Welcome from Tina Piper, Associate Dean (Academic)

Tina PiperWelcome to 91Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ’s Faculty of Law. We are delighted that you have joined our wonderful community of students, professors, staff and alumni. 91Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ is a very special place to study law because of our unique program of legal education, our remarkable and engaged student body, the many academic opportunities and services we offer, as well as the fact that we are located in the amazing city of Montreal. 

La Faculté de droit de 91Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ offre un environnement à la fois favorable et stimulant où la théorie et la pratique de droit convergent; où l'enseignement par des universitaires remarquables fonde l'expérience académique; où les opportunités de s'impliquer dans les questions juridiques affectant nos communautés locales et à travers le monde sont tout aussi nombreuses; où une équipe dévouée d’administrateurs déploie tous les efforts à assurer un bon déroulement de votre programme de droit. 

Our students are engaged, intelligent and passionate. You will find your fellow classmates deeply committed to learning, to legal scholarship and to service. Some of them will become your friends for life. Others will become your professional colleagues. Together, you will journey through an incredible educational and social experience of growth and change. Take advantage of some or all of the opportunities on offer ranging from working in a legal clinic, Skit Nite, pursuing a judicial clerkship, acting in a student play, going on exchange, being part of a journal or doing a human rights internship. 

Our Pedagogical Vision 

Most of you have heard of our uniquely transsystemic approach to legal education. As you will soon discover in your first year courses, this method of teaching and thinking about law blends the teaching of multiple legal traditions and systems. As a result, your classes will analyze issues through the lenses of the civil law, the common law, indigenous law and other legal perspectives that could include religious legal orders, for example. This perspective will broaden your horizons and your legal empathy. One of our goals is to ensure you leave this faculty with some fundamental intellectual skills like critical thinking, the ability to solve problems and an understanding of the law in its social, historical, political and economic contexts. 

Un autre but est de former des avocats et citoyen.ne.s confiant.e.s et perspicaces: des juristes qui sont tout aussi capables de travailler pour un service juridique communautaire autochtone, ainsi dans un grand cabinet de droit commercial, ou pour une organisation juridique internationale - et qui, au cours d’une carrière, pourront réaliser toutes ces fonctions. Nous sommes aussi fiers de nos diplômés qui travaillent dans plusieurs autres domaines dans les nombreuses carrières choisies par nos anciens, parmi lesquels on retrouve des politiciens, des journalistes et des romanciers. 

Take advantage of our student services 

While law school is exciting and stimulating, it may also be, at times, overwhelming. That is why the Student Affairs Office (SAO) is there to help you. Led by Brittany Williams, SAO’s Director of Student Life and Learning, we have a team of dedicated administrative staff who make this Faculty run, and they will help you navigate this place. We know that questions and challenges extend beyond Orientation Week so never hesitate to stop by the SAO on the 4th floor of NCDH or send us an email. We are here for you! 

En terminant, je tiens à souligner que je suis là pour vous tous et je chercherai régulièrement des occasions de faire votre connaissance. Pour le moment, permettez-moi de vous remercier de vous être joints à nous et de faire partie de cette communauté unique. Nous avons hâte de travailler avec vous et de vous connaître dans les années à venir. 

Professor Tina Piper, Associate Dean, Academic 

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