22-25, 2023. The title of her contribution was “Fibronectin-Mediated Physiological and Pathological Mechanisms in Skeletal Development”. The Iozzo Trainee Award is given to a graduate student who has demonstrated outstanding contributions to the field of matrix biology and a continuing commitment to matrix biology research.

Published on: 26 Oct 2023

17 October, 2023 | Canada is required to respect, protect and fulfill the right to adequate housing by law. Homelessness in Canada appears to be on the rise and social and affordable housing is increasingly unavailable to those who need it the most. Canada's obligation to ensure social and economic rights is mainly based on the idea of "progressive realization" which in turn, depends on ""

Classified as: homelessness, Pearl Eliadis, Québec Homelessness Prevention Policy Collaborative
Published on: 17 Oct 2023

At this year’s ACFAS conference, which took place from May 8th to May 12th at the University of Montreal, MoBI hosted a 2-day colloquium, highlighting multilingualism research in Quebec. Our invited presenters: Natalia Dankova (UQO), Marianne Paul (UQTR), Marie-Lourdes Lira-Gonzales (UQAT), Julie Bouchard (UQAC), joined many MoBI collaborators and PIs to showcase their research. This event allowed us to showcase our research in French!

Published on: 28 Sep 2023

In June, MoBI headed to Toronto for the Canadian Psychological Association’s 84th annual convention. Check out the abstract for our symposium called Multilingualism across the lifespan: Research from the Montreal Bilingualism Initiative:

Published on: 28 Sep 2023

Machine learning tutors affect learners in unforeseen ways, both positive and negative

Virtual reality simulators can help learners improve their technical skills faster and with no risk to patients. In the field of neurosurgery, they allow medical students to practice complex operations before using a scalpel on a real patient. When combined with artificial intelligence, these tutoring systems can offer tailored feedback like a human instructor, identifying areas where the students need to improve and making suggestions on how to achieve expert performance.

Classified as: Neuro, rolando del maestro, neurosurgery, Artificial intelligence
Published on: 19 Sep 2023

Thursdays (Oct 12, 19, 26 and Nov 2) from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Location: HBHL Offices (Suite 1800, 1010 Sherbrooke W)

91˿Ƶ's myPath offers the Peer Pathways program for HBHL and IPN graduate students and postdocs. This four-week program empowers students to develop an Individual Development Plan (IDP) in small peer discussion groups.

Classified as: Research and Innovation; Neuroscience; Students; Individual Development Plan; IDP Requirements
Published on: 12 Sep 2023

Can the Liberal government’s Indigenous Justice Strategy catalyze a new era of transformative reconciliation? The ball is in Justice Minister Arif Virani’s court.

Classified as: Indigenous, Indigenous Studies, MPP students, mpp perspectives
Published on: 5 Sep 2023

Pilot project at the Jewish General Hospital aims to accelerate access to new and highly effective treatments for cancer patients

Montreal, September 5, 2023 - A pilot project led by the Jewish General Hospital proposes a new promising approach to cancer treatment known as data-based precision oncology to accelerate access to new and highly effective treatments for cancer patients. This innovative strategy involves tailoring cancer treatments based on intricate details unique to each patient's tumor.

Classified as: Shirin Enger, Oncology, Translational Research
Published on: 5 Sep 2023

Data about the impact of human rights interventions at a global level are needed to ensure effective policy decision-making.

Classified as: Pearl Eliadis, human rights
Published on: 31 Aug 2023

Projects will discover disease genetics, explain cognition/memory formation, improve surgical accuracy and post-concussion diagnosis

Classified as: CIHR, Bernard Brais, Louis Collins, Adrien Peyrache, Guy Rouleau, alain ptito, Neuro
Published on: 14 Aug 2023

Scientists identify the first genetic marker for MS severity, opening the door to treatments for long-term disability

A study of more than 22,000 people with multiple sclerosis has discovered the first genetic variant associated with faster disease progression, which can rob patients of their mobility and independence over time.

Classified as: Neuro, Montreal Neurological Institute, MS, Multiple Sclerosis, Adil Harroud
Published on: 28 Jun 2023


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