
Ismael Vaccaro (on leave)

Ismael Vaccaro

Associate Professor

Joint appointment with 91丝瓜视频 School of Environment

Ph.D (Environmental Anthropology) University of Washington (2005)

Professor Vaccaro's research interests include environmental anthropology, political ecology, property theory, landscape analysis, development and globalization, political and economic anthropology, conservation policies, climate change, anthropology of mining, and urban-rural interactions. He has conducted research in Europe, Mexico, Solomon Islands, and Uganda.

Representative Publications

Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

1. Pons-Raga, F., Ferrer, Ll., Beltran, O., and I. Vaccaro. 2021. When the State imposes the “commons”: ranching after the reintroduction of the bear in the Pyrenees. Conservation and Society 19(2): 101-110.

2. Vaccaro, I. and E. Ortiz. 2021. The effects of migration on peasant agricultural systems: Oaxacan villages, between remittances and market integration. Culture, Agriculture, Food, and Environment. 43(1): 47-59.

3. Del Marmol, C. and I. Vaccaro. 2020. . Geoforum 116: 42-49.

4. Doyon, S. and I. Vaccaro. 2020. Présentation. Repenser la conservation de la nature. Vers une anthropologie de l’engagement environnemental?. Numéro Spécial. Anthropologie et Sociétés 43(3): 9-29.

5. Beltran, O. and I. Vaccaro. 2020. ?levage et écotourisme dans les Pyrénées: conserver son propre héritage après la crise. Anthropologie et Sociétés 43(3): 145-166.

6. Vaccaro, I. and O. Beltran. 2019. What do we mean by “the commons”? Conceptual blurring over time. Human Ecology 47(3), 331-340. DOI: 10.1007/s10745-019-00081-z

7. Vaccaro, I., Kirsch, E. and I. Sabaté. 2019. The emergence of the global debt society: governmentality and profit extraction through fabricated abundance and imposed scarcity. Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology 1-15. DOI:10.3167/fcl.2019.061701

8. Del Marmol, C., Celigueta, G. and I. Vaccaro. 2018. Socioeconomic Transitions and Everyday Life Changes in the Rural World: Pyrenean Households and their Contemporary Economic History. Journal of Agrarian Change 18(3): 677-693. DOI: 10.1111/joac.12254

9. Ensor, J., Abernethy, K., Hoddy, E., Aswani, S, Albert, S., Vaccaro, I., Benedict, J. and D. Beare. 2017. Variation in perception of environmental change in nine Solomon Islands communities: implications for securing fairness in community-based adaptation. Regional Environmental Change 1-13. DOI: 10.1007/s10113-017-1242-1

10. Beltran, O. and I. Vaccaro. 2017. Los Comunales en el Pirineo Central: idealizaciones del pasado y releaboraciones contemporaneas. Revista de Antropologia Social 26(2): 235-257.

11. Kininmonth, S., B. Crona, ?. Bodin, I. Vaccaro, L. J. Chapman and C. A. Chapman. 2017. Microeconomic relationships between and among fishers and traders influence the ability to respond to social-ecological changes in a small-scale fishery. Ecology and Society 22 (2):26.

12. Aswani, S., X. Basurto, S. Ferse, L. Campbell, J. Cinner, T. Dalton, L. Jenkins, M. Miller, R. Pollnac, I. Vaccaro, and P. Christie. 2017. Marine Resource Management and Conservation in the Anthropocene. Environmental Conservation. DOI: 10.1017/S0376892917000431

13. Haenn, N., Durand, L., Fletcher, R., Igoe, J., Trench, T., Vaccaro, I., and Haenn, N. 2016. Extensionists: A New Elite in Mexican Conservation?: Social Dramas, Blurred Identity Boundaries, and Their Environmental Consequences in Mexican Conservation. Current Anthropology, 57(2): 197-218 DOI: 10.1086/685728

14. Santamarina, B., Vaccaro, I., and O. Beltran. 2015. The sterilization of eco-criticism: from sustainable development to green capitalism. Anduli: Revista Andaluza de Ciencias Sociales 14:13-28.

15. Aswani, S., Vaccaro, I., Abernethy, K. and S. Albert. 2015. Can Local Perceptions of Environmental and Climate Change in Island Communities Assist in Adaptation Planning? Journal of Environmental Management DOI: 10.1007/s00267-015-0572-3.

16. Del Marmol, C. and I. Vaccaro. 2015. Changing ruralities: between abandonment and redefinition in the Catalan Pyrenees. Anthropological Forum 25(1): 21-41.

17. Beltran, O. and I. Vaccaro. 2015. Animais selvagens convertidos em sujeitos políticos: a gest?o pública da fauna nos Pirinéus. Revista de @ntropologia da UFSCar 7 (1): 37-58 [Updated reprint in Portuguese of Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. 2010. Un zoo en los Pirineos: paradojas de la patrimonialización de la naturaleza. In Del Mármol, C., Frigolé, J., and Narotzky, S. (eds.) Los lindes del patrimonio: consumo y valores del pasado. Icaria, Barcelona 169-189].

18. Vaccaro, I. 2014. The Power of Uncertainty: the Neoliberal Quest for Profit in Spain. Journal of International and Global Studies 5(2): 53-75.

19. Gregory, G. and I. Vaccaro. 2014. Islands of Governmentality: Rainforest Conservation, Indigenous Rights, and the Territorial Reconfiguration of Guyanese Sovereignty. Territory, Politics, and Governance 3(3): 344-363.

20. Santamarina, B., Beltran, O. and I. Vaccaro. 2014. La patrimonialización de la naturaleza: génesis, transformaciones y estado actual. Arxius de Ciències Socials 30: 87-98 [In Spanish].

21. Santamarina, B., Beltran, O. and I. Vaccaro. 2014. Patrimoni immaterial en el patrimoni natural: una tornada al misticisme. Revista d’Etnografía de Catalunya 39: 73-83 [in Catalan].

22. Vaccaro, I., Chapman, C., Nyboer, E., Luke, M., Byekwaso, A., Morgan, Ch., Mbabazi, D., Twinomugisha, D. and L. Chapman. 2013. An Interdisciplinary Methodology to Harmonizing Ecology, Economy, and Co-management: Fisheries Exploitation in Lake Nabugabo, Uganda. African Journal of Aquatic Science 38 (suppl.): 97-104.

23. Vaccaro, I., Beltran, O., and Paquet, P.A. 2013. Political Ecology of Conservation: some theoretical genealogies. Journal of Political Ecology 20: 255-272.

24. Lasanta, T., Beltran, O., and I. Vaccaro. 2013. Socioeconomic and territorial impact of the Ski industry in the Spanish Pyrenees: mountain development and leisure induced urbanization. Pirineos: Journal of Mountain Ecology 168: 103-128.

25. Beltran, O. and Vaccaro, I. 2011. Especies invasoras vs. Protegidas: Políticas de fauna en los Pirineos. Avá. Revista de Antropología 19. (on-line) ISN 1851-1694 [Updated publication in Argentina of Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. 2010. Un zoo en los Pirineos: paradojas de la patrimonialización de la naturaleza. In Del Mármol, C., Frigolé, J., and Narotzky, S. (eds.) Los lindes del patrimonio: consumo y valores del pasado. Icaria, Barcelona 169-189].

26. Krause, R., Vaccaro, I., and S. Aswani. 2010. Challenges in Building Insect Ethnobiological Classifications in Roviana, Solomon Islands. Journal of Ethnobiology 30 (2): 313-325.

27. Vaccaro, I. 2010. Theorizing impending peripheries: postindustrial landscapes at the edge of hypermodernity’s collapse. Journal of International and Global Studies 1 (2): 22-44.

28. Vaccaro, I., and Beltran, O. 2010. Conservationist governmental technologies in the Western European mountains: the unfinished transformation of the Pyrenees. Journal of Political Ecology 17: 29-41.

29. Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. 2009. Livestock versus 'wild beasts': contradictions in the natural patrimonialization of the Pyrenees. Geographical Review 99 (4): 499-516.

30. Vaccaro, I., Zanotti, L., and Sepez, J. 2009. Commons and market: opportunities for the development of local sustainability. Environmental Politics 18 (4): 522-538.

31. Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. 2009. L’espace montagnard comme object de consommation: les Pyrénées à l’époque global. Revue de Géographie Alpine/Journal of Alpine Research. [On line], 97-3, DOI: 10.4000/rga.1081 [In French and English].

32. Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. 2008. The new Pyrenees: contemporary conflicts around patrimony, resources and urbanization. Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe 8 (2): 4-15.

33. Vaccaro, I. 2008. Cornellà through the looking glass: ecology, knowledge, social change and reflexivity. Journal of Cultural Research 12 (2): 151-165.

34. Beltran, O. and Vaccaro, I. 2008. Els comunals al Pallars Sobirà. Els usos tradicionals de la muntanya en el marc dels espais naturals protegits. Revista d’Etnologia de Catalunya 33: 142-149 [in Catalan].

35. Jacob, A., Vaccaro, I., Sengupta, R., Hatter, J., and Chapman, C. 2008. Integrating rural depopulation and ecological homogenization into conservation planning. Tropical Conservation Science 1 (4): 307-320.

36. Vaccaro, I. 2008. Los Pirineos como proyecto de estado: de municipios, comunales, ingenieros forestales, sociedades de propietarios y parques naturales. Historia Agraria 46: 17-39 [In Spanish].

37. Vaccaro, I. and Norman, K. 2008. Social sciences and landscape analysis: opportunities for the improvement of conservation policy design. Journal of Environmental Management 88: 360-371.

38. Aswani, S. and Vaccaro, I. 2008. Lagoon ecology and social strategies: habitat diversity and ethnobiology. Human Ecology 36 (3): 325-341.

39. Vaccaro, I. 2007. Sovereignty, collective ingenuity and moral economies: the confluence of transnational trends, states and local strategies in the Pyrenees. Environment and History 13 (1): 25-46.

40. Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. 2007. Consuming space, nature and culture: patrimonial discussions in the hyper-modern era. Journal of Tourism Geographies 9 (3): 254-274.

41. Sivaramakrishnan, K. and Vaccaro, I. 2006. Postindustrial natures: Hyper-mobility and place-attachments. Social Anthropology 14 (3): 301-317.

42. Vaccaro, I. 2006. Post-industrial valleys: the Pyrenees as a reinvented landscape. Social Anthropology 14 (3): 361-376.

43. Vaccaro, I. 2005. Property mosaic and state-making: governmentality, expropriation and conservation in the Pyrenees. Journal of Ecological Anthropology 9: 4-19.


44. Vaccaro, I., Smith, E.A. and S. Aswani (eds.). 2021. 环境社会科学:方法与研究设计.East China University of Science and Technology Press and Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [Reprint in Chinese of Vaccaro, I., Smith, E.A. and S. Aswani (eds.). 2010. Environmental Social Sciences: Methods and Research Design. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.]

45. Vaccaro, I., Smith, E.A. and S. Aswani (eds.). 2017. ???? ??????? ???? ???? University of Tehran, Tehran. [Reprint in Farsi of Vaccaro, I., Smith, E.A. and S. Aswani (eds.). 2010. Environmental Social Sciences: Methods and Research Design. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.]

46. Vaccaro, I., Harper, K. and S. Murray (eds.). 2016. Anthropologies of post-industrialism: ethnographies of disconnection. Routledge, London.

47. Dawson, Ch., Zanotti, L., and I. Vaccaro (eds.). 2014. Negotiating Territoriality: Spatial Dialogues between State and Tradition. Routledge, New York.

48. Beltran, O. and I. Vaccaro. 2014. Parcs als comunals: la patrimonialització de la muntanya al Pallars Sobirà. IPEC, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona [in Catalan].

49. Vaccaro, I., Smith, E.A. and S. Aswani (eds.). 2010. Environmental Social Sciences: Methods and Research Design. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

50. Vaccaro, I. and O. Beltran (eds.). 2016, 2010. Social and Ecological History of the Pyrenees: State, Market and Landscape. Routledge/Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek CA. [Updated reprint in English of Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. (eds.) 2007. Ecología Política de los Pirineos: estado, historia y paisaje. Tremp, Garsineu].

51. Beltran, O., Pascual, J. and I. Vaccaro (eds.). 2008. Patrimonialización de la naturaleza. El marco social de las políticas ambientales. Ankulegi y Universidad del País Vasco, Donosti [in Spanish].

52. Vaccaro, I. and O. Beltran (eds.). 2007. Ecología Política de los Pirineos: estado, historia y paisaje. Garsineu Edicions, Tremp [in Spanish].

Special Issues

53. Doyon, S. and I. Vaccaro (eds.). 2020. Special Issue. ?cologie politique des alternatives locales à la conservation environnementale. Anthropologie et Société 43 (3).

54. Vaccaro, I. and K. Sivaramakrishnan (eds.). 2006. Special Issue. Post-industrial natures: hyper-mobility and place-attachments after globalization. Social Anthropology 14 (3).

Chapters in a Book

55. Dawson, A. and I. Vaccaro. 2021. Territorializing Arrakis: competing for water and Melange at the edge of the galactic Empire—between desert gatherers and the Spacefaring. Bartel, R. and J. Carter Handbook on Space, Place and Law Edward Elgar 293-303.

56. Beltran, O. and I. Vaccaro. 2020. Skiing in the Catalan Pyrenees: between private ventures and public rescue. E. George, C. Gauchon, P. Bourdeau, A.M. Granet and C. Massart. Winter sports resorts’ strategies to adapt to climate change: general trends and local responses. Peter Lang Press 129-154 [in English and French].

57. Beltran, O. and I. Vaccaro. 2019. La conservación de la naturaleza como dise?o del paisaje. El proceso de renaturalización de la monta?a en el Pirineo Central. In Ferrero, B. (Coord.): Islas de Naturaleza: perspectivas antropológicas sobre las políticas de conservación. UnRAf, Universidad Nacional de Rafaela (Posadas, Argentina) 53-108.

58. Beltran, O. and I. Vaccaro. 2019. La Conservación en Catalu?a: la tensión entre lo público y lo privado. Cortes, J.A. and O. Beltran (eds.). Repensar la conservación. Naturaleza, mercado y sociedad civil, 57-72. Barcelona: Edicions Universitat de Barcelona.

59. Farinella, D., Kingsolver, A. Vaccaro, I. and O. Beltran. 2018. Comparing Rural Livelihood Transitions in the Catalan and Sardinian regions of Europe and the Appalachian region of the United States. In Kingsolver, A. and S. Balasundaram. Global Mountain Regions. Bloomington: Indiana University Press 285-296.

60. Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. 2018, 2014. La transformación de la naturaleza en patrimonio colectivo. In Santamarina, B. Construyendo el patrimonio cultural y natural. Parques, museos y patrimonio rural. Editorial Germania, Valencia 77-92 [Reprint in Spanish of Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. 2011. Turning nature into collective heritage: the social framework of the process of patrimonialization of nature. In Roige, X. and Frigole, J. Constructing natural and cultural heritage: the social framework of the process of patrimonialization of nature. Universitat Barcelona Press, Barcelona 63-75].

61. Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. 2018, 2014. De la belleza paisajística a la biodiversidad. La patrimonialización de la naturaleza en el Pallars Sobirà, Pirineo catalán. In Santamarina, B. Construyendo el patrimonio cultural y natural. Parques, museos y patrimonio rural. Editorial Germania, Valencia 113-129 [Reprint in Spanish of Beltran, O. and Vaccaro, I. 2011. From scenic beauty to biodiversity: the patrimonialization of nature in the Pallars Sobirà, (Catalan Pyrenees). In Roige, X. and Frigole, J. Constructing natural and cultural heritage: the social framework of the process of patrimonialization of nature. Universitat de Barcelona Press, Barcelona 91-104].

62. Beltran, O. and I. Vaccaro. 2016. Territorialidades en conflicto en los Pirineos. Entre el pastoreo comunal y la parcelación del Estado. In Del Mármol, C., Roigé, X., Bestard, J., and J. Contreras. 2016. Compromisos Etnográficos: Un homenaje a Joan Frigolé. Universitat de Barcelona Edicions 219-238 [Reprint in Spanish of Beltran, O. and I. Vaccaro. 2014. Between Communal Herding and State Parcellation: The Conflicting Territorialities of the Spanish Pyrenees. In Dawson, Ch., Zanotti, L., and I. Vaccaro. (eds.) Negotiating Territoriality: Spatial Dialogues between State and Tradition. New York: Routledge 21-35].

63. Vaccaro, I., Harper, K. and S. Murray. 2016. Anthropologies of postindustrialism: ethnographies of disconnection. In Vaccaro, I., Harper, K. and S. Murray. (eds.). Anthropologies of postindustrialism: ethnographies of disconnection. Routledge: London 1-21.

64. Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. 2016, 2010. Introduction: matching social and ecological chronologies in the Pyrenees. In Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. (eds.). Social and Ecological History of the Pyrenees: state, market and landscape. Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek/Routledge 7-24.

65. Beltran, O. and Vaccaro, I. 2016, 2010. Shepherds, Hydroelectric Stations, and Ski Resorts: The Pallars Sobirà Landscape. In Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. (eds.). Social and Ecological History of the Pyrenees: State, Market and Landscape. Left Coast, Walnut Creek, CA./ Routledge 143-161 [Reprint in English of Beltran, O. and Vaccaro, I. 2007. El paisaje del Pallars Sobirà: pastores, centrales hidroeléctricas y estaciones de esquí. In Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. (eds.). Ecología política de los Pirineos: estado, historia y paisaje. Garsineu, Tremp. 139-156].

66. Vaccaro, I., Zanotti, L. and A.C. Dawson. 2014. Negotiating Territoriality: Spatial Dialogues Between State and Tradition. In Dawson, Ch., Zanotti, L., and I. Vaccaro. (eds.). Negotiating Territoriality: Spatial Dialogues between State and Tradition. New York: Routledge 1-19.

67. Beltran, O. and I. Vaccaro. 2014. Between Communal Herding and State Parcellation: The Conflicting Territorialities of the Spanish Pyrenees. In Dawson, Ch., Zanotti, L., and I. Vaccaro. (eds.) Negotiating Territoriality: Spatial Dialogues between State and Tradition. New York: Routledge 21-35.

68. Vaccaro, I., Beltran, O. and P.A. Paquet. 2012. Antropologia de la conservacion: naturaleza, estado, mercado y cultura. In Santamarina, B. (coord.). Geopoliticas patrimoniales. De culturas, naturalezas e inmaterialidades. Una Mirada etnografica. Germania, Valencia 29-53.

69. Beltran, O. and Vaccaro, I. 2011. From scenic beauty to biodiversity: the patrimonialization of nature in the Pallars Sobirà, (Catalan Pyrenees). In Roige, X. and Frigole, J. Constructing natural and cultural heritage: the social framework of the process of patrimonialization of nature. Universitat de Barcelona Press, Barcelona 91-104.

70. Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. 2011. Turning nature into collective heritage: the social framework of the process of patrimonialization of nature. In Roige, X. and Frigole, J. Constructing natural and cultural heritage: the social framework of the process of patrimonialization of nature. Universitat Barcelona Press, Barcelona 63-75.

71. Zanotti, L. and Vaccaro, I. 2011. Revisiting the Kula: understanding the politics of economic networks. In Rice, P. and McCurdy, D. (eds.). Strategies in Teaching Anthropology, 6E. Pearson Higher Education. On-line, 204 p.

72. Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. 2010. Un zoo en los Pirineos: paradojas de la patrimonialización de la naturaleza. In Del Mármol, C., Frigolé, J., and Narotzky, S. (eds.) Los lindes del patrimonio: consumo y valores del pasado. Icaria, Barcelona 169-189 [Updated version in Spanish of Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. 2009. Livestock versus 'wild beasts': contradictions in the natural patrimonialization of the Pyrenees. Geographical Review 99 (4): 499-516].

73. Vaccaro I. and Smith, E.A. 2010. Introduction: integrating methodologies, improving research. In Vaccaro, I., Smith, E.A. and Aswani, S. (eds.). Environmental Social Sciences: Methods and Research Design. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1-10.

74. Beltran, O. and Vaccaro, I. 2010. Espacios naturales y especies salvajes. La construcción de la naturaleza como patrimonio en el Pallars Sobirà, Pirineo catalán. In Arrieta, I. (ed.) Museos y Parques Naturales: Comunidades locales, administraciones públicas y patrimonialización de la cultura y la naturaleza. San Sebastián, Servicio Editorial Universidad del País Vasco. 159-187.

75. Vaccaro, I. 2008. Modernizing mountain water: state, industry and territory. In Whiteley, J. Ingram, H., and Perry, R. (eds.). Water, Place and Fairness: Tempering Efficiency with Equity. MIT Press, Boston. 225-248.

76. Beltran, O., Pascual, J. and Vaccaro, I. 2008. Introducción. Espacios naturales protegidos, política y cultura. In Beltran, O., Pascual, J., and Vaccaro, I. Patrimonialización de la naturaleza. El marco social de las políticas ambientales. Ankulegi, Universidad del País Vasco, Donosti. 11-26.

77. Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. 2008. Consumiendo espacio, naturaleza y cultura: discusiones patrimoniales en la hipermodernidad. In Beltran, O., Pascual, J. and Vaccaro, I. Patrimonialización de la naturaleza. El marco social de las políticas ambientales. Ankulegi y Universidad del País Vasco, Donosti. 45-64 [Reprint in Spanish of Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. 2007. Consuming space, nature and culture: patrimonial discussions in the hyper-modern era. Journal of Tourism Geographies 9 (3): 254-274].

78. Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. 2007. Introducción. Paisajes en efervescencia: hacia una ecología política de los Pirineos. In Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. (eds.). Ecología Política de los Pirineos: estado, historia y paisaje. Garsineu Edicions, Tremp. 13-30.

79. Beltran, O. and Vaccaro, I. 2007. El Pallars Sobirà: pastores, centrales hidroelectricas y estaciones de esquí. In Vaccaro, I. and Beltran, O. (eds.). Ecología Política de los Pirineos: estado, historia y paisaje. Garsineu Edicions, Tremp. 139-157.

80. Vaccaro, I. 2006. Valles postindustriales: la urbanización de las monta?as y sus consecuencias sociales y ecológicas. In Frigolé, J. y Roigé, X. Globalidad y localidad. Perspectiva etnográfica. Edicions Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona. 61-90 [Reprint in Spanish of: Vaccaro, I. 2006. Post-industrial valleys: the Pyrenees as a reinvented landscape. Journal of Social Anthropology 14 (3): 361-376].

81. Vaccaro, I. 2003. Transició i adaptabilitat: la Vall de Lillet. In Els Béns Comunals i la Gestió del Territori al Pirineu Català. Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Medi Ambient, Barcelona. 129-140 [in Catalan].

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