Publications: 1990-1991

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Publications: 1991

Dawson N, Costanza M, Korzun A, Clamon G,?Pollak M, Vogelzong N, Carey R, Norton L. Trimetrexate in untreated and previously treated patients with metastatic breast cancer: a Cancer and Leukemia Group B study.?Med and Pediatr Oncol?19: 283-288, 1991.


Pollak M, Gora P, Boyarsky A. A mathematical model describing consequences of abnormally high levels of epidermal growth factor receptor on the proliferation of neoplastic cells.?Cancer Invest?9: 513-20, 1991.


Yao XJ, Wainberg MA, Richard M,?Pollak M. The ability of suramin to block CD4-gp120 binding is reduced in the presence of albumin.?Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy?35: 2636-8, 1991.


Yao XJ, Wainberg MA,?Pollak M. The inhibitory effects of suramin on HIV-1 are attenuated in the presence of albumin.?AIDS?5: 1389-91, 1991.


Publications: 1990

Pollak M, Richard M. Suramin blockade of insulin-like growth factor I- stimulated proliferation of human osteosarcoma cells.?J Natl Cancer Inst?82: 1349-52, 1990.


Pollak M, Polychronakos C, Richard M. Insulin-like growth factor 1: a potent mitogen for human osteogenic sarcoma.?J Natl Cancer Inst?82: 301-5, 1990.


Panasci L, Shenouda G, Begin L,?Pollak M, Reinke A, Margolese R. Mitomycin C and mitoxantrone chemotherapy for advanced breast cancer: efficacy with minimal gastrointestinal toxicity and alopecia.?Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 26: 457-60, 1990.


Pollak M, Costantino J, Polychronakos C, Blauer S, Guyda H, Redmond C, Fisher B, Margolese R. Effect of tamoxifen on serum insulin-like growth factor I levels in stage I breast cancer patients.?J Natl Cancer Inst.?82: 1693-7, 1990. [see also favorable editorial comment: J Natl Cancer Inst?82: 1662-1663, 1990]










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