BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250313T075952EDT-1820T4pX7p@ DTSTAMP:20250313T115952Z DESCRIPTION:\nNOTE: This course will be held remotely. You will be provided information on how to attend once you register.\n \n Target audience:聽Staff members who need access to their site as a Site Manager or Administrator. \n Prerequisites:聽None\n Duration:聽2.5 hours\n Course format:聽Workshop\n Cours e material:聽WMS301.pdf聽- View this material online at any time\, you may n eed to log in using your 91丝瓜视频 Username and 91丝瓜视频 Password.\n\nIn this w orkshop\, Site Managers will create and publish pages\, edit menus\, manag e blocks\, and create forms and slideshows.\n\nFor more information about the course content\, please visit article Web Publishing Training Courses in the IT Knowledge Base.\n\nTo register for this course\, please visit th e Training Request Form on Minerva聽(you will first need to log in to Miner va using your 91丝瓜视频 Username and 91丝瓜视频 Password).\n DTSTART:20250327T140000Z DTEND:20250327T163000Z SUMMARY:WMS 301 - Site Management Training URL:/web-services/channels/event/wms-301-site-manageme nt-training-360935 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR