In Conversation with Sandra Joseph

Alumna Sandra Joseph talks about first rehearsals, communicating through music, and why she never gets bored playing percussion

Percussionist Sandra Joseph (MMus’10) joins the 91ËżąĎĘÓƵ Symphony Orchestra (MGSO) as soloist for the final concert of the Fall semester. This is a reunion 15 years in the making.

Maestro Alexis Hauser fondly recalls when, back in November 2006, the MGSO played Shostakovich’s Fourth Symphony — one of the composer’s most challenging and largest works — and how he was struck by the sound of the xylophone. The instrument has special exposure right from the beginning until the coda with its tragic and climactic outbreak in the finale. “I still remember the opening bars of the first rehearsal where one musician instantly electrified all of us by performing her part with such rhythmic precision, tonal expression, and complete musical understanding that it immediately left a mark on the entire orchestra bringing the ensemble to a higher level and unity much faster than usual in a particularly complex work.” Hauser continues, “In all these years I have never forgotten the impact she made with her outstanding musicianship, brilliance as a performer and on top of it, audibly putting so much passion and soul into her playing, such as I had never before experienced with that instrument.”

A native of Montreal, as a freelance musician Sandra has performed with several ensembles in a variety of genres, most notably with the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal. She has also performed with the Orchestre Métropolitain and the Orchestre symphonique de Québec. In addition, she was a member of the Drummondville Symphony Orchestra, as a timpanist, and of the percussion ensemble Sixtrum from 2010 to 2012. Sandra is also a lawyer and member of the Quebec Bar since 2020.

We are thrilled to welcome Sandra back to her alma mater and took the opportunity to connect with her over email about playing with the orchestra again, how preparation is key, and what’s great about making music together.

De quoi avez-vous le plus hâte à votre première répétition ? / What are you most looking forward to at the first rehearsal?

J’ai très hâte de rencontrer les musiciens qui forment le MGSO, ainsi que de retrouver Maestro Hauser dans la belle salle Pollack. La première répétition d’orchestre est toujours un moment spécial où tout le monde est assez fébrile, une première rencontre à laquelle on apprend à se connaître.
I'm really looking forward to meeting the musicians who make up the MGSO, as well as to see Maestro Hauser again in beautiful Pollack Hall. The first orchestra rehearsal is always a special moment when everyone is fairly excited; a first meeting where we get to know each other.

Quels sont les trois mots pour dĂ©crire la pièce que vous allez interprĂ©ter avec le MGSO ? /ĚýWhat are three words to describe the piece you’re playing with the MGSO?

Néo-romantisme; post-minimalisme; désertique.
Neo-Romanticism; post-minimalism; barren.

Quels sont trois choses que vous aimez dans le fait de faire de la musique avec les autres ? / Tell us 3 things you love about making music with others.

Jouer de la musique avec d’autres musiciens est une belle façon de vivre dans l’instant présent ; la musique est un excellent moyen de communication qui nous amène à aller à la rencontre de l’autre; avoir beaucoup de plaisir à simplement jouer de la musique ensemble.
Playing music with other musicians is a great way to live in the moment; music is an excellent way to communicate and enables us to reach out to others; having a lot of fun simply by playing music together.

Quels sont les éléments qui ne changent pas, que vous fassiez partie d'un ensemble (comme lorsque vous jouiez avec le MGSO en tant qu'étudiante) ou que vous soyez au premier plan en tant que soliste ? / What elements remain the same no matter whether you’re in the ensemble (like when you played with the MGSO as a student), or front and centre as soloist?

La préparation : peu importe si on est soliste, musicien au sein d’un ensemble ou dans l’orchestre, c’est important de faire preuve de rigueur et de bien se préparer.
Preparation: whether you are a soloist, a musician in an ensemble or in an orchestra, it is important to be disciplined and well prepared.

Quelle est un des meilleurs aspects d’être percussionniste ? / What’s the best thing about being a percussionist?

Ce que je trouve particulièrement génial avec le fait d’être percussionniste, c’est que nous jouons une grande variété d’instruments : on ne peut jamais s’ennuyer. Aussi, la percussion peut jouer différents rôles dans la musique : rythmique, mélodique, créer des ambiances sonores, ponctuer la musique, etc. C’est très stimulant comme musicien de porter ces différents chapeaux.

What I find particularly great about being a percussionist is that we play a wide variety of instruments: you can never get bored. Also, percussion can play different roles in music: rhythmic, melodic, creating soundscapes, punctuating the music, etc. It is very stimulating as a musician to wear these different hats.

Votre intérêt pour le théâtre vous a amené à participer à plusieurs projets intégrant la musique de chambre, l'histoire, le mouvement créatif, le chant et la danse. Nous souhaitions savoir comment vous laissez les percussions raconter l'histoire. / As your interest in theatre has brought you into several projects that integrate chamber music, story, creative movement, singing and dance, we wanted to know how you let percussion tell the story.

Je trouve que l’éventail sonore des instruments de percussion offre beaucoup de possibilités aux percussionnistes pour interpréter de la musique dit théâtrale. J’ai toujours aimé jouer des œuvres qui intègrent d’autres aspects des arts de la scène. De plus, cela aura été très formateur pour moi, et ce, autant pour ma carrière de musicienne que pour mon début de carrière en tant qu’avocate. Interpréter des œuvres musicales qui incorporent des éléments de théâtre comme la récitation de textes, la danse et le chant m'a appris à être plus à l’aise sur scène et devant un public, et à jouer de notre instrument avec une plus grande assurance également.

I find that the sonic range of percussion instruments offers many possibilities for percussionists to perform so-called theatrical music. I have always enjoyed playing works that incorporate other aspects of the performing arts. It has also been very educational for me, both in my career as a musician and in my early career as a lawyer. Performing music that incorporates elements of theatre such as recitation, dance and singing has taught me to be more comfortable on stage and in front of an audience, and to play our instrument with greater confidence as well.

Sandra joins the 91ËżąĎĘÓƵ Symphony Orchestra December 3 & 4, 2021 
Tune in to the concert online on our  on December 4 at 7:30 pm

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