
Marie Manikis

Professeure agrégée
Chaire William Dawson

Nouveau Pavillon Chancellor-Day
Salle 505
3644, rue Peel
Montréal, Québec
Canada H3A 1W9

514-398-6624 [Bureau]
marie.manikis [at] mcgill.ca (Courriel)

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Marie Manikis


Marie Manikis est professeure agrégée etdétient uneChaire William Dawsonà la Faculté de droit de l'Université 91˿Ƶ, où elle enseigne la justice pénale, lapénologie, le droit pénal et la procédure pénale. Elle estchercheure associéeau et conseillère à laSentencingAcademy(Angleterre et Pays de Galles). Elle est égalementchercheure associéeau Centre international de criminologie comparée (Université de Montréal) et membre du Centre sur les droits de la personne et le pluralisme juridique de 91˿Ƶ.

Sesrecherchessontinterdisciplinaires, comparativeset utilisentdes méthodologies des sciences sociales pourcontribuer à l’avancementdes connaissances en justice pénale. Ses intérêts de recherche comprennent la justice pénale et lapénologie, et plus particulièrement les aspects liés à la participationcitoyenne notamment celle desvictimes, le pouvoir discrétionnaire et la responsabilité du poursuivant, la mise en liberté sous caution et la détention avant le procès, ainsi que les principes de participation autochtone (principesGladue).

La professeure Manikis a publié ses travaux dans desrevues scientifiques réputées, notamment l'Oxford Journal of LegalStudies, le Cambridge Law Journal, et le Public Law. SonlivreVictimsas Agents of StateAccountabilityest sous contrat avec OxfordUniversityPresset a été accepté dans sa prestigieuse série Criminal Law and Justice. Elle co-édite également le volumeSentencing, Public Opinion, and Criminal Justice:Essaysin Honor of Julian V Roberts(avec Dr Gabrielle Watson) sous contrat avec OxfordUniversityPress.

Elle a reçu plusieurs prix poursesrecherches, dont le(2022), Prix de la Fondation du Barreau du Québec dans le cadre du concours article juridique (2018) et le Prix du mérite en recherche de la Faculté de droit (2017).Elle a également été élue membre associé de l'Académie internationale de droit comparé(2021).

Ses recherches ontété citéespar divers tribunaux, dont la Cour suprême du Canada et la Cour d'appel d'Angleterre et du Pays de Galles. Elle fournit également régulièrement des rapports de politiquespubliqueset de consultation à des organismes gouvernementaux, notamment le ministère de la Justice du Canada, le ministère de la Justice d'Angleterre et du Pays de Galles et le Sénat canadien. Elle a présenté plusieurs conférences, séminaires et sessions de formation juridique continue pour avocats et juges et a occupé des postes de chercheure invitée au Center for theStudyof Law and Society, à l'Université de Californie à Berkeley et au Max Planck Institute for theStudyof Crime, Sécurité et droit en Allemagne.

Elle est détentrice d’undoctorat en droit à l'Université d'Oxford (2014), quicompareles droits etmécanismes dont disposent lesvictimes en Angleterre, au Pays de Galles et aux États-Unislorsque leurs droits sont enfreints par l’administration publique. Sa thèse de doctorat a étéfinancée notammentpar le CRSH, le FRQSC, le MapleLeafTrust, le fonds PeterBirkset la Modern LawReview. Au cours de ses études doctorales, elle aenseigné des séminaires aux cycles supérieursen justice pénale au Centre de criminologie de l'Université d'Oxford et a été chercheuse invitée à Harvard LawSchool. Auparavant, elle a pratiqué le droit à Montréal et a étéauxiliaire juridiqueauprès d'un juge de la Cour supérieure.

Le professeur Manikis s'intéresse à la supervision d'étudiants travaillant sur des sujets liés aux victimes, à la détermination de la peine, au droit pénal et à la justice pénale.


Articles dans revues avec comités de lecture

  • Marie Manikis and Audrey Matheson, “Communicating Censure: The Relevance of Conditions of Imprisonment at Sentencing and During the Administration of the Sentence” (2023) Modern Law Review (forthcoming).
  • Marie Manikis and Nicholas Doiron, “Solitary Confinement and State Harm: Reimagining Sentencing in Light of Dynamic Censure and State Blame” (2023) Punishment & Society (forthcoming).
  • Marie Manikis, “Recognising State Blame in Sentencing: A Communicative and Relational Framework” (2022) 81:2 Cambridge Law Journal 294-322.
  • Marie Manikis, “The Principle of Proportionality in Sentencing: A Dynamic Evolution and Multiplication of Conceptions” (2022) Osgoode Hall Law Journal 587-628.
  • Marie Manikis, “Conceptualising the Victim in England and Wales and the United States Within a Spectrum of Public and Private Interests”(2021) 41:1Oxford Journal of Legal Studies219-242.
  • Marie Manikis and Jess De Santi, “Punishment and Retribution Within the Bail Process: An Analysis of the Public Confidence in the Administration of Justice Ground for Pre-Trial Detention” (2020) 35:3Canadian Journal of Law and Society413-435.
  • Marie Manikis and Jess De Santi, “Punishing while Presuming Innocence: A Study on Bail Conditions and Administration of Justice Offences in Quebec” (2019) 60:3 Cahiers de droit 873-904.
  • Marie Manikis, “A New Model of the Criminal Justice Process: Victims’ Rights as Advancing Penal Parsimony and Moderation” (2019) 30:2 Criminal Law Forum 201-223.
  • Marie Manikis, “Contrasting the Emergence of the Victims’ Movements in the United States and England and Wales” (2019) 9:2 Societies 35-53.
  • Marie Manikis and Daniel Pascoe, “Making Sense of the Victim’s Role in Clemency Decision-Making” (2018) International Review of Victimology.
  • Marie Manikis, “Expanding participation: A comparative approach to victims as agents of accountability in the criminal justice process” (2017) 1Public Law 63-80.
  • Marie Manikis (with Peter Grbac), “Bargaining for Justice: The Road Towards Prosecutorial Accountability in the Plea Bargaining Process” (2017) 40:3 Manitoba Law Journal 85-110.
  • Marie Manikis, “Towards Accountability and Fairness for Aboriginal People: The Recognition of Gladue as a Principle of Fundamental Justice that Applies to Prosecutors” (2016) 21 Canadian Criminal Law Review 164-184.
  • Marie Manikis, “The recognition of prosecutorial obligations in an era of mandatory minimum sentences of imprisonment and over-representation of Aboriginal people in prisons” (2015) 71 Supreme Court Law Review 277-300.
  • Marie Manikis. “Imagining the future of victims’ rights: A comparative perspective” (2015) 13:1 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 163-186.
  • Marie Manikis, “Victim Impact Statements at Sentencing: Towards a Clearer Understanding of their Aims” (2015) 65:2 University of Toronto Law Journal 85-123.
  • Marie Manikis (with Julian V. Roberts), “Victim Personal Statements: Latest (and last) Trends from the Witnesses and Victims Experience Survey in England and Wales” (2013) 13:3 Criminology and Criminal Justice 245-261.
  • Marie Manikis, “Navigating through an obstacle course: The complaints mechanism for victims of crime in England and Wales” (2012) 12:2 Criminology and Criminal Justice 149-173.
  • Marie Manikis, “Recognizing Victims’ Role and Rights During Plea Bargaining: A Fair Deal for Victims of Crime” (2012) 58:3-4 Criminal Law Quarterly 411.
  • Marie Manikis (with Julian V. Roberts), “Recognizing ancillary harm at sentencing: A proportionate and balanced response” (2011) 15:2 Canadian Criminal Law Review 131-144.
  • Marie Manikis (with Julian V. Roberts), “Victim Impact Statements at Sentencing: The Relevance of Ancillary Harm” (2010) 15:1 Canadian Criminal Law Review, 1-29.

Chapitres de livres avec comités de lecture

  • Marie Manikis, “Victim-related Assumptions around Guilty Plea-Based Sentence Reductions: A Communicative and Experiential Framework” in JV Roberts and J Ryberg (eds), Pleading Guilty: Ethical Perspectives on Sentencing the Self-Convicted (Hart, 2023) forthcoming.
  • Marie Manikis and Mary Iliadis, “Analysing the Victim Review Scheme of Decisions not to Prosecute in England and Wales and Within Comparative Jurisdictions” in P Cox and S Walklate (eds), Victims’ Access to Justice (Routledge, 2022).
  • Marie Manikis and Mary Iliadis, “Analysing the Victim Review Scheme of Decisions not to Prosecute in England and Wales and Within Comparative Jurisdictions” in P Cox and S Walklate (eds),Victims’ Access to Justice(Routledge, 2022) forthcoming.
  • Marie Manikis, “Role of the Victim at Sentencing” in D Cole and JV Roberts (eds),Sentencing in Canada: Law, Policy and Practice(Irwin Law, 2020)
  • Marie Manikis, “Comparative Perspectives on Victim Participation in Justice Proceedings” in E Erez and P Ibarra (eds), The Oxford Encyclopedia of International Criminology (OUP) (in press)
  • Marie Manikis, “Role of the Victim at Sentencing” in D Cole and JV Roberts, Sentencing in Canada: Law, Policy and Practice (Irwin Law, 2020) (forthcoming)
  • Marie Manikis, “Comparative Perspectives on Victim Participation in Justice Proceedings” in E Erez and P Ibarra (eds), The Oxford Encyclopedia of International Criminology (forthcoming)
  • Marie Manikis, “Conceptualizing the victim within criminal justice processes in common law tradition” in D Brown et al. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Criminal Process, (Oxford University Press: Oxford 2018)
  • Marie Manikis, “The Difficult Road to Accountability: A Study on Complaints Mechanisms to Investigate and Address Victims’ Rights Violations” in J. Desrosiers, M-E. Sylvestre and M. Garcia, Criminal Law Reform in Canada: Challenges and Possibilities (Yvon Blais, 2017).

Chapitres de livres

  • Marie Manikis, “Criminal Justice and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms” in JV Roberts and M Grossman (eds), Criminal Justice in Canada: A Reader, 6th ed. (Thomson: Toronto 2020)
  • Marie Manikis, “Criminal Justice and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms” in JV Roberts and M Grossman (eds), Criminal Justice in Canada: A Reader, 5th ed. (Thomson: Toronto 2015)
  • Marie Manikis, “Criminal Justice and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms” in JV Roberts and M Grossman (eds), Criminal Justice in Canada: A Reader, 4th ed. (Thomson: Toronto 2011)

Autres revues de recherche

  • Marie Manikis, “Impact Statements at Sentencing: Developments since the Victims’ Bill of Rights” (2022) 15 Victims of Crime Research Digest (Department of Justice Canada)
  • Marie Manikis, “Recent Developments on Victim and Community Participation in Criminal Justice” (2019) 12 Victims of Crime Research Digest (Department of Justice Canada)
  • Marie Manikis, “Recent Developments on Victim and Community Participation in Criminal Justice” (2019) 12 Victims of Crime Research Digest (Department of Justice Canada)
  • Marie Manikis, (with Jo-Anne Wemmers), «Le dédommagement dans le système de justice pénale» (2017) Research in Brief, Justice Canada, (forthcoming).
  • Marie Manikis and Ivana Isailovic, « Au delà des catégories? Les nouvelles normes en matière de changement de sexe» (2016) 4 Contours, 70.
  • Marie Manikis, “A comparative overview of victims’ rights, enforcement mechanisms and redress in England and Wales and the American Federal jurisdiction” (2013) 6 Victims of Crime Research Digest
  • Marie Manikis (with Julian V. Roberts), “Victim Impact Statements in Canada: Recent Guidance from the Courts of Appeal” (2012) 5 Victims of Crime Research Digest
  • Marie Manikis, «Les tribunaux d'arbitrage civils islamiques en Ontario», 1:1 International Legal (2005) Perspectives, Canadian Lawyers Abroad

Rapports gouvernementaux

  • Marie Manikis,Federalism and Victims’ Rights in Canada(Ottawa: Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime, 2021)
  • Marie Manikis, Report on Judicial Delays in Criminal Proceedings (Ottawa: Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, 2016)
  • Marie Manikis, The Canadian Victims Bill of Rights: A Policy Analysis and Interpretation (Ottawa: Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime, 2014)
  • Marie Manikis (with Julian V. Roberts), Victims’ Needs and the Development of Outcome Measurements (London: Ministry of Justice of England and Wales, 2012)
  • Marie Manikis (with Julian V. Roberts) Victim Personal Statements at Sentencing: A Review of the Empirical Research (London: Office of the Commissioner for Victims and Witnesses of England and Wales, 2011)
  • Marie Manikis, Research findings and legislation on victims’ rights in Canada (Ottawa: Senate of Canada, 2011)

Contributions à la vie publique et aux médias

  • Marie Manikis, “”, Policy Options, 7 April 2020.
  • Marie Manikis, Interview “Quebec court declares mandatory minimum sentence unconstitutional for Aboriginal accused”, The Lawyer’s Daily, 22 April 2020.
  • Marie Manikis, Interview on the role of victims in England and Wales and comparative perspectives, The Economist, 21 May 2019.
  • Marie Manikis, « », Le Devoir, 16 January 2019.
  • Marie Manikis, , CBC News, 30 January 2019.
  • Marie Manikis, Interview on the role of victim impact statements, Canadian Press, 30 January 2019.
  • Marie Manikis, Interview on Quebec’s proposal for specialized sexual violence tribunals, The Lawyers Weekly, 28 January 2019.
  • Jeffrey Kennedy and Marie Manikis, “”, The Gazette, 24 April, 2018.
  • Marie Manikis, Interview on joint submissions at sentencing following R. v. Anthony-Cook, 2016 SCC 43, The Lawyers Weekly.
  • Marie Manikis (with Kaitlyn O’Shaughnessy), “The Mandatory Costs of Mandatory Minimum Sentences in Canada”, Oxford Human Rights Hub, 19 April 2016.
  • Marie Manikis (with Julian Roberts), “Mandatory minimum sentences don’t work. They can’t work”, The Gazette, 13 January 2016.
  • Marie Manikis (with Marion Vannier), “Life Without Parole sentencing violates human rights”, The Gazette, 1 April 2015
  • Marie Manikis, “Where are the rights in the proposed Victims Bill?”, The Globe and Mail, 7 April 2014
  • Marie Manikis, Interview on Bill C-32 and its implications, The Globe and Mail, 4 April 2014
  • Marie Manikis, Interview on Bill C-32 and its impact in criminal law, The Lawyers Weekly.
  • Marie Manikis, National Webinar for the Victims Justice Network: “Victim Impact Statements: Past Present and Future”, 2014
  • Marie Manikis, Consultation on a Proposed Federal Victims’ Bill of Rights, Ottawa: Department of Justice (September 2013).
  • Marie Manikis, Consultation on Improving the Code of Practice for Victims of Crime, London: Ministry of Justice (April 2013).
  • Marie Manikis, «Procureurs de la Couronne: une vague de départs désastreuse est à craindre» La Presse, 23 February 2011
  • Marie Manikis, “Une Couronne sans joyaux: les conséquences d’une justice secondaire au Québec” Droit-inc, 24 February 2011


  • DPhil (Law) University of Oxford (2010-2014)
  • MSt (Law), University of Oxford (2009-2010)
  • LL.M., Osgoode Hall Law School (2008-2009)
  • Member of the Quebec Bar (2007)
  • LL.B. (Hons.), University of Montreal (2003-2006)

Parcours professionnel

  • Chaire William Dawson, Université 91˿Ƶ (2019- )
  • Professeure agrégée, Faculté de droit, Université 91˿Ƶ (2019- )
  • Professeure adjointe, Faculté de droit, Université 91˿Ƶ (2013-2019)
  • Chercheure (2009-2013), tuteure (2012), Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford (2009-2013)
  • Teaching Assistant, York University (2008-2009)
  • Avocate (litige) (2007-2008) et stagiaire en droit (2005-2007)
  • Auxilliaire juridique, Cour supérieure du Québec (2005-2006)

Champs d'intérêt

Droit criminel, droit de la personne, victimes, pénologie et la justice pénale

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