Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology

Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology



  • Faculty of Education
  • 3700 McTavish Street, Room 614
  • Montreal QC H3A 1Y2

About the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology

About the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology

Educational Psychology encompasses:

  1. the theoretical and applied study of learning, cognition, and instruction in a variety of educational settings across ages and domains;
  2. instructional technology and computers as cognitive tools in learning;
  3. cognitive and social processes in learning;
  4. evaluation and enhancement of learning and teaching;
  5. methods for fostering inclusive education;
  6. relationships of phenomena related to teaching, learning, and assessment in human development; and
  7. the impact of family and community on children’s learning and development.

At the undergraduate level, the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology is responsible for the B.A.; see the Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Academic Programs > Educational Psychology for more information and for a variety of undergraduate courses in the areas of learning, cognition and development, inclusive education, gifted education, educational media and computers, and educational measurement and evaluation.

In professional development, the Department offers diploma or certificate programs in Human Relations and Family Life Education, Inclusive Education, and First Nations and Inuit Student Personnel Services. For more information, please consult our website, or contact the Department:

  • Telephone: 514-398-4242
  • Email: ecpundergrad.education [at] mcgill.ca

Special services offered by the Department include the School and Counselling Psychology Clinic and the International Centre for Youth Gambling and High-Risk Behaviour.

Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

At the graduate level, the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology offers Master's or Arts degrees (M.A.) in:

  • Counselling Psychology – with major concentrations in Project (Research-based) or in Professional/Internship (Practitioner-based).
  • Educational Psychology – with streams in Health Professions Education, Human Development, Learning Sciences, and School/Applied Child Psychology.

Also offered are Master's of Education degrees (M.Ed.) in:

  • Educational Psychology – with streams in General Educational Psychology, Inclusive Education, and Learning Sciences.

Students can also obtain Doctoral degrees (Ph.D.) in:

  • Counselling Psychology;
  • School/Applied Child Psychology;
  • Educational Psychology – with streams in Human Development or Learning Sciences.

The Department also offers a Postdoctoral Degree Graduate Diploma in School/Applied Child Psychology and a Graduate Certificate in Counselling Applied to Teaching.

For further information, consult the Faculty of Education's Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies section.

Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2015-2016 (last updated Aug. 17, 2015) (disclaimer)

Educational and Counselling Psychology Faculty

Educational and Counselling Psychology Faculty

Jeffrey Derevensky
Program Directors
Marilyn Fitzpatrick – Counselling Psychology
Nancy L. Heath – Human Development, M.Ed. Concentrations in Educational Psychology
Alenoush Saroyan – Health Professions Education, Learning Sciences
Steven R. Shaw – School/Applied Child Psychology
Ada Sinacore – Graduate Certificate in Counselling Applied to Teaching
Emeritus Professors
Mark W. Aulls; B.S.(Ball St.), M.Ed.(Ind.), Ed.D.(Georgia)
Robert J. Bracewell; B.Sc., M.A.(McM.), Ph.D.(Tor.)
Janet G. Donald; B.A., M.A.(W. Ont.), Ph.D.(Tor.)
Florent R. Dumont; A.B.(Col.), M.S.(S. Conn. St.), Ed.D.(Mass.)
Carl H. Frederiksen; B.A.(Harv.), M.A., Ph.D.(Ill.)
Lynn McAlpine; B.A.(McG.), M.A.(C'dia), Ph.D.(Tor.)
Eigil Pedersen; B.A.(Sir G. Wms.), M.A.(McG.), Ed.D.(Harv.)
Bruce M. Shore; B.Sc., M.A.(McG.), Ph.D.(Calg.)
Howard A. Stutt; B.A.(Qu.), B.Ed., M.Ed.(Montr.), F.C.C.T.
Cynthia B. Weston; B.A.(G’town), M.L.S.(SUNY), D.Ed.(Wash.)
Jacob A. Burack; B.A.(Col.), M.S., M.Phil., Ph.D.(Yale)
Jeffrey L. Derevensky; B.A.(C.W. Post), M.A., Ph.D.(McG.)
Marilyn Fitzpatrick; B.A.(Tor.), M.Ed., Ph.D.(McG.)
Nancy L. Heath; B.A.(McG.), M.Ed.(Ott.), Ph.D.(Tor.) (James 91Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ Professor)
Susanne P. Lajoie; B.A., M.A.(McG.), Ph.D.(Stan.) (Canada Research Chair, Tier 1)
Alenoush Saroyan; B.A.(Pahlavi), M.Ed.(Loy. U. Chic.), Ph.D.(McG.)
Associate Professors
Alain Breuleux; B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.(Montr.)
Martin Drapeau; B.A.(Montr.), B.A.Ps.(UQTR), M.P.(Laval), Ph.D.(Montr.) (FRSQ Chercheur Boursier, Junior 2)
Tara Flanagan; B.A.(Winn.), M.A., Ph.D.(McG.)
Nathan Hall; B.A., M.A., Ph.D.(Manit.)
Michael L. Hoover; B.S.(Tulane), M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.(Col.)
Annett Körner; M.A., Ph.D.(Leipzig)
Krista Muis; B.A.(Wat.), M.A.(Vic., BC), Ph.D.(S. Fraser)
Robert Savage; B.A.(Oxf.), M.Sc.(Camb.), M.Sc., Ph.D.(Lond.) (William Dawson Scholar)
Steven R. Shaw; B.A., M.Ed., Ed.S., Ph.D.(Flor.)
Ada L. Sinacore; B.A.(Montclair St.), M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D.(Col.)
Ingrid E. Sladeczek; B.A., M.S., Ph.D.(Ariz.), A.A.(Md.)
Ronald Stringer; B.Sc., M.A., Ph.D.(Tor.) (on leave)
Victoria Talwar; M.A.(St. And.), M.A., Ph.D.(Qu.) (Canada Research Chair, Tier 2)
Assistant Professors
Armando Bertone; B.A., M.A.(C’dia), M.Ps., Ph.D.(Montr.) (FRSQ Chercheur Boursier, Junior 1)
Eve-Marie Quintin; B.Sc.(McG.), Ph.D.(UQAM)
Jessica Ruglis; B.S.(Albany), M.A.T.(Union Coll.), M.P.H.(Hunter), Ph.D.(CUNY)
Faculty Lecturers
Karen Cohen-Gazith; B.A. (Dal.), M.A., Ph.D.(McG.)
Jack De Stefano; B.A.(Loyola), M.Ed., Ed.D.(McG.)
Associate Members
Robin Cohen; B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.(McG.) (Oncology)
Reut Gruber; B.A., M.A., Ph.D.(Tel Aviv) (Psychiatry)
Suzanne King; B.A.(McG.), M.Ed., Ed.S.(James Madison), Ph.D.(Virg. Poly. Inst.) (Psychiatry)
Lawrence Kirmayer; B.Sc., M.D.(McG.) (Psychiatry)
Heather Beth MacIntosh; B.A., Ph.D.(Ott.) (School of Social Work)
Vera Romano; B.A., Dip. H.R. & F.L.E., M.Ed., Ph.D.(McG.) (91Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ Counselling Services)
Brett D. Thombs; B.A.(N'western), M.A.(Ariz.), M.A., Ph.D.(Fordham Univ.) (Psychiatry)
Jeffrey G. Wiseman; B.Sc., M.A., M.D.,C.M.(McG.) (Medicine, Royal Victoria Hospital)
Associate Professors (Non-Tenure Track)
Marcia A.B. Delcourt; B.Sc.(Bloomsburg State Univ.), M.A., Ph.D.(Conn.)
Laura Winer; B.A., M.A., Ph.D.(C'dia) (Teaching and Learning Services)
Adjunct Professors
Dermot Bowler, Thomas Goetz, Judith Gradinger, Calvin Kalman, Jasvinder Magon, Katherine Moxness, Nathan Grant Smith, Lisa Spanierman, Anastassios Stalikas
Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2015-2016 (last updated Jul. 14, 2015) (disclaimer)
Faculty of Education—2015-2016 (last updated Aug. 17, 2015) (disclaimer)
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