MPCL Events Winter 2013

Schedule for lab meetings

Time: Thursdays 1:00-2:30pm

Jan 10 - Round table (everyone says where they are in their projects and what special issues they may have that the rest of the lab could help with)
Jan 17 - Stephen McAdams (Perceptual structure of tabla strokes and bols)
Jan 24 - Kyra Parker/Sven-Amin Lembke (blend in timbre dyads)
Jan 31 - No meeting
Feb 7 - Francesco Tordini (auditory saliency)
Feb 14 - Kai Siedenburg (implicit learning of timbre sequence structure)
Feb 21 - Martin Rohrmeier, MIT (implicit learning)
Feb 28 - Round table
Mar 7 - No meeting
Mar 14 - Talk rehearsal: Stephen McAdams (timbre and rhythm)
Mar 21 - No meeting
Mar 28 - David Sears (Perception of cadences)

Apr 4 - Special biosignal pow-wow 1:00-3:30pm

Apr 11 - Béatrice Copps (auditory segmentation)
Apr 18 - Kyra Parker (timbral blend)
Apr 25 - Chelsea Douglas & Jason Noble (sound mass perception)
May 2 - Round table
May 9 - No meeting
May 16 - No meeting
May 23 - No meeting (CIRMMT General Assembly)
May 30 - No meeting
Jun 6 - Yinan Cao (multisensory perception, action and learning)
Jun 13 - (depends on MCM schedule)
Jun 20 - Yinan Cao (Lewin project: Review and a brainstorming on a multisensory statistical learning paradigm)
Jun 27 - TBD

Jul 2 - Sep 1 - Summer break. Enjoy!

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