
Frequently Asked Questions

Please select a topic listed below to view the most frequently asked questions in that area.

Please also Faculty of Engineering FAQ page for more information on COVID-19 updates, academic measures, and remote learning.

MESC Academic Advisor vs. Departmental Advisors

What’s the difference between a MESC academic advisor and my departmental advisor?

Your departmental advisor will help you with things like course scheduling and registration issues concerning respective departmental courses (i.e. you are a Chemical Engineering student and you are having difficulty registering for one of your Chemical Engineering courses). Your departmental advisor will also need to give approval or process certain requests (i.e. you wish to join the Honours stream in your program, or you need special permission to register in a department’s course).

A MESC academic advisor can also assist you with course scheduling, but it is always recommended that you speak to your departmental advisor first. A MESC academic advisor can assist you with many different questions, such as exchanges, transfer credit, minors, academic performance, planning your degree, etc.

You can reach a MESC advisor via email at advisor.engineering [at] mcgill.ca

How can I contact my department?

Each department has a dedicated undergraduate coordinator and/or advisor.

mary.lanni [at] mcgill.ca (Architecture)

studentaffairs.bioeng [at] mcgill.ca (Bioengineering)

ugrad.chemeng [at] mcgill.ca (Chemical)

anna.dinolfo [at] mcgill.ca (Civil)

undergrad.ece [at] mcgill.ca (Computer/Electrical/Software)

ugrad.mecheng [at] mcgill.ca (Mechanical)

diti.anastasopoulos [at] mcgill.ca (Materials)

marina.rosati [at] mcgill.ca (Mining)

Academic Standing

Please see the Academic Standing page for the official policy on standing.

I was on Unsatisfactory standing, how do I get re-admitted into Engineering?

Students whose most recent academic standing is unsatisfactory, and who wish to return to the Faculty of Engineering after an absence of one term or more, must apply for readmission on Minerva.

Application Procedures:

  • Select "Student Records" Menu
  • Select "Faculty Transfer and Readmission" Menu

All students that apply under the Readmission status must submit a summary of activities during their absence from the Faculty in the comment section of the application form. Please confirm your application submission by contacting transfer.engineering [at] mcgill.ca (Student Affairs Office, Faculty of Engineering).

If you took courses elsewhere during your absence from 91˿Ƶ, you must submit a transcript of studies. A student copy is acceptable if it is followed by an official transcript sent directly from the Host University to the Student Affairs Office, Faculty of Engineering (advisor.engineering [at] mcgill.ca).

Application Deadline:
Fall Term:  May 1st
Winter Term: November 1st

Please note that decisions to be readmitted are made independently of financial information. If outstanding fees or fines are owed to the University, registration will not be possible. Once all supporting documents are received, the applications will be processed within 3-4 weeks of submission. You must check your 91˿Ƶ email regularly to ensure timely delivery of your decision letter.

I was in Unsatisfactory or Probationary standing. Can I take more than 13 credits?

Students who have been fallen into Unsatisfactory Standing will be asked to withdraw from the Faculty of Engineering for a minimum of one term or permanently depending on their last letter of readmission. Courses for which the student is currently registered will be deleted automatically from the student's record by the Faculty.

After a minimum of one term away, the student can apply for readmission no later than November 1 (for the Winter term) and  May 1 (for the Fall term). Students whose most recent academic standing is currently unsatisfactory as indicated on Minerva, and who wish to return to the Faculty of Engineering after a compulsory absence of a minimum of one term, must apply for Readmission on Minerva. Upon readmission, the student will have Probationary Standing. Students will remain on probationary standing until they achieve a CGPA greater than or equal to 2.00, at which time their standing will change to "Satisfactory".

While on probation, students must reduce their credit load to a maximum of 13 credits per term and must achieve a TGPA of at least 2.50 or a CGPA of at least 2.00. Students who fail to achieve the minimum CGPA and/or TGPA required will be required to permanently withdraw from the program with no possibility of readmission. 


What high school or Cégep grades do I need to be accepted into a program in the Faculty of Engineering?

Please see the Admission website for up to date information on historical grade cut-offs.

Where can I find information about attending an Open House Session?

Open House typically occurs in October, with information kiosks, departmental booths, student projects, and campus tours. Please see the Open House website for information on the next event.

I am an international graduate student, where can I get information about applying for post-graduate studies in Engineering at 91˿Ƶ?

Engineering graduate studies applications are handled by the individual departments and schools. For information about graduate degrees and programs, please see the websites of the individual departments and schools.

For more information about graduate studies at 91˿Ƶ, please visit .

How can I apply for a scholarship?

Internal scholarships from the Faculty of Engineering are awarded based on academic merit. Please see the Faculty Scholarships page for more information.

Please see the Scholarships and Student Aid Office for financial support available from 91˿Ƶ. 

When is the deadline for applying to 91˿Ƶ?

Since the deadlines and application requirements differ for different applicants, please consult the 91˿Ƶ website for further information.

I have a Baccalaureate degree in another 91˿Ƶ Faculty. How do I apply for admission to undergraduate Engineering at 91˿Ƶ?

Alumni from other faculties must complete the same application procedure as any other applicant. More information about applying can be found at the ɱٱ.

Advanced Credits

I am a student from outside of Quebec. How do I know which of my courses can be credited for first year courses at 91˿Ƶ?

Please see the Transfer Credits page for more information.

How do I submit my AP scores?

In most cases, advanced standing credit is assigned only after a student confirms their program and after receipt by 91˿Ƶ of the official results of prior work. University work must be supported by Calendar course descriptions. Enrolment Services will calculate advanced standing credit following receipt of confirmation and payment of you are the required deposit. After registration, Enrolment Services, the Faculty, or School may award further advanced standing credit.

AP Examination results with a score of 4 or 5 must be declared at the time of initial registration at the University. Each faculty's policy will determine whether advanced standing credit and/or exemption from certain courses will be granted based on AP results.

Please visit the  for more information.


I need to see an advisor, what do I do?

Please visit the Student Affairs Office page to find contact information for departmental advisors, book an appointment with a MESC advisor, or find our drop-in hours.

Computing Requirements

What kind of computer should I have to be able to complete coursework in Engineering?

For most courses, a Windows 10 computer with an Intel i5 8th generation CPU with 8GB RAM and 256GB of storage (ideally SSD) would suffice, however, we recommend a minimum i7 CPU with 16GB RAM and at least 512GB storage. This should provide enough computing power for most courses and software packages. Check with your department to see if additional computing needs are required for specific programs.


Please visit the Deferrals page for more information.

How do I request an exam deferral?

If you have missed a Final Examination due to illness or family emergency, you must submit a request for a deferral to the Student Affairs Office. Please see the Faculty Exam Deferral page for more information and the process to request a deferral. 

What do I do if I become sick during an exam?

It is assumed that upon entering the exam room, the student intends to complete the examination. Students are warned that it is their personal responsibility to judge their own state of health before entering the exam room to assess whether they can undertake the examination. If you become ill during a formal Final Examination, you must inform the invigilator right away.

If I defer an exam, when do I take it again?

For Engineering courses, students granted an exam deferral must write the final exam the next time the course is offered. Please be aware that a deferred examination may not be available until the next time the course is given (I.e. up to one year later).

For Arts, Science, and Management courses, students must write the supplemental or deferred examination offered during either March (for Fall courses) or August (for Winter courses). Deferrals are not permitted for summer courses.

The Examination Schedule, including schedules for Supplemental and Deferral exams, are available on the Exam Schedules貹.

For Continuing Education courses, students granted a deferral should contact the School of Continuing Studies directly for more information.


What do I do if I have an academic or religious conflict for a final exam?

Please see the Exam Conflicts page for more information.

How do I request to write a supplemental exam?

Please see the page for more information.

Courses administered by the Faculty of Engineering do not have supplemental examinations; however, engineering students may be eligible to write supplemental examination in courses administered by the Faculty of Arts & Science (typically Humanities & Social Science courses and freshman courses)

The following conditions apply when applying to write a supplemental examination:

  • Students must be in satisfactory or probationary standing.
  • Students are permitted to write a supplemental for courses which they’ve received a mark of D, F, J or U.
  • Special permission from the Student Affairs Office is required if students wish to write supplemental exams totaling more than seven (7) credits.
  • Only one supplemental examination is allowed in a course.
  • The supplemental result may or may not include the same proportion of class work as did the original grade. Students are instructed to verify with the instructor.
  • The supplemental result will not replace the grade originally obtained; both the original mark and the supplemental result will be calculated in the CGPA.
  • Additional credit will not be given for a supplemental exam where the original grade for the course was a D and the student already received credit for the course.
  • There is a $35.00 non-refundable fee per each supplemental exam, which is charged directly to the student’s 91˿Ƶ student account.
  • The supplemental examination period for fall courses is during the months of April and May, and for winter and span (two-term) courses during the last week of August. Supplemental applications are available through .

Is it possible to have an instructor reread my final exam?

Please see the Rereads page for more information.

What happens if I missed a midterm?

Please see the Midterms page for more information.

All arrangements regarding midterms must be coordinated between the student and course instructor. The Student Affairs Office is not involved in issues dealing with midterms.

What is the faculty standard calculator?

Please see the Faculty Standard Calculators page for more information.

All students must have one of the following types of calculators, and no exceptions will be permitted: CASIO fx-115, CASIO fx-991, CASIO fx-570ms SHARP EL-520, or the SHARP EL-546.

  • The Faculty Standard Calculators CASIO fx-115, CASIO fx-991, CASIO fx-570ms, SHARP EL-520, or SHARP EL-546, will be required for some examinations. Under these circumstances, no other calculators will be permitted, regardless of their level of sophistication. Non-regulation calculators will be removed and no replacement calculator will be provided.
  • The use of calculators during examinations is at the discretion of the instructor. Please check with your instructor if you are unsure about the specific calculator requirements for your course.
  • Unless explicitly stated on the examination paper, calculator programs prepared prior to the examination are not permitted. Students using continuous memory calculators are responsible for erasing any stored programs or information prior to examinations.
  • Covers on calculators must be removed or the invigilator will remove it for you.


How do I apply to go on exchange?

You must complete the 91˿Ƶ Bilateral/CREPUQ Exchange Application Form and request Faculty approval to participate in an exchange program. The Faculty of Engineering requires a complete application form including all required documents before granting approval. You must submit your completed application form 5 working days prior to the Faculty approval deadline.

Please see the Faculty Exchange page and the 91˿Ƶ Abroad website for more information.

Are there any scholarship opportunities for going on Exchange?

The Antje Graupe Pryor Awards were established in 1999 by a generous gift from the Werner Graupe and the Antje Graupe Pryor Foundation. They are awarded by the Faculty of Engineering Scholarships Committee to 2nd or 3rd-year Engineering students from a German or French university who wish to study in the Faculty of Engineering at 91˿Ƶ for one or two semesters. Preference is given to students from German universities, particularly Technische Universität Berlin. Students in Chemical and Civil Engineering are not eligible. Value: $7,500 for one semester; renewable for a second semester.

Please see the Faculty Exchange page and the 91˿Ƶ Abroad website for more information.

I am an incoming exchange student, what do I do?

Plan to attend the advising session held in early January, whichh will explain the procedures you will need to follow to register for courses at 91˿Ƶ. Please note that Exchange, Visiting, and Special students will not be able to register for most courses until they attend the compulsory advising session. Many courses offered by the Faculty of Engineering will require 91˿Ƶ prerequisites. Therefore, you must obtain a signature approval from each individual professor for all courses which require a prerequisite. Use the Course Authorization Form provided during the compulsory advising session to do so. Once approval has been granted, return the form to the 91˿Ƶ Engineering Student Centre, and the Student Affairs Office will manually register you.

Please see the Faculty Exchange page and the 91˿Ƶ Abroad website for more information.

Iron Ring

Who is in charge of the Iron Ring Ceremony?

The Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer is administered by a body called The Corporation of the Seven Wardens Inc./Société des Sept Gardiens inc. The 91˿Ƶ Engineering Student Centre is responsible for all matters relating to the Iron Ring Ceremony and distribution of rings at 91˿Ƶ. Contact us at ironring-info.engineering [at] mcgill.ca or 514-398-8100.

Where do I get a replacement Iron Ring?

You can obtain a replacement Iron Ring from the 91˿Ƶ Engineering Student Centre. Contact us at ironring-info.engineering [at] mcgill.ca or 514-398-8100. Please visit the MESC website to find out our Iron Ring Replacement Drop in hours.


Please consult the Undergraduate Calendar or the Faculty Minor Programs page for a complete list of the Minors that are available to you.

How can I apply to add a minor?

Complete a Course Authorization form indicating which minor you wish to add, have it signed by your departmental advisor, and submit the form to the 91˿Ƶ Engineering Student Centre for processing.

When is the deadline to apply for a minor?

There is no deadline if you apply for the minor before you complete your degree.


I am having trouble registering for a course. Minerva gives me one of the following error messages:

Prerequisite/Test-Score Error: Make sure that you have fulfilled all prerequisites and co-requisites. If you have already taken a course that is equivalent to the prerequisite/co-requisite, if you have an “L” in the prerequisite course (a deferral), or if you want to request a prerequisite override, please complete a Course Authorization Form and return it to the 91˿Ƶ Engineering Student Centre after your departmental adviser has signed it.

Faculty/Major Restriction: Make sure this course is open for students in your faculty and department. If it isn’t, but you believe that it should be or you would like an override, you must complete a Course Authorization form and submit it to the 91˿Ƶ Engineering Student Centre after your departmental adviser has signed it.

Departmental/Instructor Approval Required: Please fill out a Course Authorization Form and obtain signatures from the course instructor and your department, and submit it to the 91˿Ƶ Engineering Student Centre for processing.

Course is Full: As students continuously add and drop courses until the end of this period, we cannot process any Maximum Enrollment overrides until the Add/Drop period is almost over. Continue trying to register for this course until the end of the Add/Drop period nears. If you still have not been able to register, and if you need to take this course during this semester, please submit a Course Authorization form, signed by your departmental advisor, to the 91˿Ƶ Engineering Student Centre.

Temporarily Closed: Check again later as there are currently adjustments being made to the course.

SR: Your student status prohibits registration at this point. Verify that you have an active record, that you have no holds preventing you from registration, and that your academic standing will allow you to register for the intended number of credits. If you are still experiencing difficulties, please go to the Student Affairs Office. Please see the Courses and Registration page for more information.

When is the add/drop deadline?

Summer: 4th day of class
Fall: Calendar
Winter: Calendar

When is the Withdrawal deadline?

Summer:8th day of class
Fall: Calendar
Winter: Calendar

How can I register for a graduate level course (600 or above)?

In order for an undergraduate student to register for a graduate level course, a request must be submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and forwarded to the Director, Graduate Studies for approval. The student must have a minimum CGPA of 3.2 or equivalent and receive both Departmental and Faculty permission. Students are allowed to take one course only and it will not count toward a graduate degree or diploma in the future. The student must provide a reason why the course is to be taken at this time. An approval form is available at the Student Affairs Office. Please see the Graduate Registration page for more information.

How can I have a course marked under the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Option?

The Unsatisfactory/Satisfactory Option may be used for the following courses only:

  • Complementary Studies courses (Group A and Group B)
  • Natural Science Complementary Courses in Computer and Software Engineering
  • Elective Courses (if applicable)

Please see the SU Option page for more information.

How can I have a course marked as “Extra”?

Courses a student chooses to take which lie outside their program may be classified as "extra" - provided the student chooses this option at registration. Extra courses are indicated on the student's transcript, and grades earned in those courses do not affect the GPA. The option will not be added to a student's record after the Add/Drop deadline. Courses that are taken to satisfy the student's engineering program or a Minor cannot be designated as extra. To designate a course as “Extra”, please complete a Course Authorization Form, have it signed by your departmental adviser and submit the form to the Student Affairs Office for processing. Please see the Extra Courses page for more information.


How do I request a transcript?

Log on to Minerva:

  • Select the Student Menu
  • Select the Student Records Menu
  • Select Request Printed/Official Transcript
  • Read through the options on the "Select a Mailing Address" screen to complete your request. (You must click on the "Submit" button to receive your transcripts.) Please see the Transcripts page for more information.

How can I order a transcript to be mailed to a third party?

Please see the ServicePoint website for information on requesting official transcripts.

Why are my grades from exchange not posted on my Minerva Transcript?

The course you took will appear as the 91˿Ƶ equivalent in terms of credits, but the actual grades will not appear and will not be calculated in your GPA. Grades received at another university will never appear on your 91˿Ƶ transcript. Please see the Exchange page for more information.

My unofficial transcript says that I have a “Freshman Courses Incomplete” Hold. What is that?

You have not yet completed the core freshman courses for the faculty. The missing requirements do not prevent registration but, if not resolved, will prevent graduation from that faculty. If you believe you did complete the freshman requirements, please come to the Student Affairs Office to resolve the hold. Please see the Courses and Registration page for more information.

Can I get a failing grade removed from my transcript?

The Faculty of Engineering does not remove or alter grades on a student’s record. Once a student has completed a course, his or her performance becomes a part of their academic record and it is our professional responsibility as a university to maintain the integrity of the official academic record. This is a general policy of the Faculty and also has implications for meeting our accreditation requirements with the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board. To discuss possible accommodations for exceptional circumstances that take place during a course (i.e. before writing the final exam), Please contact MESC's Student Affairs Office.

Transfer Credits

Can any of the courses I took at another university be credited towards my 91˿Ƶ degree?

It is possible that you will receive credits from another accredited university towards your 91˿Ƶ degree. However, this would only be explored once you are accepted to 91˿Ƶ and you accept your offer of admission. Please see the Transfer Credits page for more information.

How do I get my credits for courses from another University credited to my 91˿Ƶ degree?

You must fill out an "Advanced Credit Transfer Form," include the official descriptions of the courses you took outside 91˿Ƶ, and arrange to have an official transcript sent to our office. Students may be granted credit for courses passed with a grade of C or better at other universities, as long as they are within the number of credits imposed by 91˿Ƶ's residency requirements and program requirements in some faculties. In general, a maximum of 30 transfer credits may be granted. Students must be in satisfactory standing in order to be granted the transfer credits. Courses with grades of C-, P, and S will not be considered for transfer credits. The letter grades applied by the host institution take precedence over the numerical grades if both are provided. Students should note that a minimum of 60 credits must be completed at 91˿Ƶ in order to qualify for a 91˿Ƶ degree.

Students must obtain approval from their Student Affairs Office. In some faculties, approval must be obtained from the Student Affairs Office as well as the academic adviser prior to taking the course, especially if the course is taken as part of a student's program requirements.

Grades earned at the host university for transfer courses are not entered on the student's 91˿Ƶ transcript and are not included in the calculation of the TGPA or CGPA. For universities outside of Quebec, it is the student's responsibility to ensure that an official transcript is sent from the host institution to the Senior Adviser, Student Affairs Office. Students studying at another Quebec university on an Inter-University Transfer Agreement (IUT) will have their grade(s) sent to 91˿Ƶ automatically by the host university. For additional information, please refer to Quebec Inter-University Transfer Agreement (IUT). Transcripts not received by the appropriate date will be considered for the next graduation period only.

Deadline Dates: Newly admitted students: must request the transfer of credits (and grades) within their first term of admission. Transfer credits should be reported by the student/department by November 15th. Returning students: Transfer credits should be reported by the student/department by November 15th.

Please see the Transfer Credits page for more information.

How many credits can be transferred from one university to 91˿Ƶ?

The Faculty of Engineering will limit the number of transfer credits granted to ensure that students complete a minimum of 60 credits of program-related courses at 91˿Ƶ, excluding those taken to satisfy the basic science requirements listed under section "Basic Science Requirements for Students Entering from Outside Quebec". Please see the Transfer Credits page for more information.


How can I transfer from one Engineering department to another

Please see the Intrafaculty Transfer page for complete information. All transfer applications must be submitted online through Minerva.

Application Procedures:

  • Sign-in on Minerva and select:
    • "Student Records" Menu
    • "Faculty Transfer and Readmission" Menu
  • Additional information in support of the application must be detailed in the Comments section (please indicate further information in this section of the application).
  • Only two programs (e.g. Mechanical, Electrical; Civil, Biology) are permitted on each application.

Application Deadline:

Fall Term: May 1st
Winter Term: Closed

Decisions will be released by the Faculty of Engineering sometime in July, students will receive an email notification when their decision is made.

Until a letter of admission has been received, students are requested to remain registered in their current program.

How can I transfer from one Faculty to another?

Please see the Interfaculty Transfer page for complete information. All transfer applications must be submitted online through Minerva.

How to apply for a Program Transfer

  • Login to Minerva using your 91˿Ƶ ID and PIN.
  • Select the Student Menu.
  • Select the Student Records Menu.
  • Select Faculty Transfers / Readmission Menu.
  • Follow the steps on the menu screen to proceed with the application you desire: Inter-Faculty Transfer, Intra-Faculty Transfer, or Readmission.

Application Deadline:

Fall Term: May 1st
Winter Term: Closed

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