
2020 winners

Summary of the 2020 essay contest.

In 2020, those participating in the Pam and Rolando Del Maestro Family William Osler Medical Student Essay Awards had to contend with a unique challenge: how to write an original research paper in the humanities or social sciences without access to physical libraries. The essayists met the challenge and the resulting submissions were truly impressive. This year, we had the pleasure of hearing the results of the students' work at theDel Maestro Family Medical Students' Humanities and Social Sciences Symposium.

In addition to congratulating the participants, we must give our deepest thanks to the mentors who worked with the students and to the essay awards committee, whose members had the unenviable task of choosing winners from a pool where each contribution was worthy in its own right.

Screenshot of 12 participants in the celebration held via Zoom to mark the end of the 2020 medical student essay contest.

The results of the 2020 contest wereas follows:

In addition to the finalists above, wethank the following essayists for participating in the symposium:

We would also like to acknowledge the work of those unable to present at the symposium:

  • Ericka Iny, "The Commodification of Humanism: Methods, Marketing, and Morals of a Post-Modern Shift in the Philosophy of Medicine."FileReflective piece by Ericka Iny.
  • Kacper Niburski, “The Principles and Practice of Death: The Oslerian Conflicted Conception of Dying.”FileReflective piece by Kacper Niburski. A appeared in the Journal of Medical Biography.

A recording of the symposium is available below or here:.

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