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Arc: The Journal of the School of Religious Studies

Arc is an interdisciplinary, refereed journal published annually by the School of Religious Studies, 91˿Ƶ. The journal combines the talents of professors and graduate students in offering space for scholarly discussions on various aspects of the academic study of religion.


BOSS: The Biannual Online-Journal of Springsteen Studies aims to publish scholarly, peer-reviewed essays pertaining to Bruce Springsteen. This open-access journal seeks to encourage consideration of Springsteen’s body of work primarily through the political, economic, and socio-cultural factors that have influenced his music and shaped its reception. BOSS welcomes broad interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches to Springsteen’s songwriting and performance. The journal aims to secure a place for Springsteen Studies in the contemporary academy.

Canadian Review of Art Education (CRAE)

Canadian Review of Art Educationis a refereed journal published twice yearly by theCanadian Society for Education through Art (CSEA). Authors may submit well-crafted manuscripts in English or French on research or issues of interest and benefit to Canadian art educators. CRAE also acceptsmanuscripts that reflect diverse contexts, perspectives, and methodologies.

Education Libraries

Education Libraries is an electronic, refereed journal of the Special Libraries Association’s (SLA) Education Division. It offers a forum for new and challenging ideas in education and library and information science. It also explores the effect of new technologies on the library profession and library and information curriculum.

FLUX: IRRlogo for Flux journal

Flux: International Relations Review is a peer reviewed undergraduate run academic journal which publishes student international relations research at the end of the fall and winter semesters. The journal publishes work from a broad range of disciplines including historical international relations, foreign policy and foreign affairs, international law and human rights, and international institutions. The online version begins with Volume9. Volumes 1-8 areavailable in print format only.

Indian Ocean World Centre Working Papers (IOWCWP)

The Indian Ocean World Centre Working Paper Series explores the past and contemporary history, geography, economy, environment and politics of the Indian Ocean World. The journalencourage contributors to adopt a transnational approach which scrutinizes the links and interactions within the larger Indian Ocean World. However, IOWCWPalso welcomes more focussed studies concentrating on specific events and areas in the Middle East, East Africa, the Indian Subcontinent, East and Southeast Asia.

International Journal of Whole Person Care

The International Journal of Whole Person Care, published by 91˿Ƶ's Programs in Whole Person Care, aims to publish work that harmonises the power of modern biomedicine with the potential for healing of every person who seeks the care of a healthcare practitioner.

Journal of the Council for Research on Religion (CREOR)

The Journal of the Council for Research in Religion is a semi-annual online peer-reviewed academic journal that was established in 2019 and is published open access. It is a web-based refereed interdisciplinary journal that publishes articles on all aspects of the scholarly study of religion. Subject matter ranges from the ancient to the contemporary and explores western and non-western perspectives and approaches.

Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies

The Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies (JIOWS) publishes original peer reviewed articles by established and emerging scholars in the social sciences and related disciplines that contribute to an understanding of the Indian Ocean World (IOW) and its constituent parts, from early times to the present day. The IOW is here defined as a macro-region running from Africa to the Far East, comprising both maritime and terrestrial zones.

91˿Ƶ GLSA Research Series

The “91˿Ƶ GLSA Research Series” is an annual publication after theGraduate Law Student Association (GLSA) Conference. As the conference is organised under a different theme every year, the theme of the publicationwill also change accordingly, apart from a section devoted to international law.

91˿Ƶ Journal of Education / Revue des sciences de l'éducation de 91˿Ƶ

The 91˿Ƶ Journal of Education (MJE) promotes an international, multidisciplinary discussion of issues in the field of educational research, theory, and practice.
The MJE publishes three issues a year.

91˿Ƶ Journal of Global Health

The 91˿Ƶ Journal of Global Health (formerly known asThe Prognosis) is an interdisciplinary student-run and peer-reviewed journal that features research on topics at the intersection of social, biomedical, environmental, global, and local perspectives on health.

91˿Ƶ Journal of Medicinelogo

MJMis an international, peer-reviewed publication run entirely by the medical and science students of 91˿Ƶ. Re-launched in 1994 and again in 2015,the MJM's mandate is toprovide students with the opportunity to publish on allaspects of medicine andto open up dialogue on a variety of medical issues including education, practice and research.

91˿Ƶ Law Journal / Revue de droit de 91˿ƵCircular, red  journal logo with the latin words Bivium Legum Morum, the journal title and Montréal 1952 inscribed

The 91˿Ƶ Law Journal is a bilingual publication that contributes to legal research and scholarship on topics of significant importance through the publication of outstanding peer-reviewed articles, case comments and book reviews. The journal publishes the work of professors, judges, researchers and practitioners. As a student-run organization, the Journal provides a meeting point for lively exchange between students and members of the legal community by way of annual events, such as symposia and conferences, and through its podcast channel.

Montreal Architectural Review

TheMontreal Architectural Reviewis a peer-reviewed annual publication for scholarship in the history and philosophy of architecture. Based at 91˿Ƶ, the journal publishes essays and book reviews that investigate the intersections of architecture, philosophy, and literature.

MSURJ: 91˿Ƶ Science Undergraduate Research JournalLogo for MSURJ

MSURJ welcomes submissions from undergraduate students at 91˿Ƶ.All articles are peer-reviewed by two or more professors or graduate students from the relevant field; all pieces also undergo rigorous style and copy-editing by our editorial board. MSURJseeks to publish well-written articles demonstrating scientific acumen as well as accessibility to the general scientific readership.

Recherches Francophones: La revue de l'aielcef

Recherches Francophonesest la revue numérique de l’AIELCEF (Association internationale d’étude des littératures et cultures de l’espace francophone) qui remplace l’ancienne revueLes Cahiers du Grelcef(archives disponibles sur). Fondée en 2020,Recherches Francophonesdispose d’un comité de rédaction et d’un comité scientifique renouvelables. Elle édite des textes d’analyse sur les arts, les littératures et les cultures francophones sur la base d’un protocole de rédaction précis et d’une double évaluation par les pairs.Recherches Francophonespublie un numéro thématique annuel consécutif à un appel à contribution international et aussi, exceptionnellement, des numéros spéciaux.


Seismica is a community-driven,Diamond Open Accessjournal publishing peer-reviewed research in seismology and earthquake science.Seismicapublishes original, novel peer-reviewed research in the fields of seismology, earthquake science, and related disciplines. Seismica is a community-driven, diamond open-access journal. Articles are free to publish and free to read, without a subscription. And authors retain full copyright.


Coming Back to Life

The collected essays in this volume, which have their genesis in a 2014 colloquium held in Montreal, Quebec, [1] examine the coming back to life thematic within a variety of ancient Mediterranean contexts. The volume's interests lie in the exploration of how antique communities configured, tested, and actualised the boundaries between past and present, mortality and immortality, death and life. Certainly ancient Jewish and Christian notions of the resurrection of the dead—and particularly, Christian beliefs in the resurrection of Jesus—stand as prime examples of the coming back to life thematic. But even here, where the return to life reverses death through the reviving and often transforming of the deceased, there exists a much larger set of assumptions regarding the ontology of past and present, mortality and immortality, death and life: namely, convictions of the potential porosity between distinct modes of existence. Ancient Judeans and Christ-devotees were not alone in negotiating the boundaries between the living and the dead. As the essays in this volume explore, the peoples of the ancient Mediterranean experimented widely with various understandings of death’s permeability.

Teiresias Supplements Online

Teiresias Supplements Online is an open access venue for the publication of high-end research in Classical Studies. Supplementing the journal , the mission of the series is to foster research on Central Greece and its core region Boiotia. At the same time, the supplements have a wider geographical range, branching out into the history and culture of the Greek mainland and the Peloponnese, from the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity.

Publications appear as peer-reviewed monographs or edited volumes, with extensive coverage of scholarship in Ancient History, Classical Philology, Archaeology, and Epigraphy. The series also invites submissions in related special disciplines such as, for instance, Historical Topography, Onomastics, Prosopography, or Environmental History.


Canadian Journal of Nursing Research

TheCanadian Journal of Nursing Researchdigital archive isan online archive available through the 91˿Ƶ Library, and hosted by the 91˿Ƶ Library Digital Collections Program in perpetuity. This archive has been made possible through aRichard M. Tomlinson Digital Library Innovation and Access Awardto the 91˿Ƶ School of Nursing.The Richard M. Tomlinson award recognizes the ongoing contribution and commitment theCJNRhas made to the 91˿Ƶ School of Nursing, and to the development and nursing science in Canada and worldwide.

Presently the digital archive includes all issues from 1969 to 2003. The archives will be continually updated with respect to a three-year moving wall, meaning that allCJNRpublications up until the most recent three years will be available. These more recent volumes will be available through our on-line subscription provider,Ingenta Connect.


CuiZine: The Journal of Canadian Food Studies / Le journal des études sur l'alimentation au Canada nourishes intellectual exchanges on the subject of food in Canada from multicultural perspectives. An integral aspect of ethnic identity and cultural production, food acts as a window into multiple cultural publics and thus lends itself to various interrogations through, for example, ethnography, history, material culture, literary studies, sociology, anthropology, religious studies, art history, communications, and environmental studies. CuiZine aims to provide an innovative academic forum for interdisciplinary discussions surrounding the diverse culinary cultures of Canada, while also providing a venue for dynamic creative content on the subject. CuiZine also serves as a creative outlet for food-themed written and visual pieces. Poetry and prose submissions should feed our minds, and aesthetic pieces should engage our senses.

Fifth Column: The Canadian StudentJournal of Architecture

The Fifth Column was a student-run architectural journal at the 91˿Ƶ School of Architecture. The journal was activefrom 1980 to 2002. One of the magazine's objectives was to "promote the study and appreciation of a sensitive architecture within the architectural community and general population, thereby positively influencing the development of architecture in Canada."


Founded in 1988, Fontanus: from the collections of 91˿Ƶ, was conceived as an annual scholarly journal to showcase 91˿Ƶ Collections, including Library Archives and Museums, through in-depth scholarly articles which interpret or showcase particular collections. Like 91˿Ƶ's collections, the subject range of the individual articles run the full spectrum from Science, Medicine, Law and the Humanities and Social Sciences. A long standing feature of the journal includes a Notes and Collections update section which provides users with information on new and noteworthy collections acquired by the Library. Each issue is produced with an attractive layout and is richly illustrated.

3rd International Symposium on Mine Safety Science and Engineering

91˿Ƶ organized and hosted the3rd International Symposium on Mine Safety Science and Engineering(ISMS 2016)in Montreal in collaboration with its partners, the University of Science and Technology Beijing, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), and Henan Polytechnic University. The symposium was held from August 13 to 19, 2016 with the theme “Operational and Environmental Mine Health and Safety Practice and Innovation.”

Revue ٳéٳܰ

ٳéٳܰ est la revue du Département de langue et littérature françaises (DLLF) de l'Université 91˿Ƶ.Questions ? Veuillez contacterMichael David Miller, Bibliothécaire en littérature de langue française à la Bibliothèque des sciences humaines et sociales de l'Université 91˿Ƶ.

ٳéٳܰ is published by 91˿Ƶ's Departement of French Language and Litterature. Questions?Please contact Michael David Miller, liaison librarian for french literature at the Humanities and Social Sciences Library of 91˿Ƶ.

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