
Cécile Rousseau, MD

Cécile Rousseau, MD

Dr. Cécile Rousseau, MD is professor at 91˿Ƶ Division of Social and Cultural Psychiatry and holds a Canada Research Chair in the prevention of violent radicalization. She has worked extensively with immigrant and refugee communities, developing specific school based interventions and leading policy oriented research. Presently her research focuses on intervention and prevention programs to address social polarization and violent radicalization.

Tel.: (514) 273-3800 ext. 6452 or 6588

cecile.rousseau [at] mcgill.ca (Email)

Selected Articles


Rousseau, C. (2022). 1.4 The social determinants of migrant and refugee children’s mental health: Grounding advocacy and care. Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 61(10), S124. doi:

Rousseau, C., Gomez-Carrillo, A., & Cénat, J. M. (2022). Safe enough? Rethinking the concept of cultural safety in healthcare and training. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 221(4), 587-588. doi:

Rousseau, C., Quach, C., Dubé, È., Vanier-Clément, A., Santavicca, T., & Monnais-Rousselots, L. (2022). Vaccination des enfants dans les quartiers marginalisés: défis liés à l’équité et à la diversité dans le cadre des campagnes de vaccination contre la COVID-19. Équité, diversité et inclusion en santé publique, 48(10), 464. doi:

Rousseau, C., Frounfelker, L. R., Ngov, C., & Crocker, A. (2022). Clinical services addressing violent extremism: the Quebec Model. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health.

Rousseau, C., Rummens, J. A. F., Rochelle L., Ruiz-Casares Yebenes, M., & Cleveland, J. (2022). Canadian health personnel attitudes towards refugee claimants’ entitlement to health care. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 23, 1341-1356. doi:

Beauregard, C., Rousseau, C., Benoit, M., & Papazian-Zohrabian, G. (2022). Creating a safe space during classroom-based sandplay workshops for immigrant and refugee preschool children. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health. Retrieved from doi:

Bourgeois-Guérin, É., Aldebert, J., & Rousseau, C. (2022). L’art et la violence: quels frayages? Réflexions inspirées d’un projet pilote en prévention de la radicalisation violente chez les jeunes. Sciences et actions sociales (18).

Cénat, J. M., Farahi, S. M. M. M., Dalexis, R. D., Darius, W. P., Bukaka, J., Balayulu-Makila, O., . . . Rousseau, C. (2022). Mental Distress before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study among Communities Affected by Ebola Virus Disease in the DR Congo. Psychiatry Research, 314, 114654. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2022.114654

Cénat, J. M., Noorishad, P.-G., Dalexis, R. D., Rousseau, C., Derivois, D., Kokou-Kpolou, C. K., . . . Guerrier, M. (2022). Prevalence and risk factors of depression symptoms among rural and urban populations affected by Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: a representative cross-sectional study. BMJ open, 12(1), e053375.

de Smet, S., Rousseau, C., Deruddere, N., Kevers, R., Spaas, C., Missotten, L., . . . De Haene, L. (2022). A contextualized perspective on research participation in collaborative refugee research: A multi-site exploration of relational dynamics in collaborative research. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 28(3), 325. doi:

Frounfelker, R., Rahman, S., Cleveland, J., & Rousseau, C. (2022). A latent class analysis of attitudes towards asylum seeker access to health care. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 24(2), 412-419. doi:

Frounfelker, R. L., Li, Z. Y., Santavicca, T., Miconi, D., & Rousseau, C. (2022). Latent class analysis of COVID-19 experiences, social distancing, and mental health. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 92(1), 121-132. doi:

Johnson-Lafleur, J., Nadeau, L., & Rousseau, C. (2022 - ONLINE). Families' and Practitioners' Use of Culture in Youth Mental Health Services: A Double-Edged Sword. Child & Youth Care forum. doi:10.1007/s10566-022-09688-8

Johnson-Lafleur, J., Nadeau, L., & Rousseau, C. (2022). Intercultural Training in Tense Times: Cultural Identities and Lived Experiences Within a Community of Practice of Youth Mental Health Care in Montréal. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 46(2), 391-413.

Knight, S., Jarvis, G. E., Ryder, A., Lashley, M., & Rousseau, C. (2022). Ethnoracial Differences in Coercive Referral and Intervention Among Patients with First-Episode Psychosis. Psychiatric Services, 73(1), 2-8. doi:

Knight, S., Jarvis, G. E., Ryder, A. G., Lashley, M., & Rousseau, C. (2022). ‘It Just Feels Like an Invasion’: Black FirstEpisode Psychosis Patients’ Experiences With Coercive Intervention and Its Influence on HelpSeeking Behaviours. Journal of Black Psychology. doi:

Kokou-Kpolou, C. K., Derivois, D., Rousseau, C., Balayulu-Makila, O., Hajizadeh, S., Birangui, J.-P., . . . Cénat, J. M. (2022). Enacted Ebola Stigma and Health-related Quality of Life in Post Ebola Epidemic: A Psychosocial Mediation Framework Through Social Support, Self-Efficacy, and Coping. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 17(5), 2809-2832. doi:

Levinsson, A., Frounfelker, R.L., Miconi, D., & Rousseau C. (2022). Violent radicalization during the COVID-19 pandemic: at the intersection of gender, conspiracy theories and psychological distress. (document soumis pour publication). PlosOne.

Miconi, D., Geenen, G., Frounfelker, R. L., Levinsson, A., & Rousseau, C. (2022). Meaning in Life, Future Orientation and Support for Violent Radicalization Among Canadian College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic. 13. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2022.765908

Miconi, D., Frounfelker, R., & Rousseau, C. (2022). Cumulative and independent effects of experiences of social adversity on support for violent radicalization during COVID-19 pandemic: The mediating role of depression. Social Psychiatry Psychiatric Epidemiology, 261:113235. doi:

Moscardino, U., Musso, P., Inguglia, C., Ceccon, C., Miconi, D., & Rousseau, C. (2022). Sociodemographic and psychological correlates of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and resistance in the young adult population in Italy. Vaccine, 40(16), 2379-2387. doi:

Passos-Castilho, A. M., Labbé, A.-C., Barkati, S., Luong, M.-L., Dagher, O., Maynard, N., . . .Rousseau, C. Benedetti, A. Outcomes of hospitalized COVID-19 in Canada: impact of ethnicity, migration status, and country of birth. Journal of Travel Medicine.

Santavicca, T., Ngov, C., Frounfelker, R., Miconi, D., Levinsson, A., & Rousseau, C. (2022). COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Young Adults in Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health - Revue Canadienne de santé publique. doi:10.17269/s41997-022-00693-x

Santavicca, T., Vanier-Clément, A., & Rousseau, C. (2022). Preventing and Appeasing COVID-19 Vaccine Tension in Schools to Protect the Well-Being of Children and Adolescents in Quebec, Canada. International Journal of child and adolescent resilience, 9(1). doi:

Schinazi, J., Santavicca, T., Ngov, C., Vanier-Clément, A., Gamdo Touré, A., Bolduc, E., & Rousseau, C. (2022). The CoVivre Program: Community Development and Empowerment to address the Inequalities exacerbated by the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Greater Montréal Area, Canada. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. doi:


Rousseau, C. (2021). Mental Health Intervention for Violent Radicalization: The Quebec Model. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings, 77(1), 11. doi:

Rousseau C (2021) Le complotisme dans l'espace clinique. Le journal de l'AMPQ.

Rousseau, C., Aggarwal, N. K., & Kirmayer, L. J. (2021). Radicalization to Violence: A View from Cultural Psychiatry. Transcultural psychiatry, 58(5), 603-615. doi:10.1177/13634615211048010

Rousseau, C., Oulhote, Y., Lecompte, V., Mekki-Berrada, A., Hassan, G., & El Hage, H. (2021). Collective identity, social adversity and college student sympathy for violent radicalization. Transcultural psychiatry, 58(5), 654-668.

Audet, G., Miconi, D., Rousseau-Rizzi, A., & Rousseau, C. (2021). Prévention de la radicalisation violente: impact de la pièce de théâtre "qui a tué Freebird?" sur les perceptions et les attitudes des élèves et du personnel scolaire. 91˿Ƶ Journal of Education/Revue des sciences de l'éducation de 91˿Ƶ, 56(2/3).

Bourgeois-Guérin, É., Miconi, D., Rousseau-Rizzi, A., & Rousseau, C. (2021). Evaluation of a training program on the prevention of violent radicalization for health and education professionals. Transcultural psychiatry, 58(5), 712-728.

Bourgeois-Guérin, É., Lyke, C., Lachaîne, A., & Rousseau, C. (2021). Réflexions sur un projet de danse intergénérationnel. Nouvelle revue de psychosociologie, 32(2), 189-198.

Cénat, J. M., Kokou-Kpolou, C. K., Mukunzi, J. N., Dalexis, R. D., Noorishad, P.-G., Rousseau, C., . . . Guerrier, M. (2021). Ebola virus disease, stigmatization, peritraumatic distress, and posttraumatic stress disorder in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A moderated mediation model. Journal of affective disorders, 293, 214-221.

Cénat, J. M., Dalexis, R. D., Guerrier, M., Noorishad, P.-G., Derivois, D., Bukaka, J., . . . Rousseau, C. (2021). Frequency and correlates of anxiety symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic in low-and middle-income countries: A multinational study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 132, 13-17. doi:

Cénat, J. M., Dalexis, R. D., Derivois, D., Hébert, M., Hajizadeh, S., Kokou-Kpolou, C. K., . . . Rousseau, C. (2021). The Transcultural Community Resilience Scale: Psychometric Properties and Multinational Validity in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.713477

Ellis, B. H., Miller, A. B., Sideridis, G., Frounfelker, R. L., Miconi, D., Abdi, S., . . . Rousseau, C. (2021). Risk and Protective Factors Associated With Support of Violent Radicalization: Variations by Geographic Location. International Journal of Public Health, 66, 20.

* El-Majzoub, S., Narasiah, L., Adrien, A., Kaiser, D., & Rousseau, C. (2021). Negotiating Safety and Wellbeing: The Collaboration Between Faith-Based Communities and Public Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Religion and Health, 60(6), 4564-4578. doi:

*Frounfelker, R., Frissen, T., Miconi, D., Lawson, J., Brennan, R. T., d'Haenens, L., & Rousseau, C. (2021). Transnational evaluation of the Sympathy for Violent Radicalization Scale: Mesuring population attitudes toward violent radicalization in two countries.

Transcultural psychiatry, 0 (0)(Special Issue: ASI 2017 Radicalization), 1-14.

*Frounfelker, R., Santavicca, T., Li, Z. Y., Miconi, D., Venkatesh, V., & Rousseau, C. (2021 - OnLine). COVID-19 Experiences and Social Distancing: Insights from the Theory of Planned Behavior. American Journal of Health Promotion, 1-10. doi:

Lachal, J., El Husseini, M., Rousse

au, C., & Moro, M. R. (2021). Editorial: Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Complex Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children and Adolescents. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12, 5-7.

Levinsson, A., Miconi, D., Li, Z., Frounfelker, R. L., & Rousseau, C. (2021). Conspiracy theories, psychological distress, and sympathy for violent radicalization in young adults during the CoViD-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(15), 7846. doi:file:///C:/Users/ldes2623/Downloads/ijerph-18-07846.pdf

*Miconi, D., Frounfelker, R. L., Whiteley, T., Mekki-Berrada, A., & Rousseau, C. (2021). Discrimination and Sympathy for Violent Radicalization Among College Students in Quebec (Canada): The Protective Role of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Religiosity. The Journal of nervous and mental disease, 209(10), 773-776.

*Miconi, D., Dervishi, E., Wiium, N., Johnson‐Lafleur, J., Ibrahimi, S., & Rousseau, C. (2021). Egyptian and Roma Adolescents’ Perspectives on Their Developmental Assets in Albania During the COVID‐19 Pandemic. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 31(3), 576-594. doi:

*Miconi, D., Papazian-Zohrabian, G., Daxhelet, M.-L., & Rousseau, C. (2021). La prévention du soutien à la radicalisation violente en milieu scolaire. Psychologie Québec, Septembre 2021

*Miconi, D., Li, Z., Frounfelker, R., Santavicca, T., Cénat, J. M., Venkatesh, V., & Rousseau, C. (2021). Ethno-cultural disparities in mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study on the impact of exposure to the virus and COVID-related discrimination and stigma on mental health across ethno-cultural groups in Quebec (Canada). BJPsych Open, 7(e14), 1-10. doi:10.1192/bjo.2020.146

*Miconi, D., Li, Z. Y., Frounfelker, R. L., Venkatesh, V., & Rousseau, C. (2021). Socio-cultural correlates of self-reported experiences of discrimination related to COVID-19 in a culturally diverse sample of Canadian adults. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 81, 176-192. doi:

Miconi, D., Calcagnì, A., Mekki‐Berrada, A., & Rousseau, C. (2021). Are there local differences in support for violent radicalization? a study on college students in the province of Quebec, Canada. Political Psychology, 42(4), 637-658.

Moro, M. R., Lachal, J., & Rousseau, C. (2021). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Complex Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children and Adolescents. Lausanne: Frontiers in Psychiatry - Special Edition.

*Roy, M., Moreau, N., Rousseau, C., Mercier, A., Wilson, A., Dozon, J.-P., . . . Society. (2021). Constructing Ebola martyrs, warriors, and saviours: online heroisation in a context of risk and unease. 23(1-2), 73-91.

Venkatesh, V., Rousseau, C., Morin, D., & Hassan, G. (2021). Violence as collateral damage of the COVID-19 pandemic. The conversation, .

*Zoldan Y, Rambeaud-Collin D & Rousseau C (2021) Les sexualités dans l’après trauma: enjeux clinique et politique. Sexologies 30:88-93.


Rousseau, C., & Miconi, D. (2020). Protecting Youth Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Challenging Engagement and Learning Process. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 59(11), 1203-1207.

Rousseau, C., Jonhson-Lafleur, J., Papazian-Zohrabian, G., & Measham, T. (2020). Interdisciplinary Case Discussions as a Training Modality to Teach Cultural Formulation in Child Mental health. Transcultural Psychiatry, 57(4), 581-593.

Rousseau, C., Jaimes, A., & El-Majzoub, S. (2020). Pandémie et communautés minoritaires marginalisées: vers une approche inclusive en santé publique? Canadian Journal of Public Health, 111(6), 963-966. doi:10.17269/s41997-020-00422-2

Rousseau, C., Miconi, D., Frounfelker, R., Hassan, G., & Oulhote, Y. (2020 - On Line). A repeated cross-sectional study of sympathy for violent radicalization in Canadian college students. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. doi:

Rousseau, C., & Miconi, D. (2020). Vivere insieme in contesti di polarizzazione sociale: fattori di rischio e di protezione in un campione di giovani studenti canadesi. Educational Reflective Practices, 19, 55-73.

Beauregard, C., Tremblay, J., Pomerleau, J., Simard, M., Bourgeois-Guérin, É., Lyke, C., & Rousseau, C. (2020). Building Communities in Tense Times : Fostering Connectedness Between Cultures and Generations through Community Arts. American Journal of Community Psychology, 65(3-4), 437-454.

Ben-Cheikh, I., Rachédi, L., & Rousseau, C. (2020). Deuil compliqué selon les cultures: défis diagnostiques et limites des classifications internationales. DzԳپè, 32(1).

Cénat, J. M., Mukunzi, J. N., Noorishad, P.-G., Rousseau, C., Derivois, D., & Bukaka, J. (2020). A systematic review of mental health programs among populations affected by the Ebola virus disease. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 131, 109966.

Cénat, J. M., Felix, N., Blais-Rochette, C., Rousseau, C., Bukaka, J., Derivois, D., . . . Birangui, J.-P. (2020 - ON LINE). Prevalence of mental health problems in populations affected by Ebola virus disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychiatry Research. doi:

Cénat, J. M., McIntee, S. E., Guerrier, M., Derivois, D., Rousseau, C., Dalexis, R. D., . . . Makila-Balayulu, O. (2020). Psychological distress among adults from the urban and rural areas affected by the Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 1-6.

Cénat, J. M., Dalexis, R. D., Kokou-Kpolou, C. K., Mukunzi, J. N., & Rousseau, C. (2020). Social inequalities and collateral damages of the COVID-19 pandemic: when basic needs challenge mental health care. International journal of public health, 65(6), 717-718.

de Freitas Girardi, J., Miconi, D., Lyke, C., & Rousseau, C. (2020). Creative expression workshops as Psychological First Aid (PFA) for asylum-seeking children: An exploratory study in temporary shelters in Montreal. Clinical child psychology and psychiatry, 25(2), 483-493.

de Smet, S., Rousseau, C., Stalpaert, C., & De Haene, L. (2020). “I Look at You and See You Looking at Me”: Role Boundaries in a Dynamic Research Relationship in Qualitative Health Research With Refugees. Qualitative Health Research, 30(7), 1083-1100.

* Frounfelker, R. L., Miconi, D., Farrar, J., Brooks, M. A., Rousseau, C., & Betancourt, T. S. (2020 - ON LINE). Mental Health of Refugee Children and Youth: Epidemiology, Interventions, and Future Directions. Annual Review of Public Health, 41, 159-176.

Hanley, J., Larios, L., Ricard-Guay, A., Meloni, F., & Rousseau, C. (2020). Pregnant and undocumented: taking work into account as a social determinant of health. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care.

Kirmayer, L. J., Fernando, S., Guzder, J., Lashley, M., Rousseau, C., Schouler-Ocak, M., . . . Jarvis, G. E. (2020 - ONLINE). A Call to Action on Racism and Social Justice in Mental Health: Un appel à l’action en matière de racisme et de justice sociale en santé mentale. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. doi:

Miconi, D., & Rousseau, C. (2020). Vivere insieme in contesti di polarizzazione sociale: fattori di rischio e di protezione in un campione di giovani studenti canadesi [Living together in socially polarized contexts: Risk and protective factors among Canadian students]. Educational reflective practices.

Miconi, D., Oulhote, Y., Hassan, G., & Rousseau, C. (2020). Sympathy for violent radicalisation among college students in Quebec (Canada): The protective role of a positive future orientation. Psychology of violence, 10(American Psychological Association (APA)), 344-354. doi:10.1037/vio0000278

Roy, M., Moreau, N., Rousseau, C., Mercier, A., Wilson, A., & Atlani-Duault, L. (2020). Ebola and localized blame on social media: analysis of Twitter and Facebook conversations during the 2014–2015 Ebola epidemic. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 44(1), 56-79.

Zoldan, Y., & Rousseau, C. (2020). A la croisée des chemins. Entre routes de pouvoir et sentiers cliniques. L'autre, 21, 307-317. doi:


Rousseau, C., & Frounfelker, R. (2019). Mental health needs and services for migrants: An overview for primary care providers. Journal of Travel Medicine, 26(2), 1-8.

Rousseau, C., Hassan, G., & Frounfelker, R. (2019). The role of physicians in the violence epidemic. CMAJ, 191(23). doi:

Rousseau, C., & Hassan, G. (2019). Current Challenges in Addressing Youth Mental in the Context of Violent Radicalization. JAACAP, 58(8), 747-750.

Rousseau, C., Hassan, G., Miconi, D., Lecompte, V., Mekki-Berrada, A., El Hage, H., & Oulhote, Y. (2019). From social adversity to sympathy for violent radicalization: the role of depression, religiosity and social support. Archives of public health, 77(1), 45.

Rousseau, C. (2019). La radicalisation violente au Québec: comprendre, prévenir et intervenir. Le Genre humain (2), 135-145.

*Bourgeois-Guérin, É., Rousseau, C., Hassan, G., & Michalon-Brodeur, V. (2019). Sur la corde raide : penser les modalités de formation en prévention de la radicalisation violente. . L'Autre, 20(2), 184-192.

*Cénat, J. M., Balayulu-Makila, O., Derivois, D., Felis, N., Mukunzi, J., Bukaka J, . . . Rousseau, C. (2019). The mental health professional at the feet of the Ebola virus: individual treatment and global mental challenges. Retrieved from doi:10.1192/bjp.2019.122

*de Smet, S., Rousseau, C., Stalpaert, C., & De Haene, L. (2019). A qualitative analysis of coping with trauma and exile in applied theatre with Syrian refugees: the role of within-group interactions. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 101587.

*Frounfelker, R. L., Frissen, T., Vanorio, I., Rousseau, C., & d'Haenens, L. (2019). Exploring the discrimination–radicalization nexus: empirical evidence from youth and young adults in Belgium. Retrieved from doi:

Hassan, G., Mekki-Berrada, A., Rousseau, C., Lyonnais-Lafond, G., Jamil, U., & Cleveland, J. (2019). Impact of the "Charter of Quebec values" on psychological wellbeing of francophone university students. Transcultural psychiatry, 56(6), 1139-1154. doi:10.1177/1363461516656972

*Jaimes, Annie, Ghayda Hassan, and Cécile Rousseau. 2019. Hurtful Gifts? Trauma and Growth Transmission Among Local Clinicians in Postearthquake Haiti. Journal of Traumatic Stress.

*Johnson-Lafleur, J., Rousseau, C., Papazian-Zohrabian, G. (2019 - ON LINE). Learning from partnership tensions in collaborative youth mental health care: An analysis of interdisciplinary and interorganizational case discussion seminars. Social Science & Medicine,

Iyer, S. N., Shah, J., Boksa, P., Lal, S., Joober, R., Andersson, N., Rousseau, C.,. . . Reaume-Zimmer, P. (2019). A minimum evaluation protocol and stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial of ACCESS Open Minds, a large Canadian youth mental health services transformation project. BMC psychiatry, 19(1), 273.

Jaimes A, Hassan G & Rousseau C (2019) Hurtful Gifts? Trauma and Growth Transmission Among Local Clinicians in Postearthquake Haiti. Journal of Traumatic Stress.

Malla, A., Iyer, S., Shah, J., Joober, R., Boksa, P., Lal, S., . . . Rousseau, C. (2018). Canadian response to need for transformation of youth mental health services: ACCESS Open Minds (Esprits ouverts). Early Intervention in Psychiatry. Retrieved from doi:10.1111/eip.12772

*Neto, A., Costa, A. G., Machado, A. G., Conceição, D., Coutinho, C., & Rousseau, C. (2019). Refugee Resettlement I: Challenges for Mental Healthcare Services in Portugal. Acta medica portuguesa, 32(1), 14-16.

*Pondé, M. P., Bassi Arcand, F. M. N., Cunha, L. A., & Rousseau, C. (2019). Enacting autism: Immigrant family negotiations with nosology in practice. Transcultural Psychiatry, 56(2), 327-344

*Roy, M., Moreau, N., Rousseau, C., Mercier, A., Wilson, A., & Atlani-Duault, L. (2019). Ebola and Localized Blame on Social Media: Analysis of Twitter and Facebook Conversations During the 2014–2015 Ebola Epidemic. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 1-24.


Rousseau, C. (2018). Addressing Mental Health Needs of Refugees. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 0706743717746664.

Rousseau, C., Hassan, G., Rousseau-Rizzi, A., Michalon-Brodeur, V., Oulhote, Y., Mekki-Berrada, A., & El-Hage, H. (2018). Adversité psychosociale, détresse psychologique et sympathie pour la radicalisation violente chez les collégiens du Québec. Cahiers de la sécurité et de la justice, 43(158-166).

Rousseau, C., & Miconi, D. (2018). Welcoming refugee children: The role of psychological first aid interventions. Psynopsis, 40(4), 8-9.

*Abdel‐Baki, A., Ouellet‐Plamondon, C., Medrano, S., Nicole, L., & Rousseau, C. (2018). Immigrants' outcome after a first‐episode psychosis. Early intervention in psychiatry, 12(2), 193-201.

*Beauregard, C., Papazian-Zohrabian, G., & Rousseau, C. (2018). Mouvement des frontières identitaires dans les dessins d'élèves immigrants. Alterstice-Revue Internationale de la Recherche Interculturelle, 7(2), 105-116.

*Ben-Cheikh, I., Rousseau, C., Hassan, G., Brami, M., Hernandez, S., & Rivest, M.-H. (2018). Intervention en contexte de radicalisation menant à la violence: une approche clinique multidisciplinaire. Santé mentale au Québec, 43(1), 85-99.

*Bourgeois-Guérin, É., Brami, M., & Rousseau, c. (2018). Penser la haine après le trauma. Rhizome - Bulletin national santé mentale et précarité, 69-70, 34-35.

*Chase, L. E., & Rousseau, C. (2018). Ethnographic Case Study of a Community Day Center for Asylum Seekers as Early Stage Mental Health Intervention. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 88(1), 48-58. doi:

Cleveland, J., Kronick, R., Gros, H., & Rousseau, C. (2018). Symbolic violence and disempowerment as factors in the adverse impact of immigration detention on adult asylum seekers’ mental health. International journal of public health, 1-8

*Daxhelet, M.-L., Johnson-Lafleur, J., Papazian-Zohrabian, G., & Rousseau, C. (2018). Impuissance et contre-transfert culturel. L'Autre, 19(1), 21-31.

*De Haene, L., Rousseau, C., Kevers, R., Deruddere, N., & Rober, P. (2018). Stories of trauma in family therapy with refugees: Supporting safe relational spaces of narration and silence. Clinical child psychology and psychiatry, 23(2), 258-278.

*de Smet, S., De Haene, L., Rousseau, C., & Stalpaert, C. (2018). Behind every stone awaits and Alexander': unravelling the limits of participation within micro and macro dramaturgy of participatory refugee theatre. Research and Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 23(2), 242-258

*Hassan, G., Brouillette-Alarie, S., Alava, S., Frau-Meigs, D., Lavoie, L., Fetiu, A., . . . Rousseau, C. (2018). Exposure to extremist online content could lead to violent radicalization: A systematic review of empirical evidence. International Journal of Developmental Science (Preprint), 1-18.

*Hassan, G., Rousseau, C., Ben Cheik, I., & Kirmayer, L. J. (2018). Radicalisation violente : Quel rôle pour la psychiatrie ? Le Journal de l'AMPQ, Juillet 2018.

Kirmayer, L. J., Kronick, R., & Rousseau, C. (2018). Advocacy as Key to Structural Competency in Psychiatry. JAMA psychiatry, 75(2), 119-120.

Kohrt, B. A., Lu, F. G., Wu, E. Y., Hinton, D. E., Aggarwal, N. K., Parekh, R., . . . Lewis-Fernandez, R. (2018). Caring for Families Separated by Changing Immigration Policies and Enforcement: A Cultural Psychiatry Perspective. Psychiatric Services. doi:

*Lecompte, V., Miconi, D., & Rousseau, C. (2018). Challenges related to migration and child attachment: A pilot study with South Asian immigrant mother-child dyads. Attachment & Human Development, 20(2), 208-222. doi:

Malla, A., Iyer, S., Rousseau, C., Joober, R., Boksa, P., Lal, S., . . . Hutt‐MacLeod, D. (2019). Canadian response to need for transformation of youth mental health services: ACCESS Open Minds (Esprits ouverts). Early Intervention in Psychiatry,, 13(3), 697-706.

Michalon-Brodeur, V., Bourgeois-Guérin, É., Cénat, J., & Rousseau, C. (2018). Le rôle de l’école face à la radicalisation violente: risques et bénéfices d’une approche sécuritaire. Éducation et francophonie, 46(2), 230-248. doi:

Papazian-Zohrabian, G., Mamprin, C., Lemire, V., Turpin-Samson, A., Hassan, G., Rousseau, C., & Aoun, R. (2018). Le milieu scolaire québécois face aux défis de l’accueil des élèves réfugiés: quels enjeux pour la gouvernance scolaire et la formation des intervenants scolaires? Éducation et francophonie, 46(2), 208-229.


Rousseau, C., Ellis, H., & Lantos, J. (2017). The dilemna of predicting violent radicalization. Pediatrics, 140(4).

Rousseau, C., Hassan, G., & Oulhote, Y. (2017). And if there were other way out? Questioning the prevalent radicalization models. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 108(5-6).

Rousseau, C., Oulhote, Y., Ruiz-Casares, M., Cleveland, J., & Greenaway, C. (2017). Encouraging understanding or increasing prejudices: a cross-sectional survey of institutional influence on health personnel attitudes about refugee claimant' access to health care. PLOS One 12(2). doi:

Rousseau, C., Pontbriand, A., Nadeau, L., & Johnson-Lafleur, J. (2017). Perception of interprofessional collaboration and co-location of specialists and primary care teams in youth mental health Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 26(3), 198-204.

Beauregard, C., Papazian-Zohrabian, G., & Rousseau, C. (2017). Connecting identities through drawing: Relationships between identities in images drawn by immigrant students. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 56, 83-92.

Beauregard, C., Papazian-Zohrabian, G., & Rousseau, C. (2017). Making sense of collective identity and trauma through drawing: The case study of a Palestinian refugee students. Intercultural Education, 28(2), 113-130. Retrieved from doi:10.1080/14675986.2017.1294851

Brewin C, Cloitre M, Hyland P, Shevlin M, Maercker a, Bryant RA, . . . G, R. (2017). A Review of Current Evidence Regarding the ICD-11 Proposals for Diagnosing PTSD and Complex PTSD. Clinical Psychology Review. doi:

Caldairou-Bessette, P., Johnson-Lafleur, J., Nadeau, L., Vachon, M., & Rousseau, C. (2017). Écouter les enfants dans la recherche en santé mentale jeunesse (SMJ): une créativité éthique inspirée de la clinique. Approches inductives: Travail intellectuel et construction des connaissances, 4(2), 79-108.

Caldairou-Bessette, P., Vachon, M., Bélanger-Dumontier, G., & Rousseau, C. J. R. q. (2017). La réflexivité nécessaire à l’éthique en recherche: l’expérience d’un projet qualitatif en santé mentale jeunesse auprès de réfugiés. 36(2), 29-51.

Chase, L. E., Cleveland, J., Beatson, J., & Rousseau, C. (2017). The gap between entitlement and access to healthcare: An analysis of “candidacy” in the help-seeking trajectories of asylum seekers in Montreal. Social science & medicine, 182, 52-59.

Gagnon, M. M., & Rousseau, C. (2017). Enfants réfugiés et trauma: regards sur la santé mentale et perspectives d'intervention. Ordre des psychologues du Québec. Retrieved from

Kirmayer, L. J., Kronick, R., & Rousseau, C. (2017). Advocacy as a Key to Structural Competence in Psychiatry. JAMA, Online. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2017.3897

Kronick, R., Rousseau, C., & Cleveland, J. (2017). International solidarity to end immigration detention. The Lancet, 389, 501-502.

Kronick, R., Rousseau, C., & Cleveland, J. (2017 - Online). Refugee children's sandplay narratives in immigration detention in Canada. European child & adolescent psychiatry, . doi: DOI 10.1007/s00787-017-1012-0

Lecompte, V., Richard-Fortier, Z., & Rousseau, C. (2017). Portrait psychologique et social de mères indiennes réfugiées : les enjeux liés à l’attachement de l’enfant. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 38(3), 61-78.

Lecompte, V., Richard-Fortier, Z., & Rousseau, C. (2017). Adverse effect of high migration stress on mental health during pregnancy: a case report. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 20(1), 233-235. doi:

Lecompte, V., & Rousseau, C. (2017). Determinants of child attachment in the years postpartum in a high-risk sample of immigrant women. Journal of Immigrant and minority Health, Online 07 October 2017, 1-7. doi: DOI 10.1007/s10903-017-0662-9

Matlin, S. A., Gemenne, F., Munoz-Bertrand, M., Rousseau, C., Spiegel, P., Depoux, A., . . . Flahault, A. (2017). Migrants' Health - Responding to a changing landscape. In C. V.-V. Corinne Kowalski (Ed.), World Health Summit Regional Meeting. North America, Montreal: Institute of Global Health, University of Geneva.

Meloni, F., Rousseau, C., Ricard-Guay, A., Hanley, J., & (2017). Invisible students: institutional invisibility and access to education for undocumented children. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 13(1), 15-25.

Nadeau, L., Jaimes, A., Jonhson-Lafleur, J., & Rousseau, C. (2017). Perspectives of Migrant Youth, Parents and Clinicians on Community-Based Mental Health Services: Negotiating Safe Pathways. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26, 1936-1948.

Rink, N., Muttalib, F., Morantz, G., Chase, L., Cleveland, J., Rousseau, C., & Li, P. (2017). The gap between coverage and care—what can Canadian paediatricians do about access to health services for refugee claimant children? . Paediatrics & Child Health, 22(8), 430-437. doi:

Touhami, F., Mansouri, M., Rousseau, C., & Moro, M. R. (2017). De l'effroi à la mise en abîme des identités. L'autre, 18(2), 244-251.

Vachon, M., Caldairou-Bessette, P., & Rousseau, C. (2017). Pratiques soignantes en santé mentale jeunesse auprès des familles réfugiées: Répétition traumatique et reconstruction du lien social. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 38(3), 33-59.

Selected Books and Book Chapters


De Haene, L., & Rousseau, C. (2020). Working with Refugee Families: Trauma and Exile in Family Relationships Trauma and Exile in Family Relationships (Lucia De Haene & Cécile Rousseau Ed.). United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

Book Chapters


Lecompte, V., Rousseau, C., & Cognard-Bessette, S. (2022). Immigration, diversité culturelle et risque de maltraitance. In Presse de l'Université du Québec (Ed.), La maltraitance: Perspective développementale et écologique (pp. 93-116). Canada: Karine Dubois-Comtois et Chantal Cyr


Rousseau, C., Savard, C., Bonnel, A., Horme, R., Machouf, A., & Rivest-Marie-Hélène. (2021). Clinical Intervention to Address Violent Radicalization: the Quebec Model. In Kamaldeep Bhui & Dinesh Bhugra (Ed.), Terrorism, Violent Radicalization and Mental Health. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press (March 4 2021).

Rousseau, C. (2021). Des temps troublés: de la question du politique en clinique à l'agir politique des cliniciens. In Y. M. M. R. Moro (Ed.), Pratiques transculturelles : les nouveaux champs de la clinique (pp. 63-76). Paris: Éditions in Press.

Bourgeois‐Guérin, E., Rousseau, C., & Lyke, C. (2021). Partitions pour l'exil: la musique comme espace habitacle. In Luis Velasco-Pufleau et Laëtitia Atlani-Duault (Ed.), Des sons pour survivre, des sons pour tuer (pp. 255-271). Paris: Luis Velasco-Pufleau et Laëtitia Atlani-Duault,.

Hassan, G., Rousseau, C., Bourgeois‐Guérin, E., Daxhelet, M.-L., & Brouillette-Alarie, S. (2021). Le secteur de la santé mentale et des services sociaux et la prévention de la radicalisation violente au Québec. In D. M. e. S. Aoun (Ed.), Le nouvel âge des extrêmes ? Les démocraties occidentales, la radicalisation et l'extrémisme violent (pp. 453-466). Montréal (Qc): Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal.

Miconi, D., & Rousseau, C. (2021). Children and vulnerable groups services. In D. Bhugra (Ed.), Oxford Textbook of Migrant Psychiatry (Dinesh Bhugra ed., pp. 413-430). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Miconi, D., Frounfelker, L. R., Zoldan, Y., & Rousseau, C. (2021 - On line). Rethinking Radicalization Leading to Violence as a Global Health Issue. In Okpaku (Ed.), Innovations in Global Mental Health. New York, USA.

Miconi, D., & Rousseau, C. (2021). Another way out: A positive youth development approach to the study of violent radicalization in Québec, Canada. In R. Dimitrova (Ed.), Handbook of Positive Youth Development (pp. 415-429): Springer.


Rousseau, C. (2020). Interrogating Legality and Legitimacy in the Post-migratory Context: Working around Traumatic Repetition and Reenactment with Refugee Families. In L. De Haene & C. Rousseau (Eds.), Working with Refugee Families: Trauma and Exile in Family Relationships (pp. 309-321). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108602105.021

Rousseau, C., & De Haene, L. (2020). Amplifying Our Engagement with Refugee Families Beyond the Therapeutic Space. Working with Refugee Families: Trauma and Exile in Family Relationships, 322.

Rousseau, C., & Gagnon, M. M. (2020). Intervening to Address the Impact of Stress and Trauma on Refugee Children and Adolescents Resettled in High-Income Countries. In Suzan J. Song & Peter Ventevogel (Ed.), Child, Adolescent and Family Refugee Mental Health (pp. 151-163).


Measham, T., Guzder, J., Jarvis, G. E., Elias, R., Rousseau, C., Nadeau, L., & Hassan, G. (2019). Transcultural Mental Health Services for Refugees Two Service Models from montreal, Canada. In S. Megan Berthold and Kathryn R. Libal (Ed.), Refugees and Asylum Seekers (pp. 261-287). California: ABC-CLIO, LLC.


Johnson-Lafleur, J., Nadeau, L., Jaimes, A., Rousseau, C., & Pluye, P. (2018). Les méthodes mixtes comme avenue d’amélioration de la rigueur scientifique et de l’éthique en recherche auprès de populations minoritaires et marginalisées : étude de cas en santé mentale jeunesse transculturelle. In Q. N. H. M. Bujold, V. Ridde, C. J. Bourque, M. J. Dogba, I. Vedel & P. Pluye (Eds.), (Ed.), Oser les défis des méthodes mixtes en sciences sociales et sciences de la santé (pp. 194-207). Montréal: ACFAS.

Koukoui, S., & Rousseau, C. (2018). The Poetics of a boy N the Hood. In Editora da Universidade Federal da Bahia (Ed.), Legitimidades da loucura. Sofrimento, luta, criatividade e pertenca, (pp. 157-177). Salvador, Bahia.


Rousseau, C. (2017). Un mur, plusieurs communautés et l'odeur des épices - Travailler en santé mentale jeunesse à Parc-Extension. In V. A. e. J.-A. B. Annick Germain (Ed.), Vivre ensemble à Montréal - Épreuves et convivialités (pp. 20-23). Montréal (Qc): Atelier 10.

Rousseau, C., Beauregard, C., & Michalon-Brodeur, V. (2017). Penser la prévention pour les enfants réfugiés et immigrants: quand altérité et souffrance sociale se conjuguent. In M. Dorais (Ed.), ʰéԾ (pp. 105-168). Laval: Les Presses de l'Université Laval.


Rousseau, C., Miconi, D., Guenat, C., Morin, D., Venkatesh, V., Mekki-Berrada, A., . . . Hirsch, S. (2022). Vivre ensemble dans des contextes de polarisation sociale : vulnérabilité et résilience dans la communauté universitaire. Recherche et Action sur les Polarisations Sociales. Retrieved from

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