
Starting the year with conductor Guillaume Bourgogne

Guillaume Bourgogne, conductor and artistic director of the 91˿Ƶ Contemporary Music Ensemble, shares his love and enthusiasm for new music.
Image by Lou Scamble.

On October 2, Maestro Guillaume Bourgogne leads the 91˿Ƶ Contemporary Music Ensemble / Ensemble de musique contemporaine (CME)for the first time in the newly-renovated Music Multimedia Room (MMR).It’s been a year since he’s been able to conduct his beloved ensemble, and we’reglad to see him back on the podium.With very limited seating, the sold-out concert, which includesa premiere by composer-in-residence OmerBarash, is full ofcolours, textures, and harmonies you'll be able to access via live webcast on the .

Before the start of the year, we connected with the maestroover emailwhere heshared what he loves about contemporary music, first rehearsals, and sharing thepodiumwith student conductors. It's time to get curious with Guillaume Bourgogne.

What are you most looking forward to at your first rehearsal?/De quoi attendez-vous le plus à votre première répétition ?

To share the intense joy of playing music together with all involved. / Partageravectousles participants le bonheur intense dejouerde la musique ensemble.

What would a goal of yours be for this year?/Quel serait l'un de vos objectifs pour cette année ?

To deliver the most exciting CME season to students and the public. / Offrirla plusenthousiasmantedessaisonsdu CME auxétudiantset au public.

What are three things you love about contemporary music?/ Trois choses à aimer de la musique contemporaine ?

The quest for the unheard of and the taste for risk, the collaboration between performers and composers, and being able to play works from all over the world. / Laquêtedel’inouïet legoûtdurisque, la collaboration entreinterprètesetcompositeurs·rices, et le fait depouvoirjouerdesœuvresprovenantdu mondeentier.

If you had a mantra/philosophy/phrase for where you are right now, what would it be?/Si vous aviez un mantra/une philosophie/une phrase pour votre état actuel, quelle serait-elle ?

Spread the curiosity bug. / Propagerle virus de lacuriosité.

What makes sharing the podium with students so special? / Qu'est-ce qui fait de partager le podium avec des étudiants quelque chose de si spécial ?

We are so proud of the incredible talent of our conducting students. Every opportunity to perform with the CME is another chance for these young artists to grow and further their professional path. / L’incroyable talent de nos étudiant·es en direction est notre fierté. Chaque opportunité de se produire en public avec le CME est une occasion de plus pour ces jeunes artistes de grandir encore et d’aller toujours plus loin sur la voie de la professionnalisation.

What do you hope students discover as part of the CME? / Qu'espérez-vous que les étudiants découvrent comme faisant partie de le CME ?

CME members will have the opportunity to discover the immense richness of today's music: the variety of aesthetic approaches, the diversity of creators and the multiplicity of compositional and instrumental techniques. / Les membres du CME auront la chance de découvrir l’immense richesse de la musique d’aujourd’hui : la variété des approches esthétiques, la diversité des créateurs·trices et la multiplicité des techniques compositionnelles et instrumentales.

What can the audience expect from the CME this year? / Que peut-on attendre de le CME cette année ?

Musical creation in the twenty-first century is abundant, and the CME's 2021-22 programme offers a window on the world of new music. / La création musicale au vingt-et-unième siècle est foisonnante, et la programmation 2021-22 du CME propose une fenêtre ouverte sur le monde de la musique nouvelle.

91˿Ƶ Contemporary Music Ensemble | あめぞふる - Ame zu furu

This concert is sold out, butwill be webcast on our YouTube channel!

Concert Program

Guillaume Bourgogne, artistic director and conductor
Tommy Davis, saxophone
Brittany Rae, soprano

MICHAEL JARRELL Résurgences for saxophone and ensemble
TŌRU TAKEMITSU Ame zo furu - Rain Coming
TANIA LEÓN Rítmicas for chamber orchestra
OMER BARASH (Composer-in-residence) Malachi for soprano and 14 instrumentalists(premiere)
withFrédéric-Alexandre Michaud, doctoral student in conducting

To learn more about attending this event, any upcoming CME concerts, how to access our webcasts, and to discover the wealth of music at Schulich, please visitourEvents Calendar.
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