
Faculty Advancement Board

About the Faculty Advancement Board (FAB)

The Faculty Advancement Board (FAB) is a volunteer group of primarily alumni that provides counsel to the Dean.ÌęIts membersÌęare leaders in our community as well as committed philanthropists. They are a group of thoughtful citizens who are helping us shape the future of how we educate future-ready design professionals to solve problems that matter.

Members' Responsibilities

The Faculty of Engineering Advancement Board (FAB) is the chief external advancement group to the Dean of Engineering. Members offer guidance and counsel regarding the Faculty’s long-range planning, its interactions with external constituencies and fundraising. All members serve for a 3-year term. Based on their outside perspective and broad expertise, members are expected to:

  • provide strategic and tactical advice
  • serve as key ambassadors in promoting the mission and goals of 91ËżčÏÊÓÆ” and, in particular, the Faculty of Engineering
  • cultivate and enlist financial support for the Faculty of Engineering through personal or professional contacts
  • provide personal philanthropic support to the Faculty annually

Meet Our Members

Robert DewarÌę(BEng'86), Chair

Senior VP, Airbus A220 Customer Satisfaction, Services & Product Policy /ÌęVice-prĂ©sident principal, Satisfaction des clients, services et politique des produits A220 d’Airbus
Member Airbus Executive Committee (Montreal) /ÌęMembre du ComitĂ© exĂ©cutif d’Airbus (MontrĂ©al)



Rob Dewar boasts a career of over 35 years in the aerospace industry. He has held several key positions in Engineering and in numerous product development programs.

Rob was assigned to define, develop, certify and deliver the C Series to market – the largest aerospace development program in Canadian history. His role was key to ensuring all certification and customer requirements were met. Rob led the design and full Product Development from the outset of the program in May 2004. The CSeries/A220 is seen as a tremendous success and is well-positioned to be one of the most successful programs in the aviation industry.

La carriĂšre de Rob Dewar au sein de l’industrie aĂ©rospatiale s’étend sur plus de 35 ans. Il a rempli plusieurs fonctions clĂ©s en ingĂ©nierie et dans de nombreux programmes de dĂ©veloppement de produits.

Rob a eu pour mandat de concevoir, dĂ©velopper, certifier et commercialiser le projet CSeries, le plus important programme de dĂ©veloppement aĂ©rospatial de l’histoire du Canada. Il y a jouĂ© un rĂŽle dĂ©terminant dans le suivi des exigences de certification et du client. Il a menĂ© la conception et le dĂ©veloppement intĂ©gral du produit dĂšs le tout dĂ©but du programme, en mai 2004. Reconnu comme un formidable succĂšs, L’Airbus A220/CSeries est en voie de devenir l’un des programmes les plus fructueux de l’industrie aĂ©ronautique.

Raffi Afeyan (BEng’08)

Senior Principal /ÌęDirecteur principal
Flagship Pioneering (Boston)




Raffi Afeyan is a Senior Principal at Flagship Pioneering where he works as part of a team of entrepreneurial scientists exploring innovative ideas, developing the science, intellectual property, and business strategy that form the foundation of breakthrough startups and operationalizing them through their early stages. He is a co-founder of Ampersand Biomedicines, where is also serves as the Chief Innovation Officer.

Raffi has held a variety of roles within Flagship ecosystem companies, primarily focused on the intersection of early research, platform innovation and value creation. Most recently, he was the VP of Product Strategy and Innovation at Cellarity and at Generate Biomedicines. Prior to that he was the Senior Director of Strategic Innovation at Axcella.

Raffi earned his PhD and MS in Biomedical Engineering from Boston University working with Jim Collins in the field of synthetic biology.

Directeur principal chez Flagship Pioneering, Raffi Afeyan Ɠuvre au sein d’une Ă©quipe de scientifiques entrepreneurs novateurs qui explorent des idĂ©es et dĂ©veloppent la science, la propriĂ©tĂ© intellectuelle et la stratĂ©gie commerciale qui sous-tendent les startups de pointe pour les rendre opĂ©rationnelles dĂšs leurs premiĂšres phases. Il est Ă©galement cofondateur d’Ampersand Biomedicines, oĂč il agit Ă  titre de directeur de l’innovation.

Raffi a rempli de nombreux rĂŽles au sein d’entreprises de l’écosystĂšme Flagship, le plus souvent Ă  l’intersection de la recherche initiale, des plateformes d’innovation et de la crĂ©ation de valeur. RĂ©cemment, il a occupĂ© le poste de vice-prĂ©sident de la stratĂ©gie des produits et de l’innovation chez Cellarity et chez Generate Biomedicines. Il a prĂ©cĂ©demment Ă©tĂ© directeur principal de l’innovation stratĂ©gique chez Axcella.

Raffi a reçu son doctorat et sa maĂźtrise en gĂ©nie biomĂ©dical de l’UniversitĂ© de Boston, oĂč il a travaillĂ© avec Jim Collins dans le domaine de la biologie synthĂ©tique.

Rory J AltmanRory J. Altman (BEng'92)

Managing Partner /ÌęDirecteur associĂ©
Altman Solon (Boston)




Rory J. Altman is a Managing Partner of Altman Solon, a global business strategy consulting firm focused on the telecom, media, and technology sectors, which he co-founded in 2002. In this capacity, Rory has helped telecom companies restructure their businesses and rebuild their networks and operations to serve the broadband and mobile economies. He also works with private equity clients on their investments in these sectors.

Rory also holds an MBA from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University. Before his career as a business strategy consultant, Rory was a traffic engineer and transportation planner in Chicago, where he designed safe and efficient intersections. He currently resides in Boston.

Rory J. Altman est directeur associĂ© chez Altman Solon, une sociĂ©tĂ© internationale de conseil en stratĂ©gie d’entreprise dans les secteurs des tĂ©lĂ©communications, mĂ©dias et technologie, qu’il a cofondĂ©e en 2002. Rory a Ă  ce titre aidĂ© des entreprises de tĂ©lĂ©communications Ă  restructurer leurs activitĂ©s et Ă  rebĂątir leurs rĂ©seaux et leurs opĂ©rations pour rĂ©pondre aux besoins de l’économie mobile et Ă  large bande. Il accompagne Ă©galement des clients du secteur du capital-investissement qui investissent dans ces secteurs.

Rory est titulaire d’une maĂźtrise en administration des affaires (MBA) de la Kellogg Graduate School of Management de l’UniversitĂ© de Northwestern. Avant de devenir consultant en stratĂ©gie d’entreprise, il a prĂ©cĂ©demment travaillĂ© comme ingĂ©nieur de la circulation et planificateur des transports Ă  Chicago, oĂč il a conçu des intersections sĂ©curitaires et efficientes. Il vit actuellement Ă  Boston.

Portrait photo of Frances BronetFrances Bronet (BArch'78, BEng'79)

President /ÌęPrĂ©sidente
Pratt Institute (NYC)




Frances Bronet, a leader in interdisciplinary learning, is president of Pratt Institute in New York City. Frances has held senior academic and administrative roles at Illinois Institute of Technology, the University of Oregon, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Since joining Pratt, Frances has been appointed to the Future of Workers Task Force by New York City Mayor Eric Adams, and Pratt became an inaugural core partner on the New York Climate Exchange, a world-class center on Governors Island. Pratt also partnered with Bank Street College of Education to create an NYC Department of Education design- and social-justice-focused public high school. Concurrently, Pratt built out a major research facility at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, serving the scholarly and applied work of the faculty.

Frances holds professional degrees from 91ËżčÏÊÓÆ” as a McConnell Scholar; her graduate degree is from Columbia University. Originally licensed by the OAQ, she has practiced in multiple award-winning offices.

PrĂ©sidente de l’Institut Pratt de New York, Frances Bronet est une figure de proue de l’apprentissage interdisciplinaire. Elle a occupĂ© des fonctions acadĂ©miques et administratives de haut niveau Ă  l’Illinois Institute of Technology, Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de l’Oregon et au Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Depuis son arrivĂ©e Ă  l’Institut Pratt, Frances a Ă©tĂ© nommĂ©e au groupe de travail sur l’avenir des travailleurs par le maire de New York, Eric Adams, et l’institut est devenu un partenaire inaugural du New York Climate Exchange, un centre de calibre mondial situĂ© sur Governors Island. L’institut Pratt s’est par ailleurs associĂ© au Bank Street College of Education pour crĂ©er une Ă©cole secondaire publique axĂ©e sur le design et la justice sociale, relevant du dĂ©partement de l’éducation de la ville de New York. ParallĂšlement, l’institut a amĂ©nagĂ© au Brooklyn Navy Yard un important centre de recherche destinĂ© aux activitĂ©s et aux travaux appliquĂ©s de la facultĂ©.

Frances est titulaire de diplĂŽmes professionnels de 91ËżčÏÊÓÆ” en tant que boursiĂšre McConnell, et d’un diplĂŽme d’études supĂ©rieures de l’UniversitĂ© de Columbia. Initialement agrĂ©Ă©e par l’OAQ, elle a exercĂ© dans de nombreux bureaux primĂ©s.


Alexandra Conliffe (BEng'04)

Chief Executive Officer /ÌęCheffe de la direction
McCall MacBain Foundation /ÌęFondation McCall MacBain




LAlexandra Conliffe (she) is the Chief Executive Officer of the McCall MacBain Foundation, a role she assumed in 2024. Her transition to the role followed five years at the Foundation in Director and Vice President roles, during which she led philanthropic giving across the Foundation’s three areas of focus – education & scholarships, climate change & environment, and health.

Alex holds a PhD and an MSc from the University of Oxford, where she studied at the School of Geography and Environment as a Rhodes Scholar. She studied at 91ËżčÏÊÓÆ” as a Loran Scholar. Alex is a Board director with Nature United and the Loran Scholars Foundation.

Alexandra Conliffe a été nommée cheffe de la direction de la Fondation McCall MacBain en 2024, aprÚs y avoir exercé des fonctions de directrice et de vice-présidence et responsable des activités philanthropiques au regard des trois principales sphÚres d'intervention de la Fondation: éducation, changement climatique et environnement, et santé.

Alex est titulaire d'un Ph. D. et d'une maĂźtrise en sciences de l'UniversitĂ© d'Oxford, oĂč elle a Ă©tudiĂ© en tant que BoursiĂšre Rhodes Ă  l'École de gĂ©ographie et d'environnement. Elle a Ă©tudiĂ© Ă  l’UniversitĂ© 91ËżčÏÊÓÆ” comme BoursiĂšre Loran. Elle siĂšge aux conseils d'administration de Nature United et de la Fondation Boursiers Loran.

HĂ©lĂšne Desmarais, C.M., O.Q., LL.D.

Founder, CEO and Chair of the Board of Administration /ÌęFondatrice, prĂ©sidente-directrice gĂ©nĂ©rale et prĂ©sidente du conseil d’administration

Centre d’entreprises et d’innovation de MontrĂ©al (CEIM)



HélÚne Desmarais is a graduate in finance of HEC Montréal. For the past twenty years she has committed herself in diverse ways to the economic, educational and cultural development of her province and country. She has had great influence on economic development in Quebec and is a member of a number of boards and committees in the public and private sectors, economic, education and health, including as president of the Board of Directors of HEC Montréal.

In 2010, HĂ©lĂšne she was awarded the Order of Canada and was named to the “AcadĂ©mie des Grands MontrĂ©alais”. In June 2013 she received the title of Officer of the “Ordre National du QuĂ©bec”.

DiplĂŽmĂ©e en finance de l’École des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC) de MontrĂ©al, HĂ©lĂšne Desmarais se consacre depuis vingt ans au dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique, Ă©ducatif et culturel de la province et du pays. Elle a eu une influence importante sur le dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique du QuĂ©bec et siĂšge Ă  des conseils et dans des comitĂ©s des secteurs public et privĂ© liĂ©s Ă  l’économie, Ă  l’éducation et Ă  la santĂ©, notamment Ă  titre de prĂ©sidente du conseil d’administration de HEC MontrĂ©al.

En 2010, HĂ©lĂšne a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©corĂ©e de l’Ordre du Canada et a Ă©tĂ© nommĂ©e Ă  l’AcadĂ©mie des Grands MontrĂ©alais. En juin 2013, elle a reçu le titre d’officiĂšre de l’Ordre national du QuĂ©bec.

Pasquale Di PierroÌę(BEng’76, MBA’80)

Founder and President /ÌęFondateur et prĂ©sident
FONEX Data Systems Inc.




Pasquale Di Pierro is founder and president of Fonex data systems inc., a leading telecom equipment and solutions value-added reseller and manufacturer that has served the telecommunications service provider markets in Canada, USA, and Europe since 1990, and is an angel investor in emerging technologies startups. Prior work experience includes a ten-year tenure at Bell Canada, three years at Nortel Networks and a year at General Motors in various engineering, marketing and management capacities.

Pasquale has been a member of the Order of Engineers of QuĂ©bec since 1976, a member of the 91ËżčÏÊÓÆ” Faculty of Engineering Advancement Board since 2016 and an active participant in Engine, 91ËżčÏÊÓƔ’s Faculty of Engineering entrepreneurship hub, as a TechAccel awards judge.

Pasquale Di Pierro est fondateur et prĂ©sident de Fonex Data Systems Inc, un important fabricant et revendeur Ă  valeur ajoutĂ©e d’équipements et de solutions de tĂ©lĂ©communications desservant les marchĂ©s des fournisseurs de services de tĂ©lĂ©communications du Canada, des États-Unis et de l’Europe depuis 1990. Il agit aussi Ă  titre d’ange investisseur dans des entreprises de technologies Ă©mergentes en phase de dĂ©marrage. Il a travaillĂ© dix ans chez Bell Canada, trois ans chez Nortel Networks et un an chez General Motors, oĂč il a occupĂ© plusieurs postes en ingĂ©nierie, en marketing et en gestion.

Membre de l’Ordre des ingĂ©nieurs du QuĂ©bec depuis 1976, M. Pasquale est membre du conseil d’avancement de la FacultĂ© de gĂ©nie de 91ËżčÏÊÓÆ” depuis 2016. Il soutient activement le centre d’entrepreneuriat Engine de la FacultĂ© de gĂ©nie de 91ËżčÏÊÓÆ” Ă  titre de juge pour les prix TechAccel.

Mary-Jean EastmanÌę(BArch'71), FAIA, MRAIC, IIDA

Principal, Executive Director and Founding Partner
Perkins Eastman Architects

Mary-Jean Eastman is the Principal, Executive Director, founding partner of Perkins Eastman, and Managing Principal of the New York Office, Mary-Jean plays a key role in the overall design direction of the firm. She is involved in the firm’s healthcare, higher education, public building, and housing design practices.

Mary-Jean earned her Master of Science in Architecture and her Diploma in Architecture from the University College London.

CĂŽme A LaguĂ«Ìę(BEng’89)

Owner/Vigneron /ÌęPropriĂ©taire vigneron
La Mesa Vineyards (California)




CĂŽme is an experienced serial entrepreneur/founder, a venture capitalist and a board member. He is currently the owner/vigneron at La Mesa Vineyards, a high-elevation vineyard/winery located in the Sierra mountains of California that produces award-winning artisanal craft wines. He is also founder and CEO of Zetta Research, which manages a portfolio of diverse technology patents. He has worked with many startups on strategy, scaling, tactical execution, business development, fundraising, negotiations, and other mission critical growth issues.

Prior to Zetta, CĂŽme founded Nueva Ventures, one of the first “Super Angel” venture capital firms in Silicon Valley. On the Faculty Advancement Board at 91ËżčÏÊÓƔ’s Faculty of Engineering, he has chaired the Entrepreneurship Committee, developing student leadership and skills enhancement, and the Nominating Committee, recruiting new Board members. CĂŽme is a private equity investor in various tech and non-tech ventures, including a state-of-the-art tea factory in Kenya, which produces outstanding tea sold globally. CĂŽme has an MBA from Harvard Business School.

CĂŽme A LaguĂ« est un entrepreneur en sĂ©rie et fondateur chevronnĂ©, un investisseur en capital-risque et un membre de conseils d’administration. PropriĂ©taire-vigneron de La Mesa Vineyards, situĂ© dans les montagnes de la Sierra en Californie, son vignoble de haute altitude produit des vins artisanaux primĂ©s. Il est aussi fondateur et PDG de Zetta Research, qui assure la gestion d’un portefeuille de brevets technologiques variĂ©s. Il a collaborĂ© avec plusieurs jeunes entreprises sur la stratĂ©gie, la mise Ă  l’échelle, l’exĂ©cution tactique, le dĂ©veloppement des affaires, le financement, la nĂ©gociation et d’autres aspects essentiels Ă  la croissance.

Auparavant, CĂŽme a fondĂ© Nueva Ventures, l’une des premiĂšres sociĂ©tĂ©s de capital-risque « super angel » de la Silicon Valley. En tant que membre du conseil d’avancement de la FacultĂ© de gĂ©nie de l’UniversitĂ© 91ËżčÏÊÓÆ”, il a prĂ©sidĂ© le comitĂ© d’entrepreneuriat, qui nourrit le leadership et les compĂ©tences des Ă©tudiants, ainsi que le comitĂ© de nomination, qui recrute les nouveaux membres du conseil d’administration. Il agit Ă  titre d’investisseur privĂ© dans diverses entreprises technologiques ou non, incluant une fabrique ultramoderne du Kenya qui produit un thĂ© exceptionnel vendu Ă  travers le monde. Il est titulaire d’un maĂźtrise en administration des affaires (MBA) de la Harvard Business School.

Eric LamarreÌę(BEng’88)

Senior Partner /ÌęAssociĂ© principal
McKinsey & Company (Boston)




Eric is a Senior Partner with McKinsey based in Boston. He serves clients across a range of industries on large-scale digital and AI transformations, productivity-improvement programs, and digitally- enabled growth. Eric led McKinsey Digital in North America from 2017 to 2023 during a period of fast growth. This unit is now home to 2000+ technologists and client service professionals. During this time, Eric also pioneered the development of McKinsey’s Digital and AI client service methodologies and published extensively on the topic. He is the co-author of the bestselling book Rewired: The McKinsey Guide to Outcompeting in the Age of Digital and AI.

Previously, Eric was the managing partner of McKinsey Canada where he oversaw the development and growth of McKinsey’s Montreal, Toronto, Calgary, and Vancouver offices.

Eric is a member of McKinsey’s Shareholders Council, the Firm’s Board of Directors. He also serves on the boards of the Montreal Heart Institute Foundation and Alloprof, supporting Quebec student education.

En tant qu’associĂ© principal de la sociĂ©tĂ© McKinsey, basĂ©e Ă  Boston, Eric Lamarre accompagne des clients d’industries diverses dans leur transformation numĂ©rique et d’IA Ă  grande Ă©chelle, ainsi que dans leurs programmes d’amĂ©lioration de la productivitĂ© et de croissance par le numĂ©rique. Directeur de McKinsey Digital en AmĂ©rique du Nord de 2017 Ă  2023 pendant une phase de forte progression, la division compte aujourd’hui plus de 2000 technologues et professionnels du service Ă  la clientĂšle. Pendant cette pĂ©riode, il a aussi pilotĂ© le dĂ©veloppement des mĂ©thodologies de service client de McKinsey en matiĂšre de numĂ©rique et d’IA, et publiĂ© abondamment Ă  ce sujet. Il a coĂ©crit le livre Ă  succĂšs Rewired: The McKinsey Guide to Outcompeting in the Age of Digital and AI.

PrĂ©cĂ©demment, Eric a Ă©tĂ© directeur associĂ© chez McKinsey Canada, oĂč il a supervisĂ© le dĂ©veloppement et l’expansion de leurs bureaux Ă  MontrĂ©al, Toronto, Calgary et Vancouver. Il est membre du Conseil des actionnaires de McKinsey et siĂšge aux conseils d’administration de la Fondation de l’Institut de cardiologie de MontrĂ©al et d’Alloprof, un organisme soutenant l’éducation des jeunes Ă©lĂšves quĂ©bĂ©cois.

Marc NovakoffÌę(BEng’97)

Managing Director & Portfolio Manager /ÌęDirecteur gĂ©nĂ©ral et gestionnaire de portefeuille
Jarislowsky Fraser Limited




Marc Novakoff is Managing Director & Portfolio Manager at Jarislowsky Fraser, a leading investment firm, managing institutional and private portfolios. Previously, Marc held positons with CIBC World Markets in investment banking (Industrial Growth Group) in New York City.

Marc holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and is a Chartered Financial Analyst.

Marc Novakoff est directeur gĂ©nĂ©ral et gestionnaire de portefeuille chez Jarislowsky Fraser, une sociĂ©tĂ© d’investissement rĂ©putĂ©e, oĂč il gĂšre des portefeuilles institutionnels et privĂ©s. Il a prĂ©cĂ©demment occupĂ© des postes dans le secteur des services bancaires d’investissement chez CIBC World Markets (Industrial Growth Group) Ă  New York.

Marc est titulaire d’un maĂźtrise en administration des affaires (MBA) de la Harvard Business School et est analyste financier agrĂ©Ă©.

Frank PanarelloÌę(BEng’87)

Founder President /ÌęPrĂ©sident fondateur
Trilogix EMSÌę(MontrĂ©al)




Frank Panarello has extensive business development experience in a variety of industries including electronic manufacturing, LED lighting and RF/Microwave communications. He was one of the founders of Trilogix EMS in 1989 and still serves as its President. His ability to assemble and direct a strong, focused team allowed him to achieve the company’s goal of developing, manufacturing and marketing high‐performance products at globally competitive prices while maintaining profitability.

Frank has an MBA from the Richard Ivey School of Business and a Bachelor of Engineering in mechanical engineering from 91ËżčÏÊÓÆ”. He resides in Montreal.

Frank Panarello a une solide expertise en matiĂšre de dĂ©veloppement des affaires dans plusieurs secteurs, notamment la fabrication Ă©lectronique, les systĂšmes d’éclairage Ă  DEL et les communications RF/Micro-ondes. Il est l’un des fondateurs de Trilogix EMS, sociĂ©tĂ© Ă©tablie en 1989, dont il est encore aujourd’hui le prĂ©sident. Son aptitude Ă  constituer et Ă  diriger une Ă©quipe performante et focalisĂ©e a permis Ă  l’entreprise d’atteindre son objectif de dĂ©velopper, fabriquer et commercialiser Ă  l’échelle mondiale des produits de haute performance Ă  prix compĂ©titifs, sans pour autant compromettre la profitabilitĂ© de la sociĂ©tĂ©.

Frank est titulaire d’une maĂźtrise en administration des affaires (MBA) de la Richard Ivey Business School. Il vit Ă  MontrĂ©al.

Jackie Seto (BEng’87)

Principal /ÌęDirectrice
Side People Consulting (Oregon)




Jackie Seto is the Principal of Side People Consulting LLC providing leadership and business advising to non-profit and tech companies, with a strong focus on helping next generation women leaders and minority run start-ups. Jackie has spent over 30 years of her career in the Semiconductor Industry with over 20 years at Lam Research, a Semiconductor Capital Equipment Manufacturer, where she led research, next generation product development and marketing for multiple businesses. She specialized in turnarounds, leading floundering product lines and sites into profitable businesses. She is currently on the Board of Directors for Ultra Clean Technology, a supplier in the semiconductor industry.

Jackie resides outside of Portland, Oregon.

Jackie Seto est directrice de Side People Consulting LLC, une sociĂ©tĂ© de conseil en gestion et en affaires pour les organismes Ă  but non lucratif et les entreprises technologiques axĂ©e sur l’aide aux dirigeantes de la prochaine gĂ©nĂ©ration et aux startups issues des minoritĂ©s. Elle a travaillĂ© plus de trois dĂ©cennies dans l’industrie des semi-conducteurs, dont plus de 20 ans chez Lam Research, un fabricant d’équipements de semi-conducteurs oĂč elle a pilotĂ© la recherche, le dĂ©veloppement de nouveaux produits et la mise en marchĂ© pour plusieurs entreprises. Elle s’est spĂ©cialisĂ©e dans les redressements et dans la transformation de lignes et de sites de produits en difficultĂ© en entreprises rentables.

Jackie siùge actuellement au conseil d’administration d’Ultra Clean Technology, un fournisseur de l’industrie des semi-conducteurs. Elle vit prùs de Portland, en Oregon.

John Tentomas (BEng'94)

Founder and President /ÌęFondateur et prĂ©sident
Nature’s Touch Frozen Foods, Inc. (Orlando)




John Tentomas, Founder and President of Nature’s Touch Frozen Foods Inc. has led the company to become a prominent player in the frozen-food market across North America and Asia since its establishment in 2004. Before venturing into the frozen-food industry, John garnered valuable experience during his five-year tenure at Dow Chemical and through ownership of several businesses in the Greater Montreal Area. Recognized for his expertise and leadership in the industry, he was appointed Chair of the American Frozen Foods Institute in 2023.

John currently resides in Orlando, Florida.

John Tentomas est fondateur et prĂ©sident de l’entreprise Nature's Touch Frozen Foods Inc. Depuis sa crĂ©ation en 2004, l’entreprise est devenue un acteur de premier plan sur le marchĂ© des aliments surgelĂ©s en AmĂ©rique du Nord et en Asie. Avant de se lancer dans l’industrie du surgelĂ©, John a acquis une solide expertise en tant que propriĂ©taire de plusieurs entreprises dans le Grand MontrĂ©al et en travaillant cinq ans chez Dow Chemical. Reconnu pour ses compĂ©tences et son leadership dans le domaine, il a Ă©tĂ© nommĂ© prĂ©sident de l’American Frozen Foods Institute en 2023.

John vit actuellement Ă  Orlando, en Floride.

Emeritus Members

Lorne Trottier (BEng’70, MEng’73, DSc’06)

President /ÌęPrĂ©sident
Matrox Graphics Inc.




Lorne Trottier is a co-founder of Matrox, a privately held company known for its innovative products in the domains of computer graphics, video and imaging. He was awarded the Prix Lionel Boulet by the Gouvernement de Quebec in 2003 and was named a Member of the Order of Canada in 2007. In 2016, he was promoted to Officer of the Order of Canada.

Lorne holds a BEng and MEng degree from 91ËżčÏÊÓÆ”, and he was awarded doctoral degrees honoris causa by 91ËżčÏÊÓÆ”, in 2006, and l’UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al, on the recommendation of l’École Polytechnique, in 2011.

Lorne Trottier est cofondateur de Matrox, une sociĂ©tĂ© privĂ©e reconnue pour ses produits innovants dans les domaines de l’infographie, de la vidĂ©o et de l’imagerie. Il a reçu le prix Lionel Boulet du gouvernement du QuĂ©bec en 2003 et a Ă©tĂ© nommĂ© membre de l’Ordre du Canada en 2007. Il a Ă©tĂ© promu officier de l’Ordre du Canada en 2016.

Lorne a reçu un doctorat honoris causa de l’UniversitĂ© 91ËżčÏÊÓÆ” en 2006, puis de l’UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al en 2011, sur la recommandation de l’École Polytechnique de MontrĂ©al.

Ram Panda (MEng’71, MBA’77, LLD’23)

President /ÌęPrĂ©sident
Invera Inc.




Ram Panda is the co-founder of Invera Inc., which offers packaged business software solutions for the global metal industry, with clients primarily in theÌęUSÌęand Europe. In his role as the president of the company, Ram’s primary occupation has been to guide the product architecture and functionality aspects.

Ram has been a member of the Faculty Advisory Board since 2007.ÌęHe served on the 91ËżčÏÊÓÆ” Board of Governors for 10 years, and in 2022, becameÌęLead Planned Giving Ambassador for 91ËżčÏÊÓƔ’s Bequests and Planned Gifts unit.ÌęPassionate about sustainability and 91ËżčÏÊÓƔ’s role in the community, he is also one of the philanthropic drivers of the Trottier Institute for Sustainability in Engineering and Design (TISED).Ìę

Ram Panda est cofondateur d’Invera Inc., une entreprise qui propose des solutions informatiques intĂ©grĂ©es au secteur mondial de la mĂ©tallurgique, et dont la clientĂšle est principalement situĂ©e aux États-Unis et en Europe. À titre de prĂ©sident de la sociĂ©tĂ©, Ram se consacre essentiellement Ă  orienter l’architecture et la fonctionnalitĂ© du produit.

Membre du Conseil consultatif de la FacultĂ© de gĂ©nie depuis 2007, Ram a siĂ©gĂ© au Conseil des gouverneurs de 91ËżčÏÊÓÆ” pendant 10 ans. En 2022, il est devenu l’ambassadeur principal des dons planifiĂ©s de la division des legs et des dons planifiĂ©s de 91ËżčÏÊÓÆ”. EngagĂ© avec passion dans le dĂ©veloppement durable et la contribution de 91ËżčÏÊÓÆ” Ă  la collectivitĂ©, il est Ă©galement l'un des principaux moteurs philanthropiques de l'Institut Trottier pour le dĂ©veloppement durable en ingĂ©nierie et en conception (TISED).


Fil PapichÌę(BEng’83)

Formerly Managing Director and Co-Head /ÌęEx-directeur gĂ©nĂ©ral et coresponsable

BMO Capital Markets (Quebec)




Fil was Managing Director and Co-Head of BMO Capital Markets Quebec, responsible for BMO Financial Group trading activities in Quebec, since 2017. He has been in banking since 1987 and has worked in New York, Toronto, London and Montreal. His roles have included business leadership roles in Global Trade and Banking (2015-2017), Institutional Relationship Management (2005 to 2015), Sales and Trading Quebec (2000-2015), Securities Sales International (1997-2000), and Derivative Trading and Market Making (1992-1996).

Fil holds an MBA from the Ivey Business School at the University of Western Ontario.

Fil Papich a Ă©tĂ© directeur gĂ©nĂ©ral et coresponsable de BMO MarchĂ©s des capitaux QuĂ©bec et responsable des activitĂ©s de nĂ©gociation de BMO Groupe financier au QuĂ©bec Ă  partir de 2017. Évoluant dans le domaine bancaire depuis 1987, il a travaillĂ© Ă  New York, Toronto, Londres et MontrĂ©al. Il a occupĂ© des postes de direction d’entreprise dans les secteurs du commerce mondial et des services bancaires (2015-2017), de la gestion des relations institutionnelles (2005-2015), des ventes et de la nĂ©gociation au QuĂ©bec (2000-2015), de la vente de titres Ă  l’échelle mondiale (1997-2000), et de la vente de produits dĂ©rivĂ©s et de la fabrication de marchĂ©s (1992-1996).

Fil est titulaire d’une maĂźtrise en administration des affaires (MBA) de l’Ivey Business School de l’UniversitĂ© Western, en Ontario.

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