
Marianne A. Stenbaek

 Marianne A. Stenbaek
Contact Information
514-398-4400 Ext. 09329
Email address: 
marianne.stenbaek [at] mcgill.ca

Arts-W 105
McCall MacBain Arts Building
853 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, QC H3A 0G5

Faculty Members
Cultural Studies
Specialization by geographical area: 
Specialization by time period: 
Embodied Practice & Ethnographic Approaches
Film & Television
Identity & Representation
Post/Anti/Decolonial Studies
On sabbatical
Areas of interest: 

Nunavimmiut writings; contemporary post-colonial Greenlandic and Nunavik literatures;Labrador; Canadian Northern Regions; digital technologies; imperialism; decolonization; reconciliation.


Ph.D. English (Université de Montréal)
M.A. English,(Université de Montréal)
B.A. (equivalent), English, (University of Copenhagen)
Certificat de Français(Université de Paris at Institut Français in Copenhagen)

Selected publications: 

(*R) indicates grants by SSHRC including SSHRC Institutional Grants


Grey, Minnie and Stenbaek, Marianne. Eds Voices and Images of Nunavimmiut: Economic Development, Part II, Vol. VIII. 290 pp. Montreal, Distributed by 91˿Ƶ-Queens Press, 2013.

Grey, Minnie and Stenbaek, Marianne. Eds Voices and Images of Nunavimmiut: Economic Development, Part I, Vol. VII. 290 pp. Montreal, Distributed by 91˿Ƶ-Queens Press, 2013.

Grey, Minnie and Stenbaek, Marianne. Eds Voices and Images of Nunavimmiut: Children and Youth, Vol. IV. 290 pp. Montreal, Distributed by 91˿Ƶ-Queens Press, 2013.

Grey, Minnie and Stenbaek, Marianne. Eds Voices and Images of Nunavimmiut: Environment I, Vol. V. 254 pp. Montreal, Distributed by 91˿Ƶ-Queens Press, 2013

Grey, Minnie and Stenbaek, Marianne. Eds Voices and Images of Nunavimmiut: Environment II, Vol. VI.187 pp. Montreal, Distributed by 91˿Ƶ-Queens Press, 2013.

Grey, Minnie and Stenbaek, Marianne. Eds Voices and Images of Nunavimmiut: Health, Vol. III. 290 pp. Montreal, Distributed by 91˿Ƶ-Queens Press, 2013.

Grey, Minnie and Stenbaek, Marianne. Eds. Voices and Images of Nunavimmiut: Way of Life. Vol. II. 287 pp. IPI Press/UPNE. April 2011

Grey, Minnie and Marianne Stenbaek, Eds. Voices and Images of Nunavimmiut: Stories and Tales. Vol I. 286 pp. Hanover: IPI Press/UPNE. October 2010.

(*R) Grenfell, W. Vikings of Today (re-print). Introduction by Marianne Stenbaek. 304 pp. Hanover: IPI/ UPNE. 2010

(*R) Lynge, Aqqaluk and Stenbaek, Marianne. Inuit Arctic Policy, an updated version of Principles and Elements of a Comprehensive Arctic Policy.pp.125. In electronic printed format. 2010.

(R*) Lynge, Aqqaluk. Taqqat uummammut aqqutaannut takorluukkat apuuffiannut/The Veins of the Heart to the Pinnacle of the Mind. Introduction and translation by Marianne Stenbaek. 134 pp. Hanover: IPI/UPNE. 2008. Has also been published in French at Les Presses de l’Université du Québec., 2012.

(*R) Petersen, H.C. Kalaallit Ilisimaat: Pisuussutsit Uumassusillit Nunattalu Pissarititai Nalillit/Local Knowledge: Living Resources and Natural Assets in Greenland. A book on the traditional knowledge about whales, seals, reindeer, and culture as well as hunters’ customs and ethics. Translation, Introduction, Editing- Marianne Stenbaek. 485 pp. Hanover: IPI /UPNE, 2010.

(*R) Rosing, Peter Frederik and Stenbaek, Marianne. Four Generations--Kinguaariit sisamat—Fire generationer. 256 pp. Concept, translation, editing. Northern Voices. Distributed by Avataq Cultural Institute, 2013. Published in Greenlandic, English and Danish.

(*R) The Moravian Beginnings of Canadian Inuit Literature. Introduction: Marianne Stenbaek. Pp 110. Humanities and Social Sciences Library, 91˿Ƶ. 2009.

Refereed Contributions and Articles

“Entendre et communiquer les voix des Nunavimmiut’’ at Premier Colloque International sur le Nord Culturel, UQAM, Nov. 2012

"Written heritage of Nunavimmiut’’ at Inuit Studies Conference, Arctic Studies Center, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, Oct 2012

“Voices and Images of Nunavimmiut—a book series written by Nunavimmiut”. Makivik Magazine, 2012

“Mapping the Greenland Dichotomy” at Des Lieux du Nord Conference, UQAM, March 2012.

Presentation on the Inuit Arctic Policy Project at the Inuit Studies Conference at UQAT, October 2010.

"La Diplomatie Inuit,"Spirale Magazine, no. 225, mars-avril 2009, p. 31. By invitation.

“Makivik’s Treasure Chest of Inuit Stories and History.” Makivik Magazine, 2009.

The Media Education of Inuit Children in Nunavik. ICASS/IASSA conference in Nuuk, Greenland. August 2008.

Public Scholarship

Other contributions, exhibits, popular articles, radio commentaries, and activities

Fifteen articles published in Sermitsiaq, Greenlandic national newspaper, between January –August, 2013 on issues and contemporary topics concerning Canadian Inuit. Topics include Arctic Sovereignty—what does it actually mean?; Nunatsiavut-a link between Greenland and Labrador.

Paper: “Mapping the Greenland Dichotomy” at Des Lieux du Nord Conference, UQAM, 2012.

Report: The Written Heritage of Nunavut. 136 pp. Workshop held at 91˿Ƶ, 2011.

Paper: Inuit Arctic Policy, 2010. Inuit Conference Studies. UQAT, 2010.

“Makivik’s Treasure Chest of Inuit Stories and History.” In Makivik Magazine, Spring 2009. By invitation.

Chair of International Panel on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: Université de Montréal, September 2009. By invitation.

"Arctic Sovereignty."Article in Sermitsiaq, Nuuk. 2008.

Presentation: Introduction to translated collection of Greenlandic poetry—The Veins of the Heart to the pinnacle of the Mind/Taqqat uummammut aqqutaannut takorluukkat apuuffiannut. Presented at a special event at The National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution (Washington, DC), May 2008.

“The Media Education of Inuit Children in Nunavik.”ICASS/IASSA Congress, Nuuk, Greenland. 2008.

Presentation: of poetry by Greenlandic writers: Aqqaluk Lynge and Jessie Kleemann at poetry reading/performance at the Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. May 2008.

Presentation and discussion of poetry by Greenlandic writers: Aqqaluk Lynge and Jessie Kleemann and to representatives of the US State Department and the Greenlandic and Danish Foreign Affairs at Joint Committee meetings in Washington, DC. May 2008. By invitation.

Presentation on “Northern/Arctic Studies and Research at 91˿Ƶ” at the ARCUS (The Arctic Research Consortium of the US) annual meeting in Washington, DC. May 2008.

Invited lecture at the 30th Anniversary Conference of ACUNS (Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies): Remarkable Changes: Reflection on Arctic Research in Canada. October 2008.

Lecture: “Modern Greenland”. Dartmouth College, Institute of the Arctic. 2007.

(*R) SSHRC Northern Research Development Grant. 2007-08. Principal investigator of Canadian contribution. Part of a larger IPY grant at the University of Greenland. On the basis of this development grant, other research projects developed as well as a book on children and media published by Ilisimatusarfik in 2011/12. Birgit Kleist Jette Rygaard

Radio and television

Interviewed on Radio Greenland and on Television Greenland several times.

Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa (The Greenlandic Broadcasting Corporation) Commentaries on Canadian Arctic and Circumpolar issues (1980-2013… ongoing).

Radio Denmark (the Danish Broadcasting Corporation). Commentaries and features on Canadian Affairs ( 1980-2013.. ongoing)

Workshops and exhibits

(*R) Report on Inuit writing workshop held at 91˿Ƶ, Sept 2012. Report published.

(*R)“The Written Heritage of Nunavut.” Workshop organized at 91˿Ƶ with SSHRC Grant. 2011. Report published.

(*R) Moravian Beginnings of Canadian Inuit Literature. Curated exhibition in conjunction with Sharon Rankin. McLennan Library, 91˿Ƶ. Please see exhibition website at )

The First Encounter. Exhibit at the Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. May 18- July 1, 2005. On Arctic explorer William Bradford.

Festival of Greenland. A two-week cultural exhibit and event at the Museum of Natural History and the Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution, Washington. The event included a photographic exhibit by renowned arctic photographer Ivars Silis, a photographic exhibit by students from Ilisimatusarfik (University of Greenland), children’s art exhibits and story-telling, exhibits of modern Greenlandic art, children’s theatre by Makka Kleist, the Aavaat Greenlandic choir, a kayak-building workshop, seminars on Greenland and more. It was viewed by over 250,000 visitors and extended for an extra month due to its popularity, 2005. Marianne Stenbaek, together with William Fitzhugh, director of the Arctic Studies Center at the National Museum of Natural History, conceptualised, organised and ran the events. May- July 2005.

Research Contributions

Most Significant Career Research Contributions

  • There now is a strong focus on circumpolar research throughout Canada
  • Human and social sciences have become increasingly important in northern/Arctic science
  • Aboriginal peoples and their traditional knowledge are being included in important and meaningful ways. I strongly advocated the above three points during my tenure as president of ACUNS.
  • Students are being turned on to and becoming involved in northern/aboriginal and Arctic research and studies
  • A University situated in the Arctic is now finally being seriously considered. 25 years ago there was little understanding of these important components of our national identity. Now, it is almost taken for granted. My contributions to this field have been recognized not only by research grants but also by being awarded The Governor-General’s 125th Anniversary Medal for distinguished service to Northern Science in Canada and the Nersornaat medal for distinguished service to Greenland by the Greenlandic Parliament.

Contributions to the Training of Students

  • Participation in panel on research strategies for young researchers in the North. At ICASS conference, Nuuk, 2008. By invitation.
  • During the IPY project, Stenbaek and collaborators trained students and offered courses on Inuit-written heritage both at 91˿Ƶ and UQAM.
  • Work with students on Arctic/northern research projects; prepare students for NSTP.
  • Appointed by the Inuit Circumpolar Council to be a board member for the Inuit Center for Human Rights, Nuuk, in order to facilitate Inuit student exchanges.

Additional information on publications and present work

  • (*R) Presently working on a bilingual website on Canadian Inuit. In English and French, based on the Nunavimmiut books. SSHRC Outreach Grant, 2012.
  • International Polar Year (IPY). Entendre et communiquer les voix du Nunavik/ Hearing and Sharing the Voices of Nunavik. IPY grant by Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Government of Canada. 2008-2011. Professor Daniel Chartier (UQAM), Principal Investigator. Marianne Stenbaek, Co- applicant. Among the deliverables were:
    • An exhibition, entitled The Moravian beginnings of Inuit Literature at 91˿Ƶ (January–April 2009). Co-curator.
    • A guide to the exhibit in English, French, Inuktitut, and Labradorean Inuktitut.
    • (*R) A catalogue with the complete exhibit and contextualizing introductions (2010). The Moravian Beginnings of Canadian Inuit Literature, 122 pp. Introduction on Inuit literature by Marianne Stenbaek.
    • Digitalization and indexing of all Makivik magazines (approx. 10,000 pages).Published on CD-ROMs by the Bibliothèque National du Québec. Based on these research sources were developed six Nunavimmiut books.
    • 2 websites (91˿Ƶ/UQAM) http// and http//digital.library.mcgill.ca/moravian/index.php
  • (*R) Learning from the Past-Lessons for the Future. The Traditional Knowledge of HC Petersen. 2008- 2009 (finished in 2010). Principal investigator. SSHRC International Research Opportunities Program. The deliverables were:
    • A book on the traditional knowledge on whales, seals, reindeer, and culture as well as hunters’ customs and ethics. 485 pp (IPI Press/UPNE). November 2010 (Prof. Marianne Stenbaek); in addition two DVD’s and a visual database of photographs with texts (Prof Daniel Chartier, UQAM) as well as a documentary film of HC Petersen (Prof. Jette Rygaard, Ilisimatusarfik, Greenland).
  • (*R) Development of an Updated Inuit Arctic Policy. This project was an updating of the previous Inuit policy document: Principles and Elements of a Comprehensive Arctic Policy. SSHRC grant: Northern Communities: Towards Social and Economic Prosperity (Special Call). Principal Investigator. Inuit Arctic Policy, an updated version of Principles and Elements of a Comprehensive Arctic Policy. Pp125. In electronic printed format. 2010. The work was completed as scheduled. It was presented at the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) General Assembly in Nuuk in June 2010, where Inuit delegates from Alaska, Greenland, and Chutkoka approved it. The deliverable is a 120 page monograph.
  • (*R) Three Women--Arnat Pingasut--Tre Kvinder (working title) 2007-2013. This is a study of three generations of Inuit women from a social and culturally prominent family in Greenland. In Greenlandic, English and Danish, 2012. Study supported by grants from Directorate of Culture and Research: The Greenland Home Rule, SSHRC Institutional grant, the Commission for Scientific Research in Greenland (KVUG), Denmark, the Institute of Arctic Studies, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire and the Nordic Institute of Greenland (NAPA). Final title is Four Generations—Kinguaariit sisamat—Fire generationer.
Awards, honours, and fellowships: 


  • Arts Undergraduate Society Award given ―In Recognition of Support for Students’ Interests and Initiatives (awarded twice in 2001 and 2002); Louis Dudek Award for Excellence in Teaching, Department of English (2001); Noel Fieldhouse Award for Excellence in Teaching, Faculty of Arts (2000).
  • Board member of the Inuit Institute for Human Rights, Nuuk - 2007-Present
  • Appointed first Dickey Senior Research Fellow, Institute of the Arctic, Dartmouth College - 2007
  • First Encounter: the Arctic Photographs of William Bradford. Exhibit curator and writer exhibit held at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Museum, Washington, D.C. - 2005
  • Nersornaat, Medal of Honour for Distinctive Service, Greenland Home Rule Government - 2005
  • Arts Undergraduate Society Award for 2001-2002 Given “In Recognition of Support for Students’ Interests and Initiatives” - 2002
  • Louis Dudek Award for Excellence in Teaching, Faculty of Arts - 2001
  • Arts Undergraduate Society Award - 2001
  • Noel Fieldhouse Award for Excellence in Teaching, Faculty of Arts - 2000
  • Judge at the Student Video and Film Festival - 2000
  • Appointed by the Canadian Polar Commission to the Task Force on the Internationalization of Polar Science - 1994
  • Commemorative Medal for 125th Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada, conferred by the Governor General in recognition of “Significant contributions to compatriots, community and to Canada” in Norther Science - 1993
  • Chernobyl Medal awarded for help to remediate efforts of radioactive fall-out in Chernobyl, awarded by the Ukrainian Minister of Chernobyl Affair - 1993
  • President of the IDEEA Federation (International Design for Extreme Environment Assembly) - 1993-94
  • Honorary Patron, Capital Campaign, Maison Waseskun House - 1993
  • Elected International Fellow of the Explorer’s Club, New York - 1991-
  • Chair, Research Panel on Arctic Global Change, Royal Society of Canada - 1992-94
  • President-elect of IDEEA TWO (International Design for Extreme Environments Assembly) - 1991-93
  • Appointed to the Comité Technique (Aménagement du territoire et milieu municipale) of the Quebec Round Table on the Environment and Economics; Representing CREPUQ - 1991-92
  • Commissioner, Canada/USSR Mixed Commission on Cooperation in the Arctic and the North - 1990-93
  • Appointed by Mayor Jean Doré, City of Montreal, to Comité Organisateur de la Rencontre Internationale des Villes d’Hiver - 1992
  • President, Winter Cities Forum ‘92, City of Montréal - 1990-92
  • President, Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies (ACUNS) - 1989-93
  • Co-editor, Circumpolar and Greenlandic Series, University of Alaska Press - 1989-92
  • Member, Editorial Board, Études Inuit Studies, Université Laval - 1988-90
  • Member, Editorial Board, Arctic, Arctic Institute of North America, Calgary - 1987-90
  • Member, Editorial Board, University of Alaska Press - 1986-92
  • Senior Fellowship - Canadian Northern Studies Trust - 1985-86


  • SSHRC. Public Outreach Grant-Aboriginal Research 2012
  • Internal SSHRC Grant, 91˿Ƶ 2012
  • Directorate of Research and Culture, Greenland Government 2012
  • SSHRC: Aid to Workshop Grant 2011
  • Work Study Grants for Research Assistant 2009-2012
  • Paper Presentation Grant. 91˿Ƶ 2010
  • Travel Grant, 91˿Ƶ 2010
  • NAPA. Nordic Institute in Greenland. Project Arnat Pingasut (Three Greenlandic Women). 2010
  • Sabbatical Leave Grant, 91˿Ƶ 2010-2011
  • SSHRC. Public Outreach Grant-Northern Communities: Towards Social and Economic Prosperity. “Development of an updated Inuit Arctic Policy”. 2009-2011
  • 91˿Ƶ University-SSHRC Institutional Grant. The early literary work of Dr. Wilfred Grenfell. 2009
  • SSHRC. Learning from the Past-Lessons for the Future. The Traditional Knowledge of H.C. Petersen. 2008-2009 (finished in 2010). SSHRC International Research Opportunities Program. Additional grants received for the publication of this project from the Directorate of Culture and Research, Greenland Home Rule Government and the Nordic Institute in Greenland. 2010
  • Directorate of Culture and Research, Greenland Home Rule Government. Series editor. Inuit Folk Tales by Knud Rasmussen. 2009
  • International Polar Year (IPY). Entendre et communiquer les voix du Nunavik/Hearing and Sharing the Voices of Nunavik. IPY grant by Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Government of Canada. With Professor Daniel Chartier (UQAM). Co-applicant. 2008-2011
  • As part of the Voices of Nunavik grant, an additional grants were received from the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs for the development of the Moravian Exhibit Catalogue. 2009
  • The Municipality of Nuuk, Greenland. For project Arnat Pingasut. 2008
  • Directorate of Culture and Research, Greenland Home Rule Government; The Nordic Institute in Greenland and The Dean of Arts. Grants for Taqqat uummammut aqqutaannut takorluukkat apuuffiannut/The Veins of the Heart to the Pinnacle of the Mind. 2008
  • 91˿Ƶ University-SSHRC Institutional Grant. Greenlandic Poetry. 2007-2008
  • 91˿Ƶ Paper Presentation grant. 2007
  • SSHRC Northern Research Development Grant. Principal investigator of Canadian contribution. Part of a larger IPY grant at the University of Greenland. Glocalisation: Inuit Media, Language and Literature. IPY 123. This IPY project links 42 researchers in the 8 Arctic countries. 2007-2008.
  • Directorate of Culture and Research, Greenland Home Rule Government. Series Editor. Hnas Egede Saabye; Journal in Greenland, 1770-1778. 2008
  • Institute of the Arctic at the Center for International Understanding, Dartmouth College, Research Fellowship. 2007
  • 91˿Ƶ University-SSHRC Institutional Grant. The Moravian material in the Lande material (Rare Books). Used to develop IPY research projects as above. 2006-2007.
  • 91˿Ƶ University-SSHRC Institutional Grant. Glocalization-Language, Literature and Media among Inuit and Sami. Development of project for SSHRC funding. 2005-2006
  • Denmark Ministry of Research Grant: Conditions for Sustainable Development in the Arctic. (One of four main researchers and grant holders, and received 5,000,000 kroner (approx. $1,250,000 Canadian dollars) for a three-year research project (1999-2002). The project has been extended to 2002. The results will be published in a series of working documents and a final book). 2002
  • Commission for Scientific Research in Greenland. 2002
  • The Department of Culture and Research, the Greenland Home Rule Government. 2002
  • Living Testimonies Lecture Series. Government of Quebec. 2001
  • Faculty of Graduate Studies, Travel Grant. 2001
  • Commission for Scientific Research in Greenland. Grant to commence project: Arnat Pingasut – Tre Kvinder – Three Women. 2001
  • Laptop Computer, Faculty of Arts 2001
  • Commission for Scientific Research in Greenland. Project on “The Written Radio News in Greenland.” 2000
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