
91˿Ƶ scientists have developed a new system for sharing the enormous amount of data being generated by the CHIME radio telescope in its search for fast radio bursts (FRBs), the puzzling extragalactic phenomenon that is one of the hottest topics in modern-day astronomy.

Published on: 18 Nov 2021

Over the last year, the Max Bell School'sbeen building out a research program on kids & tech to explore a range of policy implications related to data governance and children's rights, ed-tech, school surveillance, targeted ads, kids content, gender and mental health.


Classified as: max bell school of public policy, max bell school, Centre for Media Technology and Democracy, MEO, data governance, children's rights, ed-tech, school surveillance, targeted ads, kids content, gender, mental health.
Published on: 16 Nov 2021


  • Cancer incidence and mortality in Indigenous peoples of Canada are increasing
  • These populations face modifiable risk factors and lack of access to care
  • Indigenous cancer care has been jurisdictionally complex and ambiguous
  • Successful initiatives must be locally contextualized, with Indigenous leadership


Published on: 7 Oct 2021

March 1, 2020| Children ‘born of war’ are increasingly recognized as a particular victim group in relevant international policy frameworks.Previous scholarship has primarily documented the challenges faced by their mothers as caregivers and as victims of wartime sexual violence, while adiscussion on fathers to children ‘born of war’ is notablyabsent.Based on research in northern Uganda between 2016 and 2019, this articleexplores how some fathers seek to maintain a relationship with children born as the result of ‘forced marriage’ and assume partial or full responsibility for their wel

Classified as: Research Network on Women Peace and Security, RNWPS, Erin Baines
Published on: 6 Oct 2021


The number of patients with cancer in Africa has been predicted to increase from 844 279 in 2012 to more than 1·5 million in 2030. However, many countries in Africa still lack access to radiotherapy as a part of comprehensive cancer care. The objective of this analysis is to present an updated overview of radiotherapy resources in Africa and to analyse the gaps and needs of the continent for 2030 in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Published on: 29 Sep 2021

September 23, 2021 | What does a feminist foreign policy entailwithin the Canadian context, and how do we ensure that it observes a gender based analytical approach? Thispolicy report proposes concrete recommendations toward this goal, it also encourages foreign and defence actors to reflect on fundamental gender equality principles and considerations that get lost in the face of results-oriented policy approaches aimed for the short term.

Classified as: External, faculty, Research Network on Women Peace and Security, RNWPS, staff, students, Women Peace and Security, WPS, Maria Martin de Almagro Iniesta, Yolande Bouka
Published on: 29 Sep 2021

Stress increases people’s tendency to avoid cognitively demanding tasks, without necessarily altering their ability to perform those tasks, according to new research from 91˿Ƶ.

“Generally speaking, people are demand-averse,” says Ross Otto, an assistant professor of psychology at 91˿Ƶ and the senior author of a recent paper in Psychological Science. “[Our study showed] stress increases that aversion.”

Published on: 24 Sep 2021

August, 2021 | Co-written by our postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Luna K.C., this paper uses a critical and intersectional feminist lens to uncoverthe roots of the alt-right movement in Canada andhow it continues to function and proliferate.Read on to understand how these forces operate in a Canadian context and how its inherent racism and misogyny can be countered.

Classified as: Luna KC, WPS, Women Peace and Security, RNWPS, Research Network on Women Peace and Security
Published on: 16 Sep 2021

Starting in September, the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montréalis happy to welcome Ph.D candidate Pavel Kunysz as part of a three-month research stay!

Classified as: Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montreal, Champ des possibles, Université de Liège, architecture, territorial planning, Montreal
Published on: 16 Sep 2021

The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Montréal (CIRM) is very pleased to welcome urban studies researcher Leila Ghaffarias the recipient of the BMO Postdoctoral Fellowship2021–2022!

Classified as: postdoctoral fellowship, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montreal, urban studies, Montreal
Published on: 1 Sep 2021

August 18, 2021 |Facebook and other social media companies have done a lot over the past five years to address the problem of their platforms' being used by bad actors to influence elections or spread misinformation. However, they still have a way to go. The Media Ecosystems Observatory'sAengus Bridgman comments on the steps Facebook is takingto prevent their platformfrom being misused during the federal election campaign.

Classified as: max bell school, max bell school of public policy, media ecosystem observatory, MEO, Tech Informed Policy, Canadian Election Misinformation Project, Election 44
Published on: 18 Aug 2021

The GNCDA 2021 calls for grant proposals which was published on June 5, 2021 have been extended! These grants are designed for graduate students, health professionals and medical residents. Whilst the eligibility criteria and requirements remain the same, the deadlines have been extended by one month.

To see the requirements or to apply, review the funding page.

Published on: 4 Jul 2021

Dr Isabelle Malhamé received the FRQS Clinician Scientist Junior 1 Career Award!

Published on: 31 May 2021


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