The Working Group on Principles of Commemoration and Renaming has fulfilled its mandate.Ěý The Final Report was submitted to the Provost 6 December 2018. The Provost's message concerning the Final Report may be found here.


Working Group on Principles of Commemoration and Renaming

Terms of Reference

In response to our changing legal and moral standards, universities and other institutions have confronted calls for change – for instance that they cease commemorating a historical figure whose legacy no longer seems so worthy of celebration or that they change a name, for example that of a scholarship or building. With this broad context in mind, the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) has recently mandated Dean Anja Geitmann and Dean Robert Leckey to co-chair a Working Group on Principles of Commemoration and Renaming. The Working Group will recommend principles to guide the University in responding to calls for change in relation to naming and commemorative practices. The Working Group will submit a final report to the Provost at the end of 2018.

The Working Group is committed to consulting broadly and to benefiting from a wide range of perspectives and suggestions. We will invite a representative set of student and community groups to make brief presentations to the Working Group in March. We will hold open Town Hall meetings in September at which members of the University community will be able to share views on our draft report. In the meantime, there is an immediate opportunity to submit written submissions.

Written submissions

The Working Group welcomes brief written submissions from individual members of the University community and from on-campus groups (e.g., unions, student associations, clubs, media organizations). Submissions speaking directly to the principles that might guide 91ËżąĎĘÓƵ in responding to calls for change in relation to naming and commemorative practices would be extremely helpful. We recognize, though, that framing principles applicable to a range of cases is ultimately the task of the Working Group and that individuals might prefer to anchor their submissions to a particular case or cases.

Submissions, which should not exceed two pages, should be a Word or PDF attachment sent to commemoration.renaming [at] mcgill.ca (this address). If the submission is made on behalf of a constituency, please indicate it clearly.

Groupe de travail sur les principes régissant la commémoration et les changements de nom


En raison de l’évolution des normes juridiques et morales au sein de notre sociĂ©tĂ©, les universitĂ©s et autres institutions sont appelĂ©es Ă  changer leurs façons de faire, notamment en cessant d’honorer la mĂ©moire de personnages historiques dont l’hĂ©ritage ne semble plus digne d’être cĂ©lĂ©brĂ© ou en modifiant le nom d’une bourse d’études ou d’un pavillon. Dans un tel contexte, le vice-principal exĂ©cutif et vice-principal aux Ă©tudes a rĂ©cemment demandĂ© Ă  la doyenne Anja Geitmann et au doyen Robert LeckeyĚýde coprĂ©sider un Groupe de travail sur les principes rĂ©gissant la commĂ©moration et les changements de nom. Le Groupe de travail recommandera des principes directeurs permettant Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de donner suite aux demandes de changement en matière de commĂ©moration et de nom. Les membres du Groupe de travailĚýprĂ©senterontĚýun rapport final au vice-principal exĂ©cutif Ă  la fin de 2018.

Le Groupe de travail entend mener de vastes consultations et s’inspirer des commentaires et des suggestions de la communauté mcgilloise. En mars, nous inviterons un groupe représentatif composé d’étudiants et de membres d’associations communautaires à faire de brèves présentations au Groupe de travail. En septembre, nous organiserons des assemblées générales ouvertes pendant lesquelles les membres de la communauté universitaire auront l’occasion de s’exprimer sur la version préliminaire de notre rapport. Entre-temps, ils sont invités à nous soumettre dès maintenant leurs observations écrites.

Observations Ă©crites

Le Groupe de travail examinera avec intĂ©rĂŞt toutes les observations Ă©crites soumises par des membres de la communautĂ© universitaire et des groupes de l’UniversitĂ© 91ËżąĎĘÓƵ (p.Ěýex., syndicats, associations Ă©tudiantes, clubs, organes mĂ©diatiques). Les observations portant sur les principes devant guider l’UniversitĂ© lors des commĂ©morations et des changements de nom seront particulièrement utiles. Nous reconnaissons toutefois que l’encadrement de ces principes dans leur ensemble relève essentiellement du Groupe de travail et que les membres de notre communautĂ© pourraient prĂ©fĂ©rer formuler des observations portant sur un ou des cas en particulier.

Les observations, présentées dans un document en format Word ou PDF d’une longueur maximale de deux pages, doivent nous parvenir par courriel à commemoration.renaming [at] mcgill.ca (cette adresse). Si les observations sont formulées au nom d’un groupe, le document doit en faire clairement mention.

ĚýMembers / Membres

Anja Geitmann, Co-chair, Dean, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Robert Leckey, Co-chair, Dean, Faculty of Law

Image by Photo by Christinne Muschi.
Pascal Brissette, Professor and Chair of the Department of French Language and Literature

Charmaine Nelson, Professor of Art History



Cindy Blackstock, Professor, School of Social Work

Stuart Cobbett, Chair Emeritus, Board of Governors

Cynthia Price Verreault, Board of Governors

Yves Lapointe, Director and University Archivist


Dianne Fagan, Director, Strategic Initiatives

Tynan Jarrett, Employment Equity Advisor

Kelvin Mansaray, undergraduate student, History

Alexandra Stewart, graduate student, Education


Dominic Bell, Law graduate and former university athlete









The Working Group will consult broadly as it completes its work. A schedule of public meetings will be maintained here.

Working Group Draft Report is available here.

Town Hall Wednesday, September 12, 2018 5:00 - 7:00 pm

Faculty of Law, room 312, New Chancellor Day Hall

(3644, Peel Street, entry by the law library at 3660, Peel Street)

Town Hall Wednesday, September 26, 2018 5:00 - 7:00 pm

Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, room MS2-022, Faculty Lounge, Ground Floor

Macdonald Stewart Building (21111 Lakeshore)

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