
Resources for Student Teachers

This section contains information and links to resources for student teachers that must be reviewed and completed before or during the Field Experience (FE)/Internship (IN):

  1. 91˿Ƶ Principles of Practice, Behaviour and Ethical Conduct for Teacher Candidates (read in advance of FE/IN)

  2. Guide to Professional Behaviour for Student Teachers(read in advance of FE/IN)

  3. Student Teacher Profiles(complete in advance of FE/IN)

  4. Guide to Written Components(use during FE/IN)

  5. Activity, Lesson &Learning Plans (use during FE/IN)

  6. Tipsfor Giving & Receiving Feedback

  7. Assessment Tracking

  8. Action Plan(complete at end of FE/IN)

  9. External Resources

  10. Distant Supervision Resources(including Consent Forms)

  11. Online Teaching Resources

91˿Ƶ Principles of Practice, Behaviour and Ethical Conduct for Teacher Candidates

This should be read in advance of your field experience/internship.

Outlines the ethical responsibilities for Student Teachers, emphasizing respect for human dignity and the importance of confidentiality in the profession.

Full text available here.

Guide to Professional Behaviour for Student Teachers

This should be read in advance of your field experience/internship.

Outlines appropriate and inappropriate behaviours related to ethics in Student Teaching, emphasizing the need to behave ethically and responsibly at all times.

Full text available here.

Student Teacher Profiles

These should be completed by the Student Teacher, and copies should be given to theCo-operating Teacher and Field Supervisor at thefirst meeting.

Guide to Written Components

As part of their placement, Student Teachers will create the following written records:

Weekly Reflection Journal

  • The Journal allows Student Teachers to synthesize ideas, thoughts and activities from the week and link practice to theory,as part of their own best practices in reflective teaching and PC development
  • Journal content may be free-form but its tone should be professional (i.e. not that of a personal diary)
  • The Journal must be kept up-to-date and readily available for consultation at any time (e.g. by the Co-operating Teacher, Field Supervisor, ISA Office).
  • In addition to the Journal, studentsmaychoose to keep a personal diary; this document is not shared and is a tool for processing individual feelings and experiences

Activity/Lesson/Learning Plans & Planning Book

  • Students Teachers, with the support of their Co-operating Teacher and Field Supervisor, will engage in rigorous activity, lesson/learning and unit planning as appropriate to each placement (see placement's workload schedule)
  • Templates for and annotated versions ofactivity, lesson, and learning plans are availableon the ISA website.Student Teachers should use and build off of these comprehensive templates,initially and for any observation/evaluation. Depending on the context, Student Teachers may elect to use acondensed formatlater on for their own planning, if not being evaluated.
  • A log of all plans (Planning Book) must be kept up-to-date and readily available for consultation at any time (e.g. by the Co-operating Teacher, Field Supervisor, ISA Office). The Planning Book should contain up-to-date plans for all activities, lessons, and units taught by the Student Teacher, as well as the Student Teacher’s comments on adjustments or improvements to be made, based on implementation.

Professional e-Portfolio (excluding B.Ed. Phys. Ed.)

e-Logbook(B.Ed. Phys. Ed. ONLY)

  • Submitted by student to KPE via MyCourses
  • A final grade for the field experience is contingent on and will not be issued until KPE has confirmed receipt of a student's satisfactory e-Logbook

Activity, Lessonand LearningPlans

Student teachers are required to complete detailed activity (FE2) or lesson/learningplans for all of their teaching. These plans should be submitted to the cooperating teacher and supervisor in advance of scheduled teaching in order to communicate intended learning and to obtain feedback. As student teachers progress through the teacher education programs, expectations for planning also includes learning evaluation situations (LES) and planning for larger units of work. Student teachers are strongly encouraged to begin planning early so as to maximize the effectiveness and success of the intended learning for the students they will be teaching.

Template (English) Modèle (français) Supervisor Copy | Copie du superviseur
Lesson Plan (Phys. Ed) - template
Lesson Plan (Phys. Ed) FE1- template
Plan de cours (Éd. phys.) - modèle
Plan de cours (Éd. phys.) Stage 1- modèle
Lesson Plan (Phys. Ed) - Supervisor copy
Plan de cours (Éd. phys.) - copie du superviseur
ACTIVITY PLAN - FE2 (excluding Phys. Ed)
Template (English) Modèle (français) Annotated Version

File FE2 Activity Plan (Elementary and Secondary) - template

File FE2 Plan d'Activité (Primaire et Secondaire) - modèle FE2 Activity Plan (Elementary & Secondary)- Annotated Version
File FE2 Activity Plan for Kindergarten - template File FE2 Plan d'Activité Maternelle - modèle FE2 Activity Plan (Kindergarten)- Annotated Version
LEARNING PLAN - IN1, IN2, FE2, FE3, FE4(excluding Phys. Ed)
Template (English) Modèle (français) Annotated Version

Learning Plan (Elementary & Secondary) - template

File Plan d'apprentissage - Primaire et Secondaire (modèle)

Learning Plan(Elementary & Secondary) - Annotated Version

Kindergarten Learning Plan - Template Plan d'apprentissage (maternelle) - modèle Learning Plan (Kindergarten) - Annotated Version
"CONDENSED" LEARNING PLAN- IN1, IN2, FE3, FE4 (excluding Phys. Ed)

A "condensed" learning plan, which should NOT be used for observations/evaluations and should only be employed later into the placement once a student has thoroughly demonstrated the expectations of Professional Competency 3 ("Plan teaching and learning situations"), should at the minimum contain:

  • Title of Lesson
  • Grade Level
  • Subject
  • Topic
  • Learning/Lesson Objectives
  • QEP Subject Area Competencies
  • Lesson Parts and Timing
  • Required Materials/Resources
  • Assessment Plan

Take note that, depending on the context, some Co-operating Teachers,host schools, and/or Field Supervisors may request that a Student Teacher consistently create comprehensive lesson plans, and neveruse a condensed format.

The Importance of Planning for Learning

In its simplest form, a lesson plan is the teacher’s road map of what students need to learn and how it will be done effectively during the class time. A Learning Plan, while similar in intent, is the articulation of a complex plan that focuses on the many integrated facets of intended learning. In the case of Quebec, a Learning Plan not only takes into account the content and planned activities for that learning opportunity but also considers the role of the Progressions of Learning, Cross-Curricular Competencies and Broad Areas of Learning to name a few (you can find copies of these documents ).

A good Learning Plan is a vital component of the teaching learning process. Thoughtful planning keeps teachers organized and on track and helps students meaningfully engage in the material. As a result, classroom disruptions are minimized, the stress on the teacher is reduced, and the learning environment is optimized for students.

The Internships and Student Affairs Office, in cooperation with the Department of Integrated Studies in Education, has developed a template for the Learning Plan that is considerate of the Quebec context as well as research on effective learning. We have consulted with administrators and Cooperating Teachers in the field as well as 91˿Ƶ instructors who have provided positive feedback. Drawing on Understanding by Design (Wiggins & McTighe, 2002), we have also developed an annotated version that includes guiding questions for each section to provide the students teacher with direction on how to complete an effective Learning Plan. For more background information, you can consult the Understanding by Design Background information on constructing meaningful learning.

During Internships and Field Experiences, student teachers are expected to develop detailed learning plans that demonstrate their ability to meaningfully plan for effective student learning. We strongly recommend that you utilize the Learning Plan templates and annotated versions provided here.

Tips for Giving & Receiving Feedback

PowerPoint Presentation created and given by Dr. Joseph Levitan to 91˿Ƶ Field Supervisors in January 2020.

Assessment Tracking for Student Teachers

Student Teachers are recommended to review the workload/assessment schedule for their particular placement toensure that they are following the workload progression as per the scheduleand are receiving the assessments required per week (if any).

Action Plan

To be completed at the end of your Field Experience/Internship and reviewed at the start of your subsequent Field Experience/Internship

To contribute to the goal of preparing reflective practitioners, Teacher Candidates (Student Teachers) will write an Action Plan at the end of their initial placements (FE1, FE2, FE3, IN1) with input from their Co-operating Teacher(s) and/or Field Supervisor. The Action Plan synthesizes each placement’s evaluations and coaching conversations, links each placement to the next, establishes goals for improvement, and forms an agenda for discussion between the Student Teacher, Co-operating Teacher and Field Supervisor at the beginning of the subsequent placement.

PDF icon Action Plan

External Resources

Learning and Evaluation Situation (LES) resources

Ministry of Education

  • (Main Ministry website)

  • (Teaching Permits)

Teaching Resources

  • Visit the Professional Development section of ISA's Career Services website for a list of resources and associations/organizations

Schools in Quebec

(ISA works with all accredited elementary and secondary schools in Quebec)

Distant Supervision Resources

Types of Supervision

  1. In-Person: Supervisor is present in the classroom while you are teaching
  2. Synchronous Remote: Supervisor observes in real time via Webex or Zoom
  3. Asynchronous Remote:Supervisor observes a video recording via secure upload

Teaching Episode Consent Forms Procedure**NEW**

To protect the confidentiality of the young people with whom you will be teaching and to accommodate the need for remote field supervision, all Teacher Candidatesmustnotify their cooperating teacher if their supervisor will be supervising remotely. It's important to communicate about this with the co-operating teachers even if a Field Supervisor does not plan on conducting remote assessments during the placement, in case unforeseen circumstances arise (e.g. inclement weather, illness, etc.) that would necessitate an assessment be conducted virtually. The Co-operating teacher should be able to confirm if the Teacher Candidates require the parental consent from their students. It is important that this is discussed at the introductory meeting. Student teachers and their Supervisors should submit their consent form to their supervisors in a timely manner.


Student TeachersTeaching Episode Consent Form

SupervisorsTeaching Episode Consent Form

As needed:

Teaching Episode Consent Form - Parents

Synchronous Livestream of Teaching Episode

We recommend using WebEx provided the bandwidth of your internet access in schools will reliably support video streaming. If it does not, we recommend that you record the teaching episode and upload it using a private YouTube setting. Webex does not limit the time of the teaching episode like other platforms, such as Zoom, but offers similar functionality.

Instructions for using WebEx for livestreaming a teaching episode can be found HERE.

Asynchronous Recording of Teaching Episode

Any recording of a teaching episode must be deleted form ALL devices and platforms immediately following the completed assessment. We remind teacher candidates of their responsibility in ensuring that recorded teaching episode and associated material cannot be reproduced or placed in the public domain. This means that each of you can use it for you’re the assessment of your teaching episode ONLY. You cannot allow others to use it, by putting it up on the Internet or by giving it or selling it to others who may also copy it and make it available. Please refer to 91˿Ƶ’s Guidelines for Instructors and Students on Remote Teaching and Learning for further information.

Instructions for uploading private teaching episode videos on YouTube can be found HERE.

Online Teaching Resources

  1. Teaching in/with Zoom(guide), has embedded links to using Zoomfor online teaching. This resource has shared by Dr. Ken Robertson, 91˿Ƶ Course Instructor.
  2. Zoom Online Learning Checklist(guide), shared by Mr. Sam Bruzzese, 91˿Ƶ Course Instructor. The document is originally from Julie Schell, University of Texas at Austin, College of Fine Arts.
  3. (video),focuses on remote teaching in the Quebec K-11 sector. This video is courtesy of Mr. Sam Bruzzese, 91˿Ƶ Course Instructor.
  4. (video), covers breakout rooms and assigning groups as well as Pear Deck and student presentations. This video is courtesy of Mr. Sam Bruzzese, 91˿Ƶ Course Instructor.
  5. List of Online Distance Education Resources(list), compiled by the ISA's Career Advisor, Lara Franko, includes links to a variety of excellent websites intended to help facilitate meaningful online learning.
  6. Google Meet Resources: &
  7. Google Classroom Resources:,,

91˿Ƶ is on land which long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. We acknowledge and thank the diverse Indigenous people whose footsteps have marked this territory on which peoples of the world now gather. Learn more.
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