
Journal Club & Academic Half Day

The Emergency Medicine Health Informatics Fellowship Journal Club and Academic Half Day is a self-approved group learning activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

The Emergency Medicine Health Informatics Fellowship Journal Club and Academic Half Days take place on a bi-weekly basis from September until June on Thursdays from 9am to 12:00 pm via MS Teams.

For more information on upcoming sessions, please see the details below.


Antony Robert, SPC Member, EM Health Informatics Fellowship, antony.robert [at] mcgill.ca

Marc Béique, Chair, EM Health Informatics Fellowship, marc.beique [at] mcgill.ca




Learning Objectives


@ 10am

FHIR APIs and EMR integration

Thanos Melisiotis, MD

  • Chief Medical Information Officer of QiiQ
  • Associate Professor at University of Pennsylvania Health System

CCOMTL Digital Health Overview

Justin Cross, MD

  • Chief Digital Health Officer for the Integrated Health and Social Services University Network for West-Central Montreal

FHIR APIs and EMR integration

  1. Deep dive into the integration technologies, exploration of modern EMR integrations and what kind of solutions you can create

CCOMTL Digital Health Overview

  1. Understand operational challenges with the creation of a clinical informatics team in a large health system in Quebec
  2. Understand strategy development for digital transformation in a large health system in Quebec

Previous Lectures




Educational Objectives


Welcome Lecture

Not applicable.

Review of needs, objectives and expectations for the academic year.


Health Systems, Organizations and EHR

Healthcare Systems, Organizations and EHR

Antony Robert MDCM, FRCPC(EM), MASc., B.Eng.

  • Assistant Professor, FMD Ultrasound Content Lead, Health Informatics Fellowship SPC Member, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff and Assistant Director of ED IT, MUHC

CT scan utilization in the ED: A Case Study

Bernie Unger MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP, CSPQ

  • Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff and Associate Director, Emergency Department, Jewish General Hospital CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

Impact of Electronic Health Records in the Emergency Department: A Case Study

Adam Gossack MD, FRCPC, BSc.

  • Fellow in Emergency Medicine Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ

Health IT and Patient Safety: Building Safer Systems for Better Care

Antony Robert MDCM, FRCPC(EM), MASc., B.Eng.

  • Assistant Professor, FMD Ultrasound Content Lead, Health Informatics Fellowship SPC Member, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff and Assistant Director of ED IT, MUHC

Healthcare Systems, Organizations and EHR

  1. Describe the different components of the Canadian and Quebec Healthcare System
  2. List the goals of the major Health, Safety, Research and Informatics Organizations (CIHI, CHI, CIHR, DHC, CPSI, CADTH, MSSS/ RAMQ)
  3. Understand the role of health informatics and electronic patient records
  4. Describe the Quebec governmental plan of digital transformation 2019-2023

CT scan utilization in the ED: A Case Study

  1. Describe the importance and pitfalls of standardized administrative data.
  2. Describe the steps of reviewing an ad-hoc analysis conclusion.
  3. List the different factors that impact CT studies in the emergency department.

Impact of Electronic Health Records in the Emergency Department: A Case Study

  1. Describe the definition and functionality of an electronic health record (EHR)
  2. List positive impacts on task-oriented and patient-oriented outcomes by using EHRs in the emergency department
  3. List potential negative impacts on emergency department efficiency and patient care with the use of EHRs

Health IT and Patient Safety: Building Safer Systems for Better Care

  1. Describe the sociotechnical system that is health IT
  2. List the important features of health IT that can improve patient care and patient safety


Data Standards and Governance

Health Data Standards

Antony Robert MDCM, FRCPC(EM), MASc., B.Eng.

  • Assistant Professor, FMD Ultrasound Content Lead, Health Informatics Fellowship SPC Member, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff and Assistant Director of ED IT, MUHC

Data Governance, Data Quality & Electronic Documentation: The MUHC Experience

Mr. Noé Djawn White, M.Sc., Adm.A., LSSBB

  • Associate Director, Integrated Information Management, Performance and Continuous Improvement Quality, Evaluation, Performance and Ethics, MUHC

Electronic Documentation and 'Tenue de dossier” at the MUHC

Ms Marie-Josée Bilodeau

  • Assistante-chef, Accueil-admission et archives médicales, Direction de la qualité, de l’évaluation, de la performance et de l’éthique, CUSM

Clinical Charting with O-Word

Mr. Jeff Smith

  • Manager, Admitting and Registration, Medical Records Services and Transcription, Directorate of Quality, Evaluation, Performance and Ethics, MUHC

An Analysis of Patient Safety Incident Reports Associated with Electronic Health Record Interoperability: A Critical Appraisal

Adam Gossack MD, FRCPC, BSc.

  • Fellow in Emergency Medicine Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ

Health Data Standards

  1. Describe the role of data standards and terminologies
  2. List the different clinical data standards and their application

Data Governance, Data Quality & Electronic Documentation: The MUHC Experience

  1. Explain the data governance and related aspects of cadre normative
  2. Explain the importance of policies for data access, data quality and security
  3. Describe some of the core databases used at the MUHC, how reports are generated and how data quality is ensured.

Electronic Documentation and 'Tenue de dossier” at the MUHC

  1. Souligner l’importance de la signature des médecins.
  2. Expliquer les lois et les modalités d’accès au dossier des usagers

Clinical Charting with O-Word

  1. View an example of O-Word for electronic documentation.
  2. Have an understanding of the functionality of O-Word
  3. Use O-Word

An Analysis of Patient Safety Incident Reports Associated with Electronic Health Record Interoperability: A Critical Appraisal

  1. Describe the patient safety implications that arise from challenges with the interoperability between EHRs and other health IT
  2. Describe the prevalence of reported interoperability challenges and their impact on patient care


Databases and Datawarehouse

Generating Value through the Secondary use of Clinical Data


The CODA-19 Registry Project: A Case Study

David Buckeridge, MD, PhD

  • Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, 91˿Ƶ
  • Senior Scientist, Metabolic Disorders and Complications Program, Centre for Outcomes Research and Evaluation, RI-MUHC

Application of process mining to assess the data quality of routinely collected time-based performance data sourced from electronic health records by validating process conformance: A Critical Appraisal

Adam Gossack MD, FRCPC, BSc.

  • Fellow in Emergency Medicine Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ

Covid-19 Databases at the MUHC : A Case Study

Mr. Noé Djawn White, M.Sc., Adm.A., LSSBB

  • Associate Director, Integrated Information Management, Performance and Continuous Improvement Quality, Evaluation, Performance and Ethics, MUHC

Generating Value through the Secondary use of Clinical Data

  1. Understand database systems used in the hospital (relational vs NoSQL)
  2. Understand data warehousing

The CODA-19 Registry Project: A Case Study

  1. To appreciate how observational patient cohorts assembled from routine clinical data can be used to answer questions related to clinical practice and health systems management;
  2. To understand the challenges and opportunities in conducting research using clinical data extracted from multiple health care institutions.

Application of process mining to assess the data quality of routinely collected time-based performance data sourced from electronic health records by validating process conformance: A Critical Appraisal

  1. Understand how process mining can be used to assess the data quality of time-based ED performance metrics for a large dataset
  2. Identify process areas that cause or contribute to collection of poor-quality data

Covid-19 Databases at the MUHC : A Case Study

  1. List the steps relevant metrics that need to be reported for Covid-19
  2. Explain the challenges of reporting Covid-19 cases


Security and Privacy

Data Management: Privacy and security


Privacy and security Case study #1: SMH ED Communication Project


  • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff, Department of Emergency Medicine, St. Mary's Hospital Center

Case study#2: Single Sign-On: one password to rule them all?


Evaluation of Secure Messaging Applications for a Health Care System: A Case Study

Adam Gossack MD, FRCPC, BSc.

  • Fellow in Emergency Medicine Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ

Data Management: Privacy and security

  1. Define privacy, confidentiality, and security
  2. Understand the types of data breaches in healthcare
  3. Describe the type of data management controls

Privacy and security Case study #1: SMH ED Communication Project

  1. Assess privacy concerns related to this project
  2. Enumerate potential security threats and how to mitigate them
  3. Discuss some of the challenges in rapidly deploying an informatics project

Case study#2: Single Sign-On: one password to rule them all?

  1. Understand the benefits of using single sign-on to improve workflow in the healthcare setting
  2. Describe a structured approach and variables to consider when implementing single sign-on in the emergency department

Evaluation of Secure Messaging Applications for a Health Care System: A Case Study

  1. Understand secure messaging functionalities offered by various applications for use in the healthcare setting
  2. Become familiar with an evaluation framework designed to assess secure messaging applications


Administrative Data Use

ED data elements and ED metrics


Change of practice impacting the CTAS Code 2 response time: Case Study #1

Bernie Unger MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP, CSPQ

  • Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff and Associate Director, Emergency Department, Jewish General Hospital CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

Measuring Staff Performance: Case Study #2


Design, Implementation and Evaluation of an Architecture based on the CDA R2 Document Repository to Provide Support to the Contingency Plan: A Critical Appraisal

Adam Gossack MD, FRCPC, BSc.

  • Fellow in Emergency Medicine Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ

ED data elements and ED metrics

  1. Understand the scope of data elements
  2. Understand the impact ED data metrics
  3. Understand the limitations of data elements and metrics
  4. List the necessary factors for proper usage of analysis of ED data elements and metrics

Change of practice impacting the CTAS Code 2 response time: Case Study #1

  1. Understand the importance and pitfalls of triage analysis
  2. Understand the impact of protocol changes based on triage data results
  3. List the different factors that impact triage response times

Measuring Staff Performance: Case Study #2

  1. Identify key metrics to evaluate when measuring ED staff performance.
  2. Describe useful strategies for delivering individual performance reports.

Design, Implementation and Evaluation of an Architecture based on the CDA R2 Document Repository to Provide Support to the Contingency Plan: A Critical Appraisal

  1. Describe a strategy that can be used to allow for continued access to clinical information during electronic health record (EHR) downtime.
  2. Identify key clinical elements that are subject to discrepancies in the event of EHR downtime and use of a contingency plan


Clinical, QI and Research Data Use

Machine Learning: The Engine of Modern Artificial Intelligence


Machine Learning to predict adverse outcomes after syncope: A re-analysis of the Canadian Syncope Risk Score data (Case Study #1)

Lars Grant MD, PhD, CCFP(EM)

  • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff, Emergency Department, Jewish General Hospital CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
  • Investigator, Lady Davis Institute

Emergency Department Patient Disposition Support Tool (Case Study #2)


Embedded Clinical Decision Support in Electronic Health Record Decreases Use of High Cost Imaging in the Emergency Department: EmbED study (Critical Appraisal)

Adam Gossack MD, FRCPC, BSc.

  • Fellow in Emergency Medicine Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ

Machine Learning: The Engine of Modern Artificial Intelligence

  1. To appreciate the central role of machine learning in most modern artificial intelligence applications.
  2. Be able to list some challenges in the development or deployment of AI tools that are particular to the healthcare environment.
  3. Be able to list some potential applications of machine learning in the ED.

Machine Learning to predict adverse outcomes after syncope: A re-analysis of the Canadian Syncope Risk Score data (Case Study #1)

  1. Be able to list the essential steps in predictive machine learning model development.
  2. Understand the difference between discrimination and calibration. Be able to interpret and ROC curve and a calibration curve.

Emergency Department Patient Disposition Support Tool (Case Study #2)

  1. Describe the database structure, tables and relationships required to build a patient disposition support tool in the emergency department.
  2. Understand key data fields that are required to properly decide on a patient’s disposition.

Embedded Clinical Decision Support in Electronic Health Record Decreases Use of High Cost Imaging in the Emergency Department: EmbED study (Critical Appraisal)

  1. Describe the impact of evidence-based clinical decision support tools integrated into provider workflow on utilization of CT imaging.
  2. Understand the limitations associated with integrated clinical decision support tools.


AI, Big Data and Population Health Informatics

Guide to the swampland: Machine learning in medicine literature


Algorithmic Accountability

Lars Grant MD, PhD, CCFP(EM)

  • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff, Emergency Department, Jewish General Hospital CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
  • Investigator, Lady Davis Institute

Site Project Update: MUHC Triage Reorientation Tool


Early Prediction of Acute Kidney Injury in the Emergency Department With Machine-Learning Methods Applied to Electronic Health Record Data: A Critical Appraisal

Adam Gossack MD, FRCPC, BSc.

  • Fellow in Emergency Medicine Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ

Guide to the swampland: Machine learning in medicine literature

  1. Have increased comfort reviewing emergency medicine literature describing the development of predictive machine learning models.
  2. Awareness of reproducibility problems in the current machine learning literature.

Algorithmic Accountability

  1. Awareness of accountability issues in the use of machine learning tools in emergency medicine.
  2. Awareness of potential for bias in the implementation of machine learning tools in emergency medicine.

Site Project Update: MUHC Triage Reorientation Tool

  1. Become familiar with the process of patient reorientation from triage at the MUHC emergency departments.
  2. Describe limitations of the current tool and features that can be implemented to improve reorientation rates.

Early Prediction of Acute Kidney Injury in the Emergency Department With Machine-Learning Methods Applied to Electronic Health Record Data: A Critical Appraisal

  1. Understand how machine learning can be used to accurately predict ED patients who are likely to develop AKI within 72 hours.
  2. Identify important predictors for AKI in ED patients.


Basics of IT

High Level Basics and Principles of IT


Housing EMR cloudbased/outside institution: A Case Study

Stephen Rosenthal MD, CCFP, CSPQ

  • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Assistant Director and Attending Staff, Emergency Department, Jewish General Hospital CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

Emergency Department Mobile Cart Solution: Getting in Gear to Drive Up Efficiency


Validation of a wearable biosensor device for vital sign monitoring in septic emergency department patients in Rwanda: A Critical Appraisal

Adam Gossack MD, FRCPC, BSc.

  • Fellow in Emergency Medicine Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ

High Level Basics and Principles of IT

  1. List the Potential Deployment strategies for IT infrastructure
  2. List potential organograms and IT departmental structures
  3. List particular key infrastructure components in ED

Housing EMR cloudbased/outside institution: A Case Study

  1. List the Benefits and Negatives of outside housing of systems
  2. List the Potential Risks

Emergency Department Mobile Cart Solution: Getting in Gear to Drive Up Efficiency

  1. Describe essential features to include in a mobile cart to ensure ease of use and improve efficiency in the emergency department.
  2. Identify drawbacks and barriers to consider when implementing a mobile cart solution.

Validation of a wearable biosensor device for vital sign monitoring in septic emergency department patients in Rwanda: A Critical Appraisal

  1. Become familiar with innovative technology that allows for wireless monitoring of patient vital signs in the emergency department.
  2. Understand current limitations and future avenues for this technology.


Holiday Break

No lectures


Clinical Information Systems 1 - Review of Core ED Systems

Clinical Information Systems (Part 1)


Electronic Documentation in the ED – Paperless journey: A Case Study

Stephen Rosenthal MD, CCFP, CSPQ

  • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Assistant Director and Attending Staff, Emergency Department, Jewish General Hospital CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

Dealing with IT crashes: A Case Study

Marc Beique, MD, FRCPC(EM)

  • Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff and ED IT Director, Department of Emergency Medicine, MUHC

Improving ECG workflow in the ED: A Case Study

Antony Robert MDCM, FRCPC(EM), MASc., B.Eng.

  • Assistant Professor, FMD Ultrasound Content Lead, Health Informatics Fellowship SPC Member, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff and Assistant Director of ED IT, Department of Emergency Medicine, MUHC

Clinical Information Systems (Part 1)

  1. At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to understand the options for system choices of institution/department
  2. At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to plan for integration of systems into hospital environment
  3. At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to elaborate deployment strategies for new systems

Electronic Documentation in the ED – Paperless journey: A Case Study

  1. At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to consider different deployment options
  2. At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to strategize for buy-in strategies

Dealing with IT crashes: A Case Study

  1. Be able to list potential crash scenarios.
  2. Describe strategies to cope with IT failures.

Improving ECG workflow in the ED: A Case Study

  1. Understand the current workflow for generating ECG in the ED.
  2. List the advantages and disadvantages of using Bar Code scanning of patient bracelets.


Clinical Information Systems 2 - Review of Core ED Systems

Fundamentals of ED Information Systems

Adrian Florea MD

  • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff, Emergency Department, St. Mary’s Hospital Centre

The quest for the perfect EMR. Epic as a Case Study.

Rafael Aroutiunian MD

  • Faculty Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff, Emergency Department, Jewish General Hospital CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

Forecasting Emergency Department Flow Using Machine Learning

Devin Hopkins, MDCM, CCFP(EM)

  • Faculty Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff, Department of Emergency Medicine, JGH and CH du Suroît (Valleyfield, QC)
  • Chief MD at CHSLD St-Margaret (Westmount, QC)

Fundamentals of ED Information Systems

  1. Understand the role and application of Human Factors and Ergonomics in designing clinical information systems
  2. Analyze the design, implementation and effects on workflow of ED specific clinical information systems
  3. Discuss the scope and influence of integrated Clinical Decision Support in the Emergency Department

The quest for the perfect EMR. Epic as a Case Study.

  1. Gain insight into one of the most robust and used EMRs in the world.
  2. Appreciate the complexity and potential benefits involved in implementing such system on a province wide or national level

Forecasting Emergency Department Flow Using Machine Learning

  1. Develop a basic understanding of the statistical methods behind time series forecasting
  2. Learn to apply these methods to predict flow in the Emergency Department


Software integration in the clinical workflow

Implementation and Deployment of Health Informatics Solutions


Med-Urge deployment at the MUHC: A case study

Marc Beique, MD, FRCPC(EM)

  • Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff and ED IT Director, Department of Emergency Medicine, MUHC

Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE): Challenges and Strategies for Implementation


A usability and safety analysis of electronic health records: A multi-center study

Adam Gossack MD, FRCPC, BSc.

  • Fellow in Emergency Medicine Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ

Implementation and Deployment of Health Informatics Solutions

  1. Be able to describe various steps in the deployment of HI solutions
  2. Identify major obstacles to the deployment of HI solutions

Med-Urge deployment at the MUHC: A case study

  1. Illustrate elements of success described in previous in presentation
  2. Describe and identify IT barriers to deployment

Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE): Challenges and Strategies for Implementation

  1. Identify challenges faced when implementing a CPOE system in an emergency department.
  2. Describe strategies that can be used to facilitate CPOE implementation.

A usability and safety analysis of electronic health records: A multi-center study

  1. To characterize and quantify the variability in usability and safety of EHRs from two vendors across four healthcare systems.
  2. Understand the importance of EHR implementation processes and their impact on end-product functionality.


Clinical decision- support systems

Clinical Decision Support (CDS) – Have we entered the age of Watson?


Recent Implementations of Clinical Decision Support

Adrian Florea MD

  • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff, Emergency Department, St. Mary’s Hospital Centre

ER Physician Performance Analytics (Project Update)


Clinical decision support increases diagnostic yield of computed tomography for suspected pulmonary embolism: A Critical Appraisal

Adam Gossack MD, FRCPC, BSc.

  • Fellow in Emergency Medicine Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ

Clinical Decision Support (CDS) – Have we entered the age of Watson?

  1. Understand the drivers for implementing CDS
  2. Understanding the architecture of CDS
  3. Discuss standards and their role in establishing CDS

Recent Implementations of Clinical Decision Support

  1. Discuss and Review recent implementations of Clinical Decision Support
  2. Discuss limitations and possibilities for failure of CDS

ER Physician Performance Analytics (Project Update)

  1. Describe various quantitative and qualitative metrics that can be used to assess performance at the physician level.
  2. Identify challenges and key elements to consider when attempting to model several performance metrics.

Clinical decision support increases diagnostic yield of computed tomography for suspected pulmonary embolism: A Critical Appraisal

  1. Describe the impact of evidence-based clinical decision support (CDS) on the diagnostic yield of CTPE.
  2. Describe the impact of CDS on utilization rates of CTPE studies.


March Break

No lectures


Emerging Technologies – Big Data and Artificial intelligence 1

Speech Recognition in the ED: Past, present and future


Applied AI / ML: A voice-activated smart assistant in the ED

Rafael Aroutiunian MD

  • Faculty Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff, Emergency Department, Jewish General Hospital CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

Using Speech Recognition to Facilitate EHR Interactions and Improve Patient
Care in the Emergency Department


Efficiency and safety of speech recognition for documentation in the electronic
health record: A Critical Appraisal

Adam Gossack MD, FRCPC, BSc.

Fellow in Emergency Medicine Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ

Speech Recognition in the ED: Past, present and future

  1. Gain appreciation into how Speech Recognition has evolved and how Machine Learning has been involved in its evolution.
  2. How ML-enhanced Speech Recognition can be applied in the ED setting.

Applied AI / ML: A voice-activated smart assistant in the ED

  1. Gain a better understanding of what a smart assistant is and how it can be used in the ED.
  2. What is the current state of technology with respect to using voice-activated smart assistants in the ED.

Using Speech Recognition to Facilitate EHR Interactions and Improve Patient
Care in the Emergency Department

  1. Describe how speech recognition can facilitate various clinical tasks when caring for patients in the ED.
  2. Describe key EHR features that are necessary to have for speech recognition to operate at its full potential.

Efficiency and safety of speech recognition for documentation in the electronic
health record: A Critical Appraisal

  1. Describe differences in efficiency and safety with respect to EHR documentation using a keyboard and mouse versus speech recognition as the primary input modality.
  2. List different types of EHR documentation errors and their potential impact on patient safety.


Emerging Technologies – Big Data and Artificial intelligence 2

Image Interpretation and Deep Learning


Proposal for a chest X-ray nodule finder: A Case Study

Lars Grant MD, PhD, CCFP(EM)

  • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff, Emergency Department, Jewish General Hospital CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
  • Investigator, Lady Davis Institute

Rapid Triage and Prioritization of Pending CTs in the Emergency Department Using Artificial Intelligence


Promoting head CT exams in the emergency department triage using a machine learning model: A Critical Appraisal

Adam Gossack MD, FRCPC, BSc.

  • Fellow in Emergency Medicine Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ

Image Interpretation and Deep Learning

  1. Get a look at artificial neural networks, deep learning and understand how it relates to other machine learning methods.
  2. Overview of current state of automated image interpretation

Proposal for a chest X-ray nodule finder: A Case Study

  1. Understand the steps required in building a deep learning image classifier.
  2. Appreciate challenges that occur related to labeling the training and test set data appropriately.

Rapid Triage and Prioritization of Pending CTs in the Emergency Department Using Artificial Intelligence

  1. Describe how artificial intelligence can aid in the prioritization of ED patients with pending CT exams.
  2. Identify variables that are most likely to predict the need for urgent CT.

Promoting head CT exams in the emergency department triage using a machine learning model: A Critical Appraisal

  1. Describe a novel prediction model that identifies patients in need of a non-contrast head CT exam during ED triage.
  2. Identify limitations of the current study.


Understanding Software and Technology Innovation

Introduction to software development lifecycle

Antony Robert MDCM, MHI, FRCPC(EM), MASc., B.Eng.

  • Assistant Professor, FMD Ultrasound Content Lead, Health Informatics Fellowship SPC Member, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff and Assistant Director of ED IT, MUHC

Lean Lessons in Software Innovation

Mike Gozzo, B.Eng (Electrical), MBA

  • Vice President, Product Management @ Zendesk

Innovation in Healthcare

Irene Pylypenko, MSc.

The story of Vital Tracer – a novel smartwatch to monitor all vital signs continuously

Azadeh Dastmalchi, PhD.

  • CEO, Co-founder of VitalTracer

The MedSafer project – how we went from idea to product

Todd Lee, MD

  • Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Medicine, Division of Experimental Medicine, 91˿Ƶ

Introduction to software development lifecycle

  1. List the steps towards the development of a software product
  2. Explain how software requirements can be gathered

Lean Lessons in Software Innovation

  1. Understand the “lean” approach to identifying opportunities for innovate
  2. Understand the realities and process around seizing these opportunities

Innovation in Healthcare

  1. At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to understand innovation concepts in the healthcare industry.
  2. At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to understand different approaches to building a healthcare startup.

The story of Vital Tracer – a novel smartwatch to monitor all vital signs continuously

  1. What are steps to take an idea, create it and make it into a commercialized product
  2. What certifications are required to sell products as medical devices

The MedSafer project – how we went from idea to product

  1. Understand some of the processes required in taking an idea through to deliverable product
  2. Appreciate some of the challenges in working with coded and uncoded data sources


Project Management in Healthcare

Introduction to Project Management

Adam Gossack MD, FRCPC, BSc.

  • Fellow in Emergency Medicine Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ

Evaluation of a Patient & Caregiver Centered Mobile Application to Enhance Medication Management Following Hospital Discharge

Santiago Márquez Fosser MD, MSc

  • Post-Doctoral Fellow, 91˿Ƶ Clinical & Health Informatics (MCHI)

Le circuit prescription dispensation des médicaments – de la vision à la réalisation

Louise Fortin, M.A.P

  • Directrice de la mise en œuvre des projets de transformation numérique (DMOPTN), Direction des technologies de l’information (DGTI), Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS)


Élisabeth Bourassa, B.Pharm, MSc.

  • Pharmacienne affiliée au CHU de Québec – Université Laval
  • Responsable affaires du Programme de circuit prescription-dispensation du médicament (CPDM) à la Direction de la mise en œuvre des projets de transformation numérique (DMOPTN), Direction des technologies de l’information (DGTI), Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS)

Innovation Practices in Health Technology

David Schacter

  • Director of Health Innovation, Dialogue Health Technologies Inc.

Introduction to Project Management

  1. List the phases of the project management life cycle.
  2. Describe an approach to elaborate a health IT project in the ED.

Evaluation of a Patient & Caregiver Centered Mobile Application to Enhance Medication Management Following Hospital Discharge

  1. To describe the SAM (Smart about Meds) application, its usability, and user perception.
  2. To discuss the best opportunities that heath informatics can bring to manage medications using new technologies.

Le circuit prescription dispensation des médicaments – de la vision à la réalisation

  1. Décrire sommairement comment le programme de Circuit prescription-dispensation du médicament (CPDM) a été conçu et en quoi il consiste.
  2. Comprendre la complémentarité du CPDM avec le projet de Dossier santé numérique DSN
  3. Connaître l’approche choisie pour intégrer les aspects cliniques et technologiques

Innovation Practices in Health Technology

  1. Appreciate and recognize the real-world risks and challenges in successful development and launch of innovative healthcare solutions
  2. Identify and apply practices and risk minimization strategies to increase the odds of success in identifying and developing effective innovation initiatives


CIHI Session 1: Introduction to CIHI and their data

Time Changed to 13h00-16h00

Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) Overview

Kinga David

  • Manager, Quebec Regional Office, CIHI

National Ambulatory Care Reporting System

Isabel Tsui

  • Manager, Clinical Administrative Databases – Development and Expansion, CIHI


Anne Forsyth

  • Program Lead, Clinical Administrative Databases – Development and Expansion, CIHI

Classifications and Terminologies

Sharon Baker

  • Manager – Classifications and Terminologies – Development, CIHI

CIHI future directions for modernizing data collection in an increasingly digitized environment

Isabel Tsui

  • Manager, Clinical Administrative Databases – Development and Expansion, CIHI


Sharon Baker

  • Manager – Classifications and Terminologies – Development, CIHI

Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) Overview

  1. To provide an overview of CIHI, its mandate, vision and strategic goals.
  2. To provide a brief overview CIHI’s data holdings and reporting tools, highlighting where Québec is present.

National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS)

  1. To provide information on NACRS, its submission levels and submission processes.
  2. To describe the benefits of pan-Canadian ED data and current coverage.

Classifications and Terminologies

  1. To provide information on classification standards, Canadian coding standards and ED picklists.
  2. To describe the role of health information management professionals in clinical coding.

CIHI future directions for modernizing data collection in an increasingly digitized environment

  1. To describe opportunities for improvement with current data collection processes.
  2. To provide information on future directions CIHI will pursue in relation to modernizing data collection approaches.


Data Analytics

ED Information Systems and Technologies – A Comparison of 3 91˿Ƶ Sites

Adam Gossack MD, FRCPC, BSc.

  • Fellow in Emergency Medicine Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ

Data Analytics: Core Lecture

Antony Robert MDCM, FRCPC (EM), MASc., B.Eng.

  • Assistant Professor, FMD Ultrasound Content Lead, Health Informatics Fellowship SPC Member, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff and Assistant Director of ED IT, MUHC

Fonctionnement d’un PMO : Le processus d’approbation d’un projet

Éloïse De Bellefeuille, PMP

  • Manager by Interim, Project Management Office, Information Services, MUHC

ED Information Systems and Technologies – A Comparison of 3 91˿Ƶ Sites

  1. Describe the IT setup and EHR environment at 3 91˿Ƶ ED sites.
  2. List the advantages and disadvantages specific to each site.

Data Analytics: Core Lecture

  1. Understand the architecture for data analytics
  2. List different tools that can be used to develop an analytics dashboard

Fonctionnement d’un PMO : Le processus d’approbation d’un projet

  1. Comprendre le processus ministériel et organisationnel derrière les demandes de projets.
  2. Intégrer les facteurs de succès clés dans ses futures demandes de projets.


Change Management

Change Management: A People’s Perspective

Marc Beique, MD, FRCPC(EM)

  • Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff and ED IT Director, Department of Emergency Medicine, MUHC

Put Your Money Where Your Mouse Is – EHR Implementation and Physician Change Management, the BC Experience

Eric Grafstein MD, FRCPC

  • Clinical Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia

Emergency Department Descriptive Analytics Using Med-Urge: Site Project Presentation

Adam Gossack MD, FRCPC, BSc.

  • Fellow in Emergency Medicine Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ

Change Management: A People’s Perspective

  1. Familiarize the attendees with the various theories of change management
  2. Identify common steps to the various models

Put Your Money Where Your Mouse Is – EHR Implementation and Physician Change Management, the BC Experience

  1. Review project governance and understand the importance of having a clinically led project.
  2. Understand key principles for managing scope.
  3. Discuss key essential components of the EHR implementation – hint – it’s not the software.
  4. Discuss the key ways to enhance physician engagement and avoid physician problems during electronic health record implementation
  5. Review key elements of the educational process for onboarding physicians.

Emergency Department Descriptive Analytics Using Med-Urge: Site Project Presentation

  1. Understand the process of extracting and cleaning data from the Med-Urge Analyzer Module using Power BI.
  2. Describe the results of this ED analytics project and next steps.


Review of the Healthcare Organization and MSSS Cadre Normatif SIGDU - on which Emergency Department information systems are based


Review of general indicators part of the STAT (Soutien, Transformation, Accès, Terrain) – and how we can improve using HI


Funding sources for Health Informatics projects

Antony Robert MD, FRCPC(EM), CPHIMS-CA, MHI, MASc., B.Eng.

  • Assistant Professor and Academic Director of Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff and Assistant Director of ED IT, MUHC

Review of the Healthcare Organization and MSSS Cadre Normatif SIGDU - on which Emergency Department information systems are based

  1. List various federal organization pertaining to healthcare informatics
  2. List some key data elements required by the MSSS from ED information systems
  3. Question: What drove the development of both SIURGE, Med-Urge?

Review of general indicators part of the STAT (Soutien, Transformation, Accès, Terrain) – and how we can improve using HI

  1. Understand the various metrics the Ministry reports on for ED Services
  2. Explain how health informatics can improve ED Services

Funding sources for Health Informatics projects

  1. Explain the different types of projects amenable for funding
  2. Understand the sources of funding for digital health projects


Why do we need data governance?


JC article - The impact of adoption of an electronic health record on emergency physician work: A time motion study

Antony Robert MD, FRCPC(EM), CPHIMS-CA, MHI, MASc., B.Eng.

  • Assistant Professor and Academic Director of Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff and Assistant Director of ED IT, MUHC

A case study in the use of data from the Banque de données communes des urgences


  • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff, Department of Emergency Medicine, St. Mary's Hospital Center

Why do we need data governance?

  1. List the elements of a data governance plan
  2. List the goals / outcomes of data governance

A case study in the use of data from the Banque de données communes des urgences

  1. Understand the process to request and use data from the government for the purpose of emergency medicine research
  2. Appreciate how information governance is practically applied when using administrative data from the government

JC article - The impact of adoption of an electronic health record on emergency physician work: A time motion study

  1. Define what is a time motion study
  2. Evaluate the impact of a new EHR on physician work


Creating a predictive machine learning model to reprioritize code 3 patients in the ED: Site Project Presentation

Adam Gossack MD, FRCPC, BSc.

  • Fellow in Emergency Medicine Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ

HL7 Data Exchange Standards

Finnie Flores, MPH, MAEd, CPHIMS-CA

  • Program Consultant (Standards), Enterprise Architecture & Standards, Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)

Physician Workflow in Two Distinctive Emergency Departments: An Observational Study by Patel et al, 2021

Antony Robert MD, FRCPC(EM), CPHIMS-CA, MHI, MASc., B.Eng.

  • Assistant Professor and Academic Director of Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff and Assistant Director of ED IT, MUHC

Creating a predictive machine learning model to reprioritize code 3 patients in the ED: Site Project Presentation

  1. Understand the steps required to develop a predictive machine learning model for use in the emergency department.
  2. Describe several patient-centered outcomes that could aid in prioritizing Code 3 patients for initial physician assessment.

HL7 Data Exchange Standards

  1. Identify some of the data exchange standards used in health informatics
  2. Have a deeper understanding of HL7 standards particularly version 2.x and FHIR
  3. Understand some considerations when implementing a data exchange interface

Physician Workflow in Two Distinctive Emergency Departments: An Observational Study by Patel et al, 2021

  1. Describe the various activities part of a typical ED workflow
  2. Describe 2 type of activities/situations that can increased cognitive load in the ED


Performance analytics for EM physicians at the RVH: Capstone Project

Adam Gossack MD, FRCPC, BSc.

  • Fellow in Emergency Medicine Health Informatics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ

Data and Information Governance

Janine Kaye

  • Manager, Data Governance and Standards Office, Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)

Information Quality at CIHI

Joanne Sefton

  • Consultant, Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)

Performance analytics for EM physicians at the RVH: Capstone Project

  1. Describe quantitative and qualitative metrics that can be used to assess performance at the physician level.
  2. Identify challenges and key elements to consider when modelling several performance metrics.

Data and Information Governance

  1. Understand what data and information governance is and the best sources of information for healthcare data
  2. Identify the core principles for a mature data governance program and how CIHI is incorporating these into their work
  3. Know what questions to ask when setting up governance and management of your EDIS data for research and analysis internally and externally

Information Quality at CIHI

  1. Gain an understanding of key quality principles.
  2. At a high level, understand CIHI’s Information Quality Framework and related components of the Data Source Assessment Tool.
  3. Learn about some current quality activities related to NACRS Emergency Department data.


Overview of Security and Privacy

Rafael Aroutiunian MD

  • Faculty Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff, Emergency Department, Jewish General Hospital CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal


Alana Lane

  • Classification Specialist, Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)

Outbreaks in the virtual world: Cybersecurity in Medium and Large Healthcare Organizations


  • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff, Department of Emergency Medicine, St. Mary's Hospital Center


Adrian Florea MD

  • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff, Emergency Department, St. Mary’s Hospital Centre

Overview of Security and Privacy

  1. Common security and Privacy challenges
  2. Techniques to overcome security and privacy challenges.


  1. Understand the differences between SNOMED CT and classifications
  2. Identify practical use cases for SNOMED CT in the healthcare system
  3. Understand the benefits of SNOMED CT in an electronic health record system

Outbreaks in the virtual world: Cybersecurity in Medium and Large Healthcare Organizations

  1. Introduce examples of recent cyberattacks affecting Health Care Organizations and understand consequences data breaches to patient safety, data integrity and availability
  2. Understand the difference between threats and vulnerabilities and analyze the basic aspects of the most common threats in healthcare
  3. Introduce a framework for incident response to cyberattacks in healthcare


Optimal Leveraging of EMHI for Admin / QI needs: Making sure the data tail doesn’t wag the project dog

Eddy Lang, MD

  • Professor and Department Head, Emergency Medicine, Cumming School of Medicine, Alberta Health Services

The National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C): A social experiment in collaborative research

Christopher G Chute, MD DrPH

  • Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Health Informatics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA

Privacy Fundamentals

Patrick Lo, CISSP, CIPP/C.

  • CEO, Privacy Horizon Inc.

Optimal Leveraging of EMHI for Admin / QI needs: Making sure the data tail doesn’t wag the project dog

  1. Develop an approach that yields high impact quality of care initiatives in the ED
  2. Consider the pros and cons of public reporting of quality of care measures
  3. Examine the use of health information data as a tool for MD practice enhancement

The National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C): A social experiment in collaborative research

  1. The scope, content, and creation of the N3C;
  2. Efforts to promote team science and broad attribution

Privacy Fundamentals

  1. Understand the language of privacy
  2. Understand the principles and legislation that applies to their organizations.


Optimal Leveraging of EMHI for Research: Balancing Curiosity Feasibility and Complexity

Eddy Lang, MD

  • Professor and Department Head, Emergency Medicine, Cumming School of Medicine, Alberta Health Services

CODA19: Analyse collaborative des données pour améliorer les soins cliniques chez les patients atteints de COVID-19

Dr Michaël Chassé, MD, PhD, FRCPC

  • Principal Scientist, CHUM Research Centre and Centre d'intégration et d'analyse de données médicales (CITADEL) and Associate Professor, Department of medicine, University of Montreal


Pascal St-Onge, M.Sc.

  • Medical Data Science Program Manager,

Optimal Leveraging of EMHI for Research: Balancing Curiosity Feasibility and Complexity

  1. Develop an approach for developing impactful research using EMHI as the laboratory
  2. Consider strategies for designing and implementing research within an electronic health record
  3. Describe the gamut of opportunities that can allow for research to be conducted through EMHI or within an HER

CODA19: Analyse collaborative des données pour améliorer les soins cliniques chez les patients atteints de COVID-19

  1. Solution technologique permettant la recherche sur les données de santé.
  2. Méthode d'analyse décentralisée


Facilitating work with computers, the present and the future


Real-time localization; experience and opportunities

Marc Beique, MD, FRCPC(EM)

  • Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Staff and ED IT Director, Department of Emergency Medicine, MUHC

When things just don’t work

Stephen Rosenthal, MD, CCFP, CSPQ

  • Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Assistant Director and Attending Staff, Emergency Department, Jewish General Hospital CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

Facilitating work with computers, the present and the future

  1. Understand why hardware configuration is important
  2. Name 3 hardware set up that can facilitate work

When things just don’t work

  1. How to prepare for downtimes -planned or unplanned
  2. Challenges in best of bread environment

Real-time localization; experience and opportunities

  1. Be able to list 2 challenges with deployment of localization devices
  2. List at least one future application for such devices


@ 10am

Identify And Organizing Data To Be Included In An Integrated Healthcare Delivery Organization's Enterprise Data Warehouse

Philip M. Troy, Ph.D.

  • Senior Analytics Advisor, CIUSSS Centre Ouest Montreal, Adjunct Professor of Surgery, 91˿Ƶ

How useful is patient reported pain at triage?

Lars Grant, MD, PhD, CCFP(EM)

  • Associate Chair Research, Department of Emergency Medicine, 91˿Ƶ
  • Attending Physician, Jewish General Hospital

Identify And Organizing Data To Be Included In An Integrated Healthcare Delivery Organization's Enterprise Data Warehouse

  1. How you should go about identifying the data they need for process improvement and/or clinical research
  2. How you would want that information to be presented to them for that research

How useful is patient reported pain at triage?

  1. Understand the use of CTAS in Canadian EDs and the way in which it is implemented in Med-Urge
  2. Understand the use of ROC analysis to assess the discrimination of prognostic predictions.
  3. Appreciate the significance of patient reported pain as a triage element.

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