

Eligibility Requirements
Approval Procedure (proposing an internship)
Course Requirements for ENGL 498
Method of Evaluation
Deadline to Submit Course Work for ENGL 498
Host Organizations


Arts Internships allow students in the Faculty of Arts to gain experience in areas relevant to their fields of study. The English Internship course (ENGL 498) provides a means for students who pursue approved internships to gain up to 3 credits towards their degrees. By synthesizing their internship work and compiling their experiences into a major essay, the course is also an opportunity for students to expand upon the knowledge they gained during their internship.

To access the Faculty of Arts Internship for Academic Credit Form, please visit this page (General Resources -> Forms).

Eligibility Requirements

The course is only open to U2 and U3 students in good standing, normally after completing 30 credits of a 90 credit program or 45 credits of a 96 to 120 credit program. A minimum CGPA of 3.0, permission from the Director of Undergraduate Studies in English, as well as the Faculty of Arts Internship Office are required. Arts internships involve a minimum of 150 hours of work in a host institution approved by the student’s home department or program.

N.B. ENGL 498 may count towards your Major Concentration or Honours English program as 3 “additional credits” but may not fulfill any other program requirement. ENGL 498 may not count towards Minor Concentrations in English.

This Internship will normally only be approved for work during the summer (between May 1 and August 30).

Students must receive approval to participate in a PSC-approved internship program. For questions regarding specific student eligibility (including pay), email aio [at] mcgill.ca.

Post-Secondary Co-op/Internship Program

What is a Post-Secondary Co-op or Internship Program? The Co-operative Education and Internship Program (Co-op/Internship) is the primary vehicle through which federal organizations can recruit post-secondary students for a four-month work term. An internship is a supervised, on-the-job training assignment designed to give students the skills and knowledge required for entry into a trade or profession.

For more information regarding student eligibility, click .

Approval Procedure

English Department Internship Approval Form

To obtain approval for the Internship and ENGL 498, the student must:

  • Prior to the summer Internship, make arrangements with a faculty member in the English Department who is willing to accept the supervisory and grading responsibilities
  • Once you have secured an internship position, complete the steps below if you wish to obtain internship course credit. The Arts Internship requires approval before the beginning of the internship. Please use the web form () to submit your documents to the Arts Internship Office. The Faculty of Arts Internship Course Credit Approval Form (found in webform), must be signed by:

    1. the Academic Supervisor,
    2. the Faculty of Arts Internship Officer, and
    3. the Department Program.
  • In consultation with the supervisor, send the Faculty of Arts Internship Course Credit Approval Form, and an attached page outlining a detailed research proposal, and submit the completed forms before the beginning of the internship to the Director of Undergraduate Studies in English or to the Undergraduate Coordinator.
  • After receiving departmental approval, register for ENGL 498 for the fall term on Minerva
  • Satisfy requirements established by the Arts Internship Office, found here, and obtain approval from the Arts Internship Officer.
  • After completion of the Internship, submit to the 91˿Ƶ supervisor a letter from the employer/supervisor at the host organization attesting to the satisfactory completion of the Internship, with a copy to the English Department’s Undergraduate Program Coordinator
  • N.B. students must complete the entire approval procedure prior to commencing the internship. Approval for the course will not be given retroactively. The approval process may take two or three weeks; requests received days before the commencement of an internship cannot be considered.

Course Requirements

Students must submit the following to their ENGL 498 course supervisor:

1) Summary of internship activities, including a description of the host institution (maximum 5 pages).
2) A letter from the supervisor at the institution attesting to the successful completion of the student’s duties.
3) A scholarly essay that discusses an aspect of the internship experience from a critical perspective (minimum 15, maximum 20 pages).


A grade for the internship will be assigned by the academic supervisor, based on the agreement initially made between the student and the academic supervisor.

Deadline to submit course work for ENGL 498

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure an explicit arrangement is made with the 91˿Ƶ supervisor for the grading and submission of the grade on MINERVA by the appropriate deadline (one week after the end of the classes for the fall term).

Host Organizations

The following MS Excel file provides a listing of various host organizations, including magazines and publishers, that offer internships suitable for English students. Note: There is no guarantee that these host organizations are currently offering internships. Read all availability & deadline information carefully.

Internships for English and Cultural Studies Students  [.xls]


Department of English Student Information Assistant
For departmental contact information, please click here.

Department of English Administrative Office
For departmental contact information, please click here.

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