
Recent Publications Archive

  • Van Haren, Ian and Claudia Masferrer. 2021. . Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies. Early View.
  • Hamplovà, Dana, Céline Le Bourdais and Blandine Legendre. (2021). "Partners' Relative Income and the Risk of Union Dissolution in Two Institutional Contexts", European Sociological Review
  • Hall, John. A. (2021) Population and Development Review, Early View. What Capitalism Needs: Forgotten Lessons of Great Economists (Co-author J. Campbell) Cambridge University Press.
  • Lange, Matthew, Tay Jeong and Emre Amasyali. (2021) "The Colonial Origins of Ethnic Warfare: Re-Examining the Impact of Communalizing Colonial Policies in the British and French Empires." International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 62(2): 141-165
  • Pesando, L.M., Barban, N., Sironi, M., and Furstenberg, F.F. (2021). "" Population and Development Review, Early View.
  • Clark, Shelley. 2021.
  • Batyra, E., and L. M. Pesando. (2021).
  • Roychowdhury, P. (2021). American Journal of Sociology, 126 (4): 852-888.
  • Pesando, L.M. (2021).
  • Population Research and Policy Review, Early View.
  • Elrick. J. (2020) Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
  • Pesando, L.M., Rotondi, V., Stranges, M., Kashyap, R., and Billari, F. C. (2020) Population and Development Review, Early View.
  • Doering, Jan, Daniel Silver, and Zack Taylor. (2020) "." Urban Affairs Review, Jul 2020.
  • Rotondo, V., R. Kashvap, L. M. Pesando, S. Spinelli, and F. C. Bilari. (2020) "." Proceedings of the National Academic of Sciences, Jun 2020, 201909326.
  • Das, Aniruddha. (2020) "." Research on Aging. Advance online publication.
  • Shor, Eran and Kimberly Seida. (2020) Violence in Pornography: Myths and Realities. Milton Park, UK Routledge.
  • Brauner-Otto, S.R., Axinn, W.G. and Ghimire, D.J. (2020) "." Demography.
  • Pesando, Luca M., S. Wolf, J. R. Behrman, and E. Tsinigo. 2020. "." Comparative Education Review, 64(1): 107-136.
  • Doering, Jan. 2020. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Clark, Shelley, Caroline W Kabiru, Sonia Laszlo, and Stella Muthuri. 2019. “.” Demography, 56:1247–1272.
  • Das, Aniruddha. 2019. “.” Social Science & Medicine 242:112586.
  • Das, Aniruddha. 2019. “.” Journal of Aging and Health [online first].
  • Luthra, Renee, Thomas Soehl and Roger Waldinger. 2019. “.” Ethnic and Racial Studies [online first].
  • Pesando, Luca M. and the GFC team. 2019. “.” Population and Development Review, 45 (1): 133-168.
  • Vang, Zoua M. and Yvonne Chang. 2019. “.” International Migration Review 53(2): 602-631.
  • Das, Aniruddha. 2019. “.” Social Science & Medicine 223: 104-112.
  • Eidlin, Barry. 2018. . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics series.
  • Jenkins, J. Craig, Jason T. Carmichael, Robert J. Brulle and Heather Boughton. 2017. “.” American Behavioural Scientist 61(13): 1640-1657.
  • Martin, Danielle, Ashley P. Miller, Amélie Quesnel-Vallée, Nadine R. Caron, Bilkis Vissandjé and Gregory P. Marchildon. 2018. “.” The Lancet. Canada Series: 11-28. 391(10131):P1718-P1735
  • Elrick, Jennifer and Elke Winter. 2018. “.” International Migration 56(4): 19-32.
  • Weinfeld, Morton, Randal F. Schnoor and Michelle Shames. 2018. 91˿Ƶ - Queeen’s University Press (Second edition, revised and updated).
  • McMahan, Peter and James Evans. 2018. “.” American Journal of Sociology 124(3): 860-912.
  • Luthra, Renee R., Thomas Soehl and Roger Waldinger. 2018. . New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
  • Brauner-Otto, Sarah R. and Claudia Geist. 2018. “.” Journal of Family and Economic Issues 39: 88-102.
  • Clark, Shelley, Marianne Paul, Richmond Aryeetey and Grace Marquis. 2018. “.” Journal of Adolescence 68: 94-104.
  • Livingstone, Anne-Marie and Morton Weinfeld. 2017. “.” Canadian Review of Sociology 52(2): 174-197.
  • van den Berg, Axel, Charles Plante, Hicham Raïq, Christine Proulx and Samuel Faustmann. 2017. . University of Toronto Press.
  • Shor, Eran, David Roelfs and Zoua M. Vang. 2017. “.” Social Science & Medicine 186:20-33.
  • MacRae, Heather and Elaine Weiner. 2017. . London: Rowman & Littlefield International (Feminist Institutionalist Perspectives series).
  • Falconer, James and Amélie Quesnel-Vallée. 2017. “.” Social Science & Medicine 190: 227-236.
  • Doering, Jan. 2017. “.” Social Problems 64(2): 277-297.
  • Carmichael, Jason T., Robert J. Brulle and Joanna K. Huxter. 2017. “.” Climate Change 141:599-612.
  • Lange, Matthew. 2017. . Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
  • Smith, Michael R., Sean Waite and Claire Durand. 2017. “.” Social Science Research 66: 140-153.
  • Brauner-Otto, Sarah R. and William G. Axinn. 2017. “.” Population and Environment 38: 381-406.
  • Clark, Shelley, Sangeetha Madhavan, Cassandra Cotton, Donatien Beguy and Caroline Kabiru. 2017. “.” Journal of Marriage and Family 79(4): 1186-1204.
  • Soehl, Thomas. 2017. “.” International Migration Review 51(4): 999-1030.
  • Das, Aniruddha and Stephanie Nairn. 2016. “.” Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences 71(2): 291-308.
  • Eidlin, Barry. 2016. “.” American Sociological Review 81(3): 488-516.
  • Le Bourdais, Céline, Sung-Hee Jeon, Shelley Clark and Évelyne Lapierre-Adamcyk. 2016. “” Demographic Research 35(50): 1489-1522.
  • Shor, Eran. 2016. “” Social Forces 95(2): 525-557.
  • Roychowdhury, Poulami. 2016. “.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 41(4): 793-820.
  • Vang, Zoua M. 2016. “.” Population Health Metrics 14: 32.
  • Eran Shor and David Roelfs. 2015. “.” Social Science & Medicine 128:76-86.
  • John A. Hall. 2015. “Varieties of State Experience”, in S. Leibried, E. Huber, M. Lange, J.D. Levy and J.D. Stephens (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Transformations of the State, New York: Oxford University Press, Pp. 61-74.
  • John A. Hall, Ove Korsgaard and Ove K. Pedersen (eds.) 2015. Building the Nation: Nikolai Grundtvig and Danish National Identity, Quebec: 91˿Ƶ-Queen's University Press.
  • John A. Hall and John L. Campbell. 2015. “”, European Journal of Sociology, 56(1): 143-174.
  • Campbell, John L. and John A. Hall. 2015. , New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Dana Hamplová, Céline Le Bourdais and Évelyne Lapierre-Adamcyk. 2014. “?” Journal of Marriage and Family 76 (5): 983-997.
  • Christine Proulx and and Céline Le Bourdais. 2014. “.” Canadian Journal on Aging 33 (4): 488-503.
  • Morton Weinfeld. 2014. “.” (Marshall Sklare Award Lecture.) Contemporary Jewry 34(3):167-187.
  • Morton Weinfeld and Randal Schnoor. 2014. “”. In A. Dashefsky and I. Sheskin (eds), The American Jewish Yearbook v114. Dordrecht: Springer. Pp. 285-300.
  • Andreas Wimmer and Thomas Soehl. 2014. “” American Journal of Sociology 120(1):146-186.
  • Elaine Weiner and Heather MacRae. 2014. “”, European Integration online Papers (EIoP), Special issue 1, 18(3): 1-20.
  • Jason O. Jensen and John A. Hall. 2014. “” Nations and Nationalism 20(4):742-759.
  • John A. Hall. 2014. “”. European Journal of Sociology 55:451-457.
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