
Ratna Ghosh

Dr., C.M., O.Q., F.R.S.C.
Academic title(s): 

Distinguished James 91˿Ƶ Professor Emerita

Not Taking New Students

Ratna Ghosh
Contact Information
Email address: 
ratna.ghosh [at] mcgill.ca
514-398-4527 Ext 094694
514-398-4527 Ext 094761

Ph.D in Comparative and International Education,
Department of Educational Foundations,
University of Calgary

M.A. in Comparative and International Education, Department of Educational Foundations,
University of Calgary

B.A. Honours in English with Distinction,
University of Calcutta

Music Diploma in Pianoforte and Theory,
Trinity College of Music,
London, England

Research Interests

  • Education & Diversity (Inclusion, multiculturalism, race relations)
  • Education and Development (women in development
  • Refugee Education
  • Education and Security (hate, violent extremism)
  • Religion and Education (values education)
Areas of expertise: 

Academic and Scholarly Positions




Distinguished James 91˿Ƶ Professor, 91˿Ƶ

Feb-Apr 2014

Fellow, Australia India Institute, University of Melbourne, during Sabbatical Leave

Sept 2014 Research Partner, PREVNet (Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence) a National Network Centre of Excellence, Canada
Sept 2014 Senior Affiliate, The Canadian Network for Research on
Jan-June 2013

Sabbatical leave: Jawaharlal University, Delhi; East West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii

Jan 2004- Dec 2010 James 91˿Ƶ Professor, 91˿Ƶ
2004, 2005, 2006
MMSH (Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'homme), (C.N.R.S., Universités d’Aix-Marseille I et III) Institute recherches et d’etudes sur le monde Arabe et Musulman (IREMAM-CNRS) Aix-en-Provence, France
May-June, 2005, 2006 Sabbatical Leave Visiting Fellow, Et. Edmund's College, Cambridge University, England
March, 2004 Sabbatical Leave University of Turin, Italy
1998 - 2003 Dean, Faculty of Education, 91˿Ƶ
1998 Half year sabbatical leave in Mexico
1996 - 1997 Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Cultures & Values in Education, 91˿Ƶ
1994 William C. Macdonald Chair in Education, 91˿Ƶ
1988 Full Professor, Faculty of Education, 91˿Ƶ
1995 - 1998 Department of Cultures & Values in Education, 91˿Ƶ
1988 - 1995 Department of Administration & Policy Studies in Education, 91˿Ƶ
1995 - 1997 Director of Research, Department of Cultures & Values in Education, 91˿Ƶ
1985 Visiting Scholar, St. Edmunds College, University of Cambridge, U.K.
1981 - 1988 Associate Professor, Department of Administration & Policy Studies in Education, 91˿Ƶ
1982 - 1983 Sabbatical Year, Senior Research Scholar, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, New Delhi, India
1977 - 1981 Assistant Professor, Administration & Policy Studies, Faculty of Education, 91˿Ƶ
1976 - 1977 Visiting Assistant Professor, Educational Foundations, University of Calgary
Emeritus/Emerita Professors
Current research: 

Research Grants, Development Projects and Fellowships

Unless otherwise indicated, amounts are in Canadian dollars

2018-2019 Preparing professionals to dialogue about extremism and radicalization: A look at the ERC programs in French and English Montreal. Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security and Society Principal Investigator (TSAS) $15,000
2016-2017 Educational Trajectories of radicalized females in Montreal. Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security and Society Principal Investigator (TSAS) $14,285
2016-2018 Pathways to radicalization among multicultural youth in Canada. Partnership Development Grants- Community and College Social Innovation Fund. Social Science and Humanities Council of Canada (SSHRC) Co-Investigator ($240,000)
2015-2023 Countering religious extremism through education in multicultural Canada. Insight Grant, Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Principal Investigator. [more information]
2015-2022 Research on Terrorism, Security and Society in Canada: A Collaborative Approach. SSHRC Partnership Grant. Co-applicant. $1,595,080 over 7 years.
2015-2016 Acculturative Stress, Identity, and Self-Esteem Issues among Immigrant Seniors withCompromised Autonomy in Montreal91˿Ƶ, SSHRC Internal Sub-Committee ($3,000)
2014-2015 Education and Security: A Literature Report. Tony Blair Faith Foundation, London, UK.
2011-2013 Middle class educated women in India: Caught between dichotomies of globalization and a patriarchal social matrix. ($180,000) Social Science Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Principal Investigator. [more information]
2009 - 2011 Women’s Empowerment and Education: Panchayats and Women’s Self Help Groups in India. Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Grant, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute. $80,000
2009 - 2012 Exacerbating Conflicts – Promoting Peace? The Role of Social Science and Language Textbooks in South Asia (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka). R. Ghosh, co-Investigator. Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, TrancCoop-Programm. 37,000 Euros
2008 - 2009 2008-2009 The National Knowledge Commission Report, 2006; Its Implications for Women's Education in West-Bengal, R. Ghosh Principal Investigator, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute Development Seed Grant: $20,000.
2007 - 2008 Values and teacher Education: Project funded by the Chilean Ministry of Education. Santiago, Chile
2006 - 2009 Construction of the “Other” in Curricula and Textbooks: A Post-Structuralist Analysis of Nationalist Identities in India and Pakistan, R. Ghosh Principal Investigator, Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC): $145,542
2005 - 2009 Écoles, culture et santé mentale: une articulation a repenser dans une societé en transformation. Team Grant : Total $50,000 my portion $12,000. Fonds de la recherché en santé Quebec (FRSQ). (Project: Educational and Mental Health Issues faced by Bangladeshi Students in Montreal)
2005 - 2008 Co-Applicant Rousseau, Cécile. Conséquences du terrorisme sur la santé mentale et le développement moral des enfants: Repenser les modèles d'intervention et de prévention Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Operating Grant, Rousseau, C., Ghosh, R., Guzder, J., Hussain, M., Lashley, M., Measham, $124,279
2003 Education and democracy in Islamic societies: Implications for human security. $20,000 conference grant, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
2003 - 2006 Multicultural approaches to education, North American Mobility Project (NAFTA) $160,000 team grant
2002 - 2007 Consolidation of food security in India, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). $5 million team grant (Gender Specialist)
2002 - 2003 Multicultural approaches to education: North American Mobility Project (NAFTA)
1999 - 2000 Intercultural values and their relationship to education: a comparative study of Japan and Canada. International Council for Canadian Studies. $8,000 (Principal Investigator)
1998 - 2001 Economic liberalization and its impact on women and women’s education in India and China. Fonds pour la formation de chercheurs et l’aide à la recherche du Québec (FCAR) $70,000. (Principal Investigator)
1999 - 2002 Impact of private professional college education on young women, and their attitude towards marriage and work in India (Individual Grant) Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada. $ 71,413.

Fields of Research and Study

Academic Areas

  • Comparative and International Education
  • Multicultural education; race relations; human rights and education; identity
  • Teacher education in cross-cultural perspective
  • Women in comparative perspective
  • Sociology of racial, ethnic and religious minorities, and socio-economically deprived groups in comparative perspective
  • Globalization and social justice

Sociology of Education in Developing Areas

  • Education and development
  • International development and cooperation (bilaterial, non-governmental)
  • The impact of globalization and economic liberalization policies on education

Women in Development

  • The impact of globalization and economic liberalization policies on women
  • Women in science, engineering and technology
  • Women, Education and employment: micro‑enterprises/ agriculture

Review of Educational Institutions

2016 Member of External Review Committee Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta.
2011 University of West Indies (Mona Campus, Jamaica)
Department of Educational Studies
2006 University of West Indies (Cave Hill Campus, Barbados)
School of Education
2004 Islamia Educational Colleges, Amman, Jordan
2003-2005 Royal University for Women Academic Partnership Project , Kingdom of Bahrain (Team Leader)
2002 The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta
Selected publications: 

Selected publications


Bakhsae, M., McAndrew, M., Ghosh, R., Singh, P. (eds.). (2021) The Invisible community: Being South Asian in Quebec. Montreal, Kingston, London, Chicago: 91˿Ƶ Queen’s University Press, pp.235.

Ghosh, R., (2014). Redefining multicultural education: Inclusion and the right to be different (3rd ed. with Mariusz Galcznyski). Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Scholars’ Press. (Redefining Multicultural Education.1996, 1st ed., Toronto: Harcourt Brace & Co.; 2004, 2nd ed., Nelson Thomas Learning)

Ghosh, R. & Abdi, A. (2013, 2nd ed.) Education and the Politics of Difference: Canadian Perspectives. Toronto: Canadian Press. (Foreword by Carlos Torres). (Foreword for the 2004 edition by Henry Giroux)

Chapters in Books

Ghosh, R. (2023). Rabindranath Tagore and Democratic Education. Culp, J., Drerup, J. & Yacek D. (Eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Democratic Education.(pp.108-126). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Ghosh, R. (2022). Education, Identity and Diversity. Tierney, R., Rizvi, F., & Ercikan, K. (Eds.) International Encyclopedia of Education 4th edition. In volume on Diversity, Democracy, and Social Justice in Education.(pp.83-92) Oxford: Elsevier Press.

Ghosh, R. (2022). Critical multicultural education as a platform for social justice education in Canada. In A. Abdi (Ed.) Equity and social justice education perspectives in Canada.(pp. 17-30)Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.

Ghosh, R., Sherab, D., Calderón-Moya, M., & Maraj, A. (2022), ‘Adult Education as a Site for Integration? Experiences of Syrian Refugee Young Adults in Québec’ in Belonging in Changing Educational Spaces: Negotiating Global, Transnational and Neoliberal Dynamics, ed Karen Monkman and Ann Frkovich. (pp.87-104). New York: Routledge.

Maraj, A., Sherab, D., Calderón-Moya, M., & Ghosh R. (2023), ‘Shifting Aspirations: The Experience of Syrian refugees in Adult Education in Québéc’, in Education for Refugees and Forced Im/Migrants across Time and Context, eds Alexander Wiseman and Lisa Damaschke. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald Publishing.

Ghosh, R. (2021). Can education contribute to social cohesion? In B. Lindsay (Ed.). Reflecting on Comparative and International Education: Leading Perspectives from the Field. (pp.87-104).New York /London/Shanghai: Palgrave.

Ghosh, R. (2021). Challenges to Internationalization in Education during and after the Pandemic in Raj Kumar, C., Mukherjee, M., Belousova, T., and Nair, N.(Eds.) Global Higher Education during and beyond COVID-19: Perspectives & Challenges. (pp. 205-218).Singapore: Springer

Bakhshaei, M., McAndrew, M. & Ghosh, R. (2021). Introduction. In M. Bakhshae, M. McAndrew. R. Ghosh & P. Singh (Eds.). The Invisible Community: Being South Asian in Quebec.(pp.4-16)91˿Ƶ Queen’s University Press

Ghosh, R., McAndrew, M., Babaei, M. (2021). The context of reception. In M. Bakhshae, M. McAndrew, R. Ghosh & P. Singh (Eds.). The Invisible Community: Being South Asian in Quebec. (pp.10-51)91˿Ƶ Queen’s University Press

Ghosh, R., Babaei, M., & McAndrew, M. (2021). The demographic portrait (Toolbox 1). in M. Bakhshae, M. McAndrew, R. Ghosh & P. Singh (Eds.). The Invisible Community: Being South Asian in Quebec.(pp. 52-63)91˿Ƶ Queen’s University Press

Singh, P. & Ghosh, R. (2021). Conclusion – South Asians in Quebec” A specific Experience? In M. Bakhshae, M. McAndrew, R. Ghosh & P. Singh (Eds.). The Invisible Community: Being South Asian in Quebec. (pp.285-297). 91˿Ƶ Queen’s University Press

Ghosh, R. (2020). The emerging area of education and security. In A. Abdi (Ed.).Critical theorizations of education. (pp.73-86)Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.

Ghosh, R., Sherab, D., Dilimulati, M., Hashemi, N. (2019) Creating a Refugee Space in the Canadian School Context: The Approach of an Inclusive Society. In Wiseman, A., Damaschke-Detrick, L., Galegher, E., & Park, M.F. (Eds.) Comparative Perspectives on Refugee Youth Education: Dreams and Realities in Educational Systems Worldwide. (pp.102-130).New York: Routledge. DOI

Ghosh, R., (2019). Juxtaposing the educational ideas of Gandhi and Freire. In C. Torres (Ed.). The Wiley handbook of Paulo Freire (pp.275-290). New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Dilimulati, M., Dhali, H.H., Ghosh, R. (2019), The radicalization of youth in the West – How can Canadian teachers effectively approach this issue in their classrooms? A. Jule (Ed.), The compassionate educator (pp. 229-250). Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.

Ghosh, R., (2019). Teacher education in a globalized world. In J. Mueller, & J. Nickel (Eds.), Globalization and diversity in education: What does it mean for Canadian teacher education? (pp. 416-443). Ottawa, ON: Canadian Association for Teacher Education.

Ghosh, R. (2019) Education, religion and religious extremism. In B. D. Lundy, A. G. Adebayo & S. W. Hayes (Eds.), Atone: religion, conflict, and reconciliation (pp. 25-42). Lanham, MD, Lexington Book.

Ghosh, R., & W. Y. Alice Chang (2017) The role of religious education (RE) in countering religious extremism in diverse and interconnected societies in M. Sivasubramaniam & R. Hayhoe (Eds) Religion and Education: Comparative and International Perspectives, Oxford: Symposium Books. (pp. 335-351). (Oxford Studies in Comparative Education Series with Professor David Phillips as series editor).

Ghosh, R., and Galcszynski, M. (2016) Shaping Leadership in Epstein, E. (ed). Crafting a Global Fieldpp. (pp.188-198).NY: Springer.

Ghosh, R., (August 2015) Education in Secular Democratic Societies: the challenge of religious diversity. In Sikka, S., Puri, B. & Beaman, L. (Eds.) Living with Religious Diversity. (pp.137-152). New Delhi: India, Routledge.

Galczynski, M., Tsagkaraki, V., & Ghosh, R. (2015). Further unpacking multiculturalism in the classroom: Continuing to explore the politics of difference through current events. In L. Wong & S. Guo (Eds.),Multiculturalism in Canada: Theories, Policies and Debates. (pp. 289-310). Rotterdam,Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Ghosh, R. Naseem, A., Vijh. Ashok. (2012).Tagore and Education: Gazing beyond the Colonial Cage. In A. Abdi (Ed.) Decolonizing Philosophies of Education.(pp. 59-71). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Naseem, M.A. and Ghosh, R. (2010) Construction of the ‘Other’ in History Textbooks in India and Pakistan in Pampanini, G., Adly, F. and Napier, D.B. (Eds.) Interculturalism, Society and Education.(pp.37-44). Rotterdam: Sense

Ghosh, R. and Chakravarti, P. (2010) (Released at the World Council of Comparative Education Societies in June 2010) Women’s Education in India at the start of the Twenty-First Century: Implications of the National Knowledge Commission Reports. InMasemann, V., Majhanovich, S., Truong, N and Janigan, K. (eds.).A Tribute to David N. Wilson: Clamouring for a Better World, (pp.221-238). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

R. Ghosh (2004; 2nd updated edition 2010). Canada a Multicultural Policy. In Iris Rotberg (ed.).Balancing Change and Tradition in Global Education Reform, (pp.261-282). Lanham:Maryland, U.S.A.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group

Ghosh, R., Abdi, A. and Naseem, A. (2008). Identity in colonial and postcolonial contexts: select discussions and analyses. In A. Abdi & G. Richardson (Eds.), Decolonizing democratic education: trans-disciplinary dialogues.(pp.75-66). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers

Ghosh, R. (2008). Globalization, Education and Women in India in Abdi, Ali A. & Guo, Shibao (Eds.) Education and Social development.(pp. 105-127). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers

Ghosh, R. and Abdi, A.(2007) Schooling and Society: Perspectives on Knowledge, Culture, and Difference. In Laurence Behrens, et al, (Eds.).Writing and Reading Across the Disciplines.Toronto: Pearson Longman.

Ghosh, R. (2007). Women’s Education as Human Rights Education in Abdi, Ali A. & Shultz, Lynette (Eds.) Educating for Human Rights and Global Citizenship. (pp.81-93). Albany, NY: SUNY Press,

Ghosh, R. (2006) Preface. Gender Equality in Iranian History: From Pre-Islamic Time to The Present. New York: The Edwen Mellen.

Ghosh, R., Tarrow,N., & Elizondo, A.,(2003) "Program Differences in Values Teaching in Teacher Education Programs: Canada, Mexico and the United States." In F. Salili and R. Hoosain, (Eds.).Teaching, Learning, and Student Motivation in a Multicultural Context,(pp.173-192).Connecticut: Information Age Publishing.

Ghosh, R. & Vijh, A.K. (2003)“Science, Gender and Multiculturalism.” In A. Richardson and G. Merchant, (Eds.). The Canadian Multicultural Experience: Myth and Reality, (pp.77-88). Edmonton: ICRN Press.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Ghosh, R. (2023) The moral challenge to violence in schools, International Review of Education – Journal of Lifelong Learning (UNESCO).

Jing, X., Ghosh, R., Gong, S., McHardy, D., and Ding, R. (2023). Multilevel Research on Factors Impacting International Branch Campuses’ Global Integration and Local Responsiveness: An Empirical Investigation of Two Canadian Cases. Studies in Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2023.2187366

Jing, X., Ghosh, R., and Liu, B. (2023). Resisting neocolonial harm and localising global standards at international branch campuses: A comparative study of two Canadian cases. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. 45(3), 276-290. DOI: 10.1080/1360080X.2022.2150799. (SSCI Q2, IF: 2.553)

Ghosh, R., Tiflati, H., Dhali, H., Mahmut, D., and W.Y. A. Chan. (2023). Social-ecological Portrait of Two Women from Montreal who Joined ISIS. Contemporary Voices, 3(1). DOI.

Ghosh, R. (2023). Ubuntu: Applying a Southern theoretical paradigm to Counter Youth Radicalization. Special Issue on uBuntu and Education, (Ed.) N’Dri Lassie-Lumumba), Bandung: Journal of the Global South, 10, 64-79. Brill/Springer Open.

Jing, X. L.,Ghosh, R., Liu, B. C., and Fruchier, T. (2023). A decade review and bibliometric analysis. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 53 (3) 506-524. (SSCI Q2, IF: 1.658) DOI: (first published online in 2021)

Maraj, A., Sherab, D., Calderón-Moya, M., and Ghosh, R. (2023) ‘Reflecting on the experiences of Syrian refugee young adults in adult education in Québéc: the practitioners’ perspective’ Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 29(1), 233-254

Calderón-Moya, M., Sherab, D., Maraj, A., and Ghosh, R. (under review). ‘Resilient Learners: Young Syrian Refugee Adults’ Experiences in the Québéc Adult Education Sector’. [Manuscript revised for publication to peer-reviewed journal]

Maraj, Arianne; Mahmut, D.; Ghosh, Ratna. (2021). What role do French society and its education system play in promoting violent radicalization processes?. Journal for Deradicalization, [S.l.], 27, 238-283, Jun. 2021. ISSN 2363-9849. Available at: <>.

Ghosh, R. and Jing, X. (2020). Fostering Global Citizenship through student mobility: COVID-19 and the 4th wave in internationalization of education. Special Issue edited by Misiaszek, G. & Misiaszek, L. Issue on Trends and Tensions in Comparative Education. Beijing International Review of Education, 20, 1-18. (Brill). DOI: 10.1163/25902539-02040009

Jing, X., Ghosh, R., Sun, Z. and Liu, Q. (2020). Mapping global research related to international students: a scientometric review. Higher Education 80, 415-433. Springer Nature B.V.. 2020.

Ghosh, R. (2020). Gandhi, the freedom fighter and educator: A Southern Theorist. Special Issue Mousumi Mukherjee & Nandita Koshal (Eds) “Other ways of knowing and doing”: Globalizing social science knowledge in higher education. The International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives. 19(1), 19-29

Jing, X., Qiang, L., Ghosh, R., Wang, L. and Sun, Z. (2019). Global integration and local responsiveness in managing international branch campuses: An empirical investigation of 91˿Ƶ MBA Japan Program. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management (CJHE), 42 (3), 300-315.

Koirikivi, P-M., Kallioniemi, A., Ghosh, R. (2019) Religion as a human right and a security threat- investigating young adults’ experiences of religion in Finland. Religions, 10 (55), 1-16.

Ghosh, R. (2018). The potential of the Ethics and Religious Culture (ERC) program for combating violent extremism among youth in McDonough, K. and Chan, A. (eds.) Religion and Education. 45 (3), 370-386. Special Issue on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the ERC Program 2018.

Ghosh, R. (2018). Multiculturalism in a Comparative Perspective: Australia, Canada and India, Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal. 50 (1), 15-36.

Ghosh, R., Chan, A., Manuel. A., Dilimulati, M. (2016) Can Education Counter Violent Religious Extremism? Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 22(3). 117-133. .

Ghosh, R., Chakravarti, P., and Mansi, K. (2015). Women's Empowerment and Education: Panchayats and Women's Self-help Groups in India, Special Issue: Indian Education at the Crossroads of Postcoloniality, Globalization and 21st Century Knowledge Economy in Policy Futures in Education, (Mousumi Mukherjee, ed.), 13(3), 294-314. Oxford, U.K.: Symposium Journals.

Ghosh, R. (2013). Diversity and Quality in Higher Education: A comparison of preferential policies in India and the U.S. In Higher Education Forum Vol.10, 35-49. Research Institute for Higher Education (RIHE), Hiroshima University.

Galczyinski, M., Tsagkaraki, V. and Ghosh, R. (2013) Unpacking Multiculturalism in the Classroom: Using Current Events to Explore the Politics of Difference. Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal 43(3). 145-164.

Ghosh, R. (2012). School Effectiveness: Pursuing Excellence and Inclusion. Asia Pacific Journal of Educational Development, 1(2),1-6. DOI:

Ghosh, R. (2012). Diversity and Excellence in Higher Education. Comparative Education Review, 56(3), 349-365. DOI:

Ghosh, R. and Guzder, J. (2011). Re-bordering Immigrant and Refugee Identities in Quebec’s Multicultural Society: the case of South Asian (SA) youth. In Contemporary Issues in Diversity and Education (R. Ghosh and D. Lussier Eds.) Special Issue of Canadian and International Education, 40(2),12-33. DOI:

Ghosh, R, (2008). Education, Women and Development: The Anomaly of Women’s Education in India. Journal of Education and Development in the Caribbean, 10, (1).

Ghosh, R., Mickelson, R. and Anyon, J., (2007). Introduction to the Special Issue on New Perspectives on Youth Development and Social Identity in the 21st Century [Special issue]. Teachers College Record, 109, (2), 1-5.

Ghosh, R. (2004). Public Education and Multicultural Policy in Canada: the special case of Quebec. International Review of Education, 50, (5-6), 543-566.

Ghosh, R. (2004). Globalization in the North American Region: toward renegotiation of cultural space. 91˿Ƶ Journal of Education, 39, (1), 87-101.

Ghosh, R. & Naseem, A., (2003). Colonial and Post-Colonial Construction of Identity: A Comparison of Teenage Identities in Macau, Hong Kong and Goa [Monograph]. PICRA (July-August).

Ghosh, R. & Naseem, A., (2003). Education is That Which Liberates: Educational Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore [Special issue]. Journal of Post-Colonial Studies.

Special Issues

Ghosh, R., & Lussier, D. (Eds.). (2011). Contemporary issues in diversity and education. Special Issue of Canadian and International Education. 40(2).

Ghosh, R., & McDonough. K. (2011). Diversity and education for liberation. Special Edition of Canadian Issues/Thèmes Canadiens for the 55th Annual Conference of the Comparative and international Education Society (CIES) (Spring).

Anyon, J., Ghosh, R., & Mickelson, R. (2007) New perspectives on youth development and social identity in the 21st century. Special issue of Teachers College Record, p(2).

Graduate supervision: 

Ph.D. Dissertations Completed

L. Bombas 1988 W. VanBalkom 1991 J. Hirschberg 1988 A. Talbani 1991
J. Abagi 1990 C. O’Brien 1998 A. Abdi 1998 A. Isaac 2001
M. Gupta 2001 M. Derayah 2002 B. Ghezzi 2001 Muhammad Ayaz Naseem 2004
R. Gibbs 2003 Adeela Arshad 2006 Mona Taji 2004 Kyung-Hwa Yang 2012
David Roemmele 2012 Ziya Toprac 2014 Vilelmini Tsagkaraki 2015 Tahiya Mahbub 2015
(with Kevin McDonough)
Rachel Zellers 2017
(with Charmaine Nelson, Art History)
Alice Chan 2020

Mehdi Babaei 2020

Dilimulati Maihemuti (Dilmurat) 2021
Nazeeha Khoja 2021

Current Students: Ph.D.

Marisuz Galczynski Helal Hossain Dhali Jing Xiaoli Milagros Calderon
Sujata Madan Sara Hashemi Arianne Maraj

M.A. Theses Completed

M. Rehmatulla 1979 D. Wilkinson l985 B. Bains l979 V. Silver 1985
J. Officer 1979 P. Browne 1986 S. Devi 1979 R. Keshavjee 1987
F. Ruparanganda l980 S. Amato 1987 P. Whiticar 1980 M. Dufour 1987
H. Hassan‑Yari 1981 I. Melnick 1987 K. Elliot 1982 W. Merry 1988
K. McLaughlin 1988 S. Neudorfor 1988 S. Kityo 1988 J. McGregor 1990
A. Kaler 1990 T. Jones 1990 K. Marciniak 1990 R. Mong 1991
Y. Norikane 1990 R. Waite 1991 M. Lubega 1992 A. Maraj‑Guitard 1992
S. Corbeil 1993 E. Goudreau 1993 R. Jha 1994 B. Ghezzi 1994
M. Taji 1994 S. Chisholm 1994 Patrick Elbaz (M.Ed. project) 1994 R. Peera 1995
I. Ahmad 1995 N. Dhar 1996 M. Takahashi 1996 A. Varma 1997
C. Hambly 1998 N. Nathani 1999 L. Gilman 2002 Samuel Veissiere 2005
Nathalie Rivard 2006 Wenhua Liu 2008 Tomoya Tsutsumi 2009 Katherine Mikic 2008
Pauline Carpenter, co-supervised 2009 Ashley Manuel 2015 Lisa Trotto (Project) 2015 Rashida Islam 2017
Sara Hashemi

Current Students: M.A.

Jihae Park Wei Yang Debbie Edanyjilil

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Masha Bakhshaei (2015-2016)

External Supervision

Guangqiang Du Beijng Normal University 2nd year PhD student (current 2015-2016)
Jianguo Huo Ministry of Education, Hebei Province, China (Jan- December 2003)
Zongzhi Huang Ministry of Education, Jilin Province, China (Jan-December 2003)
Cony Sanger UNAM, Mexico: North American Mobility Project (Sept-Dec. 2003)
Elizabeth Valenzuela

University of New Mexico, U.S.A. North American Mobility Program (July 2004).

Awards, honours, and fellowships: 


National and International Academies


Membre Émérite (Eminent Member) Order of Excellence in Education, Government of Quebec


Honorary Fellow of the American Comparative and International EducationSociety (CIES) in San Francisco.


David Wilson Award for Distinguished Service. Comparative and InternationalEducation Society of Canada (CIESC). Toronto.


The University of Calgary Distinguished Alumnus Award, November, Calgary.


Hind Rattan Award (English translation Jewel of India) presented in New Delhion the 44th Republic Day Celebrations, New Delhi.


Elected Fellow, The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) – for the advancementof science in developing countries, Social Sciences Division, in Trieste, Italy.


President, Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) of the United States.


Appointed by the Minister of Immigration, Canada, to the Indo-CanadianAdvisory Committee for the Community Historical Recognition Program


One page feature article in The Power List India Abroad.


Lifetime/Outstanding Achievement Award given by the Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce


Picture on the First Day cover commemorating a special stamp on Canadian

Citizenship in the national exhibition of the British Columbia Philatelic Society,

Vancouver, B.C.


Named 40 Outstanding Alumni (1966-2005) of the University of Calgary (along with former Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Three-time Olympian Curtis Myden, and Canadian Astronaut Robert Thirsk)


Elected Visiting Fellow, St. Edmund’s College, Cambridge University, U.K.


James 91˿Ƶ Professor, 91˿Ƶ (to 2011). Renewed.


President’s Internationalization Achievement Award, University of Calgary


Time Magazine, Canadian Edition, “Canada’s Best”, Profile as Best Differentiator in Education (attached at the end of this CV).


Council Member, Royal Society of Canada and Chair, Committee for the Advancement of Women in Scholarship


Leadership in Internationalization of Education Award from Canadian Bureau of International Education (CBIE)


Fellow, Royal Society of Canada (Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences) (F.R.S.C.)


Order of the University of Calgary


Full Member, European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities


Honorary Member, Golden Key, National Honour Society


Woman of Distinction Award, Education & Training, YWCA


Endowed Chair, William C. Macdonald Professor of Education, 91˿Ƶ (for life)


President, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute.


British Council Specialist Visitorship


Visiting Scholar (Life), St. Edmunds College, University of Cambridge, U.K.


Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute. Senior Long-Term Fellowship (sabbatical)


Canada Council Doctoral Fellowship


Killam Predoctoral Scholar, University of Calgary


Province of Alberta Graduate Fellowship


Province of Alberta Graduate Scholarship



Officer, Ordre de Montréal, City Hall, Montreal. Distinguished James 91˿Ƶ Professor, 91˿Ƶ


Diamond Jubilee Medal (Queen Elizabeth II), Canada


Officer, Order of Quebec (O.Q.) national.gouv.qc.ca/membres/membre.asp?id=1874


Golden Jubilee Medal (Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II), Canada


Member, Order of Canada (C.M.) 7434

1993 Dame of Merit, Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of MaltaOther Honours / Distinctions

Other Honors & Awards

2018 Honorary Fellow of the American Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) to be awarded in March 2019 in San Francisco.
2018 Distinguished James 91˿Ƶ Professor, 91˿Ƶ
2018 Membre Émérite (Eminent Member) Order of Excellence in Education, Government of Quebec.
2017 David Wilson Award for Distinguished Service. Comparative and International Education Society of Canada (CIESC), Toronto.
2016 The University of Calgary Distinguished Alumnus Award, November, Calgary.
2015 Hind Rattan Award (English translation: Jewel of India) presented in New Delhi on the 44th Republic Day Celebrations, New Delhi.
2011-2012 President, CIES Comparative and International Education Society (U.S.)
2009, September One page feature article in The Power List India Abroad.
2009 Appointed by the Minister of Immigration, Canada, to the Indo-Canadian Advisory Committee for the Community Historical Recognition Program
2008, March 13 Elected for a four year term (Vice President, President-Elect (2010), President (2011), Past-President (2012) of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) of the United States.
2008, June Lifetime/Outstanding Achievement Award given by the Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce (Toronto, June 14).
2007, June Picture on the First Day cover commemorating a special stamp on Canadian Citizenship in the national exhibition of the British Columbia Philatelic Society, Vancouver, B.C.
2006, April Named 40 Outstanding Alumni (1966-2005) U of Calgary (along with Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Three-time Olympian Curtis Myden, and Canadian Astronaut Robert Thirsk)
2004 James 91˿Ƶ Professor, 91˿Ƶ (to 2018).
2003 President’s Internationalization Achievement Award, University of Calgary (November 25, 2003)
2003 Time Magazine, Canadian Edition, October 13, 2003, “Canada’s Best”, Profile as Best Differentiator in Education (attached).
2002 Leadership in Internationalization of Education Award from Canadian Bureau of International Education (CBIE)
1999 Order of the University of Calgary
1999 Honorary Member Golden Key National Honour Society
1996 Woman of Distinction Award, Education & Training, YWCA
1994 William C. Macdonald Professor of Education, 91˿Ƶ
1985 Visiting Scholar, St. Edmunds College, University of Cambridge, U.K.


1982-1983 Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute. Senior Long Term Fellowship
1974-1976 Canada Council Doctoral Fellowship
1974 Killam Predoctoral Scholar, University of Calgary
1973-1974 Province of Alberta Graduate Fellowship
1972-1973 Province of Alberta Graduate Fellowshi
Time Magazine
Professional activities: 

Research and Practical Experience In Canada, the U.S., Latin America, Asia, and Africa

Editorial Boards


Journal of Intelligence, Conflict and Warfare


Education Thinking (University of Strasbourg, France)

2015- Gender and Islam. I.B. Tauris & Co., London, UK
2014- Indian Journal of Women’s Studies, Published in Association with Centre for Women’s Development Studies, Sage Publishing
2012- Asia Pacific Journal of Educational Development (APJER), the National Avademy for Educational Research, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
2011- Journal of Educational Administration and Planning (JEPA), National University of Educational Planning and Administration, Delhi, India
2010- Global Networks: A Journal of Transnational Affairs. Blackwell Publishing London
2009- Postcolonial Directions in Education, University of Malta, Valletta.

Journal of Education and Development in the Caribbean, UWI Kingston, Jamaica

2006- Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
2001- 2016 Teachers College Record, Columbia University, New York.
2000- Caribbean Educational Research Journal. UWI Cave Hill Campus, Barbados, West Indies.
1999-2005 Journal of Postcolonial Education. James Nicholas Publishers
1998-2003 91˿Ƶ Journal of Education, 91˿Ƶ, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
1995-2000 Canadian Journal of Education, Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE)
1995- Journal of Women’s Studies, Women’s Studies Research Centre, University of Calcutta
1979-1993 Canadian and International Education, Comparative and International Education Society of Canada (CIESC).

Academic service to the community

Professional Service to the Community:

Workshops and seminars to community groups, colleges, schools and business and women’s organizations.

Leadership Positions

(2011-2012) President, Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), United States
(2010-2011) President-Elect, Comparative International Education Society (CIES)
(2009-2010) Vice-President, Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), United States
(2003-2008) Chair of the Standing Committee for the Advancement of Women in Scholarship, Royal Society of Canada (Member of the Council)
(1998-2003) Dean, Faculty of Education, 91˿Ƶ
(1995-1997) Director of Graduate Studies and Research, Department of Culture & Values in Education, 91˿Ƶ
(1995) Acting Director, 91˿Ƶ International
(1988-1990) President, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
(1986-1988) Treasurer, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
(1984-1986) Secretary, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
Director of Graduate Studies and Research, Faculty of Education, 91˿Ƶ
(1982-1983) Resident Director, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, New Delhi, India (sabbatical year)
(1979) Academic Director, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute’s Summer Program for Canadian Teachers, India

Committee Appointments

The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)


Chair, Committee on TWAS Prize for Social Sciences (Prize=USD 15,000)

2016-2018 Chair, World Academy - TWAS Independent Expert Committee (IEC) on Social Science Prizes
2012-2016 Committee for (World Academy) TWAS-Celso Furtado Prize in Social Sciences (Prize= USD 100,000).

Royal Society of Canada

2005-2008 Elected to the Council of Academy II (Humanities and Social Sciences), Royal Society of Canada -(Nov. 2005-8)
2005-2008 Chair, Women in Scholarship Committee (reappointed)
2004-2006 Member of Executive Council, Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities
2002-2008 Chair, Committee for the Alice Wilson
2001-2004 Member of the Innis-Gerin Medal Committee

Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) of the United States

2016-2017 Member, Nominating Committee
2015-2016 Chair, Nominating Committee
2009-2013 Elected for 4-year presidential term (2009-2010 Vice-President, 2010-11 President-Elect, 2011-12 President, 2012-13 Past-President)

Appointed Chair of the CIES ad hoc committee on the Jackie Kirk Memorial Fund. Raised $50,000.

2009 CIES committee on the Advancement of the Society
2008 Selection committee for Editor of the Comparative Education Review (CER).
1995-1998 Elected to the Board of Directors CIES

Canadian Human Rights Foundation

1986-1998 Member, Board of Directors,
1991-1993 Member of the Executive Committee

Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

1996-1988 Treasurer and Member, Executive Committee
1994-1995 Strategic Review Committee
1988-1990 President
1984-1986 Secretary and Member, Executive Committee
1983-1988 Member, Board of Directors


2017-2020 Member, Statutory Selection Committee Senate Pool.
2011-2012 Senate representative, Advisory Committee for Selection of Dean of Graduate and Post-Doctoral Studies.
2009 Statutory Selection Committee, Faculty of Law
2009 University Tenure Committee for Schulich School of Music, 91˿Ƶ
2008- Institute for Health and Public Policy, 91˿Ƶ, Member Scientific and Policy Advisory Committee
2002 Chair, 91˿Ƶ Taskforce on Internationalization
1992-1995 Senate: Member
1992-1995 Senate Nominating Committee
1993-1996 Honorary Degrees Committee
1994-1998 Member of Joint Senate-Board Committee on Equity, Equity Sub-Committee on Race Relations
1995 91˿Ƶ International: Acting Director

Executive Committee

a) University Tenure Committees / Statutory Selection Committees for Full Professor

b) Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Committees

c) 91˿Ƶ Faculty of Education Committees

Other Committee Appointments (select)

2016-2018 Chair, TWAS Independent Expert Committee (IEC) on Social Science Prizes
2014 Member, Evaluation Committee, Think Rio, Brazil Nov. 3-7, 2014, FAPERJ. Fundaçäo Amparo à Pesquisa Carlos Chagas Filho de Estado do Rio de Janeiro
2013- Member, World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES) Standing Committee on Special Projects
2012-2016 Committee for TWAS-Celso Furtado Prize in Social Sciences.
2009-2011 Canada Council as Expert Evaluator for the Killam Research PRIZE.
2009-2011 College of Reviewers for the Canada Research Chair (CRC) Program, 2 nomination cycles per year
2011 Invitation by SSHRC to become member of Review panel for the 2011 Insight Research Development Grants (Declined due to conflict with conference dates).
2010 Adjudication Committee of the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute for the Millennium Development Program (funded by CIDA).
2009-2011 Committee for Selection of New Fellows for the Social Sciences Division (Academy II) in the Royal Society of Canada by the nominating Committee (60 nominations in 2009)
2009-2011 Federal Government, Indo-Canadian Advisory Committee under the Historical Recognition Program, 2 year appointment. Department of Citizenship and Immigration, Ottawa. Ministerial Appointment by Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, the Honourable Jason Kenney
2006 Chair, International Review Committee for School of Education, University of West Indies (Cave Hill Campus) (other members King’s College, London (UK) and University of West Indies (Mona Campus, Jamaica)
2004-2008 Chair, IANAS (InterAmerican Association of Academies of Science) Committee for Science Education for Royal Society of Canada, July 2004- 8.
2008-10 Comité national d’éthique sure le vieillissement et les changements démographiques. Quebec Government appointment. (withdrew after one year service)
2007-2008 Member, National Research Advisory Committee, Canadian Education Association.

Academic Visits Abroad (from 91˿Ƶ)

2004 Jordan (several visits since then)
2004 Japan (also in 1999, 1998)
2001 United Arab Emirates
2000 Saudi Arabia

South Africa, Kenya, and Uganda (also in 1998, 1997)



1995 Chile and Argentina
1994-1998 Mexico (frequent visits)
1984 United States of America (Michigan, Texas)
1979 Cuba
1978 Poland, Hungary, and Yugoslavia
1982-1983 Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute: Universities & Social Science Institutes (50 universities) in India

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