EXSU 623 SURGERY Research Project (6 credits)

Winter Session Progress Tracking Form - Project Evaluation

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Examination: A written report (15-20 pages double-spaced) is required at the end of the project. The written report will be evaluated by the advisor. The written report should be clear and focused. It should include a background describing the research problem and what is known in the area. It should also describe gaps in knowledge and explain the rationale of the proposed study. Methods, and data analyses, as applicable, should be described and justified (and carried out rigorously). A description of the significance and outcomes of the project along with a properly formatted list of references is required. Reports should be written in accordance with guidelines from the American Medical Association.

Advisor(s) will have about two-weeks to evaluate the project report and then provide their evaluation to the curriculum director and graduate program director. Students are also required to provide one week’s notice prior to submitting their written report to supervisors.

Complete the evaluation grid below and comment on the criteria.

Grade - 15 Points
Quality of the background literature and description of aims (15 points)
Quality of methods and analyses (15 points)
Quality of significance and outcomes (15 points)
Clarity of written communication (e.g., grammar, AMA alignment) (15 points)
No later than April 16th
No later than April 30th
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