
May 2022 - April 2023 Publications

Journal Articles

  1. Addab, S., Hamdy, R., Le May, S., Thorstad, K., & Tsimicalis, A. (2022). The use of virtual reality during medical procedures in a pediatric orthopedic setting: A mixed‐methods pilot feasibility study. Paediatric and Neonatal Pain.
  2. Addab, S., Hamdy, R., Thorstad, K., Le May, S., & Tsimicalis, A. (2022). Use of Virtual Reality in Managing Pediatric Procedural Pain and Anxiety: An Integrative Literature Review. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Jan 23. doi: 10.1111/jocn.16217. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35068011
  3. Addab, S., Thierry, S., Lafrance, M-E., Jeong, S., Brown, J., Gugliotti, A., … Tsimicalis, A. (2022) The Development of the Evidence-Informed “OI Splint Kit” for Children with Osteogenesis Imperfecta and Their Families. 91˿Ƶ Journal of Medicine: Special Issue. 20(1), 11-20 :
  4. Bender JL, Puri N, Salih S, Chalifour K, D’Agostino N, Tsimicalis A, Howard F, Garland S, Chalifour K, Drake EK, Gupta A. Peer Support Needs and Preferences for Digital Peer Navigation among Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer: A cross-sectional survey. Current Oncology. 2022; 29(2);1163-1175;
  5. Bilbul, M., Caccese, C., Horsley, K., Gauvreau, A., Gavanski, I., Montreuil, T., Konci, R., Lai, J. K., Da Costa, D., Zelkowitz, P., Shen, H. C., Gryte, K. R., Larosa, A., Brown, R. N., Suarthana, E., & Nguyen, T. V. (2022). Maternal anxiety, depression and vascular function during pregnancy. Journal of psychosomatic research, 154, 110722.
  6. Boatswain-Kyte. A, Brotman, S., Callender, T., Dejean, B., Hanley, J., Jivraj, N., Lindor, T., Moran, J., Muir, S., & Puspparajah, D. (2022). “We want our own data!” Building Black community accountability in the collection of health data using a Black emancipatory action research (BEAR) approach. Critical and Radical Social Work.
  7. Bouchard, S.*, Langevin, R., Vergunst, F., Commisso, M., Domond, P., Hébert, M., Ouellet-Morin, E., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R., Coté, S., Orri, M., & Geoffroy, M.-C. (2023). Child sexual abuse and employment earnings in adulthood: A prospective Canadian cohort study. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Advance online publication. IF: 6.60
  8. Bragin, M., Akesson, B., Ahmady, M., Akbari, S., Ayubi, B., Faqiri, R., Faiq, Z., Oriya, S., Zaffari, R., Rasooli, M.H., Azizi, B.A., Barakzai, F., Haidary, Y., Jawadi, S., Wolfson, H., Ahmadi, S.J., Karimi, B.A., & Sediqi, S. (2022). Peace, love, and justice: A participatory phenomenological study of psychosocial wellbeing in Afghanistan. International Social Work, 65(3), 457-479.
  9. Brossard-Racine, M. Rampakakis, M. Tardif, C.L., Gilbert, G. Pinchefky , E., Luu, T.M., Gallagher, White, A., Montreuil, T., Wintermark, P. (2023). The long-term

consequences of neonatal encephalopathy in the hypothermia era: protocol for a follow-up cohort study at 9 years of age. BMJ.

  1. Bubadué, R., Cabral, I.E., Carnevale, F.A. (2022). Nurses’ patterns of knowing about HIV disclosure to children. Rev. Bras. Enferm, 75, Suppl 2.
  2. Campbell, S., & Carnevale, F.A. (2022). Children as an afterthought during COVID-19: defining a child-inclusive ethical framework for pandemic policymaking. BMC Med Ethics, 23, 126.
  3. Campbell S, Denburg A, Moola F, Carnevale F.A., Petch J. (2022). Re-examining medical assistance in dying for mature minors in Canada: Reflections for health leaders. Healthcare Management Forum. doi:10.1177/08404704221134588
  4. Carnevale, F.A. (2022). The VOICE Children's Nursing Framework: Drawing on childhood studies to advance nursing practice with young people. Nursing Inquiry, 29, e12495.

  1. Castro, A. R., Arnaert, A., Moffatt, K., Kildea, J., Bitzas, V., & Tsimicalis, A. (2022). "Informal Caregiver" in Nursing: An Evolutionary Concept Analysis. ANS. Advances in nursing science, 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000439. Advance online publication.
  2. Castro, A., Morand, M., Rauch, F., & Tsimicalis, A. (2022). The Direct and Indirect Financial Costs Sustained by Parents of Children with Osteogenesis Imperfecta: A Research Brief. 91˿Ƶ Journal of Medicine: Special Issue. 20(1), 42-47:
  3. Chilanga, E., Dzimbiri, M. Mwanjawal, P., Keller, A. Mbeya, R. A. (2022) Religion, Politics and COVID-19 Risk Perception Among Urban Residents in Malawi BMC Public Health, 22
  4. Cheng, P.*, & Langevin, R.s (2023). Difficulties with emotion regulation moderates the relationship between child maltreatment and emotion recognition. Child Abuse & Neglect, 139, Article 106094. . IF: 4.86
  5. Cheng, P.*, & Langevin, R.s (2022). Unpacking the effects of child maltreatment subtypes on emotional competence in emerging adults. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Advance online publication. . IF: 9.39
  6. Cleary, B., Carnevale, F., & Tsimicalis, A. (2022). Poetics of Brittle Bone Disease: Using Found Poetry to Explore Childhood Bioethics. Journal of Poetry Therapy, 1-18
  7. DZ-éԲ D, Carnevale F.A. Questioning the Value of Compliance-Oriented Programs With Traumatized Children and Youth: A Childhood Ethics Perspective. JAMA Pediatr. Published online August 01, 2022. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.2648h
  8. Côté-Boucher, K., Vives, L. and *Jannard, L.P. (2023) Chronicle of a ‘crisis’ foretold: Asylum seekers and the case of Roxham Road on the Canada-US border. Environment and Planning C, 41(2): 408-426.
  9. Currie, G., Finlay, B., Seth, A., Roth, C., Elsabbagh, M., Hudon, A., Hunt, M., Jodoin, S., Lach, L., Lencucha, R., Nicholas, D. B., Shakako, K., & Zwicker, J. (2022). Mental health challenges during COVID-19: Perspectives from parents with children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being, 17(1).
  10. Daigneault, I., Paquette, G., De La Sablonniere-Griffin, M., & Dion, J. (2023). Childhood Sexual Abuse, Intellectual Disability, and Subsequent Physical and Mental Health Disorders: A Matched Cohort Study. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 128(2), 134-144.
  11. Davis, K., Robert, C. H., Montreuil, T., Nguyen, T., Barnwell, J, Gratton, C., … O’Donnell, K. J. (2023, March 6). The Montreal Antenatal Well-Being Study (MAWS): a prospective longitudinal study of perinatal mental health.
  12. De La Sablonnière-Griffin, M., DZ-éԲ, D., Esposito, T., Dion, J. (2023). A longitudinal study to better understand child protection intervention for First Nations children. First Peoples Child and Family Review, Special Edition celebrating Aboriginal voices in child protection decision making, 18 (1), 97-120.
  13. De La Sablonnière-Griffin, M., DZ-éԲ, D., Esposito, T., Dion, J. (2022). Trajectoires en protection de la jeunesse pour les Premières Nations : des disparités qui persistent. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 43(3), 63-96.
  14. De La Sablonnière-Griffin, M., DZ-éԲ, D., Esposito, T., & Dion, J. (2023). Recurrent child protection post-investigation services for First Nations children in the province of Quebec. Child Abuse & Neglect.
  15. Debrosse, R. (2023). Playing to their strengths: Can focusing on typical in-group strengths be detrimental to people of colour? European Journal of Social Psychology, 53, 471–485. Doi: 10.1002/ejsp.2915
  16. Debrosse, R., Kapo, L., & Métayer, K. (2023). The imperative to support Black youths in resisting low and limiting expectations. American Journal of Community Psychology. Advance online publication. Doi: 10.1002/ajcp.12637
  17. Debrosse, R., Thai, S., & Brieva, T. (2022). When skinfolk are kinfolk: Higher perceived support and acceptance characterize close same-race relationships for people of color. Journal of Social Issues. Doi: 10.1111/josi.12534
  18. Destin, M., Debrosse, R., Rheinschmidt-Same, M., & Richeson, J. A. (2022). Psychological challenges and social supports that shape the pursuit of socioeconomic mobility. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Science, 8, 158–171. Doi: 10.7758/RSF.2022.8.7.08
  19. Doucet, M., Bach, A., & Christian, M. (2023). Report From the Field. The Power of First Voice Advocacy: Rallying lived expertise to support equitable transitions to adulthood for youth in care in Canada. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 14(1), 131-146.
  20. Doucet, M., Greeson, J., & Eldeeb, N. (2022). Independent Living Programs and Services for Youth ‘Aging Out’ of Care in Canada and the U.S.: A Systematic Review. Children and Youth Services Review, 42, 106630.
  21. Esposito, T., Caldwell, J., Chabot, M., Blumenthal, A., Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., Hélie, S., Affifi, T. (2023) Childhood prevalence of involvement with the child protection system in Quebec: a longitudinal study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1), 622.
  22. Esposito, T., Précourt, S., Caldwell, J., Saint-Girons, M., Chabot, M., Hélie, S., Clément, M.-E., & Trocmé, N. (2022). L’environnement social et les défis des familles vulnérables : Une étude longitudinale à multiniveau sur l’intervention récurrente en protection de la jeunesse. La revue de psychoeducation, 51(3), 75-103.
  23. Everhart, A., Boska, H., Sinai-Glazer, H., Wilson-Yang, J. Q., Butler Burke, N., LeBlanc, G., Persad, Y., Ortigoza, E., Scheim, A. I., & Marshall, Z. (2022). “I’m not interested in research; I’m interested in services”: How to better health and social services for transgender women living with and affected by HIV. Social Science & Medicine, 292, 114610.
  24. Fallon, B., Joh-Carnella, N., Houston, E., Livingston, E., & Trocmé, N. (2023). The more we change the more we stay the same: Canadian child welfare systems' response to child well-being. Child Abuse & Neglect. 137, 1060431.
  25. Fernet, M., Hébert, M., Brodeur, G., Guyon, R. & Lapierre, A. (2023). Youth’s experiences of cyberviolence in intimate relationships: A matter of trust and love. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. 32(3). 1-22.
  26. Finlay, B., Wittevrongel, K., Materula, D., Hébert, M.L., O’Grady, K., Lach, L.M., Nicholas, D., and Zwicker, J.D. (2023). Pan-Canadian caregiver experiences in accessing government disability programs: A mixed methods study Research in Developmental Disabilities. .
  27. Fiolka, R., Marshall, Z., & Kramer, A. (2022). Banishment through branding: From Montréal’s Red Light district to Quartier des spectacles. Social Sciences, 11(9), 420.
  28. Frederickson, A.*, Kern, A.*, & Langevin, R.s (2022). Perinatal (re)experiencing of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms for survivors of childhood sexual abuse: An integrative review. Journal of Women's Health, 32(1), 78–93. . IF: 3.02
  29. Gagnon, M., Perron, A., Dufour, C., Marcogliese, E., Pariseau-Legault, P., Wright, D. K., Martin, P., & Carnevale, F.A. (2022). Blowing the whistle during the first wave of COVID-19: A case study of Quebec nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 78, 4135– 4149.
  30. Garon-Bissonnette, J., Grisé Bolduc, M.-È., Lemieux, R., & Berthelot, N. (2022). Cumulative childhood trauma and complex psychiatric symptoms in pregnant women and expecting men. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22(10), 1-10. doi: 10.1186/s12884-021-04327-x.
  31. Gentz, S., Chouinard, L.J., & Ruiz-Casares, M. (2022). Time use and time use satisfaction: An examination of children’s out of school activities in Namibia. Special Issue “Searching for the Everyday in African Childhoods”, Journal of the British Academy, pp. 59-82.
  32. Geoffrion, S., Lamothe, J., Giguère, C-E., et DZ-éԲ, D., (2023). The effects of adherence to professional identity, workplace aggression, and felt accountability on child protection workers’ professional quality of life. Child Abuse and Neglect
  33. Gokani, R., Wiebe, S., Sherzad, H., & Akesson, B. (2023). A study on Afghan refugees’ relationship with Islam in dealing with trauma after the United States’ withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021. Religions, 14(5), 645.
  34. Gonzalez, E. & Ruiz-Casares, M. (2022). Photo journals with refugee youth: Methodological reflections of conducting research during the pandemic. Special Issue L. Gautier & N. Bentayeb (Guest Eds.), “Expérience des réfugiés, demandeurs d’asile et migrants sans statut et offre de services de santé et sociaux pendant la pandémie au Québec”. Alterstice, 11(2), 79-96.
  35. Gonzalez, E. & Ruiz-Casares, M. (2022). “I wish every day was Saturday”: Newcomer youth and program facilitators’ experiences of a community-based resettlement program during the COVID-19 pandemic in Montreal. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, DOI: 10.1080/09518398.2022.2061074
  36. Guyon, R., Fernet, M., Brodeur, G., Couture, S., Hébert, M., Paradis, A., & Lévesque, S. (2023). “I would have liked to be better prepared for the real things”: A qualitative analysis of school-based sex health education of girls who experienced sexual dating violence. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality.
  37. Guyon, R., Fernet, M., Girard, M., Cousineau, M.M., Tardif, M., & Godbout, N. (2022). Who am I as a Sexual Being? The Role of Sexual Self-Concept Between Dispositional Mindfulness and Sexual Satisfaction in Child Sexual Abuse Survivors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
  38. Harley, J. M., Montreuil, T. C., Lou, N. M., Feldman, L. S., Fried, G. M., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Bhanji, F., & Kennedy, H. (2022). Rethinking how health care professionals cope with stress: A process model for COVID-19 and beyond. Health care management review, 47(4), 350–359.
  39. Hynie, M., Jaimes, A., Oda, A., Rivest-Beauregard, M., Perez Gonzalez, L., Ives, N., Ahmad, F., Kuo, B.C.H., Arya, N, Bokore, N., & McKenzie, K. (2022). Assessing virtual mental health access for refugees during COVID-19 using the Levesque Client-Centered Framework: What have we learned and how will we plan for the future? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 5001.
  40. Ives, N., & Gabriel, W. (2022). Walking the decolonization talk: Reckoning with the past, wrestling with the present and reimaging the future of social work education in Nunavik. American Review of Canadian Studies, 52, 3, 310-326.
  41. Ives, N., Oda, A., Bridekirk, J., Hynie, M., McGrath, S., Mohammad, R., Awwad, M., Sherrell, K., Khalaf, M., & Diaz, M. (2022). Syrian refugees’ participation in language classes: Motivators and barriers. Refuge, 38, 2, 1-20.
  42. Jenicek, A., & MacIntosh, H. (2023). What about our Chosen Kin? Imagining other relationship systems deserving of therapeutic support. Revue Intervention, Edition spéciale “Les T.C.F., Déjà 20 ans: Parcours, enjeux actuels et perspectives d'avenir de la thérapie conjugale et familiale, series 2.
  43. Keller, A. (2023) Missing the Mark, the importance of financial anxiety in financial skills training for foster youth. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies
  44. Kendall, C., Boucher, L., Donelle, J., Martin, A., Pineau, D., Diliso, N., Renaud, B., Boyd, R., Oickle, P., Marshall, Z., LeBlanc, S., Tyndall, M., & Bayoumi, A. (2022). Cohort study of team-based care among marginalized people who use drugs in Ottawa, Canada. Canadian Family Physician, 68(2), 117-‌127.
  45. Kern, A.*, Khoury, B., & Frederickson, A.*, & Langevin, R.s (2022). The associations between childhood maltreatment and pregnancy complications: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 160, Article 110985. . IF: 4.62
  46. Kurbatfinski, S., Whitehead, J., Hodge, L., Ulicki, N., Madaan, R., Henry, R. S., Parente, I., Pino, F., Krentz, H., Morris, M., Santinele Martino, A., Maurer, K., & Marshall, Z. (2023). 2SLGBTQQIA+ Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence and Help-Seeking: An Intersectional Scoping Review.
  47. Langevin, R. s, Hébert, M., Bernier, A., & Frappier, J.-Y. (2022). Exploring the prospective role of family relationships and psychological distress in the early risk of intergenerational continuity of child maltreatment. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 9(1). .
  48. Langevin, R., Kern, A.*, Esposito, T., & Hélie, S. (2023). Homotypical and heterotypical intergenerational continuity of child maltreatment: Evidence from a cohort of families involved with child protection services. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(5), 5375-6241. IF: 4.61
  49. Langevin, R.s, Kern, A.*, Fernet, M., & Brassard, A. (2022). Emerging adults’ adverse life events and psychological functioning: A comparison based on intergenerational trajectories of child maltreatment. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(7-8). . IF: 2.62
  50. Lateef, R., Alaggia, R. DZ-éԲ, D., McElvaney, R. (2023). The legacy of shame following childhood sexual abuse disclosures. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 32, 184-203
  51. Lefèvre-Utile J, Montreuil M, Perron A, Reyre A, Carnevale F.A. (2022). Acknowledging caregivers’ vulnerability in the managment of challenging behaviours to reduce control measures in psychiatry. Nursing Ethics. doi:10.1177/09697330211015275
  52. Lepage, M., Bowie, C.R., Montreuil, T., Baer, L., Percie du Sert, O., Lecomte, T., Joober, R., Abdel-Bakie, A.G., Jarvisf, E., Margolese, H.C., De Benedictis, L., Schmitz, N., & Malla, A.K. (2022). Manualized group cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety in first episode psychosis: A randomized controlled trial. Psychological Medicine.
  53. Lwin, K., Fallon, B., Houston, E., Wilson, R., Fluke, J., Jud, A., & Trocmé, N. (2023). Exploring Organizational Learning, Risk, and Psychological Safety: Perspectives of Child Welfare Senior Leaders in Canada. Journal of Public Child Welfare.
  54. MacIntosh, Heather B. (2023). Practicing in a Time of Covid Loss and Threat: Parallel Processes on the Yellow Brick Road of Trauma, Healing, Trust and Belonging. Psychoanalysis Self and Context. Online first publication
  55. MacIntosh, Heather B. (2023). Developmental Couple Therapy for Complex Trauma: Building a bridge to empathy through a manualized, time-limited, psychoanalytically informed approach to couple therapy with trauma survivors. Submitted to Special Issue on Couple Psychoanalysis: Psychoanalysis Self and Context. Online first publication
  56. Marshall, C.*, Fernet, M., & Langevin, R.s (2022). Intergenerational continuity of child sexual abuse: Comparison of mother and emerging adult dyads. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 32(1), 40-59, 5774-5804. . IF: 1.87
  57. Marshall, Z., Kaposy, C., Brunger, F., & Welch, V. (2022). Trans research ethics: Challenges and calls for change. Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies, 1(3-4).
  58. Matte-Landry, A., Paquette, G., Lapalme, M., Daigneault, I., & Tourigny, M. (2022). Addressing the Complexity of Heterogeneity: Profiles of Adolescent Girls who Have Been Sexually Abused. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 31(7), 855-873.
  59. Matte-Landry, A., Rouillier, A.-M., Métivier, A.-A., St-Pierre, M., Lemieux, M., & Tarabulsy, G. (2022). Milieux de vie de nos petits citadins : perspectives de personnes influentes sur les facteurs environnementaux en lien avec le développement des jeunes enfants et le bien-être des familles. Revue de psychoéducation, 51(3), 7-31.
  60. Matte-Landry, A., Grisé Bolduc, M.-E., Tanguay-Garneau, L., DZ-éԲ, D., & Ouellet-Morin, I. (2022). Cognitive outcomes of children with complex trauma: A systematic review and meta-analyses of longitudinal studies. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.
  61. McCrossin, J., Clancy, A., Grantzidis, F., & Lach, L. (2022). “They may cry, they may get angry, they may not say the right thing": A case study examining the role of peer support when navigating services for children with neurodisabilities. Journal on Developmental Disabilities for the Special Edition focused on Changing Social Welfare Provisions and Shifting Family Dynamics, 27(2).
  62. McCrossin, J., Filipe, A.M., Nicohlas, D., & Lach, L. (2022). The allegory of “navigation as a concept of care: The case of child neurodevelopmental disabilities. Journal on Developmental Disabilities for the Special Edition focused on Changing Social Welfare Provisions and Shifting Family Dynamics, 27(2).
  63. McCrossin, J., Lach, L. (2022). Parent-to-parent peer support for families of children with neurodisabilities: Applications of family resilience theory. Child: Care, Health & Development. .
  64. McNamee, S., Devenot N., & Buisson, M. (2023). Studying harms is key to improving psychedelic-assisted therapy: Participants call for changes to research landscape. JAMA Psychiatry. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2023.0099
  65. Nicholas, D. B., Mitchell, W., Ciesielski, J., Khan, A., & Lach, L. (2022). Examining the Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on service providers working with children and youth with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their families: Results of a focus group study. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities,
  66. O'Hara, G. Kennedy, H. Naoufal, M. Montreuil, T. (2022). The role of the classroom learning environment in students' mathematics anxiety: A scoping review. The British journal of educational psychology, 10.1111/bjep.12510. Advance online publication.
  67. Passos dos Santos R, Macdonald ME, Carnevale F.A. (2022). Moral experiences of children with medical complexity: A participatory hermeneutic ethnography in Brazil. Journal of Child Health Care. doi:10.1177/13674935221112156
  68. Passos dos Santos, R., Neves, E.T., Cabral, I.E., Campbell, S., Carnevale, F.A. (2022). An ethical analysis of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health of children and adolescents/Análise ética dos impactos da pandemia de COVID-19 na saúde de crianças e adolescents. Escola Anna Nery, 26, Special Issue.
  69. Pigeon, S.*, Frederickson, A.*, & Langevin, R.s (2023). Experiences in adult relationships after nonsexual child maltreatment: A systematic scoping review of qualitative studies. Journal of Family Violence. Advance online publication. .IF: 2.90
  70. Poirson, L., Robin, M., Shadili, G., Essadek, A., Lamothe, J., Corruble, E., & Gressier, F., (2023) Male victims of sexual abuse: impact and resilience processes, a qualitative study. Healthcare.
  71. Racine, N., Greer, K., Dimitropoulos, G., DZ-éԲ, D., Henderson, J., & Madigan, S. (2023). Youth engagement in child maltreatment research: Gaps, barriers, and approaches. Child Abuse & Neglect.
  72. Rennick, J., Buchanan, F., Cohen, E., Carnevale, F.A., Dryden-Palmer, K., Fontela, P., Patel, H., Razack, S., St-Sauveur, I., Law, S. (2022). TOwards enhancing Paediatric Intensive Care for Children with Medical Complexity (ToPIC CMC): a mixed-methods study protocol using Experience-based Co-design. BMJ Open, 12:e066459. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-066459
  73. Rothwell. D. W., Jud, A. 2022. On the relationship between economic inequality and child maltreatment: Takeaways from the special issue and future directions. Child Abuse & Neglect. [)
  74. Ruiz-Casares, M., Thombs, B.D., Mayo, N, Scott, S, Andrina, M, Platt, R.W. (2022). The Families First Program to Prevent Child Abuse: Results of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial in West Java, Indonesia. Prev Sci. 23, 1457–1469
  75. Salvino, C., Spencer, C., Filipe, A. M., & Lach, L. M. (2022). Mapping of financial support programs for children with neurodisabilities across Canada: Barriers and discrepancies within a patchwork system. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 33(3), 168–177.
  76. Scardera, S., Langevin, R., DZ-éԲ, D., Comtois Cabana, M., Pinto Pereira, S.M., Côté, S., Ouellet-Morin, I., & Geoffroy, M.-C. (2023). Derivation of probable child maltreatment indicators using prospectively recorded information between 5 months and 17 years in a longitudinal cohort of Canadian children. Child Abuse & Neglect, 143.
  77. Talbot, K., Talavera, P., Schutz, F., & Ruiz-Casares, M. (2023). Pre-/Post-Assessment of a sexual and reproductive health training program for young people in Namibia. Global Journal of Health Science, 15 (1): 47-57. doi: 10.5539/gjhs.v15n1p47.
  78. Trepanier, L., Hébert, C., Stamoulos, C., Reyes, A., MacIntosh, H., Beauchamp, S., Larivée, S., Dagenais, C., & Drapeau, M. (2022). The quality of four psychology practice guidelines using the appraisal of guidelines for research and evaluation (AGREE) II. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, early access -
  79. Tsimicalis, A., Arora, R. S., Bagai, P., Ranasinghe, N., & Zubieta, M. (2022). Patient-led research and Advocacy Efforts. Cancer reports (Hoboken, N.J.), 5(6), e1657.
  80. Tsimicalis, A., Gasse, M., Morand, M., & Rauch, F. (2022). Use of Netnography to Understand GoFundMe® Crowdfunding Profiles Posted for Individuals and Families of Children with Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 10(8), 1451.
  81. Tsimicalis, A. (2022) Foreword. MJM’s Inaugural Nursing Issue. 91˿Ƶ Journal of Medicine: Special Issue. 20(1), ii :
  82. Vives, L. and Lois, M. (2022) Les frontières étatiques : origines, résistance et nouvelles territorialités. In Martin, P., Sébastien Rioux, Violaine Jolivet (eds.) Géographies humaines. L’espace en partage. Montréal, QC : Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
  83. Wang, Y.W., Carnevale, F., Ezcurra, M., Chougui, K., Bilodeau, C., Siedlikowski, S., and Tsimicalis, A.* (2023) The Moral Experiences of Children with Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Nursing Ethics 29 (7-8), 1773-1791.
  84. Wang, Y. W., Carnevale, F. A., Chougui, K., & Tsimicalis, A. (2022) How Children's participation ought to be practiced: A preliminary ethical framework to optimise the participation of children with osteogenesis imperfecta in health care. Journal of Clinical Nursing.
  85. Wigle, J., Hodwitz, K., Juando-Prats, C., Allan, K., Li, X., Howard, L., Fallon, B., Birken, C.,

Maguire, J., & Parsons, J. (2023). Parents' perspectives on SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations for children: a qualitative analysis. CMAJ. 195(7):E259-E266

  1. Yamaguchi, S., Bentayeb, N., Holtom, A., Molnar, P., Constantinescu, T., Tisdall, E.K.M., Tuong, J., Iyer, S., & Ruiz-Casares, M. (2023). Participation of Children and Youth in Mental Health Policymaking: A Scoping Review [Part I]. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 50(1):58-83. doi: 10.1007/s10488-022-01223-0.
  2. Yamaguchi, S., Tuong, J., Tisdall, E.K.M., Bentayeb, N., Holtom, Iyer, S., & Ruiz-Casares, M. (2023).“Youth as ‘accessories’”: Stakeholder perspectives on youth participation in mental health policymaking [Part II] Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 50(1):84-99.doi: 10.1007/s10488-022-01230-1.


  1. Grisé Bolduc, M.-È. (2022). 10 questions sur le trauma complexe : Mieux comprendre pour mieux intervenir. Éditions Midi trente
  2. Walsh, G., Keshner, A., & DZ-éԲ, D. (2023). Child Sexual Abuse Investigations and Assessments: Providing Safety, Trauma Reduction, and Future Well-Being to Children and Families. Child Welfare League of America Press.

Book Chapters

  1. Akesson, B. (2023). Extreme domicide and home unmaking: The biopsychosocial implications of loss of home in contexts of political violence. In P. Boccagni (Ed.), Handbook of home and migration. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
  2. Akesson, B. (2023). The war-climate nexus: Educating future social workers about the global adversities related to war, climate change, and environmental degradation. In Hillock, S. (ed.), Greening social work education: Caring sustainability. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
  3. Akesson, B. & Mfoafo-M’Carthy, M. (2023). A process evaluation of an international university partnership to strengthen the child protection system in Ghana. In S. Levy & U. Okoye (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on African Social Work. Routledge.
  4. Brend, D. M., Milot, T., DZ-éԲ, D. et Grisé Bolduc, M.-È. (2022). Les approches sensibles aux traumas auprès des jeunes auteurs de délits (Chapter 11). Dans J. Carpentier, C. Arseneault et M. Alain (Dir.). Délinquance à l’adolescence : Comprendre, évaluer, intervenir. Presses de l’Université du Québec.
  5. Carnevale, F.A. (2022). Response to Chapter 1: Pain is (or may not be) what the patient says it is – professional commitments: objects of study or sacrosanct givens? In: Complexity and Values in Nurse Education, Edited by Martin Lipscomb. Routledge, London, Pages 34-36.
  6. DZ-éԲ, D., Simion, O. et Hébert, M. (2023). Soutenir les enfants et les adolescents au parcours de vie traumatique : vers une approche cognitivo-comportementale globale, intégrative et systémique. In L. Turgeon, S. Parent & I. Denis (Eds). Intervention cognitivo-comportementale auprès des enfants et des adolescents, Tome 1 - 2e édition. Presses de l’Université du Québec.
  7. DZ-éԲ, D., Fallon, B., & Caldwell, J. (2023). Children and youth mental health: Not all equal in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. In N. Lovell, F. Sultana, A. L. Samuel & M. Nicholls (Eds). Encyclopedia of Mental Health, 3rd edition.
  8. Dhembo, E., Akesson, B., & Diebold, A. (2023). Social service reform, education, and the professionalization of social work: The case of child protection services in Albania. In R. Baikady (Ed.), Oxford handbook of power, politics and social work. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
  9. Grisé Bolduc, M.-È., Turgeon, J., Urbain, C., & Milot, T. (2022). Les conséquences socioémotionnelles de la maltraitance. Dans Dubois-Comtois, K., Cyr, C. et St-Laurent, D. (dir.). La maltraitance: Perspective développementale et écologique-transactionnelle. Presses de l’Université du Québec.
  10. Hébert, M., & Langevin, R. (2023). Child Sexual Abuse. In J. R. R. Levesque (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Adolescence (3nd ed., pp. 1-12). Springer International Publishing.
  11. Lacharité, C., Ruiz-Casares, M., & Martin, F. (Oct 2022). Indicateurs de qualité de l’accompagnement des familles dans les situations de négligence envers l’enfant. In Séraphin, G. (Ed), Qualité de l’accompagnement en protection de l’enfance : Établir des indicateurs, p. 101-118. Paris : L’Harmattan. ISBN : 978-2-14-030096-7
  12. Lamothe, J., Dorval, A. et Hélie, S., (2023). Les facteurs associés à la stabilité des enfants placés en famille d’accueil de proximité : un premier portrait. Dans D. Lafortune, M.— A. Poirier, C. Laurier, G. Parent, Z. Ayoub et M.-H. Séguin (dir.). Les jeunes en difficulté, un défi collectif. Québec : PUQ
  13. Montreuil, T. (2022). Regards sur la perspective économique de la prévention selon la trajectoire développementale (Chapitre 9). In J. Poissant, G. Tarabulsy, & T. Saias (Eds.). Prévention et intervention précoce en période périnatale. Presse de l’Université du Québec.
  14. Oda, A., Al Mhamied, A., Al-Saadi, R., Arya, N., Awwad, M. Hajjar, O., Hanley J., Hynie, M., Ives, N., Jamil, R. F., Khalaf, M., Khayr, R., Kuo, B. C. H., Massijeh, M., Mohammad, R., & Sherrell K. (2021). Ethical challenges of conducting longitudinal community-based research with refugees: Reflections from peer researchers. In Katarzyna Grabska and Christina Clark-Kazak (Eds.), Documenting displacement: Questioning methodological boundaries in forced migration research (Volume 7, pp. 29-55). Montreal: 91˿Ƶ-Queen's Refugee and Forced Migration Studies Series).
  15. Sousa, C., Kemp, S., & Akesson, B. (2023). Teaching place in social work. In R. Forbes & K. Smith (Eds.), Ecosocial work practice. Washington, DC: NASW Press.
  16. Trocmé, N., Doucet, M., Fallon, B., Nutton, J., & Esposito, T. (2023). Child Welfare in Canada. In J. Berrick, N. Gilbert, & M. Skivenes (Eds). Oxford Handbook of Child Protection Systems. (pp. 90 – 112). Oxford Univeristy Press.
  17. Vine, C., Doucet, M., Trocmé, N., & Fallon, B. (2022). Addressing child maltreatment in Canada: What have we learned? In R. Alaggia & C. Vine (Eds). Cruel but Not Unusual: Violence in Families and Caring Relationships in Canada (3rd edition). Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Reports & Other Publications

  1. DZ-éԲ, D. (2023) Words matter in trauma-informed care
  2. DZ-éԲ, D. (2023). Online training on sexual violence for legal professionals. Le Barreau du Québec.
  3. DZ-éԲ, D. (2023). Promoting healing processes in victims of abuse. Institute of Anthropology: Interdisciplinary Studies on Human Dignity and Care (IADC), Pontifical Gregorian University. Rome, Italy.
  4. DZ-éԲ, D. (2022). Getting to know the CRCF: Families for Research on Children and Families. #we.are.mcgillsocialwork podcast series.
  5. DZ-éԲ, D. & Bruneau-Bhérer, R. (2022). Online training: Intervention sensible aux traumas. CIUSSS Capitale-Nationale. .
  6. DZ-éԲ. D. & Carnevale, F. (2023) Revisiting conformity-based programs.
  7. DZ-éԲ, D., Daigneault, I., Esposito, T., Rothwell, D., & Trocmé, N. (2022). Planification d’une recherche sur la valeur sociale et économique des centres de pédiatrie sociale en communauté au Québec.
  8. DZ-éԲ, D., Demasure, K., Akom, M.-J. & Durocher, P.A. (2023). Supporting victims’ disclosure. Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. Ottawa, ON
  9. DZ-éԲ, D., Fallon, B., Esposito, T., Lafortune, D., Poirier, M.-A. Tarabulsy, G., & Trocmé, N. (2022). Identifier et répondre aux besoins des familles desservies par le continuum Jeunes en difficulté en contexte de pandémie/Identifying and Responding to Children and Families Served by Social Services During the Pandemic. Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux du Québec. Québec.
  10. Côté-Boucher, K., Vives, L. and Jannard, L.P. (2022) How a small rural road in Quebec became a focal point for asylum seekers crossing into Canada from the US. LSEAPP blog. January 6, 2023.
  11. Derocher, L; Adelard, Jean-Loup et MIVILUDES, «Ces enfants oubliés - Grandir dans une communauté sectaire», FacebookLive : Launching of the book in Europe, YouTube Channel of Les Éditions de l’Homme, interview, october 20th 2022, <>
  12. Derocher, L; Barrette, Marie-Claude, Marie-Claude, «Sortir d’une communauté sectaire», TVA, september 27, 2022;
  13. Derocher, L.; Pelland, Marie-Andrée «Ces enfants oubliés - Grandir dans une communauté sectaire», FacebookLive, YouTube Channel of Info-Cult, interview, June 1st 2023.
  14. Derocher, L.; Richard, Jean-Marc, La ligne du coeur, entrevue, Radio et télévision suisse (RTS), 7 février 2023.
  15. Derocher, L.; Lozeau, J.S. (2022) Ces enfants oubliés – Grandir dans une communauté sectaire, video on Derocher, L. (2022) Ces enfants oubliés – Grandir dans une communauté sectaire, Montréal, Les Éditions de l’Homme, 2022. <
  16. Doucet, M. & The National Council of Youth in Care Advocates (2023). Montreal, QC: 91˿Ƶ Centre for Research on Children & Families & the Child Welfare League of Canada
  17. Doucet, M. & le Conseil national des défenseurs des jeunes pris en charge (2023). . Montréal, QC : 91˿Ƶ Centre de recherche sur l’enfance et la famille & la Ligue pour le bien-être de l’enfance du Canada
  18. Doucet, M. & National Council of Youth in Care Advocates (2022, October 20). Equitable Standards for Transitions to Adulthood for Youth in Care Evaluation Model: Primer Report. Ottawa, ON: Child Welfare League of Canada (CWLC).
  19. Doucet, M. & National Council of Youth in Care Advocates (2022, October 20). Ottawa, ON: Child Welfare League of Canada (CWLC).
  20. Doucet, M. & Conseil national des défenseurs des jeunes pris en charge (2022, le 20 octobre). . Ottawa, ON : LBEC.
  21. Doucet, M. & Conseil national des défenseurs des jeunes pris en charge (2022, le 20 octobre). Modèle d’évaluation des Normes équitables de transition vers l’âge adulte pour les jeunes pris en charge. Ottawa, ON : LBEC.
  22. Esposito, T., Fallon, B., Trocmé, T., Caldwell, J., Saint-Girons, M., & Précourt, S (2023). Considerations for the Canadian Child Welfare Information System. Public Health Agency of Canada: Ottawa, ON.
  23. Esposito, T., Fallon, B., Trocmé, N., Caldwell, J., Saint-Girons, M., & Précourt, S. (2023). Summary report: Canadian child welfare administrative data knowledge exchange meeting. Public Health Agency of Canada: Ottawa, ON
  24. Fallon, B., Sansone, G., Vandermorris, A. (2022). The Impact of placement instability on infants in foster care. Toronto, Ontario: Policy Bench, Fraser Mustard Institute of Human Development, University of Toronto.
  25. Fréchette, N., Milord-Nadon, A., Brend, D.M., DZ-éԲ, D. (2022) Le Programme Pingouin auprès des enfants de 6-12 ans hébergés en centre de réadaptation. Les Éditions du CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de l’Île-de-Montréal (Collection de l’IUJD)
  26. Frensch, K. & Akesson, B. (2022). Socio-spatial initiatives to foster belonging among refugee families resettled in Canada: A narrative review and future directions [Evidence Brief]. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Knowledge Synthesis Program.
  27. Frensch, K. & Akesson, B. (2022). Socio-spatial initiatives to foster belonging among refugee families resettled in Canada: A narrative review and future directions [Final Report]. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Knowledge Synthesis Program
  28. Guyon, R. (2022). Recevoir un dévoilement d’agressions sexuelles : un pouvoir inestimable qui vient avec de grandes responsabilités. Blogue TRACE.
  29. Hélie, S., Trocmé, N., DZ-éԲ, D., Esposito, T., Morin, S. & Saint-Girons, M. (2022). Volet Premières Nations de l’Étude d’incidence québécoise sur les situations évaluées en protection de la jeunesse en 2019. Rapport EIQ/ PN-2019. Institut universitaire Jeunes en difficulté, 57 pages
  30. Hémond-Dusseault, V. & DZ-éԲ, D. (2022). Best practices to ensure survivor-centric process/trauma-informed process in non-sport sectors. Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada
  31. Ives, N., Hajjar, O., Alqawasma, H., Hanley, J., Rabiau, M., and Amin Ngami, J. (2022). COVID-19 and refugee families in Montreal: Strategies for reaching hard-to-reach populations in health emergencies. Final report to Child & Youth Refugee Research Coalition, Dalhousie University, and Centre for Research on Children & Families, 91˿Ƶ School of Social Work.
  32. Lamothe, J., (Mai 2022). Staying informed while staying safe: A major challenge in a world at war described by the 24h-news cycle. Stresspoints MagazineMay Issue.
  33. Langevin, R. (2023). Trauma et trauma complexe à l’école : comprendre pour mieux aider [Webinar]. In « Prévenir les violences sexistes, rencontre avec des chercheurs.ses » by Gap Science Animation 05. Hautes-Alpes, France.
  34. Langevin, R. , ReACT Lab. (Mars, 2023). Patterns of Interpersonal Victimization and Psychological Difficulties in Mothers and their Sexually Abused Child [Infographic available in French and English]. ReACT Lab, .
  35. Langevin, R. , ReACT Lab. (February, 2023). Maternal Histories of Child Maltreatment and Emerging Adults’ Adverse Life Events [Infographic available in French and English]. ReACT Lab, .
  36. Langevin, R. , ReACT Lab. (February, 2023). Postpartum risk of intergenerational continuity of child maltreatment [Infographic available in French and English]. ReACT Lab, .
  37. Langevin, R. , ReACT Lab. (January, 2023). Intergenerational continuity of child sexual abuse [Infographic available in French and English]. ReACT Lab, .
  38. Langevin, R. , ReACT Lab. (December, 2022). Self-regulation mediates the effect of childhood maltreatment on depression [Infographic available in French and English]. ReACT Lab, .
  39. Langevin, R. , ReACT Lab. (Octobre, 2022). Perinatal posttraumatic stress symptoms in survivors of childhood sexual abuse [Infographic available in French and English]. ReACT Lab, .
  40. Langevin, R., ReACT Lab. (September, 2022). Emotional dysregulation and attachment in the continuity of child maltreatment subtypes [Infographic available in French and English]. ReACT Lab, .
  41. Langevin, R., ReACT Lab. (September, 2022). Maternal emotional dysregulation and mother-child attachment in the continuity of cumulative child maltreatment [Infographic available in French and English]. ReACT Lab, .
  42. Langevin, R., ReACT Lab. (August, 2022). Child maltreatment and emotion socialization in the transmission of emotion regulation difficulties [Infographic available in English]. ReACT Lab, .
  43. Langevin, R., ReACT Lab. (August, 2022). Child maltreatment and risk factors for pregnancy complications [Infographic available in French and English]. ReACT Lab, .
  44. Langevin, R., ReACT Lab. (August, 2022). Child sexual abuse and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [Infographic available in French and English]. ReACT Lab, .
  45. Langevin, R., ReACT Lab. (June, 2022). Child sexual abuse and sleep in children and adolescents [Infographic available in French and English]. ReACT Lab, .
  46. Langevin, R., ReACT Lab. (June, 2022). Intergenerational cycles of maltreatment: A scoping review of psychosocial risk and protective factors [Infographic available in French and English]. ReACT Lab, .
  47. Langevin, R., & Gagné, M.-E. (2022). L’approche sensible aux traumas [Workshop]. La Table des partenaires de la petite enfance Champlain, du secteur du CISSS Montérégie-Centre, Longueuil, QC, Canada.
  48. MacIntosh, Heather B., (February, 2023). putting out the fire on one beautiful tree, knowing, even still, that the forest is ablaze. International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology listserv discussion on the Climate Crisis.
  49. MacIntosh, Heather B., (March, 2022). Research on Couple Therapy with Trauma Survivors and the Development of Developmental Couple Therapy for Complex Trauma. Podcast for the CRIPCAS network.
  50. Paquet, M., Garnier, A., Vives, L. and Côté-Boucher, K. (2022). Régulariser les migrants sans statut. Le Devoir, December 13, 2022.
  51. Paquet, M., Garnier, A., Vives, L. and Côté-Boucher, K. (2022) Régulariser les personnes migrantes sans statut : une action salutaire et nécessaire. Relations, Hiver 2022-2023.
  52. Phillips, M., Smith, M. E., Ives, N., & Matthews, A. (2023). Cree research findings. A First Peoples Post-secondary Storytelling Exchange: Intersecting College and Community Circles.
  53. Phillips, M., Smith, M. E., Ives, N., Fast, E., Shea, L., & Lefebvre, M. (2022). Kanien’kehá:ka research findings. A First Peoples Post-secondary Storytelling Exchange: Intersecting College and Community Circles.
  54. Phillips, M., Smith, M. E., Ives, N., & Partridge, P. (2022). Inuit research findings. A First Peoples Post-secondary Storytelling Exchange: Intersecting College and Community Circles.
  55. Ruiz-Casares, M., Halder, S., Dhali, H. H., Moya, M. C., Yamaguchi, S., Mukherjee, R., … Ghosh, R. (2022, July 8). Human-Wildlife Interactions: Nature, Causes, and Impact on Women and Children Across Cultures: A Scoping Review Protocol.
  56. Sajedinejad, S., Sansone, G., Fallon, B., Miller, S.P., Vandermorris, A., & Omand, J.A. (2022). The Association Between Nutrition and Academic Achievement Among Children and Youth. Toronto, Ontario: Policy Bench, Fraser Mustard Institute of Human Development, University of Toronto.
  57. Sansone, G., Fallon, B., Vandermorris, A., Swardh, K., & Blackstock, C. (2022). Effectiveness of Interventions for the Prevention and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders among First Nations, Métis and Inuit Populations. Toronto, Ontario: Policy Bench, Fraser Mustard Institute of Human Development, University of Toronto.
  58. Vives, L. and Hessek, E. (2023) Une frontière plus étanche ne résoudra rien. La Presse, March 4th, 2023.
  59. Vives, L, Les passages illégaux de personnes augmentent à la frontière canado-américaine (entretien avec Marc Babin, Le réveil / Nouvelle-Écosse et T.-N.-L., 6/4/2023).
  60. Vives, L, Migrants irréguliers aux frontières : que doit-on faire ? (entretien avec Denis Duchesne, Le réveil / Île-du-Prince-Édouard, 5/4/2023).
  61. Vives, L, Akwesasne : Les victimes tentaient d’entrer aux États-Unis : Entrevue Luna Vives (entretien avec Janic Tremblay, L’heure du monde 31/3/2023).
  62. Vives, L, Fermer le chemin Roxham, une bonne nouvelle pour le Québec et le Canada ? Léa Martin (24 heures, 24/3/2023).
  63. Vives, L, La fermeture du chemin Roxham fait réagir en Ontario. ICI Toronto (Radio-Canada, 24/3/2023).
  64. Vives, L, La ministre qui ne veut pas des migrants. La Presse (Jean-Christophe Laurence, 7/1/2023).
  65. Vives, L, Ukraine : devrait-on parler d’un crise des réfugiés? Noovo Info (Béatrice Roy-Brunet, 19/5/2022).
  66. Vives, L, Arrêtons de parler de « crise de réfugiés »! UdeM nouvelles (Virginie Soffer, 26/4/2022).

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