Publications: 1998-2000

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Publications: 2000

Nabholtz J, Buzdar A,?Pollak M, Harwin W, Burton G, Mangalik A, Steinberg M, Webster A, Von Euler M. Anastrazole is superior to tamoxifen as first-line therapy for advanced breast cancer in postmenopausal women.?J Clin Oncol 18: 3758-67, 2000.


Pollak M.?The?question?of a?link?between?insulin-like growth factor?physiology?and?neoplasia. Growth Hormone IGF Res 10 Suppl B: 21-4, 2000.


Zi X, Zhang J, Agarwal R,?Pollak M.?Silibinin up-regulates insulin-like growth binding protein 3 expression and inhibits proliferation of androgen-independent prostate cancer cells.?Cancer Res?60: 5617-20, 2000.


Byrne C, Colditz G, Willett W, Speizer F,?Pollak M, Hankinson S. Plasma Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) I, IGF-binding Protein 3, and mammographic Density.?Cancer Res?60: 3744-8, 2000.


Wilkin F, Paquette J, Ledru E, Mamelin C,?Pollak M, Deal C. H19 sense and antisense transgenes modify insulin-like growth factor-II mRNA levels.?Eur J Biochem?267: 4020-7, 2000.


Platz EA,?Pollak MN, Willett W, Giovannucci E. Vertex balding, plasma insulin-like growth factor 1, and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3.?J Am Acad Dermatol?42: 1003-7, 2000.


Pollak M. Insulin-like growth factor physiology and cancer risk. Eur J Cancer 36: 1224-8, 2000.?


Giovannucci E,?Pollak M, Platz E, Willett W, Stampfer M,?Majeed N, Colditz G, Speizer F, Hankinson S. A prospective study of plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 and binding protein-3 and risk of colorectal neoplasia in women.?Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev?9: 345-9, 2000.


Foulkes WD, Chappuis PO, Wong N, Brunet J, Vesprini D, Rozen F, Yuan ZQ,?Pollak MN, Kuperstein G, Narod SA, B¨¦gin LR. Primary node negative breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers has a poor outcome.?Ann Oncol?3: 307-13, 2000.


Miyake H,?Pollak M, Gleave M. Castration-induced upregulation of IGFBP-5 potentiates IGF-I activity and accelerates progression to androgen-independence in prostate cancer models.?Cancer Res?60: 3058-64, 2000.


Huynh H, Beamer W,?Pollak M, Chan T. Modulation of transforming growth factor beta 1 gene expression in the mammary gland by insulin-like growth factor I and octreotide.?Int J Oncol?16: 277-81, 2000.


Publications: 1999

Platz E,?Pollak M, Rimm E,?Majeed N,?Tao Y, Willett W, Giovannucci E. Racial variation in insulin-like growth factor-1 and binding protein-3 concentrations in middle-aged men.?Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev?8: 1107-10, 1999.


Nickerson T,?Pollak M.?Bicalutamide (Casodex)-induced prostate regression involves increased gene expression of insulin-like growth factor binding proteins.?Urology?54: 1120-5, 1999.


Buhlmann C, Borchers T,?Pollak M, and Spener F. Fatty acid metabolism in human breast cancer cells (MCF7) transfected with heart-type fatty acid binding protein.?Mol Cell Biochem?199: 41-8, 1999.


Rozen F,?Pollak M.?Inhibition?of insulin-like growth factor I receptor?signaling?by the?vitamin D?analogue?EB1089?in?MCF-7?breast cancer?cells: A role for insulin-like growth factor binding proteins.?Int J Oncol.?15: 589-94, 1999.


Nickerson T, Miyake H, Gleave M, and?Pollak M?Castration-induced apoptosis of androgen-dependent Shinogi carcinoma is associated with increased expression of genes encoding IGF-binding proteins.?Cancer Res?59: 3392-5, 1999.


Nickerson T, Zhang J,?Pollak M.?Regression of DMBA-induced breast carcinoma following ovariectomy is associated with increased expression of genes encoding insulin-like growth factor binding proteins.?Int J Oncol?14: 987-90, 1999.

Rosen C and Pollak M.?Circulating IGF-I: a new perspective for a new century.?Trends Endocrinol Metab?10: 136-41, 1999.


Pollak M.?IGF-I physiology and breast cancer.?Recent Results Cancer Rev?17: 383-90, 1998-1999.

Pollak M, Beamer W, Zhang J. Insulin-like growth factors and prostate cancer.?Cancer Metastasis Rev?17: 383-90, 1999.


Ma J,?Pollak M, Giovannucci E, Chan J,?Tao Y, Hennekens C, Stampfer M. Prospective study of colorectal cancer risk in men and plasma levels of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and IGF-binding protein 3.?J Natl Cancer Inst?91: 620-5, 1999

[see also favorable editorial comment?[.pdf]?- J Natl Cancer Inst?91: 579-581, 1999]


Ingle J, Suman V, Kardinal C, Krook J, Mailliard J, Veeder M, Loprinzi C, Dalton R, Hartmann L, Conover C,?Pollak M.?A randomized trial of tamoxifen alone or combined with octreotide in the treatment of women with metastatic breast carcinoma.?Cancer?85: 1284-92, 1999.


Publications: 1998

Burrow S, Andrulis I,?Pollak M, Bell R. Expression of insulin-like growth factor receptor, IGF-1, and IGF-2 in primary and metastatic osteosarcoma.?J Surg Oncol?69: 21-7, 1998.


Rozen F, Zhang J,?Pollak M.?Antiproliferative action of tumor necrosis factor-alpha on MCF-7 breastcancer cells is associated with increased insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 accumulation.?Int J Oncol?13: 865-9, 1998.

Huynh H,?Pollak M, Zhang J. Regulation of IGF-II and IGF binding protein 3 autocrine loop in human PC-3 prostate cancer cells by vitamin D metabolite 1,25(OH)2D3 and its analog EB 1089.?Int J Oncol?13: 137-143, 1998.


Pollak M.?Effects of anti-estrogens on insulin-like growth factor-I physiology systemically and in the uterus.?Eur J Cancer?34 (Supp 4) S1-S8, 1998.


Hankinson S, Willett W, Colditz G, Hunter D, Michaud D, Deroo B, Rosner B, Speizer F,?Pollak M.?Circulating concentrations of insulin-like growth factor I and risk of breast cancer.?Lancet?351: 1393-96, 1998.

[see also?favorable editorial comment?[.pdf] :?Lancet?351: 1373-4, 1998]


Pollak M.?Endocrine effects of IGF-I on normal and transformed breast epithelial cells: potential relevance to strategies for breast cancer treatment and prevention.?Breast Cancer Res Treat?47: 209-17, 1998.


Chan JM, Stampfer MJ, Giovannucci E, Gann PH, Ma J, Wilkinson P, Hennekens C,?Pollak M.?Plasma insulin-like growth factor-I and prostate cancer risk: a prospective study.?Science?279: 563-566, 1998

[see also?favorable editorial comment?[.pdf] -?Science?279: 475, 1998]


Pollak M, Schally A. Mechanisms of antineoplastic action of somatostatin analogs.?Proc Soc for Exp Biol Med?217: 143-52, 1998.


Nickerson T,?Pollak M,Huynh H.?Castration-induced apoptosis in the rat ventral prostate is associated with increased expression of genes encoding IGF binding proteins 2,3,4, and 5.?Endocrinology?139: 807-810, 1998.


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