Progress Tracking Reports

Each year, students are required to fill out the Progress Tracking Reports, which are available for download on the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (PGS)’ website. At the Institute, this is mandatory for both the MA and the PhD students. The complete and signed forms are due on May 30.  

The new students also need to complete part of this process (Objectives) in their first term, with a deadline of September 30. 

You should meet with your supervisor to have him/her review your objectives (Objectives) and accomplishments (Objectives Set), to evaluate your work from the previous year. Your supervisor must write his/her comments under Evaluation and you can sign the form if you agree. Once completed, these forms should be signed by the GPD and then uploaded by the student to myProgress so that the Institute's Student Affairs Coordinator could check off that milestone as complete for you.

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