


IMPORTANT NOTE:To be readmitted, you must demonstrate readiness to return to and/or continue your academic studies. Your academic readiness will be evaluated based on your narrative, your supporting documentation, and your previous 91˿Ƶ record. Accordingly, readmission is neither automatic nor guaranteed, regardless of youracademic standing.

Need to apply for readmission?
Register for an information session that will cover the application process, the supporting documents and the eligibility requirements here: OASIS Bookings.

Common scenarios requiring readmission so as to continue your studies (deadlines, below):

  • Absentfor one or more academic terms
  • Recently in Unsatisfactory academic standing (ie. right after Academic Standings are generated)

Students in Satisfactory standing

Readmission will be considered for the Fall or Winter terms with decisions rendered within two weeks following the application deadline.

Students in Unsatisfactory or Probationary Academic Standing

  • Readmission will normally only be considered for the Fall term only.
  • Decisions are rendered on a rolling basis as of July 1st.

This section applies to students whose academic standing is:

  1. “Unsatisfactory” at the end of the Winter or Summer term;
  2. “Unsatisfactory” or "Interim Unsatisfactory" in their last term of registration.
  3. “Probationary” or "Interim Probationary" in their last term of registration.

NOTE: Students who are currently registered and fall into Probationary standing at the end of Winter term do not need to apply for Readmission.

Readmission following Unsatisfactory Standing – 2nd Time or more:

  • Multiple readmission requests are unlikely to be approved.
  • Students who are readmitted will be required to meet with a Faculty Adviser regularly to review their readmission conditions. If they fail to meet those conditions, a future readmission request will be refused.

Simultaneous Readmission & Inter-Faculty Transfer into Arts

You withdrew from your previous 91˿Ƶ degree program and did not graduate from the degree program at 91˿Ƶ or another university and are seeking to apply to transfer to the BA degree.

  • Submit a Minerva readmission request (for the Fall term only – application deadline: June 1)
  • Select Arts as your Faculty (do not select the Minerva Inter-faculty transfer request).
  • Readmission/transfer is neither automatic nor guaranteed.
  • Refer to the Inter-Faculty Transfer page.
  • Questions: submit a request via the .

    NOTE:Students transferring in to the B.A. as of Fall 2025 will be required to complete at least one program component offered by an academic unit in the Faculty of Arts in order to graduate with a B.A. degree (list of Arts programs availablehere).

Application dates

Note: Late requests will not be accepted.

To begin your studies in the Summer term:

Summer readmission is not possible, regardless of the academic standing of the student.

To begin your studies in the Fall term:

Students in Satisfactory academic standing:

  • Apply from March 1 to June 15
  • Decisions released on a rolling basis

Students in Unsatisfactory or Probationary academic standing:

  • Apply from May 1 to June 15
  • Decisions released on or after July 1st

To begin your studies in the Winter term:

Students in Satisfactory academic standing:

Key considerations

Newly admitted students:

  • If you withdrew from the University before the withdrawal with refund deadline and receive a refund, you will need to re-apply through 91˿Ƶ.
  • Refer to for more information.

Absent from 91˿Ƶ for a semester or more:

  • Consult the BA Multi-track requirements and your program options.
    • Questions about planning your course selection or confirming that you have met the requirements of a program based on previous studies are all issues handled at the departmental level.
    • The department can confirm whether any of the courses that were previously completed can be considered towards the program’s current requirements.
  • If readmitted after a period of absence:
    • You are subject to the program and degree requirements in effect at the time of readmission. You cannot be readmitted into a retired program.
    • Regardless of how many credits you may already have completed towards your degree, if readmitted after a lengthy absence you may be required to complete a minimum of 60 additional credits to satisfy your degree and program requirements.
    • It is unlikely that transfer credits will be awarded for studies completed at another university, particularly if studies were either not pre-approved, or if they were pursued at an institution that is not on our approved list. Consult the listings of approved host universities, under Step 2 of the Transferring Credit section of the Arts OASIS website.

You have completed a previous degree:

  • Either at 91˿Ƶ or at another recognized university/institution during an interruption of 91˿Ƶ studies.
  • You will need to apply through 91˿Ƶ. Refer to for more information.
  • Applications for an undergraduate degree in the Faculty of Arts - including questions about eligibility and program choices (based on the program(s) you completed in your previous undergraduate degree) - must be made directly to 91˿Ƶ, Enrolment Services.


International Students:

  • Consult the Minerva "View your Tuition and Legal Status" page to see if your record at 91˿Ƶ reflects your most recent immigration status in Canada.
  • You must possess valid legal documents for the duration of your remaining studies at 91˿Ƶ.
  • If you need to obtain legal documents (CAQ, Study Permit), submit a readmission request as early as possible due to processing times of legal documents.
  • If you have a legal document hold (ex CAQ, Study Permit), you will not be permitted to register until the holds have been resolved.
  • For more information, visit legal documents. For assistance please contact International Student Services.

IT issues (your 91˿Ƶ email account):

  • To verify if you have access to your 91˿Ƶ email account, refer to the
  • If your 91˿Ƶ email is deactivated, your mailbox will be re-instated once

How to apply

Submitting your application:

  • Deadlines for readmission requests will be strictly enforced.
  • Submit only one application for the B.A., B.S.W. or B.Th. degree.
  • B.A. degree students are readmitted to the B.A. degree and not to a particular program of study. Do not submit multiple applications with various programs.
  • If you no longer have access to Minerva, you will need to contact Service Point to be reactivated.
  • Consult this for information on access to your 91˿Ƶ email account.
  • Submit your readmission application on Minerva, complete and submit your and your supporting documents. All documents must be submitted by the readmission application deadline and uploaded to the
  • If your 91˿Ƶ email account is inactive, you will not be able to access the . You must therefore complete this Statement of activities form and submit it with all other supporting documentation to the email provided to you in the Minerva readmission module.

Important notes:

  • Refer to your unofficial transcript on Minerva to view your academic standing from your most recent semester of study in the Faculty of Arts.
  • Based on your situation, refer to the “Readmission scenarios” section for important information.
  • Your application will remain "Submitted" until it has been reviewed. Once reviewed, it will remain "File Incomplete" until a final decision has been made.
  • A notification will be sent to the email address on your Minerva account informing you that there is an update in the "External Comments" section of your Minerva readmission application,
  • If you do not submit the information we request by the deadline you have been given in the "External Comments" section of your Minerva readmission application, your application will be FACULTY CANCELLED.
  • If you have a "HOLD" on your Minerva record, please consult this website for information on the impact this will have on your readmission application. If the hold is not cleared by the deadline you have been given in the "External comments" section of your Minerva readmission application, your application will be FACULTY CANCELLED.

Access your Minerva application:

  1. Login to Minerva
  2. Select: Students > Student Records Menu > Faculty Transfer & Readmission Menu
  3. Complete the Readmission application by the deadline date
  4. Under "Student Comments". This section must include the following details (do not leave this section blank):
    1. State the reason(s) for your absence from the University and/or for your most recent unsatisfactory standing.
    2. Provide your current email address if your 91˿Ƶ email account is inactive. Consult this for information on access to your 91˿Ƶ email account.
    3. If you studied at one or more universities during an interruption of studies from 91˿Ƶ, include the following information:
      1. Name of the institution(s)
      2. Courses taken or currently in progress
      3. When the courses were taken. If they are in progress, when will they be completed
      4. If the courses are part of a Bachelor’s program or Independent Studies
    4. If you are planning to pursue an Independent Study Away in the semester for which you are applying for readmission, indicate it in the “Student Comments”;
      1. Include the name of the host university you plan to attend. Consult the listings of approved host universities, under Step 2 of the Transferring Credit section on the OASIS website.
      2. If your readmission has been “Faculty-Approved”, you must accept the readmission offer before you can proceed with a Minerva Study Away Application by the required deadline.
      3. If you are readmitted, it does not automatically mean that you will receive transfer credits or that your Study Away Application will be approved. The two applications and processes are separate. Consult the Study Away website for guidelines.
      4. To contact the Study Away and Transfer Credit Team send a ticket via , choose the option 'Advising inquiry' , then 'Study Abroad/Exchanges' as the category . Under the 'Summary' indicate READMISSION Study Away application – YOUR NAME AND MCGILL ID NUMBER – ( if you cannot access the Portal, please await instructions via the Minerva Readmission Module).
      5. Arts OASIS is currently reviewing whether or not to maintain the Independent Study Away (ISA) option for students in the BA, BSW or BTh degrees. At this time, there is no guarantee that ISA opportunities will be offered for the 2025 Summer term and beyond.

  5. Notifications when your request has been updated (eg approved/incomplete/cancelled):
    1. Indicated on the "External Comments" section of your readmission application; and
    2. Sent to your email address stated on your Minerva account.
    3. Check these regularly for important notices.

Supporting documentation:

All documents must be submitted by the readmission application deadline and uploaded to the .

If your 91˿Ƶ email account is inactive, you will not be able to access the SOA form. You must therefore complete this PDF icon Statement of activities form and submit it with all other supporting documentation to the email provided to you in the Minerva readmission module.

  1. Online :
    • Log in using your 91˿Ƶ email address. If your 91˿Ƶ email account is inactive, do not use the SOA form. Instead, provide your current email address in the Minerva readmission application module and you will receive further instructions.
    • List EACH TERM/YEAR OF ABSENCE since your last enrolment at 91˿Ƶ, describing your activities during this time.
    • List any challenges you faced, how these issue(s) would be under control or no longer applicable, and the steps you will take / resources you will use to improve your academic trajectory.
  2. It is highly recommended that you complete a Degree Planning Worksheet (only for B.A. students).
    • Follow the instructions.
    • Carefully research the program options for 91˿Ƶ’s B.A. degree, ensuring you are eligible to take the programs of study and courses listed.
    • You must comply with the BA Multi-track requirements which requires that you complete a minimum of two programs of study - a Major Concentration and a Minor Concentration - in two different areas of study offered with a different subject code (i.e. HIST, POLI).
    • Form should include:
      • The courses you have already taken at 91˿Ƶ for your degree
      • The courses remaining to complete for your B.A. degree
      • Any plans you have for a change of program.
      • The courses you intend to take in your term of readmission must be included.
  3. If you have experienced difficulties due to reasons of physical and mental health, you must submit a signed Healthcare Provider Declaration and/or medical note:
    • Confirming the CURRENT state of your health
    • Confirming that you are ready to resume your studies.
  4. If you studied at one or more universities during an interruption of studies from 91˿Ƶ, you must submit an unofficial transcript from each of the institutions for preliminary review:
    • All studies completed during your interruption of studies from 91˿Ƶ MUST be disclosed.

For transfer credits review:

  • An official transcript from each of the universities/institutions attended must be provided. Consult Step 6 of the Transferring Credit section on our website.
  • It is unlikely that any will be awarded for studies completed at another university, particularly if studies were either not pre-approved, or if they were pursued at an institution not on our approved list.
  • Consult the listings of approved host universities, under Step 2 of the Transferring Credit section on our website.
  • Refer to Interruption of Studies for more information.
  • If you are/were registered in a degree program at the last host university you attended, confirmation of university withdrawal is required.
  • To contact the Study Away and Transfer Credit Team send a ticket via , choose the option 'Advising inquiry' , then 'Transfer credits' as the category. Under the 'Summary' indicate READMISSION Study Away Transfer Credits – YOUR NAME AND MCGILL ID NUMBER – ( if you cannot access the Portal, please await instructions via the Minerva Readmission Module).

The decision

  • It is your responsibility to check the Minerva Readmission module and your email account regularly to avoid missing important information.
  • "Unsatisfactory" or "Probationary" standing:
    • Your application will remain "File Incomplete” until the application is finalized and the signed conditions form is returned.
  • Notifications will be sent to the email address on your Minerva account informing you that there is an update in the "External Comments" section of your Minerva readmission application.
  • A final decision will be available to you via the "External Comments" section of your Minerva readmission application.
  • If "Faculty approved":
    • Read the Minerva offer of readmission carefully as there may be further steps to complete.
    • You must accept or decline the readmission offer on MINERVA within three weeks or your application will be cancelled.
    • Your offer to the BA degree will not carry forward to the next term of study if it is cancelled.You will need to reapply for readmission for the next available term.
    • Once you have accepted the offer of readmission, it will take approximately 3 - 5 working days to re-activate your Minerva record.
    • You must register for at least one course for the term to which you have been readmitted to avoid late registration fees.
    • If you do not register for courses, or if you withdraw from the University before the withdrawal with refund deadline and receive a refund, your readmission term will be cancelled.
    • Consult Recommendations and Resources to ensure a successful resumption to studies.
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