
I can see clearly now. The Claro theme in Drupal 9

Image by Neora Aylon on unsplash.

You probably don’t think about the administrative theme in the WMS, and that’s the best sign that it’s doing its job well. The people who developed it, on the other hand, did put a lot of thought into improving it, and we will all benefit from this effort when the WMS moves to Drupal 9.

The new theme is called Claro, and it was developed following a UX Study that asked content editors to share their experiences and suggestions.

The updates focus on usability and accessibility rather than functional changes, bringing enhancements such as

  • A high-contrast colour palette and minimalist icons that improve readability.
  • Indicators that do not rely on colours to tell us which field we are working on.
  • Better keyboard control for navigating the administration.
  • Cross-browser compatibility, and responsive design that makes it easy to use the administration on mobile devices.

Create page form in Claro. Content editor in left column, settings in right column.

The forms used to create and update content have been redesigned into two columns: one for the “content” and another for the settings. This allows site managers and editors to concentrate on that content when that is their focus, but to remain aware of the settings associated with the current node.

Two-minute tour

If you’d like a better idea of how Claro is going to look, check out this two-minute tour from Dries Buytaert, founder and lead developer of Drupal.

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