Visiting Scholars


In regard to its mission of stimulating emerging research, CIRM welcomes foreign researchers each year by allowing them to benefit from various documentary and material resources in order to pursue their work on urbanĚýlife and the city of MontrĂ©al.

Portrait of Fabio ScettiFabio Scetti

> fabio.scetti [at] sorbonne-nouvelle.fr (Email)

> Affiliation: Lecturer and Researcher at the Laboratory of Sociolinguistics, Anthropology of Language Practice and Didactics of Languages-Cultures (DIPRALANG) in Paul-Valéry-Montpellier University

> Research stays: June-August 2019, July-September 2022 & June-September 2023

Project description

Fabio Scetti’sĚýwork in sociolinguistics and lexicography focuses mainly on migrations, language variations and minority languages in danger (notably Valoc’ and Ladin in northern Italy, and ArbĂ«resh in central and southern Italy). His most recent book, , is an ethnographic survey of the status and evolution of the Portuguese language through the daily language practices of members of the Portuguese community of MontrĂ©al and their identity dynamics.ĚýSince completing his PhD in Language Sciences at UniversitĂ© Paris-Descartes (2016), Fabio Scetti has focused on Portuguese immigration to the United States and Australia, and more recently on Brazilian immigration to Japan.

During his residency at CIRM, Dr. Scetti will continue his research on the Italian community of MontrĂ©al,Ěýstarted in 2018, with the aim of analyzing language practices and the representations that members of this “community” have of these practices.

Alex GaioAlex Gaio

> gaioa [at] tcd.ie (Email)

> Affiliation: PhD Student at the Department of Geography at Trinity College, University of Dublin

> Research stay: July 2022

Project description

Alex’s research deals with Autonomous vehicles (AVs) and urban cycling. AVs are becoming increasingly capable at piloting themselves in more complex environments. Until there is widespread adoption and the technology matures, there will be a period of transition where both conventional and autonomous vehicles will operate simultaneously. During this transition period, there are many unknowns among occupant users and non-occupant users, specifically vulnerable road users (VRUs). Alex’s project, entitled Ride the Autonomous City, aims to close the research gap on cyclist perceptions, opinions, attitudes, and infrastructure preferences as it relates to AVs. His work during his time at CIRM is primarily focused on AV tests underway in and around Plaza St-Hubert.

Pavel KunyszPavel Kunysz

> pavel.kunyzs [at] uliege.be (Email)

> Affiliation: Ph.D Candidate at the Faculty of Architecture at University of Liège

> Research stay: September–November 2021

Project description

Pavel Kunysz’s doctoral research deals with the challenging of site imaginaries by architects in the context of fallow redevelopment in Liège (Belgium) and MontrĂ©al. In this context, Pavel will carry out three months of historical and ethnographic research on the MontrĂ©al fallow of the ChampĚýdes possibles, with the aim of distinguishing the social imaginaries attached to it and their evolution from the opening of the Canadian Pacific rail yard to the present day. The second part of the research will focus on the more specific development operations that concern and have concerned the site and their relationship to the erasure, extension or replacement of the social imaginaries present. These activities will be an extension of the research programme Supporting the possibilities of urban commoning in MontrĂ©al’s Champ des PossiblesĚýco-led by Nik Luka (CIRM / 91ËżąĎĘÓƵ) and Amy Poteete (Concordia). This project is also part of a broader attempt to intersect French pragmatic sociology with the critical theories of Cornelius Castoriadis in the situated field of territorial planning.

CIRM logoAnna Giaufret

> anna.giaufret [at] unige.it (Email)

> Affiliation: Associate Professor at the Department of Modern and French Languages and Cultures at the University of Genoa

> Research stay: November 2019

Project description

In the field of sociolinguistics, Anna Giaufret’s research focuses on the variations of French in Quebecois comic strips, as well as the written discourses of social mobilization groups such as the “Guerilla Guardening”. During her stay in Montreal, she led a first seminar entitled Nuits lĂ©gendaires Ă  MontrĂ©alĚý(Legendary Nights in Montreal). This event, held at , explored the visuals of Montreal nights in the comic strip La femme aux cartes postalesĚýby Claude Paiement and Jean-Paul Eid. Anna Giaufret also took advantage of her stay in the city to pursue her research on Montreal comic books, a subject on which she is preparing a bookĚýfor this year at the Presses de l’UniversitĂ© Laval. Finally, she presented some of her work at a CIRMĚýworkshop entitled MontrĂ©al dans les bulles : la reprĂ©sentation de MontrĂ©al dans les bandes-dessinĂ©es des jeunes auteurs montrĂ©alais.

Portrait of Mariona Tomàs Fornés

Mariona Tomàs Fornés

>marionatomas [at] ub.edu ( Email)

> Affiliation: Associate Professor in Politial Science (University of Barcelona) and member of the Research Group in Local Studies (GREL)

> Research stay: July-August 2019

Project description (in French)

L’aire mĂ©tropolitaine de Barcelone (AMB) rassemble 3,2 millions d’habitant·e·s –Ěý40% de la population catalane - dans 36 municipalitĂ©s. Ce territoire est dotĂ© d'une institution, l’AMB, crĂ©Ă©e par la loi 31/2010 du Parlement de Catalogne, chargĂ©e de la fourniture de services tels que le traitement des dĂ©chets, l’eau et les transports publics, ainsi que de compĂ©tences en matière d’urbanisme, de dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique et cohĂ©sion sociale. Bien que la population se dĂ©place chaque jour dans les municipalitĂ©s mĂ©tropolitaines et qu’elle reçoive des services mĂ©tropolitains, sa rĂ©fĂ©rence en termes de participation Ă©lectorale et politique, pour les services et les politiques susmentionnĂ©s, est strictement dĂ©finie au niveau local. L’AMB est une institution inconnue du public pour diverses raisons, notamment parce que c’est une institution de choix indirect (les conseils sont reprĂ©sentĂ©s par des mairies et des conseils) et parce que des mĂ©canismes de participation des citoyens Ă  l’échelle mĂ©tropolitaine n’ont pas Ă©tĂ© dĂ©finis. L’objectif de ce projet est de dĂ©velopper des outils de participation mĂ©tropolitaine ainsi qu’un rapport et des recommandations sur la viabilitĂ©, la commoditĂ© et le contenu d’un règlement spĂ©cifique concernant la participation mĂ©tropolitaine, permettant ainsi une amĂ©lioration Ă  long terme de la qualitĂ© et de la lĂ©gitimitĂ© dĂ©mocratique de l'AMB. Afin de comprendre les potentialitĂ©s et les limites des instruments participatifs mĂ©tropolitains, nous comparons l'expĂ©rience de trois entitĂ©s mĂ©tropolitaines. En plus de l’aire mĂ©tropolitaine de Barcelone, nous nous concentrerons sur trois Ă©tudes comparatives pour l’application d’outils participatifs : la rĂ©gion mĂ©tropolitaine de Quito, la CommunautĂ© mĂ©tropolitaine de MontrĂ©al et la MĂ©tropole de Lille, puisque chacune a dĂ©veloppĂ© des instruments de participation Ă  l’échelle mĂ©tropolitaine. La recherchĂ© Ă  dĂ©velopper Ă  MontrĂ©al va se concentrer sur la CommunautĂ© mĂ©tropolitaine de MontrĂ©al (CMM). CrĂ©Ă©e en 2001, la CMM est un organisme de planification mĂ©tropolitaine comprenant 82 municipalitĂ©s et près de 4 millions de personnes. L’une de ses tâches principales consiste Ă  approuver le plan de planification territoriale, le Plan mĂ©tropolitain d'amĂ©nagement et de dĂ©veloppement (PMAD). Le PMAD est entrĂ© en vigueur en 2012 et l'un des mĂ©canismes de participation citoyenne est l’Agora mĂ©tropolitaine, cĂ©lĂ©brĂ©e tous les deux ans. Le processus de formulation du PMAD prĂ©voyait dĂ©jĂ  une sĂ©rie d’ateliers de participation, qui ont Ă©tĂ© conservĂ©s pour suivre le plan. C’est une bonne rĂ©fĂ©rence pour le cas de Barcelone, qui est en train de rĂ©diger son propre plan d'amĂ©nagement du territoire. Afin de comprendre le cas de MontrĂ©al, nous allons rechercher et analyser la documentation disponible. Nous rĂ©aliserons aussi des interviews semi-structurĂ©es avec des informateurs clĂ©s du mĂ©canisme de participation, en mettant un accent particulier sur le expĂ©riences concrètes et Ă©valuations rĂ©alisĂ©es en prenant en compte :

  1. Ěýles participant·e·s (ouverture et type de participant·e·s);
  2. Ěýle degrĂ© d'information, de consultation et de dĂ©libĂ©ration;
  3. Ěýles impacts liĂ©s aux contributions ou modifications incorporĂ©es en ce qui concerne les moments prĂ©cĂ©dant la participation;
  4. le degré de complémentarité avec les systèmes de participation municipaux. Les personnes interrogées et les personnes interrogées répondront à différents profils, si possible :
  • les citoyen·ne·s et/ou associations ayant participĂ©;
  • technicien·ne·s de l’administration municipale et de l’administration mĂ©tropolitaine;
  • les politicien·ne·s du gouvernement local et de l’administration mĂ©tropolitaine.

Au total, il est prévu de réaliser entre 7 et 10 entretiens.

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