
Chemical Society Seminar: Michele Ceriotti - Machine learning at the atomic scale

Tuesday, November 23, 2021 13:00to14:30
Zoom link: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/84211926109?pwd=MkdCRnJ4a2M1NzNFTFdZYnR5RzJvdz09
Ceriotti Profile


When modeling materials and molecules at the atomic scale, achieving a realistic level of complexity and making quantitative predictions are usually conflicting goals. Data-driven techniques have made great strides towards enabling simulations of materials in realistic conditions with uncompromising accuracy. In particular, statistical regression techniques have become very fashionable as a tool to predict the properties of systems at the atomic scale, sidestepping much of the computational cost of accurate quantum chemical calculations, and making it possible to perform simulations that require thorough statistical sampling without compromising on the accuracy of the electronic structure model.
In this talk I will argue how data-driven modelling can be rooted in a mathematically rigorous and physically-motivated symmetry-adapted framework, and discuss the benefits of such a principled approach.
I will present several examples demonstrating how the combination of machine-learning and atomistic simulations can offer useful insights on the behavior of complex systems, and discuss the challenges towards an integrated modeling framework in which physics- and data-driven steps can be combined to improve the accuracy, the computational efficiency and the transferability of predictions, from interatomic potentials to electronic-structure properties.


Michele Ceriotti received his Ph.D. in Physics from ETH Zürich in 2010. He spent three years in Oxford as a Junior Research Fellow at Merton College. Since 2013 he leads the laboratory for Computational Science and Modeling in the Institute of Materials at EPFL. His research revolves around the atomic-scale modelling of materials, based on the sampling of quantum and thermal fluctuations and on the use of machine learning to predict and rationalize structure-property relations.  He has been awarded the IBM Research Forschungspreis in 2010, the Volker Heine Young Investigator Award in 2013, an ERC Starting Grant in 2016, and the IUPAP C10 Young Scientist Prize in 2018.

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