

Africa: Why It's Time for Business Schools to Radically Rethink the MBA

Employers love business school graduates. That's not just a wild claim: 96% of employers globally polled by the Graduate Management Admission Council in January 2016 said that hiring such graduates creates value for their companies.

But that most-sought-after of business qualifications, the Master of Business Administration (MBA), is not above criticism. It has been accused by some of not meeting the needs of a changing market.

Published: 8 Mar 2016

Why it's Time for Business Schools to Radically Rethink the MBA

Employers love business school graduates. That's not just a wild claim: 96% of employers globally polled by the Graduate Management Admission Council in January 2016 said that hiring such graduates creates value for their companies.

But that most-sought-after of business qualifications, the Master of Business Administration (MBA), is not above criticism. It has been accused by some of not meeting the needs of a changing market.

Published: 7 Mar 2016

3 questions à se poser pour bien cerner son nouveau rôle de gestionnaire

Après quelques années de loyaux services au sein de votre entreprise, vous venez d’être promu gestionnaire. Bien que vous soyez du genre confiant et que vous ayez l’habitude de tout prendre en charge rapidement, vous avez soudainement l’impression de perdre pied. Comment apprivoiser ce nouveau rôle?

Published: 17 Feb 2016

The real (and shocking) story of Kevin O'Leary's business career

Buried in the back pages of the financial press last October was a story about the sale of his mutual fund company, O’Leary Funds, to Canoe Financial, an investment firm run by former Dragons’ Den cast member and entrepreneur Brett Wilson.

Published: 28 Jan 2016

«Manager wälzen Kosten auf die Gesellschaft ab»

Henry Mintzberg ist ein BWL-Doyen. Mit den heutigen Managern und Business Schools geht er hart ins Gericht. Die Gier der VW-Manager sei nur die Spitze des Eisberges.

In einer losen Reihe widmet sich die «Handelszeitung» den Gurus der Business Schools. Wie sehen sie die Welt? Was läuft falsch in der Wirtschaft? Und was muss sich ändern? Den Auftakt macht Henry Mintzberg.

Published: 26 Jan 2016

The bull in the China shop: Money managers short on history and long on panic

The money managers have started 2016 in a blue funk – but most are too young to remember what kicked off at the end of the 1980s and the fact that, with the exception of the instigator, we weren’t then doomed to years of economic gloom.

...Of course, professor Henry Mintzberg described the Davos gathering as the event "where the people who spend all year causing our problems take a few days prentending to fix them."

Published: 22 Jan 2016


The moment I typed the heading, the Word spellchecker highlighted that there was no such word. It is in a way correct. It is refreshingly new. I came across it after reading the inspiring book, ‘Simply Managing’ by one of my all-time favourites, Henry Mintzberg. Today’s column is an elaboration of it in relation to the Sri Lankan context.

Read full article: DailyFT, January 16, 2016

Published: 18 Jan 2016

Canada Welcomes The Return Of Liberal Democracy

In 1962, Saturday Night, the quintessentially Canadian magazine, was bought by a right-wing zealot who immediately shifted its content. He could change the script but not the institution, and so, in a year, the magazine was collapsing. As Arnold Edinborough resumed control, he opened the next issue with the line: "Before I was so rudely interrupted..."

Published: 15 Jan 2016

How to Manage Workers Like a ‘People Artist’

Imagine a workplace where people don't care. Imagine spending eight hours a day working in anonymity. Imagine being told that the only recognition you need is your salary. We hope you would only have to imagine this, not experience it.

Published: 8 Jan 2016

These Four Letters Could Make You the Best...Boss...Ever

The modern workplace is full of abbreviations: KPI, ROI, SWOT. But it’s a bit of alphabet soup from decades ago that could prove most critical to the success of managers in the digital age.

Published: 18 Dec 2015

End of hierarchy boosts front line managers' power

The transition of work structures from 20th century hierarchical org structures to the more flexible, collaborative, networked work structures emerging in various organizations may herald the end of hierarchy but it does not mean a flat world of work, nor does it mean the end of management.

Published: 18 Dec 2015

Rescuing Capitalism from Itself

Article written by Professor Henry Mintzberg. 

In 1989, as the Berlin Wall fell alongside communism in Eastern Europe, pundits in the West proclaimed the triumph of capitalism. The American historian Francis Fukuyama even declared “the end of history,” writing in National Interest‘s summer 1989 issue that he saw “the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government.”

Published: 4 Dec 2015

Rescuing Capitalism from Itself

Article written by Professor Henry Mintzberg. 

In 1989, as the Berlin Wall fell alongside communism in Eastern Europe, pundits in the West proclaimed the triumph of capitalism. The American historian Francis Fukuyama even declared “the end of history,” writing in National Interest‘s summer 1989 issue that he saw “the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government.”

Published: 4 Dec 2015

Thinkers50, les oscars des idées les plus stimulantes

Le palmarès Thinkers50, établi tous les deux ans, encourage une saine émulation entre les experts en management du monde entier. Et s’emploie à relayer quantité d’idées novatrices auprès des dirigeants d’entreprise et de la société civile. Oscar du management, la cérémonie Thinkers50 comporte un « mur des célébrités » et nombre de récompenses spécifiques, dont une distinction d’honneur, cette année, pour l’intégralité des travaux du professeur Henry Mintzberg.

Published: 19 Nov 2015

Trois programmes dans l'air du temps

Des milliers d'étudiants de partout dans le monde suivent gratuitement le cours en ligne Social Learning for Social Impact, travaillent en équipe et apprennent à réaliser des initiatives sociales qui auront des retombées. C'est la proposition du MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) de groupe, une première à l'Université 91˿Ƶ.

Published: 19 Nov 2015


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