{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf949\cocoasubrtf460 {\fonttbl\f0\froman\fcharset0 TimesNewRomanPSMT;\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;\f2\fnil\fcharset0 Georgia; } {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green23\blue247;} \vieww21940\viewh12820\viewkind0 \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\ql\qnatural \f0\fs32 \cf0 At its meeting of 12 March 2008, the Senate Committee on Student Affairs (CSA) emphasized the importance of communicating the following to instructors at 91Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ: \fs30 \ \fs32 \'a0 \fs30 \ \fs32 University policy stipulates that multiple versions of multiple-choice examinations are required for \ul mid-term\ulnone and \ul final\ulnone \ul examinations\ulnone .\'a0 \fs30 \ \fs32 \'a0 \fs30 \ \pard\pardeftab720\ql\qnatural \b \cf0 \'a0\'a0\'a0\'a0\'a0\'a0\'a0\'a0\'a0\'a0\'a0 All instructors are required to abide by this policy. \f1\b0\fs26 \'a0 \f0\fs30 \ \'a0\ \pard\pardeftab720\ql\qnatural \fs32 \cf0 Instructors are reminded that multiple versions of examinations can be generated by scrambling the order of questions and/or answers.\'a0 Some scrambling software, such as Respondus, is free for 91Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ faculty and staff ({\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.mcgill.ca/cio/procurement/license"}}{\fldrslt \cf2 \ul \ulc2 www.mcgill.ca/cio/procurement/license}}).\'a0 Click on the \ul Software Licensing website\ulnone link, enter the product name (Respondus) and follow the links to access.\'a0 Instructors are reminded that minimal changes to the order of a block of questions do not scramble questions adequately.\'a0 The Associate Dean (Student Affairs) of your Faculty can provide additional information and guidance.\ \pard\pardeftab720\ql\qnatural \fs30 \cf0 \ \pard\pardeftab720\ql\qnatural \fs32 \cf0 Please note that examination integrity is enhanced by random seating and a seating plan.\'a0 The 1990 Senate Regulations on Examination Security state that \'93A random seating chart shall be utilized by the instructor for every mid-term examination held in a classroom.\'94\'a0 Many classrooms have labelled seating ({\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.mcgill.ca/pia/plans/exam"}}{\fldrslt \cf2 \ul \ulc2 www.mcgill.ca/pia/plans/exam}}); this makes it easier to assign students to random seating. The plan can be posted 10-15 minutes before the examination room is opened to students. Once students are seated, the invigilators use copies of the plan to verify that students are in their assigned seats.\'a0 \fs30 \ \fs32 \'a0 \fs30 \ \fs32 See also guidance for instructors at {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.mcgill.ca/students/srr/honest/staff"}}{\fldrslt \cf2 \ul \ulc2 www.mcgill.ca/students/srr/honest/staff}}. \fs30 \ \pard\pardeftab720\ql\qnatural \f2\fs26 \cf0 \'a0}