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Top Posts of 2017 - Chosen By You!

What do scorpion venom, fake news, cookie dough, and Himalayan pink salt have in common? They are all your favourite picks of our 2017 posts!

From petri-dish hamburgers to anti-masturbation corn flakes, 2017 has been an interesting year at the OSS. Going through our website, and selectingour favourite and craziest science stories was no easy task. So instead, we decided to let you do it.Chosen by YOU,below isa collection gathered from the 91˿Ƶ OSS website of our most popular articles, videos, and fun facts from 2017.

Blue Scorpion Venom for Cancer?

"Cancer patients from around the world have been travelling to Cuba for years to be treated for cancer with venom extracted from the blue scorpion. It all started in the 1980s when biologist Misael Bordier Chivas was carrying out experiments with animal toxins and found that the scorpion venom decreased the size of tumours in rats and dogs.Could there be something to the original version of the venom being effective?"Find out.

Battle of the Milks: Are plant-based milks appropriate for children?

​​"A recent CBC articlereports on a new joint statement from the Dietitians of Canada and the Canadian PaediatricSociety that says plant based milks are “inappropriate alternatives to cow milk in the first two years”, citing their lack of protein, lack of fortification (most cow’s milk is fortified with a subset or all of vitamin A, D and C), sugar content and potential to “displace hunger”. So let’s take a look at the nutrition of plant based milks.

Fake News and Money Making Schemes

"The news these days is all about 'fake news.'For U.S. President Donald Trump, it seems any news he doesn’t like is 'fake.'For me, 'fake news'is information that seems authentic, but is just fabricated to further some agenda or support a money-making scheme."Read more.

#bagelscience... Out of this world!

Montreal bagels or New York bagels? Now this is the ultimate question. (But certainly not a toss-up, since there is really only one answer).

The"Did You Know?" section of our website is definitelya favourite. Here, you can findrandom, quirky, and fun tidbits of information.

Do you have a question of your own? Then go ahead, ask us!Because sometimes, putting your faith in the internet just doesn't cut it. Sound scientific research and a healthy dose of critical thinking is what we are here for.

Cracked Science Videos

Jonathan Jarry (), in his new bi-weekly video series, "Cracked Science", separates sense from nonsense. And the video that YOU liked best took a look at fraud. Specifically, how even the most intelligent of people can be tricked.

About the OSS

Here at the OSS we’re dedicated to promoting and challenging how scientific information is presented to the public. We cover a range of topics from trends in science and technology to busting everyday health myths. Be sure to sign up for our weekly newsletter - coming to your inbox in January 2018!

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