
Honours in English 

The Honours Program in English is an exciting opportunity to delve deeper into Literary Studies, Cultural Studies, or Drama & Theatre Studies. It provides students with the opportunity to undertake a structured and wide-ranging program of study, culminating in an honours essay, on a topic of the student's choice, supervised by a faculty member in the Department of English. Participation in independent research combined with advanced course work offers students the latitude to develop their personal interests and ideas while developing as critical thinkers and scholars. The Honours Program in English is intended as preparation not only for graduate studies but also for a broad range of intellectually or creatively demanding professions and careers.

English students in the Literature, Cultural Studies, or Drama & Theatre stream wishing to enter the Honours Program usually apply at the end of two terms in an English Major or Minor program, preferably after completing at least 18 credits of English. So if you are about to complete two terms or 18 credits of your English program, now is the time to contact an Honours Advisor for more information about the program and its entrance requirements. An Honours Advisor will be able to help you to find a supervisor--that is, a faculty member who will help you plan your Honours program and guide you in your research--and will also update your Honours audit sheet once you have been accepted into the progam. You should also look out for information sessions about the honours program, usually held in November and January, and consult the honours FAQ.

Admission to Honours is by application. You can download a copy of the form here: Honours Application. The deadline to apply is May 22, 2024. We encourage you to apply to Honours if your CGPA is 3.3 or higher. Students with an English Program GPA of 3.50 (that is, a GPA of 3.50 calculated from their Honours audit sheet), but a lower CGPA, may also apply and make a case for their acceptance.

Honours English is a 54-credit program, and so we urge students intending to apply for Honours to complete as many of the specific requirements of their option as possible within the first two years. With an advisor's written approval, up to nine credits may be taken outside the Department. All Honours students complete at least 6 of their complementary credits at the 500 level. Ideally, 500-level seminars chosen will be relevant to the area of the student's independent study in the 6-credit Honours Essay course. The Honours Essay, which is usually taken in the Fall (ENGL 491D1) and Winter (ENGL 491D2) of the final year, is first planned in consultation with a supervisor at the time of application to the Honours program; it is then guided and evaluated by that supervisor during the completion of ENGL 491D1/491D2. 

Graduation with Honours requires, in addition to 54 credits of English, a minimum mark of B+ on the Honours Essay, a minimum CGPA of 3.0, and a minimum program GPA of 3.50. Graduation with First Class Honours requires a minimum mark of A on the Honours Essay, a minimum CGPA of 3.50, and a minimum program GPA of 3.70.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) Why do Honours English? What are the major advantages of an Honours degree?

Many students with a strong engagement in their English program may find that the 36-credit Major simply isn't enough—just scratching the surface of what could be explored. A 54-credit Honours program allows students to graduate both with a broad, extensive background in most areas of the field and also with a strong, in-depth concentration on a specialized area of interest. In their later years, Honours students also take more small, upper-level seminars, thus developing more personal relationships with a range of professors in the department and with their student cohort, as well as a more advanced knowledge of English studies. In the final year of the Honours program, each student undertakes a 6-credit Honours Essay, working closely with one supervising professor over two semesters to complete this substantial, specialized research project. For many Honours students, the Honours Essay is a key attraction. The chance to conceive of an ambitious research project on a special topic of personal interest, design a reading list and research plan for approaching this topic, and then write up the essay in one-on-one consultation with a supervisor can be a highlight of the undergraduate career.

2) Why would some students reasonably choose not to do Honours?

An Honours program is intended to give the student advanced knowledge in one field or discipline. Students who are more interested in breadth than in specialization might decide to spread their studies over several departments (with a Major and two Minors, for example); students strongly interested in two distinct disciplines might choose a Double Major; and students who want to do fully interdisciplinary work bringing together study in two fields may design a Joint Honours program.

3) Is an Honours degree a prerequisite for admission to graduate school?

No, these days an Honours degree is no longer a specific requirement for most graduate programs. But, even if it is not technically required, an Honours program does still offer by far the best preparation for graduate study, and can be a great advantage for those applying to graduate schools. The Honours degree itself is a strong indicator that the student has earned admission to, and completed the requirements of, an advanced, highly selective program of study and research. An Honours English program gives students both broad coverage in their field and a coherent, in-depth training in their area of specialization. A range of smaller seminars in later years also gives Honours students an impressive amount of advanced training—and contact with several professors who have followed the students' work closely and so can support them with strong, detailed letters of reference. Successful completion of the research and writing for the yearlong, 40-to-50-page Honours Essay is an accomplishment valued by graduate schools in many fields, as well as by future employers outside of academia.

4) When do students apply to the Honours program?

Generally at the end of U1 (the first year in an English Major program)—after the student has completed at least 18 credits (6 courses) in English. But many students also apply at the end of U2. Those who apply at the end of U2 should have carefully planned their course selections in U1 and U2, choosing courses with an eye on the Honours requirements, in consultation with an Honours advisor, even before they have actually submitted their applications to the program.

5) If I do decide to apply to the Honours program later in my 91˿Ƶ career, will I be allowed to stay for an extra term or year at 91˿Ƶ, or to take credits beyond the 120-credit limit?

This is not a decision of the Department of English, but of the office of the Associate Dean of Students. Generally, though,  the Associate Dean of Students will give a student permission to register for additional terms, and additional course credits, if it can be shown that these specific courses and credits are necessary for completion of the requirements of the student's Honours, major, or minor program.

6) Can I consult with an Honours Advisor before I am admitted to the Honours program?

Yes, students are strongly encouraged to meet with an Honours advisor as soon as they begin considering the option of applying to Honours. It is a good idea to consult with an Honours Advisor even before you apply to the program—to define a "field of inquiry," design a coherent study plan, choose courses, help select a potential Honours Essay supervisor, and so on. This is especially encouraged for students who plan to apply only at the end of U2; things will go much more smoothly if such students have consulted an Honours Advisor about course selection, etc., long before actually applying for admission to the Honours program.

7) Is it possible to combine a semester or year of Study Abroad with an Honours program?

Yes, but this will also require especially careful planning of course selections, both at 91˿Ƶ and at the foreign school.

8) Do I need to have already defined a precise topic for my Honours Essay at the time of applying to Honours?

No. At the time of application (at end of U1 or U2), all that is required is a brief , 250-word statement outlining a general "field of inquiry" or area of concentration—usually defined by an era, a methodology, and/or a set of analytic questions. It can be further defined in relation to a list of authors, texts, or possible case studies. The professor selected as sponsor/supervisor at the time of application should have a special expertise in that "field of inquiry," and can help the student refine the definition of the area of concentration before the application is submitted. A precise subject and argument for the actual Honours Essay does not have to be defined until the beginning of U3, the year in which the Honours Essay is written. The Honours Essay proposal is due in late October of U3. (Students can look over samples of "model" proposals from previous years that are kept on file in Arts 155 .)

9) What if my interests change after I have been admitted to Honours, and I decide I would like to shift the focus of my advanced course work and my Honours Essay to a different "field of inquiry"?

This is not unusual. The student would not be required to re-apply to the Honours Committee, but would simply need to find a new supervisor who agrees to work with the student on the newly-defined Honours Essay. In such cases, the professor who serves as "sponsor" of the application for admission to the program will be different from the essay supervisor (who consults with the student on the project and on related course choices in both terms of U3).

10) Is it possible to do a "creative" Honours Essay—in any of the department's three streams? How would such a project work?

In rare cases, students are allowed to plan a "creative" thesis—usually involving the writing of a collection of poems or short stories; the making of a film; or the writing/production of a play. In such cases, the student should of course have had a great deal of previous experience in such creative work, evidenced through course work, independent study projects, or a strong portfolio of prior creative projects. The student would also have to find a professor who would approve the project and agree to supervise it. All creative projects must also include an analytical component—an accompanying research essay exploring issues related to the creative work done for the project.

11) If I meet the minimum CGPA and English Program GPA requirements, am I guaranteed admission into the Honours Program?

No. Meeting the grade requirements is a strong start, but the Honours Committee makes admissions decisions on the basis of the complete application package—including the writing sample, the statement defining a "field of inquiry," and so on.

12) When should I begin preparing my application to the Honours program?

Although completed applications are not due until the end of exam period in each winter term, students are encouraged to begin to prepare for the application process by at least January because the application process requires a good deal of prior thought, planning, legwork, and consultation with a potential faculty sponsor/supervisor. The application process is, in fact, quite simple. But getting the support and signature of the faculty sponsor/supervisor, and agreeing on the definition of the "field of inquiry," can take some time.

13) After I have submitted my application to the Honours program, when can I expect to hear about the Honours Committee's decision?

Normally the Honours Committee meets to make admissions decisions in late May, and students will be contacted about the decision in early June.

Honours Essay - Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register for the honours essay?

The honours essay is a two part course, usually taken in the Fall and Winter terms of the student’s final year. You should register for ENGL 491-D1 in the first term when you will be writing the honours essay, and ENGL 491-D2 in the second term.

What should my honours essay proposal include?

A proposal should clearly identify the topic of the essay, and describe its goals and significance. It should include an outline of the essay’s probable organization into parts or chapters. It should also include a selected bibliography of primary and secondary works to be consulted.

What makes a good topic for an honours essay?

Bear in mind that the honours essay project is neither an open-ended reading course nor a term paper. Proposals should both (a) describe an area of inquiry or critical problem commensurate with a six-credit course and (b) within that area identify the specific topic that will be explored in the essay itself, the normal length of which is 40-to-50 pages plus notes and bibliography.

Is it possible to do a “creative” Honours Essay—in any of the department’s three streams? How would such a project work?

In rare cases, students are allowed to plan a “creative” thesis—usually involving the writing of a collection of poems or short stories; the making of a film; or the writing/production of a play. In such cases, the student should of course have had a great deal of previous experience in such creative work, evidenced through course work, independent study projects, or a strong portfolio of prior creative projects. The student would also have to find a professor who would approve the project and agree to supervise it. All creative projects must also include an analytical component—an accompanying research essay exploring issues related to the creative work done for the project.

How long should my honours essay proposal be?

Proposals must be double-spaced and should include from 3 to 5 pages of text as well as about 3 pages of bibliography.

Is there a form to fill out?

No. But you must include your current email address and telephone number on the first page of the proposal. Your supervisor must also sign the first page of your proposal to confirm his or her willingness to supervise the essay. Remember that your supervisor may wish to see several drafts of your proposal before agreeing to sign it.

What should go in the bibliography?

Firstly, it should include all the primary texts you will study. Secondly, it should include up-to-date secondary materials relating not only to the primary materials of your project but also to any historical or theoretical concepts mentioned in the proposal. You may find it helpful to divide the bibliography into sections relating to different aspects of your proposal.

Where do I submit the honours essay proposal?

When you have completed your proposal and your supervisor has signed it, submit the proposal to the Honours Director, who will announce the method that is appropriate for this submission.

When is the deadline?

The deadline is usually in the third week of October. Look out for announcements giving the exact date.

When is the honours essay itself due?

The exact deadline has to be agreed in discussion with your supervisor. It will usually be at the end of the winter term. Supervisors have to submit marks for honours essays for the University deadline at the end of the term in which students are registered for ENGL 491-D2.

Where can I get more information?

An information session on honours essay proposals is usually organized at the beginning of October. In this session members of the honours committee and former honours students are available to talk about writing the honours essay and to answer questions. An honours essay colloquium is held at the end of the winter term, in which students present the work they have done for their honours essays. Look out for announcements for these two events.

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