
Assessment, testing and clean-up ongoing in Stewart Biology Building

Published: 8 February 2023

Assessment, testing, and clean-up are well underway in the Stewart Biology Building, following the flooding on Sunday caused by burst pipes. As many of you are aware, the building contains asbestos, as do many buildings of its era. Out of an abundance of caution, testing protocols and follow-up cleaning procedures (where indicated by test results) have therefore been undertaken in the affected areas. As some public access areas have also been affected, the entire building complex has been shut until testing and clean-up have been completed.

Initial test results: Initial testing showed that in some of the areas that were flooded, water had passed through materials that contain asbestos. This has resulted in asbestos being detected in some areas; these affected areas must therefore be thoroughly cleaned. The building is thus closed to everyone except essential personnel while we continue tests and clean affected areas. The procedure being used complies with standard protocols applicable to such situations.

Access to the building: Until the testing and clean-up processes are completed, access to the building will be restricted to those designated research personnel who must care for animals or maintain live cell cultures or plants. Everyone entering the building must wear appropriate PPE, which must be fit-tested.

Anyone who has not already requested permission for access and a P100 fitting should contact their supervisor, who will submit a request to Carole Verdone Smith (carole.smith [at] mcgill.ca) or Marilena Cafaro (marilena.cafaro [at] mcgill.ca).

Currently our capacity to fit test is limited, and therefore we will need to prioritize requests, but we are working to expand it as quickly as possible.

As per our previous message:

  • Classes: All classes scheduled in the building before Thursday should be held online where feasible. Classes that cannot be held online will unfortunately be cancelled.
  • Faculty/Staff: Academic, administrative and support staff working in the Stewart Biology Building should work from home, unless their supervisor requests their presence and can arrange an alternative in-person location. Staff who cannot perform their duties remotely will nonetheless be paid.

Next steps: Testing is continuing and the cleaning of areas with positive tests is underway. We will share further information once it is available.

The safety of everyone in the building is our priority. At the same time, we understand that the closure of the building could have a very significant impact on research and the work of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Staff are working night and day to manage the situation with the goal of opening the building as soon as tests and cleaning are completed according to the required protocols.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Pierre Barbarie, 
Senior Director, Campus Public Safety, on behalf of the Emergency Operations Centre

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