Publications: 1992 - 1994

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Publications: 1994

Pratt S,?Pollak M. Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGF-BP3) inhibits estrogen-stimulated breast cancer cell proliferation.?Biochem Biophys Res Commun?198: 292-7, 1994.


Sekyi-Otu A, Bell R, Andrulis I,?Pollak M. Metastatic behavior of the RIF-1 murine fibrosarcoma: inhibited by hypophysectomy and partially restored by growth hormone replacement.?J Natl Cancer Inst?86: 628-32, 1994.


Huynh H,?Pollak M. Uterotrophic actions of estradiol and tamoxifen are associated with inhibition of uterine insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 gene expression.?Cancer Res?54: 3115-9, 1994.


Huynh H,?Pollak M.?Enhancement of tamoxifen-induced suppression of insulin-like growth factor I gene expression and serum level by a somatostatin analogue.?Biochem Biophys Res Commun.?203: 253-9, 1994.


Weckbecker G, Tolcsvai L, Stolz B,?Pollak M, Bruns C. Somatostatin analogue octreotide enhances the antineoplastic effects of tamoxifen and ovariectomy on 7,12-Dimethylbenz (alpha) anthracene-induced rat mammary carcinomas. Cancer Res 54: 6334-7, 1994. [A footnote identifies Dr. Pollak and Dr. Bruns as co-senior authors who contributed equally to this work.]


Publications: 1993

Friedel A, Jordan V,?Pollak M.?Suppression of serum insulin-like growth factor-I levels in breast cancer patients during adjuvant tamoxifen therapy.?Eur J Cancer?29a: 1368-72, 1993.


Huynh H, Tetenes E, Wallace L,?Pollak M.?In vivo inhibition of insulin-like growth factor 1 gene expression by tamoxifen.?Cancer Res?53: 1727-30, 1993.


Pratt S, and?Pollak MN.?Estrogen and antiestrogen modulation of MCF7 human breast cancer cell proliferation is associated with specific alterations in accumulation of insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins in conditioned media.?Cancer Res?53: 5193-8, 1993.


Pollack R, Pollak M, Rochon L. Pregnancy complicated by medulloblastoma with metastases to the placenta. Obstet Gynecol 81: 858-9, 1993.

Tonin P, Ehrenborg W, Lenoir G, Feunteun J, Lynch H, Morgan K, Zazzi H, Vivier A,?Pollak M, Huynh H, et al. The human insulin-like growth factor- binding protein 4 gene maps to chromosome region 17q12-21.1 and is close to the gene for hereditary breast-ovarian cancer.?Genomics?18: 414-7, 1993.


Huynh H,?Pollak M.?Insulin-like growth factor I gene expression in the uterus is stimulated by tamoxifen and inhibited by the pure antiestrogen ICI 182780.?Cancer Res?53: 5585-8, 1993.


Publications: 1992

Malaab S,?Pollak MN, Goodyer CG. Direct effects of tamoxifen on growth hormone secretion by pituitary cells in vitro.?Eur J Cancer?28A: 788-93, 1992.


Tannenbaum G, Gurd W, Lapointe M,?Pollak M.?Tamoxifen attenuates pulsatile growth hormone secretion: mediation in part by somatostatin.?Endocrinology?130: 3395-401, 1992.


Pollak M, Sem A, Richard M, Tetenes E, Bell R. Inhibition of metastatic behavior of murine osteosarcoma by hypophysectomy.?J Natl Cancer Inst?84: 966-71, 1992.


Pollak MN, Huynh H, Lefebvre S. Tamoxifen reduces serum-like growth factor I (IGF-I).?Breast Cancer Res Treat?22: 91-100, 1992.


Pollak M, Galant K, Poisson R, Harris A. Potential role for somatostatin analogues in breast cancer: rationale and description of an ongoing trial. Metabolism?41: 9 Suppl 2, 119-120, 1992.



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